Title: From Hellmouth To Hogwarts

Author: Kate R.


Disclaimer: So not mine.

Rating: PG-13 to R, slash

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, Remus/Snape, Angelus/Wes so far

Summary: Giles goes from one war to another, soon followed by his "children"

From Hellmouth To Hogwarts
By Kate R.

Prologue: Dragon Rider

Buffy was dead.

Lying on the ground broken and bloody and everyone was just staring.

The portal was closed but things ah already come through.

Eventually, they would have to track those things down and kill them but for now, there was only grief. Grief and loss and...

"GILES!" Dawn screamed.

And his head came up to see a demonic dragon bearing down on them. He was about to cover Buffy's body with his own and was preparing to die when there was a loud, unholy roar and Giles stared as something large and winged and brightly colored flew in between the Scoobies and the demon dragon. And Giles felt his jaw dropping when he realized what it was: A real, honest to gods, Earth Dragon was combating the demon one and winning. Winning so soundly it wasn't funny. And there was a man with red hair flying the dragon. He was a young man and his dragon had passengers but he was flying a dragon in combat with the demonic one and then...then the Earth Dragon opened it's maw and released a ball of fire that reduced the demon dragon to ash. And then it landed.

Everyone was staring as the huge beast landed and the four people on it slid off by means of a rope hanging down from the saddle like thing.

Giles stared at one of the three adults as they came forward.

"Remus," Giles whispered as he looked at the man.

"Hello, Romulus," the man answered. And that appeared to be too much for Giles because he passed out then.

Part 1: The Vows He Made

"Romulus?" he heard. "Romulus, can you hear me? You need to wake up now, brother. We need to talk."

"Remus?" The man who had been Rupert Giles for the last five years asked.

"Mmmhmmm," Remus said. "I'm sorry to have to come to you now, Rom, but we have a situation."

"He's risen again, hasn't he?" Giles asked.

"Yes," Remus said. "I know you've just had a great loss but we are out of options. We waited as long as we could."

"I know you did," Giles said as he hauled himself to a sitting position. "Did you contact Ethan? And who are those two?"

"The bigger one is Charlie Weasley. He was the one flying the dragon. The thin one getting patched up by I think she was introduced to us as Dawn is Percy Weasley. The boy with dark hair is James' son Harry."

"Why is he sulking like that?" Giles asked as Percy hissed slightly.

"Because he knows that Charlie and I are not happy with him," Remus said.

"Why aren't you happy with him?" Giles asked.

"Because he is the reason Percy is hurt," Charlie snapped.

"Percy was saving his ass because he was stupid enough to run into a battle. His wand got broken. Percy got hit with two slash-up curses, Crucio and a stunning one. I couldn't turn the dragon a second time so Percy hasn't had medical attention for those injuries."

"Let me look, Dawn," a gentle voice said. Charlie watched as a girl with dirty blond hair tended his younger brother. Her hands seemed to be soothing the pain he knew Percy was still in and he wondered about her.

"She's a healer," Giles said gently. "Tara has a way about her. It looks like she's helping your brother a bit.

"Let him rest a few hours if you can spare it," Tara said as she shook her hands as if shaking off bad energy and then covered the now sleeping man with an afghan. "He needs some rest. Xander went to tell Angel what's happened. He'll likely bring his team because he wont be in any shape to drive."

"Thank you, Tara," Giles sighed. "We need to get a coffin for her and maybe a tomb stone."

"I'll do the stone, Romulus," Remus said gently.

"I can get you a coffin," Charlie added. "Provided you don't mind watching Percy. I'll go get it now. Where do you want to send them while we do this?"

"To Wesley, for Dawn," Giles said. "And Spike as well. Promises and Vows, just like mine. Tara?"

"I want to help you but I think you want me to stay here."

"I want you all safe," Giles whispered as he looked at the unconscious young man who looked just barely out of school.

"Enough children are already involved. I want no more in it."

"Giles, what is it?" Tara asked.

