Title: Chaotic

Author: D'Nalia

Fandom: Hercules/Xena, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Poltergeist the Legacy

Pairing: Ares/Joxer, Cupid/Strife, Xander/Spike, Nick/Jaden

Category: AU/Crossover,

Feedback: Please, to the list or to dnalia@yahoo.com

Rating: NC-17 over all

Archive: my site, joxerotica and WWOMB

Disclaimer: None of the characters in this story are mine except for Jaden and Kiara. The plot came out of my twisted little mind. No money made, no harm intended.

Warnings: m/m sex, graphic violence, torture, rape and other squick factors. Read at your discretion.

Notes: Yes, this is a triple crossover. Trust me, it'll make sense eventually. Besides, isn't Xander the perfect cross between Ares and Joxer? And Nick from PtL is just yummy. Now, on with the show.

The Prophecy

And so it shall come to pass that a child will be born of
a man of stone and a woman of light. Guard against his coming
for he is The Betrayer.

Seek the woman of light who bears the mark of darkness, attend
her closely. The child must be reft from his parents and
raised by none of his blood.

Show him neither kindness nor concern, for that shall be
your undoing, but guard him well, for should he pass before
the Day of Betrayal, all will be lost.

On the twenty-first event of his birth, his life shall be
forfeit. Speak the words of binding and let his blood flow,
lest the Dark One be brought to the living world again



by D'Nalia

Jonus of Corinth sat alone in his War Room, drinking wine from his favorite goblet. A place that had once been filled with warriors and coarse laughter now held only silence and cobwebs. It had taken less than a full day for his warriors to leave him. No matter what they had been through together, none of them had been willing to stay once Ares had disowned him.

The God of War's punishment had been complete. Jonus had been one of the most feared and respected Warlords in Greece. Now he was a laughing stock. Even slaves and peasants, who’d once bowed at him when he rode past, pointed and laughed. It was intolerable.

His wife, greedy bitch that she was, had tried to leave him. Tried and failed. Her bloody corpse still lay across their bed, right where he'd killed her. All of the servants had snuck away sometime during the night so it was unlikely anyone would discover the crime.

Jonus threw the goblet across the room in a fit of rage. Joxer, it was all his fault; the ungrateful whelp. One word from him could have stopped Ares, but he'd just sat there with that stupid smirk on his face. I should have drowned the little bastard when he was born.

Jett was the only one of his son's that was worth anything, even if he had occasionally protested against the beatings bestowed upon Joxer and Jace. It had taken years, but he’d finally managed to get Jett to see things his way. And now it was over, all of it.

Jonus pull his dagger and thoughtfully ran his thumb along the edge. Dark, red blood ran down the blade and dripped onto the floor. He spun it in his hand and placed the tip against his chest. Just as he started to thrust it into his own heart a hand took it away from him.

He snarled up at the blonde man holding his dagger, "Who in Tartarus are you? And what the ‘fuck’, do you think you’re doing?"

The man smiled, "It seems to me that we have a common enemy, Joxer. We both want him dead. You help me; I help you."

Jonus settled back into his throne, "And who are you that you think you can take on a God?"

The man handed Jonus his dagger back, hilt first, and smiled, "Call me Dahak."


Jett was nursing his third ale of the evening when his father’s ‘messengers’ arrived. "Your father wants to see you." Was all they said before they jumped him. Jett killed the first three, or thought he had, a dagger through the heart generally worked quite well. But for some reason the dead men just got up and came at him again. The small tavern was destroyed by the time Jett was finally subdued. One of the men carried Jett’s limp form out the door while the others made sure there were no witnesses left to tell the tale.

Piet crawled out from under the bar once he was sure the killers were gone. He was only six, but he was smart. No matter what his uncle had said. He edged around his uncle’s corpse and ran out the door, heading straight for Ares’ temple.


Ares was accustomed to receiving prayers at all hours of the day, but he’d never received one for Joxer before so it caught his attention.

"Lord Ares, I need to tell your husband something." A very small voice said. "His brother Jett was in my uncle’s tavern and some men came and took him away."

Ares hauled Joxer out of the tub and took them both to his temple.

