Title: Hope Returns

Author: Kate R.

Disclaimer: None of these people belong to me. They all belong to Joss

Rating: PG-13 to R

Pairings: Xander/Spike, Giles/Ethan, Angelus/Wes

Summary: Uh, not really sure how to summarize this

Hope Returns
by Kate R.

Angel would fix it, he thought running to the mansion. Angel would make it better. Angel would make it stop. He hoped.

"Xander?" the voice he was looking for said. He reached a hand out blindly and was pulled into the mansion where he just fell against the dark vampire and sobbed. Angel had no idea what to do until Spike came in and took the human from him.

"What's wrong luv?" Spike asked as Xander calmed down.

Xander was looking at the two of them in pain.

"B-Buffy and W-Willow. And---and Giles didn't do anything wrong and---Please, Angel, fix it?"

"Xander, slow down," Angel said. "Start from the beginning and tell me what's wrong. Here, have some cocoa and tell me slowly. I have to know so I can fix it."

Xander nodded and took the hot drink Spike brought him and then sat between the two vampires. Actually, he was sitting wrapped in Spike's arms facing Angel. "We were researching tonight," Xander began. "You know the prophecy Giles found? Anyway, Buffy wanted pizza so Giles ordered everything we usually get and then dumped what money he had on him on the table to pay for it. It was j-just enough to pay for it. Then, he picked up the book he was using and started reading through it until the pizza arrived. When it did he kind of looked at Buffy and I didn't see the look she gave him but he sighed and gathered his books and went into his office. He looked so down and dejected you know? He left the door open like he always does during research so we can call him if we need him and he just sat and worked for a while. I felt something watching me maybe and hour later and I looked and saw Giles just kind go watching us. He looked so---he wanted to join us but he either couldn't or wouldn't. Found out the hard way the answer was couldn't. I realized as soon as I spoke it was a bad thing to do. I wish I hadn't said anything now. I asked what he wanted and he paled. I didn't know why until Buffy echoed the question and Angel, when I looked at her she looked so mad. Giles started to back up and say nothing but she wouldn't let him. She made him come out of his office and then she just started yelling at him. She
insulted everything about him and he just stood there. His eyes just seemed to die more and more and then---when she finally finished yelling, she started slapping him. She wanted to know what the hell he thought he was doing even looking at them while they ate and Giles---Giles didn't answer. He just, once she knocked him down, he sort of curled up trying to protect himself and apologized repeatedly. He didn't---when she stopped he wouldn't look at me. He didn't look at anyone, just picked himself up and went back into his office. I think he was hungry, Angel. I think he was watching us because he was hungry and Buffy didn't let him have any pizza. And it wasn't right. He paid for the pizza. Why couldn't he have any and all he did was just fold. He didn't even come back out once Buffy threw whatever was left over away. He stayed in his office. I think he was crying because he shut the door this time. I left as soon as I was done and Angel---Angel, please fix it?"

"I will, Xander," Angel said as he stood up and left the mansion. His eyes were an angry gold as he walked through the streets of Sunnydale heading for the library in the high school.

As soon as he got there he heard the yelling in Buffy's voice. He made his way up from the stacks and just stared. Buffy had Giles' wrists tied to the book cage and his shirt was on the floor. She was hitting him with a thin leather strap and he ahd his eyes squeezed shut. Angel could see the tears.

"Why did you watch us, Giles?" Buffy was asking. "You know the rules when I say no. Why did you break them?"

"I---," Giles whispered. He cried out again as the strap hit his bare back again.

"Answer me, Giles," Buffy demanded.

"I didn't mean to," Giles whispered. "I was hungry I didn't think anyone would care if I watched the food. I'm sorry---I'm sorry, please,"

Angel felt rage burning through him. Fury and burning rage as he moved as fast or faster than anyone had ever seen him. Buffy was swinging the lash towards Giles' back again when Angel caught her wrist with such brutal force the bone snapped and she yelped.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Angel growled as he shoved her into Willow who was walking into the library with boiling water.

They both yelped as the water spilled over them and Angel cut Giles loose from the cage. The librarian sagged against him and Angel purred gently. He covered Giles' back with his shirt and then lifted the librarian into his arms.

"It'll be okay, Giles," Angel whispered. "I swear. Everything is going to be fine now."

"Ethan?" Angel heard Giles whisper.

Angel soothed him gently. "I'll get him for you, Giles," he said. "Somehow."