
Author: Kate R.

Disclaimer: The Legacy Characters belong to their creator, the Buffy Characters belong to Joss and the idea for the plot is mine.

Rating: PG-13 to R

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, Xander/Spike, Eventually

Summary: Legacies cannot be ignored


by Kate R.

Prologue: Letter for Weariness

Dear Xander

I am writing this as Dawn, Spike, Ethan and I are on our way to Parts unknown. I know you likely think me a coward but I'm tired.

I need a rest. I've been fighting without pause for more than 6 years and I need a rest. I've given you my Cell Phone number and I beg you not to give it to Buffy or Willow. I trust you with it Xander, just as you trusted me with the main house address. I am sorry, my boy, But I need a break.

Yours Sincerely,

Rupert Giles

Chapter 1: What Are They Doing?

6 months, Xander thought. 6 months since Giles had sent that letter. He hadn't heard from him since. He understood Giles was tired. He understood Giles was tired and needed a rest though. He just hoped nothing bad had happened. He sighed as he looked down at a phone number he'd long ago memorized and swallowed as he picked up a phone in the Legacy house and dialed it.

"Yeah, Angel, it's Xander. Can you tell me how Giles and them are? I was kind of wondering if you'd heard from them. What? Well, how are they then---oh---Is he okay? Yeah? Giles finally woke up? Thanks Angel. Could you tell them I got the letter and tell Giles I'm not mad? We all need a break sometimes. Yeah, thanks, Deadboy, later."

Xander hung up and swallowed as he looked at the picture of Giles, Dawn and Spike he always kept. He'd had Alex hack him a picture of Ethan so he had that as well.

"Take care of him this time, G-man," Xander said. "Please."


"Hang on, Ethan," Spike said as he found the sorcerer in the motel he always used. "God, I'm going to take you home, mate. Can you understand what I'm saying?"

The Chaos Sorcerer nodded so Spike lifted him after getting his jeans, shirt and boots back on. Ethan hadn't worn a jacket tonight. Spike carried him out to his car and got him in and then drove them back to the house.

Why Ethan always walked the three miles to where he picked up customers Spike would never know. Spike just knew this had to be the last time. Giles had to get his head out of his ass or Ethan wouldn't live though the next one. Damnable bastards always willing to destroy beauty like Ethan's. Damn if Spike wasn't determined to make sure it didn't happen again.

He got him home and into bed and then he went and dragged Giles out of the stupor he was in front of the television. Spike wasn't happy about this. He'd known Giles was tired but he hadn't thought he was so tired he'd ignore what Ethan was doing.

"Look at him," Spike growled. He saw the look that crossed Giles' face and he slapped the Ex-watcher hard. "God Dammit, Giles, Look. At. Him! Is this what you want? He's done this, allowed this so he can pay for those damn channels you're so hot for! He pays every damn bill in this house! He pays for everything so you can rest! Well, you've had 6 months and he's too damn sick to get up right now! Listen to me, Rupert, Get your head out of your ass before it kills him! He's slowly dying now so you can have your hiding place! Tell me, Giles, is being able to hide worth his life? Hs body, his blood---his soul? Tell me it is and I'll kill you now and be done with it. But, I won't let him do this again, not for you, not for anyone!"

"Leave," Giles growled. "Get out Spike, Get out of this room, go drink your blood. Just, get away from me for a few minutes. I have no doubt in a very few minutes I will be thanking you but for now---for now, just leave."

Spike nodded and left the room and Giles sat on the edge of the bed.

"Never again, Ethan," he said as he lifted him into his arms. "Never ever do this again. Not even for me."

"Money," Ethan groaned.

Giles sighed and shook his head. "Time I woke up I think. Can find a place here that I can work
or I can open a place but you are never, I repeat, Never doing anything like this again. Come on now, let me get you patched up and then you are going to sleep. You need some rest. Ripper is back on the clock. You can rest now, love. Just rest."


San Francisco

Xander sat thinking as Derek Rayne, the Precept of the Legacy house came in. He sat by Xander and looked at the hacked picture of Ethan.

"I have a better picture of him," Derek said in his Dutch accented English. Xander looked at him and Derek withdrew a photo form his wallet of himself and Ethan. "Next time you want a photo of my little brother, just tell me okay?"

Xander nodded dumbly and watched as Derek then headed to his office.

Ethan---was Derek's brother? Whoa, who knew?