Piet stared at the two God’s in shock and said the first thing that came to his mind, "You’re naked!" He quickly dropped his eyes to the floor and waited for the bolt of lightning to come kill him. When nothing happened he raised his eyes and found the two God’s staring at each other.


Ares turned to Joxer with the boy’s words ringing in his head. Joxer was naked, wonderfully so. They’d both been so busy, Joxer trying to keep Dahak’s power flow down to a minimum while Ares put out the wars Dahak started, that they hadn’t really had any time to spend together.

Ares was regretting spending so much time away from Joxer as he watched a trail of bubbles slowly course it’s way down Joxer’s smooth chest.

Joxer smiled archly at his husband and wiped the bubbles away with a sweep of his hand. A second later he was clothed in his customary gray, trying not to giggle when Ares whined petulantly.

Ares shook his head and forced his attention back to the boy who’d called out to him. "What’s your name?"

"Piet, Lord Ares, Lord Joxer." The little boy said as he bowed deeply.

Joxer laughed and led the boy over to his and Ares’ matching thrones. "Now Piet, tell us. What’s this about my brother Jett?"

Piet gulped and his face turned white, "He was in my uncle’s tavern drinking when a bunch of men came in. They said his father wanted to talk to him and then they jumped him. He fought them really hard, but even the ones he killed got back up. The men finally knocked him out, one of them carried him outside and the rest killed everyone in the tavern." Piet hung his head miserably, "I’m sorry Lord Joxer. I should have helped him, but I was scared so I hid under the bar."

Joxer raised the child’s chin and brushed the tears off his face, "You did the right thing Piet. You’ve helped a lot just be coming to tell me what happened. Now, what about you? Do you have any other family?"

"No. My uncle was the only family I had after my parents died." Piet suddenly burst into tears, realizing that he was all alone in the world.

Ares had no idea how to deal with a crying child, but he knew someone who did. ‘Mother. I need you.’

Hera heard Ares’ call and knew something was seriously wrong. Her child never called her ‘Mother’ unless something of catastrophic had happened. She immediately flashed into Ares’ temple and found Joxer holding a weeping child while Ares hovered nearby. She had to hide a smile, to Ares, a crying child was worse than losing a war. She couldn’t count the number of times he’d called out to her in desperation while trying to deal with Cupid and then again with Strife.

Hera gently lifted the boy from Joxer’s arms and settled with him in Ares’ throne. A simple touch told her all she needed to know about the child. She hugged him close and ran a comforting hand up and down his back, "Ares, you and Joxer go do what you need to do. I’ll take care of the little one."

"Thank you." Ares said quietly. He held out a hand to his husband and they vanished from sight.


The warrior dropped Jett’s unconscious form to the ground and called out to his master, "Dahak, it is done."

A rolling wave of the deepest black rose up from the ground, swelling until it had obscured the clearing and the man on the ground. When it receded, the warriors who called Dahak master were nothing more than withered husks, but their captive had vanished.


Ares and Joxer flashed into a scene of complete carnage. The walls were liberally splashed with blood and bodies were everywhere. Ares grimaced at the sight but Joxer didn’t seem to notice it at all. "Ares, do you feel that?"

Ares linked his senses through his husband’s and immediately knew what Joxer was referring to. "Dahak was here, or some of his people were."

"Yes, and they have Jett. We have to find them, and quickly." The two Gods left the tavern and followed the trail out of the city and into the woods. They hadn’t gone far when they came across the clearing.

Ares knelt and examined the bodies, "Joxer, these men have been dead for a very long time."

Joxer sighed, "No they haven’t. This is what happens to a human after Dahak is done with them."

Ares nudged one of the corpses and jumped back with a shout when it’s shriveled eyes rolled around and looked at him. "Joxer, it’s still alive." Ares said in a horrified voice.

Joxer wrapped his arms around his husband and hugged him tightly, "I know. Dahak always does this because he knows how much it bothers me. Come away Ares, I’ll deal with this." Joxer led the unresisting God to the edge of the clearing and focused his power. A resounding boom filled the air and the bodies burst into flame. There were reduced to ashes almost instantly, but they both heard muffled screams when the bodies ignited.

Ares shuddered, he had no problem with killing, but this? "Did you have to burn them?" he asked in a sick voice.

"Yes. That’s the only way. Even cutting the head off doesn’t work." Joxer said quietly.

