I Met Him at the Stop and Rob

by Zadi

DISCLAIMER: None of these wonderful characters belong to me, unfortunately. They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and a bunch of other suit-types I don't know. Joss, I promise to return the boys to you when I'm finished playing with them.

RATING: NC-17 (don't ya just love smut)

ARCHIVE: Sure thing, if you really want it. Just let me know where it's going!.

CATEGORY: Spike/Xander

SUMMARY: Spike saves Xander from a nasty demon, and a new relationship is born.

SPOILERS: Sometime after the Initiative.

FEEDBACK: Yes, please!!! zadislash@comcast.net (please don't make me beg . . . it's so undignified!)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Because one or more of the characters in this work of fiction is a vampire, they are immune from the effects of HIV and STDs. If you are sexually active, please play safely.

*Indicates a character's thoughts or silent monologue.*
ALL CAPS indicates emphasis on that word or phrase.
* * * * * indicates a passage of time.

I Met Him at the Stop and Rob
by Zadi

"Bloody hell!" the vampire cursed, as he crushed the empty cigarette package and tossed it onto the ground. "Never fails, Spike old boy," he continued, speaking only to himself. "Guess it's time to head out to the local Stop and Rob."

Pulling the collar of his trusty duster around his neck, Spike stepped out of his crypt, stopping first to take a look around. His keen vampire senses scanned the area, making sure that none of the Initiative boys were about. *All I need, have to deal with some wankin' G.I. Joe wannabees.* Satisfied that the area was deserted, save for a few nocturnal animals, Spike made his way out of the graveyard and headed toward the convenience store.

As of late, Spike had been thinking. A lot. Sunnydale, or as he preferred to call it, "Sunnyhell," was turning into a bloody bore. Ever since Dru had run off with that incredibly grotesque demon, the town had failed to offer any kind of fun for Spike. Of course, the Initiative boys had provided a little excitement. But the wrong kind, blast it. Given the opportunity, Spike would mutilate every last one of the bastards. Proper punishment for the chip that resided in his cranium, rendering him virtually impotent as a creature of the night. *Fuck, my unlife really bites.*

Then there was the Slayer. And her Scooby Band of Slayerettes. Taunting them was great fun, but over the past few weeks, even that had grown tiresome. Willow, the good witch, was an okay sort, as was her shy girlfriend Tara. *Alright for the lesbians.* The former Watcher, Giles, tended to be a bit dramatic and over-the-top, but overall not a bad bloke. Riley, the farm boy, was still just a teensy bit too commando, even if he was no longer a member of the Initiative. Faith, thank the gods themselves, was finally gone. THAT chit was just a bit touched in the head. Ditto for Anya, the former vengeance demoness, who had taken up with Xander, turning him into little more than her sex slave and plaything.

And then there was Xander. The clumsy boy who was little more than the lapdog of the Slayerettes. Of course, "boy" was probably not the proper term for the nineteen year old; however, to the vampire who was well over one hundred years old, Xander was indeed a boy. Gods love him. He was such a dolt. Spike laughed out loud in spite of himself. *Should go see Xander tonight, I should. Show up at his house, all fanged out and ridged faced. Probably piss his pants!*

Laughing again, Spike rounded a corner. The convenience store was less than half a block away. *Gods, the weather's getting cold already. Seems the fall months come sooner and sooner these days.* Not that it bothered the blonde vampire. He lived for the cold. Or rather, unlived for the cold. "Unlived," he said aloud, chuckling.

A noise from the alley he just passed stopped him. Taking a step back, Spike peered into the darkness. His senses kicking in once again, he smelled the distinct scent of fear, and his exceptional hearing caught the sound of a heartbeat. A human heartbeat. Beating at an extraordinarily fast pace. He took a few steps into the dark alley. That's when he saw it.

A Kharlish demon, all green and scaly, and eight feel tall. And smelling particularly rank, even for a Kharlish demon.

"Oi," Spike called out. The large demon turned around, its orange, yellow, and purple eyes glowing, the body of a very frightened human male in his hands. "What's goin' on here?"

"Spike!" the body screamed out. "Spike, help me, please!"

The vampire took a few steps in closer, and realized the human male was one such Slayerette lapdog and demoness plaything, Xander Harris.

"Harris? What the fuck are you doing?"

