Title: Harry Potter and The Dream Team

Author: Kate R.


Fandom: Buffy/Harry Potter/Highlander

Disclaimer: Again, not mine and never will be. Again, Xander and co. belong to Joss, Remus and Co belong to JKR and Darius and Co belong to Davis/Panzer. I only own the idea.

Rating: PG-13 to R

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, Xander/Spike (So far)

Summary: Harry needs help and he gets it from the Dream Team

Harry Potter and The Dream Team
by Kate R.

Letters From

It had been a quiet 3 weeks. Remus and Oz had remained Human on the last two days of the full moon thanks to Remus using his energy to shape the form he wanted the pack to have. Oz knew why and he was glad. Remus would take him hunting on a day not the full moon and they would feed their wolves.

Oz knew it was a safety thing. They were less likely to be shot at if it wasn't the full moon and Oz thought it would be cool. Also, with this new thing, Oz would become a full wolf. Not a wolf man.

He was sitting, playing checkers with Xander, while Remus went over things with the others. Dawn was reading some first year textbooks Remus had. She could do everything in them without a wand. Xander was learning Fire Magery from Darius. Darius said he was an elemental but not being immortal, he would likely never master all five basic elements. Giles and Ethan were doing their Chaos thing. Connor MacLeod, who'd arrived the day after the merge, was also helping Dawn learn how to bend reality to move people from one place to another. It was a typical day, Oz mused. Until the owl flew into the window with seven envelopes attached to its leg. And it landed in front of Remus who knelt down and took the letters off and asked Giles if he could get the owl some food and water.

Remus opened the first envelope and read it quickly. His face went ice cold as he opened five of the others, leaving the seventh until after he'd read the other 6 just to confirm his suspicions. All of the letters said the same thing:

From Draco Malfoy: "Scar head needs help."

From Hermione Granger: Professor Lupin, Harry is in trouble. His Aunt and Uncle are being even worse this summer.

From Ronald Weasley: Professor Lupin, Maybe you abandoned the Order to go off and sulk but maybe you wont abandon your best friend's son. Harry needs help.

From Fred and George Weasley: "You wouldn't happen to know any pranks that can be played on Muggles? Harry's relatives deserve them. Please help."

From: Ginny Weasley: "P-p-please help H-H-Harry."

Remus read each short missive and then looked at the red envelope. He knew it was from Sirius and he knew it was Sirius over-reacting so he told everyone to cover their ears before he opened it:




Remus took parchment and wrote replies to everyone. He assured them he would deal with it and he would bring Harry to Grimmauld Place because where he knew the Dream Team had to go anyway. To Sirius he added: And no need to yell, I have perfectly good hearing.

After he sent them off, he looked at the others who were all getting ready to go. He hadn't said he would bring them or ask them but they were
getting ready.

"We're a team," Xander said. "A Pack. Where one of us is needed, we all go. So, lets get moving."

Remus nodded and went to change into what they called their Work Clothes. Those clothes were jeans, boots, and long coats normally or cloaks depending on the weather, and gold pendants with the head of their animal on it. Remus picked his wand up, s well as the throwing knives he'd become proficient in. All of them used short swords and knew enough of the basics to use them as viable weapons. Ripper carried and ax, a sword, a crossbow and a knife.

Once they were all loaded down, Connor looked at them all, his eyes flared gold, and he moved them from Day in Vermont to Night in England.

"Lets find this kid you're supposed to pick up," Methos said.

"And I want to make a bloody great mess of the people who'd hurt a kid," Spike added.

"Not to mention the kid that insulted you," Darius said to Remus.

"That was uncalled for. Don't care how young he is."

Dawn nodded and behind her, Ethan stood with his hand clutching his pouches of magic dust. Giles and Oz's looks spoke for themselves: Anger
and vicious rage.

"Lets do this," Ripper said.

Xander, Wesley and Faith all nodded and they all watched as Darius moved, stalking up to the door of number four privet drive and blowing it open with a gust of air.

"Good evening, ladies," he said. 'We're here to take a kid off your hands. For good this time. Harry, go pack. Professor Lupin is waiting outside.

Harry nodded and ran up the steps leaving Darius to turn his attention to the people in the room in front of him. Behind him, Ripper cracked his knuckles.

"Lets have some fun," the Englishman said ominously.