"Dahak has a lot to answer for." Ares said.

"Yes he does." Joxer agreed. "We need to find Jett, and quickly. I’m not sure how long he’ll be able to hold out against Dahak."

Ares looked at his lover, his confusion evident, "Hold out? How can Jett hold out against Dahak?"

Joxer smiled sadly and cuddled against his husband’s chest, "Dahak can’t take anyone against their will. They have to accept him willingly. And he’ll do whatever’s needed to get them to agree. I know Jett, he won’t go willingly, but eventually he’ll wear down."

"Where would Dahak take him?"

"I don’t know. The trail just ‘ends’ here. We’ll have to go back to Olympus, we can search a wider area from there."


Jett opened one eye slightly and quickly glanced around the room. There were no guards that he could see, and he didn’t hear any movement so he opened both eyes and checked his surroundings. He was in his old room at his father’s fortress. He spied his clothes on a chair at the foot of the bed and reached out with one arm to pull them to him. He started pulled weapons from various pockets hidden in his clothing and immediately felt better. He could handle being physically naked, but being weaponless made his skin crawl.

He kept one dagger in his hand and dressed quickly, years of practice making it easy for him to do it with only one hand free. He was pulling his shirt on when he noticed something was missing. His scars, all of them were gone, the various aches and pains they caused gone with them. Jett was furious; he’d earned those scars, every damned one of them. To him they were badges of honor, not something to hide. And their absence meant that a God was involved. He opened the shutters covering the window and had one leg over the sill when his father came into the room.

"Leaving without saying goodbye Jett? I’m hurt." Jonus said jovially.

Jett put his foot back on the floor and turned to face his father, Jett knew all to well that when his father spoke in that tone of voice it was a good idea to keep him where you could see him. "Father. You’re looking well. How is Mother?"

Jonus' smile sent a chill down Jett’s spine, "She’s ‘indisposed’ at the moment son. But no matter, we have things to discuss and there’s someone I want you to meet."

Jonus lead the way to his war room and chuckled when Jett refused to enter the room ahead of him, "Don’t you trust me son?"

Jett remained silent and waited until his father had taken a seat next to the man waiting for them before seeking his own chair. Jett eyed the two men and said in a curiously dull voice, "What do you want from me?"

The stranger smiled, "We have a little ‘job’ for you. There’s someone we need dead and you’re just the man for the job."

Jett had an idea of who the stranger was, "If you want me to kill Joxer, forget it. I won’t do it. I don’t kill family. Which is a fortunate thing for some people."

Jett never looked at his father as he spoke but Jonus knew whom he was referring to. He started to rise to his feet but Dahak laid a not so gentle hand on his arm. "Joxer isn’t the target; Ares is. The two of them are so closely bonded together that Ares’ death will weaken Joxer so much he won’t be able to interfere with my plans."

Jett had no doubt at all about whom his father was working with now. There was only one person who’d want to kill Ares just to get to Joxer. "You’re Dahak aren’t you?"

Dahak bowed his head in recognition, "Very good Jett. I’m impressed. Now, how about it? Will you take the job?"

Jett knew he should just say yes and sneak away at the first opportunity, but his mouth overrode his brain, "No. I won’t. I want nothing to do with you or your plans."

Dahak laughed happily, "Oh, I was hoping you’d say that. Now I’ll just have to convince you to change your mind."


Joxer paced around the Halls of War restlessly. It had been almost a full day since Jett had been taken and there was still no sign of him. Joxer had checked Jonus' fortress several times but there was no sign of the evil God. Ares had warriors combing the countryside while he and Joxer searched using their powers. But Dahak had been ready for them. He’d left several pockets of contamination scattered over the land to confuse their search. Joxer was very afraid they would be too late.


Jett didn’t even have the strength to scream anymore. He dangled limply from the shackles about his wrists and let his mind go numb. There wasn’t an inch of his body that didn’t hurt. He kept trying to goad Dahak into killing him, but the Dark God was having too much fun. Every time Jett thought death would finally bring an end to his suffering Dahak would heal him and keep going. Even Jonus, sadistic bastard that he was, was sickened by some of the things Dahak had done. He finally left the room when Dahak decided raping his son might get him to change his mind.