The demon snarled at the blonde vampire, and dropped Xander unceremoniously on the ground. Xander, landing flat on his behind, scrambled backwards toward the wall behind him, stopping only when his body thudded against the cold brick.

"What the hell does it look like I'm doing, Blondie?" Xander answered, frantically. "I'm getting my ass kicked by a really icky looking demon!"

The Kharlish demon lunged at Spike. With the speed only a member of the undead possessed, the blonde moved to one side and watched as the demon stumbled and nearly fell on its hideous face. Whisking around, the demon's eyes flashed and it screeched something in a dialect thousands of years old.

Spike sauntered slowly toward the Kharlish. "Now, that's not very nice mate," he said. "Me mum was definitely married when I was birthed."

The demon screeched once again, and lunged toward Spike. Xander, in shock and shivering from the cold, pulled his knees closer into his chest and whimpered. He squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see any more. Spike tossed a glance at the mortal's direction, shifted into his gameface, and then lunged back at the Kharlish. In what seemed to be a flash, the blonde vampire was twisting the demon's neck.

Xander heard a sickening twisting sound, then the sound of something breaking, and then a very loud thud. He wanted to open his eyes, but was too frightened to do so. Instead, he just whispered meekly, "Spike?"

The vampire, after dusting himself off and making sure that the demon was indeed MUERTE, morphed back into his human visage and walked to where the man was cowering. He leaned down. "Yeah, mate?"

The man opened one eye apprehensively. Then the other eye. His brain finally registered that it was indeed Spike standing before him. Spike. All in black. Black leather pants. And a really tight black tee shirt. Looking extremely handsome and sexy. And undead. Xander looked up into Spike's eyes, expecting to see contempt and disgust. Instead, what he saw took his breath away. He saw compassion. Concern. Comfort.

Shaking his head to free himself of the thoughts haunting his mind, Xander looked around the vampire, and saw the nasty demon lying on the ground. *Dead. Dead demon. Dead demon good.* Without thinking Xander, threw his arms around Spike's neck.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Xander kept repeating the words, as if they were a mantra that would bring a long sought after solace. Clumsily still holding on to the vampire, he stood up.

A little flustered and surprised by the young man's actions, Spike simply put his arms around Xander and hugged him. "Oi, there," he finally said, pushing Xander away. "No need to get all melodramatic on me."

Embarrassed by his actions, Xander pushed away from Spike and took a step back. "Uh, right. So not needing to hug an undead guy This is me not being all clingy and shit." Sheepishly, he looked down at the ground, while his hands found a piece of lint to worry on the shirt he was wearing and he kicked at a non-existent pebble.

Realizing the human was embarrassed, Spike placed a slender finger under Xander's chin and gently lifted his face. "It's okay, mate," he said softly. "You just had a bit of a fright. No biggie."

Xander blushed. "Thanks."

Spike dropped his hand and started to head back to the entrance of the alley. After a few steps, he stopped and turned around. "Was just heading over to the Stop and Rob to pinch a pack of smokes."


Silence. Xander kicked at the non-existent pebble once again.

The blonde vampire sighed. "You wanna come with?"

"Yeah, sure!" Xander answered. And then the mortal was next to Spike.

*Did the bloody twit just skip?* Spike thought, smiling to himself. They walked next to each other, out of the alley, and turned back onto the sidewalk. Spike stole a glance at the man. He was smiling. And . . . glowing.

And what was that scent? Spike sniffed softly. *Pheromones? Aw, crips. The bloody dolt is putting off pheromones like a whore in heat on a Saturday night.*

Xander turned to Spike. He smiled. Then he giggled.

Spike stopped dead in his tracks. "Wait. Stop." He put his hands on his hips, and cocked his head to one side.

Xander stopped and turned back to look at his walking companion. Spike had the most peculiar look on his face, like he was . . . thinking. "What?"

Spike arched his brow. "Just trying to figure you out, mate, that's all."

"What's there to figure out?"

Spike resumed walking. Taking a chance, he asked, "How's the vengeance demoness?"


"Anya," Spike yelled out over his shoulder, still walking down the street. "How's Anya?"

Xander looked as if he'd seen a ghost. Which, considering he lived in Sunnydale, lovingly referred to by those in the know, as Hellmouth Central, was odd. "She's gone."