Part 2: Grimmauld Place

They were getting ready to leave now, Harry knew. For a while there had been repeated thuds from the living room as Ripper Giles went after his Uncle Vernon. The younger man, Wesley, had joined him up here to help him pack. All Harry knew was that he was going some where away from here and he never had to come back. This group said it and he was pretty sure it was true.

And, looking at Wesley, he kind of stared. He had an uncle. He wasn't alone and he wasn't an orphan bastard. His Uncle was sitting next to him while the others dealt with his uncle. He looked up as his aunt came into the room.

"These are yours, Harry," was all she said. But in her eyes, there was warmth.

"Darius said you and Dudley are to pack as well," Wesley said.

"We aren't leaving you here where he can get a hold of you again. Go on."

"Thank you, Wesley," she said and she then did the strangest thing, she kissed Harry's forehead. Then she went to her room and Dudley's and packed them. Harry told them no electronics and Dudley actually did not argue.

"It's time to go," Connor MacLeod said. Harry didn't know him but he, his aunt and his cousin and everything they were taking got into the circle around the man.

Harry felt really shift the man he didn't know stood in the center of the circle they had all formed and reached with a golden glow around them all and then reality just bent and they were suddenly in the parlor of Grimmauld Place, being gawked at by several wizards.

"What?" Remus asked as he looked at those in the room. "You wanted me to get him, Sirius. I got him."

"Remus?" Sirius asked as if questioning his eye. How did you get in here? There are anti-apparition wards all over this place."

"We didn't apparate," a gravely voice said from the center of the group. "I bent reality and moved us here. My name is Connor MacLeod. This is Methos, Xander, Giles, Ethan, Faith, Spike, Wesley, Dawn, Oz and Darius who if by the look on her face is accurate, you all know by another name."

"Lord Gryffindor?" Tonks asked in awe.

Darius inclined his head and Connor found himself snickering as everyone else just froze as they realiz ed who they were looking at.

"So," Darius said after a few moments of silence. "Could someone explain why an heir of mine was left in a situation as abusive as that one when he had a blood relative on his mother's side who could have taken him and raised him and done a better job?"

"Who?" Sirius demanded.

"Me," Wesley said. "Wesley Wyndham-Pryce. My father had an affair with Lily and Petunia's mother. I was the result. Father wanted me so I went with him. We share blood. I could have protected the boy far better than that Sonuvabitch he calls an uncle."

At that moment, Severus Snape walked into the room and stared at the group. He was still staring at Darius when Giles moved. Giles moved so fast he put Spike to shame. He was in front of Snape, drawing his arm back and letting fly with a punch that sent Snape careening into the wall and the slumping to the floor and spitting four teeth out.

"That was for Ethan you sorry bastard!" Giles growled. Harry saw his aunt and Cousin watching. It seemed Giles' protective instincts included the man that looked his age but seemed to be suffering from something.

"I have neither forgiven, nor forgotten what you did to my Ethan, Severus," Giles growled. "My rage about that is as extreme as the rage at her ex-husband for what he did to her and her son and nephew for 16 years. Do not screw with me now. I am far more powerful than you will ever know."

Giles then walked over to the group he'd arrived with and pointed at Ron for them.

"Ron?" Faith asked. And her voice was chilly.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Lets have a talk about respect and insult to people who left the country because they can't work here." Faith said. "And while we're at it, let's talk about you bitching about things and your stupid, petty jealousies because Harry has money and you don't. Cause I gotta say, that's a pretty pissy attitude to have. So, lets learn to keep our mouth shut huh? 'Cause I gotta say, none of us are impressed with you and screwing with our Ulfric after it took us nearly a month to straighten out his belief in himself is a damn good way to get yourself branded a moron to our group and we don't forgive stupidity like that easily. We do not suffer fools or morons easily."

"What is going on here?" a new voice called. "Who removed Harry from the Dursleys?"

"I did," Darius said. "And I actually only removed him from One Dursley, Vernon."

And the old man with the white beard felt his jaw drop as Darius turned to face him. He knew who it was and he knew it was not a joke.

"L-Lord Gryffindor?" he asked. And Darius smiled and this time, the smile was not nice.

Part 3: Full Moon Fight

Harry had seen his aunt and cousin off that morning with Tonks taking them someplace safe. Harry was glad she would be safe and that Dudley would get the help he needed. Since his uncle was the one who'd made Dudley as overweight as he was and it was abuse, the Wizards were going to use thinning potion on him. He would lose weight as fast as it was safe too. Harry was glad because Dudley did need the help. Right now, he was finishing his summer assignments. Snape was talking funny as his teeth were re-growing in thanks to a potion form Madame Pomfrey but he was no saying much of anything when Giles was in the room.