"A vow. Much like the one Spike made to Joyce about Dawn. 'I, Romulus Giles Lupin do so swear that should the need arise, I will return to the Order and help fight the evil once again plaguing our world.' Not only I swore, Tara, Ethan swore as well."

"Romulus?" Spike snorted. Giles turned to look at him and he knew it was the end of the tension. "Y-your name is...is R-Romulus?"

"Yes Spike," Giles said. "My real name is Romulus Giles Lupin. You can go ahead and laugh. I know you need to."

And Spike began to snicker, repeating Romulus and then suddenly howling with laughter. And then, the laughter turned to tears and Giles, thinking with his heart, pulled the sobbing vampire into his arms and stroked his hair as if he were one of the children.

"I know Spike," Giles soothed. "I know."

"She...She w-would have l-loved k-knowing t-that about you. I-it w-would have made her s-smile a little."

"I know, I know," Giles soothed as the door to the house exploded open. He was just now realizing they were at the Summers House. Of course, biggest first aid kit of any of them and Percy had needed attention.

"Sire!" Spike cried in pain as his heart was breaking.

Angel dropped to his knees by his childe and gathered the sobbing vampire into his arms. It was just sobs for a few moments and then Angel got to his feet and howled. Spike joined him. Charlie looked at Giles who shrugged.

"It is their way to grieve," he told the young man. "Let them do so."

"We are all clan, Rupert," A vice said and Angel looked and saw Wesley watching them. "Howl with us. Release your pain. I can see you are already about to head into something more."

And Giles felt his own vice rise to join them and then there was a touch on his shoulders and he realized Ethan had come. He leaned back into the sorcerer's arms and he screamed and howled his pain out and Ethan held him tightly. He held on so tightly and Giles finally stopped when everyone else did.

"Better?" Angel asked.

And Giles found himself nodding slowly.

"Good," the vampire said. "After the funeral or whatever we're calling it, we'll see you off. Wes and I will take care of your kids, Giles. I promise."

"Thank you Angel," Giles said. "I'll feel better knowing they are safe at least."

"Where are you going, Giles?" Xander asked.

"To keep a promise and honor a vow," Gils said. "I want you all well clear of this one though. It isn't something that concerns you all. It isn't your world and it isn't the evil you are used to fighting. I want you to stay out of this war and I want you to rest. This isn't something you can help me do."

And Xander recognized the dismissal and nodded. He would stay out of it. For now.

Part 2: The Wars We Choose

"Sirius, get down. NOW!" Giles bellowed across the battlefield.

They were taking down a nest of Death Eaters and Giles, having the most combat experience, was leading the team. He would have preferred researching.

Unfortunately, Albus was right. There was no one better suited to leading a fight like this one than him. He had the experience of living on a Hellmouth. He had the experience of seeing for himself what was true and what was not. He had experience of being able to tell a forced servant and one who chose. He knew every single person they now fought had chosen evil. He had to make them regret that choice. And he could. He knew he could. And so he was. At some point in this fight he had reverted to his slaying weapons that he had kept with him. They were as effective against dark wizards as they had been against vampires. If a bit bloodier than the wizards he was fighting with were used to.

By the time the attack was finished, it was his group 10, Death Eaters nothing. And he sighed as he gathered the stunned and gunned bodies and bound those who were still alive and covered those who weren't. He was a soldier, a warrior, not a sadist and not disrespectful. These were people. Whether they were good or evil, Giles showed respect for the people, the humans, they might have been before they sold their souls. And then they took those still alive back to Hogwarts where they were all staying, all those who had joined the fight. They also brought the dead and buried them. Giles was not without a heart, just not on the battlefield.

"Mr. Giles," a man in pinstriped robes and a lime green bowler hat said as he saw Giles come in.

"Minister Fudge," Giles said as they led their prisoners in.

Fudge'd had to eat a lot of crow since he'd seen Voldemort. He'd had to apologize to Percy for twisting him up inside and he himself was in trouble for forcing the young man to remain with him when everyone had known he wanted to leave.