It was Spike's turn to turn around and look at this walking companion. "Gone?"

"Yeah, gone. As in splitsville. Toodles. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya." And with that, Xander started walking again. Resolutely and at a much quicker pace than before. The blonde vampire smelled something else. Fear and anger. Before Spike could realize it, the brown-haired man was twenty feet in front of him.

"Whoa, mate, hold up!" he said as he ran to Xander. "Gone?"

Xander's eyes regarded the blonde. "Is there an echo here or something? Yes, she's gone." Silence. "She left me, Spike. The bitch went up and left me." Tears welled up in chocolate brown eyes. Slowly, they fell down cheeks that were quivering.

"Fuck," Spike said. It was the only thing he could think of to say. "Fuck."

Xander wiped the wetness from his face. "Yeah, fuck." He started walking again. Spike caught up to the mortal and put his arm around Xander's shoulder.

"You gonna be okay, mate,?"

"Yeah, I'll make it. It's not like it's the end of the world. Apocalyptic showdown or some shit." He glanced over at the blonde vampire and smiled. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

* * * *

Spike lit a cigarette and looked for somewhere to throw away the match, not quite sure how he had ended up at Xander's apartment. He finally gave up, and threw the offending match on the floor, hoping the human wouldn't notice it right away.

"So, why'd the lass leave?" he asked.

Xander turned around from the refrigerator and regarded the handsome blonde sitting on his sofa. "I said no one too many times."

"Come again?"

"That was the problem!"

Spike was confused. "Say what?"

Pulling a can of soda and a beer out of the fridge, Xander turned to the vampire. "She got tired of me saying no to sex."



Spike mulled over the situation for a moment or two. "So, you couldn't get it up for her?"

Xander placed the beer on the table in front of Spike. "Uhm, no. And might I add, not really your bees wax. There's an ashtray in the cupboard above the sink." He pointed to the match on the floor. "Bad vampire."

Spike leered at the mortal. "Spare me, please." He sauntered to the cupboard, removed the ashtray, and returned to his seat on the sofa.

"She was a regular nymphomaniac, she was?" he asked, this time actually interested.

Xander sat next to the blonde. He sighed. "Yeah. She had to have it two or three times a day. I mean, I'm as horny as the next red blooded American guy." He looked apologetically at the vampire for the last statement. "But shit. I was too tired to go to work! She wore me out!"

They both laughed. Xander noticed that when he smiled, REALLY smiled, Spike had beautiful eyes. And his smile. Dazzling was the only word that came to mind that was appropriate.

"Well, it's not like you were exactly into the bird, anyway," Spike said, taking a last drag off the cigarette before extinguishing it in the ashtray.


Spike looked at Xander, who at the moment looked extremely perplexed. "Well, I mean, nothing personal mate, but . . . you are a bit of a poofter, aren't you?"

If it was possible, Xander's face turned even paler than that of the vampire sitting before him. "What? I . . . you think . . . I . . ." Xander looked at the floor. "Is it that obvious?

The vampire snorted. "Probably not to your average normal human being, no. But, ya see love, bein' a vamp and all, I've got this incredible sense of smell."

"I don't understand."

Rolling his eyes, Spike said, "Pet, you're putting of pheromones like there's no tomorrow!"

This answer, above any else, was not what Xander expected to hear. "I'm putting off what?"

"Pheromones," the blonde repeated the word, with a sly smile. "Ya know, mate. Like when you're all turned on and shit, your body puts of pheromones. Human's can't smell 'em outright, but it's what attracts you buggers to each other."

"Oh," Xander said, slowly understanding. And then, "You mean . . .you?"

"Right," came the reply. "We vamps can smell them. And who they're coming from. And who they're directed at." He wiggled his eyebrows at the mortal in a mockery of seduction.

Xander turned a thousand shades of red. "Oh my God. I am so embarrassed."

"No need to be, pet," Spike reassured. "You are what you are. Can't help what you are. Just like I can't help what I am. It just is."

"Yeah, but, now YOU . . . know," Xander said, almost whining. "Hell, I've tried to keep my feelings secret. God, you don't know how hard I've tried."

The human lowered his head, and Spike feared he would start crying again. Moving closer to Xander, he put his arms around the man to comfort him once again. "Hey hey hey," Spike said, lifting Xander's chin up. "What's this? No tears. Truth be told, I'm flattered. It's been a while since someone half decent took a liking to me."