Dumbledore had been angry with Giles for hitting Snape but Giles had told him if he'd let him when they were students, this would not have happened. Dumbledore had glared but Giles did not care. And with Darius, AKA Godric Gryffindor in the house, not even Dumbledore was ordering anyone to do anything. After he had told them to put Harry back and Darius had asked if he'd like to live in a closet or a jail cell because he could arrange it if the headmaster did, Dumbledore had quieted down about what he thought was best.

Darius had taken him aside and explained it in small words. Something Harry knew was an insult but Darius did not seem to care over much.

Darius had explained that Albus' motives might have been for the best but he did it wrong and it had caused serious harm. Thankfully they had been in time to save lives. Albus had been quiet since that talk and Harry knew it had to have hurt being told he'd done something wrong but according to Methos, Godric Gryffindor was the best stagiest to eve walk the planet and he had seen at least 6 better ways to do this. Harry knew it had to have hurt the headmaster to have his plans for Harry torn apart but Harry did not seem to care overmuch. He was happy to know it wouldn't always have to be him and there could be a break.

"So , enjoying the rest of your summer?" Wesley asked as he sat next to Harry.

They would be taking the train in less than a week but the Dream team was coming along with them. Also, it was the full moon and Harry was watching as professor Lupin and Oz remained human.

"Yeah, Harry said. "And it's great my aunt and cousin are safe now too. And they'll get to live in safety and everything."

"Yeah," Wesley said. "That's the way of it. What the hell?"

"Arms!" Arthur Weasley called. And everyone moved. Remus and Oz included. Harry watched as Remus picked up his muggle weapons and they filed out with the others into a battlefield. Dark Wizards were attacking and the Order was trying to fight was well as the 50 or so Aurorers that were on duty.

Harry watched as this group Oz had jokingly called The Dream Team waded into the fight taking down dark wizards left and right and then, badness happened.

Werewolves attacked.

"Dammit!" Remus growled. "Oz, get behind me!"

Oz obeyed and Remus stared at the second wave of werewolves bearing own on them. The moon had just risen and Oz realized some of those who had been human were now changing. Remus was slapping down those in front of them when he suddenly turned that over to Oz and went after some of the other werewolves. He saw one going for Snape and reacted, moving towards it as fat as the wolf he no longer turned into unless he willed it.


Snape froze as a werewolf lunged at him. This time he knew there was no James Potter to save him. He was bracing and just as it's jaws were about to close on his throat it was yanked away.

"NO!" Snape heard Lupin roar. And he stared as the creature submitted before the man who was somehow still human on the full moon. Lupin hurled the wolf backwards and it and its brethren retreated. Finally, he looked down at Snape.

"Years a go, a werewolf nearly took your life as the result of a bad joke. You've made him pay for something that was not his fault ever since. My debt to you is repaid Severus."

And Remus then turned away from him and went back into the fight, leaving Snape to stare in drop-jawed shock. Lupin....had saved him. He could not comprehend it. And if he understood that last statement, it meant Remus was no longer going to put with his snide comments. It was finally beginning to register to Snape who and what Remus was. Remus no longer changed with the moon unless he wished it. He longer had the madness. It caused a jet of fear to shoot through Snape and he could see the same fear on the faces of the other ministry workers. Even Umbridge who had come to deny anything was going on.

No one could touch Remus Lupin or Oz. No one could threaten him or try to hurt him. Remus Lupin was no longer a regular werewolf. He was an Ulfric.

And as an Ulfric, the ministry could not touch him. Or anyone he called his pack.

After the fight ended, they walked away from the ministry officials. Remus ignored those asking him questions about what had caused him to be elevated to Ulfric and other such nonsense. There was no time to answer stupid questions. Not with the school term starting in less than a week. Once they were back in their building, Remus sat down and picked up a textbook for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Darius nodded. He had assigned that to Remus. Dumbledore knew Darius would be running the school for this year. Because Darius did not have to kiss anyone's ass. It would register to the ministry who he was soon enough and then, no one would cross him. Of course, Dumbledore also knew he could not influence Darius one way or another. Darius' ideals were not what the history books said they were.

"We're hitting Diagon Alley on the way to the train. We go tomorrow and stay there for a few days. Everyone go get packed."