Title: Hangovers and Panic

Author: Caliadragon

Fandom: Buffy/Angel

Category: AU

Pairing: Mention of Spike/Angel/Riley

Spoilers: None really.

Dedication: This is for everyone who wanted me to make this into a series. And for Edi who liked it even though it was warped.

Warnings: Mpreg, Warped Humor, Mush

AN: I have no idea where this came from originally. I blame it on the pain pills and seizure.

Feedback: On list or at

Archive: Any list I send it to, those with prior permission and BC

Disclaimer: Not mine, only the situation is.

Series/Sequel: Pregnant Xander

Summary: The next morning everyone wakes up and realizes that Xander's gone. The panic starts when they realize Dawn, Andrew and Connor are with him.

Thanks to Edi for the beta.

Hangovers and Panic
by Caliadragon

Wes groaned and wondered why he felt like he had eaten Intothia demon dung. Coughing slightly he sat up and whimpered. His head hurt and he had a boulder on his bladder. Stumbling to his feet he walked, actually he lurched, towards the bathroom.

Taking care of business and finding his toothbrush, he immediately set about getting the foul taste out of his mouth. The headache at the back of his eyes would have to wait. There was a nagging worry at the back of his mind, but for the life of him he couldn't remember what it was.

A flash of Xander and Dawn yelling about going to blow something up made him frown slightly. A shiver ran down his spine. Surely Xander wouldn't go near any more explosives. After all, he had promised Giles.

"OH FUCK!" he yelled, then promptly had to pay homage to the toilet god, after his hangover made itself known. After completing his worship and prayers, Wes climbed to his feet and stumbled from the bathroom again.

Wes was hoping desperately that Xander was downstairs eating breakfast and teasing everyone unmercifully about their hangovers. Upon reaching the kitchen and only finding a bleary eyed Faith, he whimpered. Faith raised an eyebrow and only succeeded in looking slightly tilted to Wes.

"Have you seen Xander?" Wes whispered.

Faith shook her head, and stopped when the motion made her feel green. "Maybe he's in his room," she whispered back. She really didn't want to worship any more this morning.

Wes turned and stumbled through the house searching for Xander. Only managing to wake everyone else up, and nearly dying of shock at seeing Angel, Spike and Riley in a naked pile.

The two vampires and the queasy soldier all stumbled to their feet and went to take care of their needs. The vampires went in search of breakfast, and Riley held his aching head and went towards the bathroom. Wes decided that he really hated vampires. Why couldn't the bastards have hangovers?

Finally, after an exhaustive search and another moment of worship and prayer, Wes had to finally admit that Xander was gone. He was beginning to panic, and felt that he would be blamed for the newest case of fire and arson.

Taking a deep breath and turning green, he decided that it wasn't at all cowardly to take a shower before telling everyone that Xander was gone, and that the Troublesome Trio was with him.

Twenty minutes later Wes was in the kitchen, feeling and smelling a great deal better. Clearing his throat, he repressed the urge to squirm and finally spoke. "Xander's gone and the Troublesome Trio are with him."

Coffee cups hit the table, Willow began her full panic babble and Giles polished his glasses so hard the lense fell out. "What aren't you telling us, English?" Gunn asked.

Wes had the jitters worse than a virgin on her wedding night, and tried an innocent look. Considering he had the ability to make Spike blush, it only came off as a come-on.

"Stop coming-on to Gunn and spill it," Cordy growled. The room froze and whimpers were heard. Cordy had a hangover. Buffy had the sudden urge to shout, 'Run for cover!', but managed to surpress it.

Wes cleared his throat and told them about the night before. When he finished, they were all green. "So what do you think he'll do?" Graham asked. The military never prepared him for this.

"He and Dawn said something about a plan," Wes squeaked, wondering when he became Minnie Mouse.

"What was the plan?" Giles asked, though he was afraid he knew.

"Something to do with explosives," Wes whimpered.

Roars, screams and general explosions of panic filled the kitchen. Followed by groans and running. They only hoped they were in time to stop Xander before it was too late. Somehow they thought it already was, after all he wasn't alone.


The End

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