Xander looked in his eyes. "What about Dru?"

Spike snorted. "That loony bird? Hell, I couldn't understand what the fuck she was talking about most of the time." He shrugged. "But a shag is a shag is a shag, right?"

Xander laughed, and the laughter was music to Spike's ears. He would never admit it, but he, too, had been hiding a secret. His attraction for the human had kept him awake many a day.

The two men found themselves looking into each other's eyes. In that moment, understanding came. Spike toke Xander's hands in his own, softly stroking them.

"Your hands are so cold," Xander whispered.

"Comes with the territory, pet," Spike answered, leaning in towards the human. He pressed a tentative kiss on Xander's lips, not knowing if the man would recoil or welcome the advance. "When you're undead, there's no body heat." Spike sighed. "Not like you. Gods, your lips are warm."

Unable to control himself any longer, Spike pulled Xander closer to his body, kissing him again, but this time with purpose. Cool lips played on the warm ones of the man, his tongue tracing lines across Xander's mouth, until the mortal parted his lips. Spike's tongue darted in hungrily, needing the warmth that dwelled within. A hunger rose from within his very being, screaming for what the brown-haired man seemed to be offering.

Soon, Xander was reciprocating the kiss, hungrily pushing Spike's lips apart, and relishing in the coolness. Their hands roamed over each others' body, hindered by clothes that suddenly felt incredibly restrictive. Xander trailed wet kisses down Spike's throat, leave slick saliva on the pale skin.

Spike growled. "You better be willing to deliver what you're promising, Brown Eyes," he whispered hungrily into the human's ear, letting his tongue dart in. He nibbled on the lobe and felt Xander shudder.

"That and more, Blondie," was the only response he got.

Spike needed no more invitation than that. He stood, and lifted Xander in his arms. Surprise registered on the man's face as the vampire walked down the hall and into the bedroom. Spike softly placed Xander on the bed, and then leaned into him, almost laying on top of him. He could feel the mortal's erection, enticing and warm. He position himself over Xander so that his own erection was on top of the man's. Friction caused waves of electricity to course through his body.

"Want you," Spike rasped. "Need you. Gotta have you." Xander nodded in understanding, and pulled the blonde vampire down onto himself. They stayed there like that for minutes, Xander feeling the coolness of Spike's body permeating him, and Spike feeling Xander's heartbeat as it quickened with each passing moment. Spike's mouth devoured Xander's. Whereas their previous kisses had been tender and tentative, this one was forceful and filled with passion. Spike felt the need, the urge, to consume the man beneath him. He felt the fire growing inside him, deep in the pit of his stomach, slowing creeping upward.

When he could longer stand the thought of not being naked with his lover, Spike stood and slowly removed his own clothing. First, the tee shirt. Xander heard himself almost gasp when the shirt came up over Spike's head. Milky white skin, already glistening with a sheen of sweat. Rose-colored nipples that jutted out from the slender body, above tight abs. Spike started to take his belt off, but Xander shook his head.

"No," he said, sitting up. "Let me." Slowly, Xander removed the belt from the loops, and then began unbuttoning the tight black jeans. His hand brushed against the erection that was straining beneath the fabric. Spike closed his eyes and hissed.

In the back of his mind, Spike began to fear what was inevitable. How could the mortal man know what he was in store for? Could he possibly know what would happen once Spike reached the point of arousal that would bring out the demon vampire? He would morph into the creature that Xander feared most. His eyes still closed, he found Xander's hands and stopped the human from pulling the jeans down his legs.

"What?" Xander asked, perplexed. "What's wrong? Am I not doing this right?" He looked up to see the blonde shaking his head.

"Don't, love," Spike said, hesitantly. He took an unneeded breath and added, "We can't. We shouldn't."

"Why not?"

Suddenly, and without warning, Spike's eyes flew open to reveal their golden glow. His face began to shift. Xander found himself staring into the face of a demon.

"This!" Spike hissed. "This is why." The pain in his eyes was evident. Spike looked away from Xander, not wanting to cause the man any undue stress.

Xander stood. Tentatively, he stroked the side of the demon's face. It felt rough, but not as offensive as he'd expected. His thumb stroked across the cold lips. "I don't care." He found himself pulling Spike's face, the face of a vampire in full force, toward him. His lips found their destination.