Jett didn’t try to stop the screams of pain when Dahak’s huge cock had ripped into his body, but he wouldn’t give in and say what Dahak wanted to hear. He felt Dahak’s hand grabbed his genitals and cruelly twist them, forcing a squeal of pain out of his raw throat.

The Dark God leaned into Jett’s chest in an obscene parody of lovers cuddling together, "Just say you accept me Jett, and all the pain will stop. I’ll heal you and make you strong again. Now, tell me. Who is your God?"

Jett looked Dahak in the eye and managed to whisper, "Joxer. Joxer is my God."

Dahak screamed in rage and began pummeling Jett’s broken body. Jett felt something inside burst and with his dying thoughts called out, ‘Joxer. I’m sorry."


Joxer stilled when he heard his brother’s voice in his head, he threw his thoughts out and latched onto his brother’s fading energy. "Ares! I found him! Hurry, he’s dying!"

Ares ran into the room and grabbed his husband’s hand at the same time he was sending out a command to Asclepius. ‘We found Jett. Follow us quickly, he’s dying.’

The God of Healing heard Ares’ command and did as Ares said.


Jonus heard Dahak scream in rage and ran back into the dungeon. He got one good look at his eldest son’s mangled body and turned away. He headed for the door at a run but wasn’t fast enough to escape Dahak’s anger.


Joxer and Ares flashed into Jonus’ stronghold and ran to Jett. Joxer cradled his brother in his arms while Ares’ released the chains holding him upright. Asclepius arrived and immediately took over, pushing the other Gods out of his way. Joxer looked at what was left of his brother and felt the urge to kill someone. He reached out with his mind, but Dahak was already gone. He headed out of the room and almost tripped over his father’s body. He squatted down and stared into the still living eyes of the desiccated man who’d sired him. Those eyes begged for mercy, Joxer began pulling in his power to start the fire that would set his father’s soul free when Ares’ called to him. "Joxer, we need you!" Joxer rose without a word and went back to help his brother.


Asclepius’ power was the only thing keeping Jett alive. The damage to his body was so severe that as soon as he healed one trauma, another would take its place. "Ares, I’m going to need some help." He said calmly, his agile hands working feverishly.

"What do you need Asc?"

"I need you to feed power to me while I work. If I let go for a second, he’ll die."

Ares called out to his husband, knowing Joxer would be better suited for the task. "Joxer, we need you!" Joxer immediately came and knelt next to Jett’s body. Taking his brother’s hand in his, he laid the other on Asclepius’ shoulder, knowing what the God of Healing needed.

Asclepius felt a gentle surge of power flow into him and he used it ruthlessly. He sank his awareness deep into Jett’s body, trusting Joxer to feed him what he needed for as long as he needed. He healed injuries at their deepest level, pushing himself to go faster and faster, trying to keep ahead of the damage. Once he was sure the man would live he pulled his mind back and focused on the God next to him. In a tired voice he said, "Thanks Joxer. He’ll live now."

Joxer shook his head, "I have all the power you could ever need, keep going if you can. Please."

Asclepius grinned, he’d never had the opportunity to completely heal a person before, it took too much power, he’d always had to settle for healing the worst of the damage and then letting nature take it’s course. He went back to his task gleefully; taking all the power Joxer was feeding him and putting it to good use.


Ares crossed the room to see what had grabbed Joxer’s attention. He found Jonus in the same state as the warriors they’d found earlier in the clearing. He pulled in his power, ready to burn his former warlord to ashes when Joxer came to him and rested his hand on Ares’ arm. "No." He said quietly.

Ares looked at his husband in shock, "Joxer, what are you saying?"

"He wanted to serve Dahak Ares. That’s the only way Dahak could hide his presence here. He let that bastard torture his own son. Since he wants to serve Dahak so badly, let him." Joxer said in a cold voice.

Ares pulled his husband into his arms and spoke quietly in his ear, "I know you’re angry Joxer, I am too. But you aren’t cruel. Don’t let your rage make you do something you’ll regret later." Joxer stiffened in his arms and tried to pull away, but Ares held him tighter, "I love you Joxer, and I always will. But please don’t do this, don’t do something Dahak would do."

Joxer slumped in Ares’ arms and nodded his head weakly, "I want him to suffer Ares. He’s earned it, but you’re right; not even he deserves this."