Fudge had been and was in serious trouble over that because Giles knew the trace color for the Imperius Curse and it was all over Percy Weasley.

How he had broken was anyone's guess and Giles had warned Fudge he was next after this war and he was glad to see Fudge pale every time he saw him. The asshole needed to ear someone. Someone who he could not control. And Ethan had no patience for the man. He wanted to see him hang for what he'd done and nearly destroying a family. Because of what he'd done, Percy was not healing as well as a normal wizard should have. Giles knew his family was worried and to be honest so was Giles. He was almost tempted to call Tara. She had actually managed to do something for Percy in Sunnydale. He thought she might be able to do something now.

He went to a room to research some more after he ate and told Dumbledore about the fight an there he stayed, looking over books, reading tombs on how to block the unforgivable curses. Counter curses for other types and shields. He and Ethan did not need wands to build wards. He and Ethan were the only two like that. Giles sighed and rubbed his temples as he looked down at the books in front of him. He missed the children who had made researching so much fun before. He missed...

"What I wouldn't give for pizza, jelly donuts, coffee and an inane comment right about now," he muttered.

"Coffee, check. Jelly donuts, Check, Pizza, Check. Inane comment? Hmm, Tara, where can we find one of those?"

Giles spun around so fast he nearly tipped his chair over.

There, standing in the doorway, were his kids. He was just staring when Dawn broke away from the others and launched herself into his arms.

"GILES!" She cried hugging him. "You scared us. Please don't leave again."

"Dawn, I...what are you...how did you...Why are you all..." Giles stammered.

"We came to see you," Dawn said as if it was the most logical thing. "Wesley had to come because his twin brother Percy is hurt and they need the info Percy has so Wes was called to retrieve it and to join the fight. Did you know Wes' real name is Orion Weasley? And well, we were starting to get worried cause you didn't write or call and then Wes read the letter aloud and we insisted we come too. Angel and Spike are with Wes checking on his brother. And Tara wants to go heal him herself so she just wanted to see you before she went."

"Of course, I...Tara, Dobby will show you the way to the infirmary."

Tara nodded and left with the house elf.

Giles remained seated where he was and the others soon joined Dawn in surrounding him. Angel and Spike came in a few moments later and Giles felt like he was under a microscope.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Xander asked.

"Because you wanted a rest," Giles told him. "Because this isn't a War you'll find easy to fight. Because I'm not fighting demons here. Because you don't believe humans should die for evil acts. I'm sorry, Xander, but this isn't a good fight for you. You're too speciesist."

"Me?" Xander asked.

Giles nodded. "You don't want to believe humans should be punished for doing evil. Punished more severely than a few years in jail. In this war, that is not an option. In this war, Human Evil supercedes any other kind. In this war, Death is the only option if they won't surrender. And they are ALL human. So, Xander, I'm going to ask you if you can't deal with that to get sent back to the states because I have no time to coddle you in this fight. No time for any of it anymore."

"Coddle me?" Xander asked. And then he saw the blood still on the shirt Giles had not changed. "You're hurt!" Xander called.

Giles shook his head. 'No, this I got when I staked a man trying to kill a little girl because she isn't a pure wizard. No, Xander, it is human blood on me, human blood from humans I killed. Now, if you want to help, pull up a book and start looking for counters to all curses. I have things I have to do here. Hello, Faith."

"Giles," she said. "Wes is talking to his brother, mind to mind so I'm here. Uhm, what are we killing?"

"Dark Wizards," Giles said to her. "Xander, no. You have to accept that they are human. I wont let you fight at all if you deny that. They are human, they are evil and they have to die. Get it through your head. Faith, come with me. We'll find you a training room."

'Lets research a bit first, G," she said. "I need a break after that Portkey thing, kay?"

"Of course, Faith. Grab a book and some pizza I suppose."

Everyone sat and began to work and Faith ate pizza and watched. Xander seemed a little uncomfortable but then, having Giles tell you the way of it was a harsh thing to face. Faith knew that for a fact.