Spike growled again, this time louder and with more passion. He pushed Xander away. "You don't know what you're doing, mate," he said. "What danger you could be in."

Xander reached down to Spike's crotch and gently squeezed. "Yes, I do." He pulled the black jeans down. "I know I want you. I've wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you. From the moment Angel offered me as a gift."

Spike's face morphed back into the pale man that Xander had lusted after for the last several years. "What would Buffy say?"

"Fuck Buffy."

Spike grinned. "No thanks, love, I'd rather fuck you."

Xander raised an eyebrow. "Is that an offer?"

Matching the mortal's raised eyebrow, Spike responded, "Is that an invitation?"

Without warning, Xander spun Spike over to the bed and pushed him down. Spike's jeans went flying across the room. "First things first, Fangboy," Xander said, kneeling down. "Must. Taste. You."

Xander started at Spike's left knee, licking a trail up. The vampire shivered. He tousled the man's hair with one hand, and began stroking himself with the other.

"Uh uh," mumbled the human, pushing Spike's hand aside. "Not yet. Mine." A warm tongue tickled the underside of Spike's balls.

"Shaved?" Xander asked, amused. He'd never imagined that the vampire would shave his scrotum. Spike mumbled something that sounded like a yes. "Never figured you for the shaving type, Blondie."

"It's a fetish, you twit," Spike giggled, in spite of himself. Then he added, "If you're nice, I'll let you shave me the next time."

Warm. Wet. Tongue. Sliding up his hard flesh. *Oh Gods, Harris,* Spike thought. *I hope to hell and back you know what you're getting yourself into.* Seeming to hear the vampire's thoughts, Xander slowly circled the head of Spike's cock with his tongue. He teased it for a moment more, and then slowly enveloped it.

"Fuck!" the blonde screamed. He thrust his hips, wanting to fill Xander's mouth. Tight lips surrounded him, warm tongue played over his erection. Xander engulfed him slowly, and just as slowly slid his lips back to the top. Again, Xander swallowed him, starting a rhythm that Spike knew would send him to a climax far too soon. He was, however, too powerless to stop the mortal.

Xander felt the vampire's cold cock slide up and down his throat. Like ice melting in the sun. Spike thrust upward and harder, fucking Xander's mouth as if he'd been without any kind of sexual contact in centuries. He snaked his hands up the blonde's body, finding nipples that were hard. Gently he pinched them. Spike growled. He pinched harder. Spike growled louder. Twisting the nipples and pinching them so hard that Xander thought if Spike were a human, he'd be in massive amount of pain, he felt the vampire's body arch up.

And then the blonde vampire came. He arched up high, screaming a nonsense guttural noise, filling Xander's mouth with his cock, and sending his seed sliding down the mortal's throat. Spike thrust again, and more of his come filled Xander's mouth and throat. The vampire came so much that Xander swore Spike's seed would be leaking out of his mouth. But, he swallowed every drop. The cold sensation slipped down his throat, his tongue catching the last drop and savoring it.

"Sorry, pet," the vampire whispered, after a moment or two.

Xander stood and laid his body over Spike's, "Sorry? For what?" God, this felt good. Spike's body cooling Xander's overheated body.

The blonde looked worried. "Didn't mean to come in your mouth. And didn't mean to come so fast." He stroked Xander's brown hair.

"Apology SO not necessary," Xander said, with a slight laugh in his voice. "Wanted to swallow. Wanted to taste you, every part of you." He licked his lips provocatively, teasing the blonde vampire. "Coppery. Kinda not what I expected." He saw Spike's face darken. "But not altogether unpleasant, mind you," he quickly added.

"Glad you approve, love," Spike said, nuzzling Xander's neck. "Do you have any idea how long I've fantasized of this?" His arms went around the man's waist, and he squeezed tightly, afraid that if he let go, Xander would be gone.

"Really?" Xander asked. Spike nodded. "No way, Fangboy. How come you never said anything?"

Spike couldn't help but laughing. "'Ello, mate," he finally said, his sides aching. "Slayer, Scooby Gang, possible staking WITH yours truly turning into dust, and all that rot."

"Oh, yeah, right. I forgot about that." Xander's eyes went dark for a moment. This WAS going to be a bit difficult to explain to Buffy and the Slayerettes. "Well, we got lots of time to make up for then."