Ares’ kissed the bowed head, "I’ll take care of it. You take care of Jett."

Joxer looked up at Ares with tears in his eyes, "I have to find my mother Ares. I think Jonus killed her, I can't feel her anymore." Joxer said in a shaky voice.

"No. Take Jett home, I’ll handle things here. I’ll be back as soon as I can."

Joxer gave him a sad smile and kissed him lightly before returning to his brother and Asclepius. Ares waited until they were gone before looking back at Jonus. "I’m going to set you free Jonus. Have fun in Tartarus, you’ve earned it, you bastard." Ares sent such a wave of power at the still living corpse that the stones it rested on cracked from the heat. He walked away without a backwards glance and began the search for Joxer’s mother.


Jonus awoke in a small, but luxurious room. It held a table full of the richest delicacies, a roaring fire in the hearth, comfortable chairs and a wide bed. There were no doors or windows, but what did that matter? He chuckled and settled himself in one of the chairs. If this was how he was to spend an eternity, being dead might actually be better than being alive. He reached for a goblet of deep red wine and saw a slight shimmer out of the corner of his eye. He turned to look and saw his wife take form. The harridan immediately began berating him in her high-pitched, nasal voice. "You bastard! Thought you could kill me and get away with it? I don’t know why I ever married you. My mother was right. You are worthless."

It went on and on, Jonus beat his head on the table. Eternity wasn’t so bright anymore.


Hades closed the scrying mirror and turned to his wife. He raised her hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss into the palm, "That was inspired my dear. Truly inspired."

Persephone smiled, "I’ve never seen two people who deserved each other more."

The God and Goddess of the Underworld shared a smile and left Jonus to his fate.


Ares found Joxer’s mother lying in a pool of dried blood. Flies crawled lazily over the corpse, too engorged with blood to even try to fly away.

Ares stared down at the bloated remains of the woman who’d given birth to his husband and felt no pity for her at all. She’d been one of the worst of Joxer’s abusers and Ares was glad to see her dead. He was only sorry he hadn’t had the opportunity to kill her himself.

He threw a ball of fire at the bedding and walked away, the merry crackling of the flames ringing in his ears. He quickly searched the remained of the house and found it deserted. He was looking through one of the out buildings when he began to feel slightly ill. The longer he searched, the worse the feeling became. His head swam and his stomach rolled. He leaned against a wall for a moment and tried to catch his breath, but it didn’t help. His vision started to get dark and he swayed. He managed to stay conscious long enough to see Joxer step out of mid air and felt his hands grab him as he collapsed.


Joxer took Ares directly to the bathing pool in their Olympian temple. He banished their clothing and gently settled Ares on one of the benches running along the interior edge of the pool. He picked up one of the large sponges they kept by the pool and began washing Ares’ body while he waited for him to wake up.

It didn’t take long for Ares to open his eyes and then snap them closed again with a pitiful groan. The room was spinning and his stomach seemed determined to spin with it. He felt a warm hand settle on his chest and the nausea faded slightly. He risked opening his eyes and found Joxer gazing at him, his concern evident. "Are you feeling any better Ares?"

"Yes. Some. What’s wrong with me?"

Joxer frowned, "Did you find my mother?"

"Yes, love. I did. I’m sorry. She’s dead." Ares said, quietly.

Joxer hung his head for a moment, and silently said goodbye to the woman who had given him life. "When my parent’s energies were released, you automatically tried to absorb it back into yourself. Because of the link, it’s instinctive for you now. But, they weren’t very good people. The things mortals do throughout their lives affect their energies. The better a person is, the cleaner their energy is. Unfortunately, my parents did some very bad things during their lives, it warped their energies and that’s what is making you sick. I need you to open the link between us as wide as you can. I’m sorry love, but it will probably make you feel worse for a while. I need to clean their energies and then you’ll feel better.

Ares gulped for air, the nausea was getting worse, "How do you clean it?"

Joxer stroked his hand through Ares’ hair, "I have to erase their identities, it will be like they never existed."

Ares grabbed Joxer’s hand in his, "Is that the only way? I didn’t care for them at all, and I can’t say I’m sorry they’re gone, but they were your parents."

