Title: Death Sealed VII

Author: Caliadragon

Fandom: Buffy/Angel

Category: AU

Pairings: Spike/Xander

Archive: Any list I send it to, those with previous permission and my archive.

Disclaimer: Not mine never will be.

Warnings: Angst and Torture

AN: Set not long after the First has been defeated. Faith is a vamp. The LA crew is in Sunnydale. Spike is souled, but not chipped. He still has moments of dementia.

AN2: Thank you to everyone for the lovely fb. This is for everyone who gave me ideas. I decided that Xander will not kill his father. I have something else in mind for him.

Summary: Spike, Buffy and Angel deal with the first of Xander's rapists while Xander deals with Dru.

Thank you to Edi for the beta

Death Sealed VII
by Caliadragon

Darkness has fallen
A broken heart has called
Friends have gathered
Evil will be amongst the fallen

Xander shivered slightly as Buffy and the two elder vampires dragged Jake down the stairs. He was to be restrained, and the three would mete out their own justice. Xander turned his attention back to Dru. The female vampire was curled up against him, whimpering softly.

"Kitten, I wanna go to the place of glass." Xander looked at her for several minutes, before realizing that she meant his apartment. He nodded, he didn't really want to be in the same place as the man who raped and beat him. Perhaps it was cowardly. He knew that his friends and family would let him be the one to finally kill Jake, but he couldn't do it. Even now that Jake couldn't hurt him, he was afraid of the man.

Willow and Dawn stood up at the same time. "We'll go with you. I want to talk to Dru and see if there's anything I can do for her. Tara and I have been working on a spell that would control Spike's dementia. I think we could use it on Dru as well."

<B!RXander nodded; he wanted the spell to work. Xander had never really understood why Spike and Angel were forced to feel guilt about crimes committed when they were possessed. After all, no one blamed him for nearly raping Willow and trying to kill Buffy when he had been possessed by the hyena.

Now Dru was in the same position. All three had had themselves permanently souled. Angel had gone and suffered through the same torment that Spike had, in return for the permanent return of his soul. He never wanted to lose it again.

Turning his attention back to the girls and Dru, he stood and left the house. His first look at the night through his new senses made him weep. It was incredible! Dru crooned to him and they all climbed into Willow's car.


Jake howled in pain as, one by one, his fingers were broken. The slayer stared down at him with hated fille! d eyes that promised a great deal of pain before he was finally staked. The demon in him howled as well. Only instead of pain, it was rage that resounded in the vampire. Rage at being resouled, rage at knowing that his time in his new form would be short lived. The stupid human he inhabited had gone and enraged Angel and Spike. Two of the most dangerous vampires on the mortal plane.

Every demon knew about Angelus and Spike. The demons that resided inside of them had been tamed, integrated and accepted by the mortal souls that shared their forms.

Now, because of the human he inhabited, his first time on the mortal plane in nearly a century had been ruined. Instead of bathing in blood and pain, he was going to be the one in pain, and bleeding.

Jake howled again as he was stripped bare, and both clothing and flesh fell way. Buffy didn't let his howls distract her. In fact they fed her resolve. She knew that this creature had destroyed her ! Xander. Had caused him to bleed and to scream. That fed her rage and changed her mind about torture. Once upon a time, she would have thought she was above that. Not any longer.

She turned, and lifted the longer white taper that had been dipped in holy water, then spun the vampire around by his chained wrists. With a vicious lunge she embedded the candle into the vampire's rectum and watched as smoke curled out of the abused opening. She sneered and spun him back to face her. The vampire had begun to beg, and blood tinged tears ran down his cheeks.

"This is only the beginning, monster. You should never have touched Xander. After I'm through with you and we feed you human blood so that you can heal, Angel is going to take his turn. Then Xander's mate, Wil, will take his turn. And only after you've suffered as much as we feel you can, will we stake you," Buffy purred as she lifted another candle. Unlike the other one this one was lit. She began t! o spot burn him, making him scream in pain.

Behind them, Angel and Spike were smiling like proud parents. Their turns would come soon. In the meantime, they would enjoy the suffering that Buffy was inflicting on the monster that dared to touch what was theirs.


Xander walked into his apartment and felt a strange sense of unreality. The place was full of his things, but they seemed wrong, somehow. There was a faint tinge to the air and he dropped to his knees suddenly, howling out his grief.

Everything was lost. His job, his home, the future he had planned for himself. What would he do now? Who would he be now?

End for Now