Without a word, and almost so quickly that it made Xander dizzy, Spike turned him over and was straddling him on the bed. "We're not quite through, you know," the vampire said. He took Xander's erection in one of his cool hands and started stroking. Xander closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure. The coolness felt so good on his hot flesh.

"God, Spike, that feels so good," he was finally able to say, his breathing labored. And then the cool hand was replaced with an equally cool and wet mouth. "Damn!" He opened his eyes to see the top of the blonde's head as Spike bobbed up and down on his cock, taking every inch in his mouth. Golden eyes looked up at the human. Swirling his tongue around the head. Xander once again moaned, and thrust his hips up slightly. "You keep that up, Blondie, and YOU'RE gonna be swallowing MY come."

Spike pulled his mouth off of Xander, and looked up at the man. "Can't 'ave that, now, can we, pet?" he teased. He started kissing Xander's body, starting at his navel and moving up slowly. Between kisses, he whispered, "I've. Got. Other. Ideas. For. That." His mouth found one of Xander's nipples, and he licked at it. And then nibbled. Softly at first, and then more aggressively as the brown-haired man encouraged him. The vampire found himself sucking on the nipples like a baby to it's mother's milk. Xander continued moaning, letting Spike know he was doing all the right things, hitting all the right buttons.

He continued kissing up Xander's body, stopping at the neck to nibble a little more. His mouth soon found the man's lips, and they hungrily kissed each other, tongues searching the caverns, one warm and one inhumanly cool.

"Want you inside me, Xan," Spike whispered when he pulled his mouth from the mortal's.

Xander realized it was the first time he'd used the derivative of his name, Xan. Something was happening to them both. Something he couldn't explain, but found that he welcomed. A bond was forming between the mortal and the vampire.

"Want to feel your warmth inside me." Spike's eyes pleaded as much as his voice did. "Want to feel your fire inside me."

"Are you sure?"

In one split second, the demon face was staring into Xander's eyes. "Yes, I'm sure," Spike hissed, golden eyes glowing.

Surprisingly, Xander was not frightened. *I should be scared shitless,* he thought to himself. *But I'm not.*

"Whatever you want, Fangboy," he said. "Whatever you need, I'll give it to you." Xander leaned up to kiss his newfound lover. As their lips met, Spike's face morphed back into it's human visage. Crystal blue eyes peered into chocolate brown ones, want and desire evident in them. Xander was sure that the same want and desire could be seen in his own eyes.

Spike positioned himself over Xander's body, placing a cool hand over the hard flesh again. The mortal hissed. Spitting in his other hand, Spike reached around and fingered himself, using the saliva as a natural lubricant. He spit in his hand again and stroked the human's erection. Slowly, the blonde vampire lowered himself. He felt the head of Xander's erection brush against his buttocks, and then slide between the mounds. It poked at his entrance, and Spike pushed himself down slowly. He winced in pain as the head started to enter.

"Are you going to be okay, Spike?" Xander asked, concern evident in his voice and eyes. "Do you need some lube or something?"

Spike shook his head. "No. Like it like this. Rough. Raw." He continued lowering himself onto Xander's cock, enjoying the pleasure and pain that coursed through him as each inch of the man entered his body. Spike's eyes glowed golden yellow, with flecks of his human blue eyes scattered in. In a few moments, Xander was buried deep within the vampire, his warm flesh enveloped in the cool cavern that was his lover.

"Feels so cold . . . and good," Xander said. Spike leaned down and kissed the human.

"Pump," he ordered, whispering in the brown-eyed man's ear. "Pump hard and fast."

Xander obeyed the order, thrusting his hips upwards. He felt his cock slide in and out of Spike's body. The vampire hissed and moaned, clamping his muscles around the mortal's hard flesh. With each passing thrust, Xander felt his desire increase a thousand-fold. Somehow, he became aware that Spike had once again fully morphed into the demon visage, but he wasn't exactly sure when it had occurred. The vampire threw his head back, howling with each more and more intense thrust of Xander's hardness into his body. Spike licked the man's face, neck, throat. Every inch of skin that he could reach was washed with the creature's cool tongue.

Realizing that he was very closing to climaxing, Xander took Spike's face into his hands. "I know what vampires do, what they need, when they come," he rasped. "Do you want to?"

