TITLE: I Can't Wait To Crawl

AUTHOR: Goddess Isa

EMAIL: slaythis99@aol.com

SUMMARY: Forgive me Buffy/Angel fans, I've taken a vacation. Enjoy.

SPOILER: Slight S2

DISTRIBUTION: Sandee, of course - My site - http://members.aol.com/slaythis99/slay.htm - Crystal and Butterfly if they want it - A Soul's Redemption - Buffy & Angel Star Crossed Lovers - Anyone else - sure, just email me & lmk where it's going - I like seeing my name in print =)


DISCLAIMER: Stupidhead Joss owns da characters. I own da insanity. Ooh, and a new NSYNC tee shirt. =) ThisWay owns the song. I miss those commercials. Am I the only one?? Wouldn't Roswell ones have been cool?

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I don't know why, my zaniest ideas come to me at my grandmother's house. I wrote this there ages ago and again, just found it. I guess cleaning up my room has its advantages.



By Goddess Isa

They think I can't hear them. That I don't know what's going on, what's being said.

Guess what?!?

I do.

This has to be the quickest burial in Sunnydale history. Mom and Dad wanted no scandal I suppose, so no one really said anything or did anything at the funeral. Though it shouldn't shock or surprise me, it does. I'm their only daughter, well, I was, and my death wasn't important enough to bring them home. Guess France is really......oh fuck it.

Death is strange. I don't know, I didn't expect it to feel this way. So calm.


Sure, it hurt like Hell when Angelus sank his fangs into my neck, but then there was the calming and the feeling of power that came when I woke up.

The power to kill.

God, just bury me already!!! I wanna rise and get going! I know Angelus will be here for his brand new bitch, and I want him. I wanna be his bitch and I wanna be it now!!

I can just imagine my training!

Dammit! Finish your chanting, Amy!! You can't rescue my soul, I'm already dead!!

Xander, Buffy, stop crying! God!

Finally!! They're gone. Hallelujah.

Now if Angelus would only come for me....I can't wait to start feeding. I'm starved!!

//Faces I remember
I still see
And places in a memory
Hold on to me

And I can't wait to crawl out of my shell

Promises'll tell me
In a thousand ways
Moving on forever
Living life this way

And I can't wait to crawl
I can't wait to crawl
I can't wait anymore

Cause if I wait too long
How'm I ever gonna reach
My destination?

Now I know the time has come
It's all right here
It's all so clear to me

Eyes they open slowly
So hard to see

I've never seen an angel
But I'm tryin' to believe
And I can't wait to crawl
I can't wait to crawl
I can't wait anymore
I can't wait anymore
I can't wait anymore..\\