Title: Hope

Author: Caliadragon

Category: AU Crossover

Fandom: Buffy/Highlander/Angel

Spoilers: Bits and pieces of canon for all three shows.

Buffy AN: Buffy didn't die fighting Glory, A mage named Justice came to town and they performed a spell to separate Glory from Ben and kill her. Ben and Anya are together and Ben is now the doctor for the Scoobies. Andrew and Jonathon are a part of the group through Jonathon's friendship with the Scoobies. Riley and Buffy are still together and Graham is among them as well. He and Riley have
left the military. Xander came out to his friends after Willow and Oz introduced Tara as the third in their relationship. He and Graham have been dating for a year. Spike still lives with Xander and is involved with the Justice.

Angel AN: After Doyle nearly dies, Angel foreswears the Powers and takes his group back to Sunnydale to help Buffy fight. Along the way he runs across an old lover and his student. Connor was never born.

Highlander AN: When Duncan realizes how much of a danger he is becoming, he calls upon Giles to help him. He, Methos, Joe and Richie travel to Sunnydale where the Scoobies help destroy the demon and free Duncan from his hold. Richie does not die. The four men decide to stay in Sunnydale. There, Angel and Methos are reunited.

Rating: R

Warnings: Violence, Character Death

Pairing: Xander/Graham

Archive: Any list I send it to, those with previous permission and BC.

Disclaimer: I do not own Xander or the California crews, nor do I own the immortals. I do own Justice however.

Summary: Xander and his lover are killed and their lives are changed when they reawaken.

by Caliadragon

Xander swore as he flew through the air. Grunting in pain he watched as Graham was hurled towards him. He didn't bother to roll out of the way and let himself take the impact of Graham's body. Xander watched in despair as the pair of Rewshnall demons charged at them. Xander screamed in pain and despair as the
nearest demon plunged a sword through both himself and Graham. As he blacked out, he prayed that help would come and that his lover would survive.

When Xander opened his eyes he was stunned to see Angel standing above him. For a moment he was confused, then horror filled him as he saw the sword in Angel's hand. He looked around desperately and saw Graham sitting up a few feet away, cradled against Riley and Buffy. Again Xander looked at Angel, wondering what was going on. The last thing he remembered was being stabbed through the chest. He began to gasp for breath, and turned and crawled toward Graham. When the ex-marine saw him he headed in his direction as well. In seconds they were clinging to one another.

The odd feeling at the back of his neck increased as he and Graham embraced, and they both looked around in confusion. The group was staring at them with sadness and awe. Willow was sobbing and suddenly tackled the pair of them. "You were dead!" she wailed, before collapsing on top of them.

Xander and Graham looked at one another in confusion. "What?" Graham asked. He couldn't remember anything from the last few minutes of the attack. The demons had come out of nowhere. He and Xander never had a chance to run from them. They would have, definitely. Even with Xander's new training and Graham's military background, there was no way they could fight the demons by themselves.

Xander looked around him in horror, and his eyes met Richie's and he saw the truth in the immortal's eyes. "We're immortals aren't we?" he asked, shaken. Graham gasped and tightened his arms around Xander and Willow.

"Yes," Duncan answered them. He was sorry for the young men. He expected anger, maybe even anguish, but he was surprised when the two looked at one another and smiled shakily.

"It looks like your promise of forever gets to come true," Xander whispered, before he kissed Graham. Willow eased away from the pair, and laughter filled the night as Xander pushed Graham onto the ground and kissed him breathless.

The End Note: If you like this I may make it a series.