Quickly, Spike's human face appeared. He tilted his head and asked, "Are you sure?"

Xander nodded. "Yes, I'm sure. I want to feel your orgasm. I want to feel everything you feel." He kissed Spike, soft and tenderly this time. "I love you, Blondie."

The words made Spike dizzy. In the one hundred plus some odd years he had been undead, never had anyone, mortal or otherwise, uttered those words to him. He looked into the eyes of the man beneath him, his lover, and morphed once again into the demon face. "I love you, too, Xan."

The thrusts resumed. Xander's breathing became labored, and Spike knew he was close. Nuzzling the man's neck, he found a spot that was begging to be bitten. His fangs grazed the tender skin, and he felt Xander shudder. A thin line of blood surfaced, and Spike willingly licked it, savoring the sweetness that was his lover.

"Yes, Spike," the man whispered hoarsely. "That's it, give me all of yourself. Take what you need."

As Xander pumped one last time and came, Spike bite into the mortal's flesh. The taste of sweet blood washed over him, and he came as well, shooting his seed all over his lover's chest. He could feel the hot liquid inside him as Xander's body shuddered in climax, involuntarily thrusting into Spike again, trying to bury himself yet deeper into the body of the vampire. Spike withdrew his fangs, and licked the last drops of Xander's blood, so warm and sweet. He leaned into the man's chest and licked his own come, swallowing once or twice before licking up another mouthful and then kissing Xander, full force and open-mouthed. Xander hungrily kissed the vampire, taking the offering he made and swallowing it, relishing the taste and the intimacy it brought.

Before Xander grew soft and withdrew from Spike's body, the blonde vampire, who was over one hundred years his senior, whispered into his ear, "Mine. Forever."

Xander turned to face Spike, and traced a finger down the pale face. "Mine, too."

* * * * *

The brown-eyed mortal and the blonde-haired vampire lay in bed, barely sleeping, in each other's arms. Xander's head lay on Spike's chest.

"It's odd, not hearing a heartbeat," he said. His fingers traces circles around one of Spike's nipples, and he was pleased to see said nipple harden from the touch.

"That's a fallacy, you know, love," Spike answered, kissing the top of Xander's head. "We actually do have heartbeats. Very soft, and very far apart. Listen."

Xander looked up at Spike. "Really? No shit. Wow."

Spike chuckled. "Really. No shit. Wow."

"No fair making fun of how I talk," Xander said, playfully punching his lover in the stomach. He reflected for a moment. "What about all those other legends of you undead guy types? Guess we're just gonna have to re-write all those horrible gothic novels. Not to mention all those books in Giles' library."

Spike groaned. "Did you HAVE to bring up the Watcher? Bloody hell, now I've got visions of the Slayer dancing about me head." He shuddered.

Xander scooted up and turned into the blonde. "I can take care of that problem super fast," he said, planting a kiss on Spike's forehead. And then his eyes. His nose. And finally his lips. "Hmmm, nice lips. Mine. All mine."

Spike returned his kisses, tracing circles on the mortal's lips, refreshing them with the coolness that was uniquely his. He fought the desire growing within, knowing that Xander would need a little time to heal from their last love-making session. He pulled away and glanced at the puncture marks on his lover's neck, running his slender fingers over them. His lover. Spike smiled.

"Love you, Brown Eyes."

"Love you, Fangboy."

The two laid there, wrapped in each other's arms, content and sated. After a few minutes, Spike sat up. He looked down at his lover. His lover. HIS lover. He felt a pang of possessiveness as he mulled over the new relationship. No one would ever take advantage of Xander, making him feel insignificant and useless. And no one, most certainly NOT the Slayer or any of her Scooby Gang, would ever come between them.

"And just how are you going to explain to the Slayer and the Slayerettes that you and the Big Bad are shagging each other? How are you going to tell them we hooked up?" Spike asked the brown-haired man, placing tiny, wet kisses on his chest between each word.

Xander thought for a moment, and then giggled like a schoolgirl. The blonde vampire, looked at him, a question in his eyes. Xander took Spike's face in his hands, and pulled him closer. Placing a kiss on the tip of his lover's nose, Xander answered, "That's easy. I'll just tell them I met you at the Stop and Rob."

The End