Joxer tried to smile, and almost succeeded, "I’ll always be grateful for the life they gave me, but I can’t say I’ll really miss them. They never loved me, and I don’t really want to spend eternity with the echoes of their thoughts ringing through our minds. This will be for the best."

Ares pressed a small kiss on Joxer’s cheek, "Let’s do it. Are you ready?"

"Yes. Take a deep breath, I’ll be as fast as I can."

Ares drew in a breath and pushed out with his mind. The pain that rang through their link was excruciating, but he managed to hold on. He felt Joxer moving through the link and into his mind. There was warmth and love moving through the pain, muting it, changing it. Ares felt the sickness plaguing him lessen until it faded into nothingness. He sighed with relief and opened his eyes; he smiled at his husband and let Joxer gently push him into a restful sleep.


Asclepius sighed tiredly and rubbed his eyes. Joxer had been more than generous with his power, but Asclepius had kept nothing for himself, he’d put it all into his patient. The very thing that made him such a good healer also made him a lousy God. At least according to the rest of his family. His temple was very small, only three rooms, and had very few of the conveniences the others took for granted. But how could he justify using his power to make his own life easier when so many people suffered? He shook his head, laughing at himself, ‘One of these days Asc, you’ll at least keep enough power to heat water.’

He pushed himself to his feet and slowly walked over to the stone hearth set into the wall. He checked the large kettle he always kept next to the fire and saw it was just starting to steam. He picked it up and staggered back over to where his patient lay sleeping quietly.

Joxer had wanted to take Jett to his own temple, but he’d managed to talk him out of it. While Jett’s injuries may have been healed, he was still going to need a lot of rest and care to get back on his feet. Asclepius wasn’t ready to think about all of the healing his mind and spirit would require. Jett was bound to have nightmares after his ordeal, and there was no telling what else. Everyone reacted differently to trauma; some shrugged it off, while others screamed and cried non-stop for weeks. It was the ones who kept everything bottled up inside that had the most trouble. Their fear, pain and anger festered inside until it either consumed them or erupted in violence. They were the ones that most often committed suicide, unable to face the demons tormenting their minds.

Asclepius was hoping for the screaming and crying, but given Jett’s background, didn’t really expect it to be that easy. Asclepius gently washed the blood and dirt from Jett’s body, more than pleased to see clear, unblemished skin emerge from beneath the grime. Asclepius wasn’t normally given to pride, but this had been, without a doubt, some of his finest work. He finished bathing the sleeping man and covered him with a soft blanket. He knew from too many heartbreaking experiences that the safer Jett felt, the faster he would heal.

He cleaned the kettle and refilled it before setting back on the hearth. He was hungry, but was too tired to even try to make anything to eat. He pulled his extra blanket from the chest at the foot of the bed and settled into his chair. There was more than enough room for two in his only bed, but the last thing Jett needed was to wake up with a stranger sleeping beside him. The last of his reserves gone, Asclepius slid into sleep.


Jett waited until he heard the other man’s breathing slow and deepen. He opened his eyes and looked at the person who had been taking care of him. He was tall, at least as tall as Jett himself was, but where Jett had some bulk to him, this man had none. He was almost skinny. His light brown hair hung limply against his cheeks, drawing attention to the dark circles under his eyes. There was nothing remarkable about his face; he was so average most people wouldn’t look at him twice. But Jett wasn’t most people. He saw determination in the rounded chin, and kindness in the lines on his face.

Jett didn’t know how he came to be in this man’s care, but he felt safe, a highly unusual sensation for him. He closed his eyes and slid back into sleep. He’d ask questions tomorrow.


Joxer ran his hands through Ares’ hair, just enjoying the time to watch his mate sleep. He wanted it to last, but he needed to check on Jett. There was no doubt Asclepius was taking good care of him, but, knowing Jett, he wouldn’t make it easy, for any of them.

He carefully slid Ares’ head from his lap and pressed a soft kiss on the slightly parted lips. Ares mumbled, snuggling down deeper into the pillows. Joxer smiled, Ares looked so sweet when he was sleeping. Not that Joxer would ever be willing to tell him that to his face. The God of War didn’t do ‘sweet’. Which was, of course, a lie. Joxer had his rose garden, Melid had his own little house on the edge of that garden, and Ares made time every day to spend with the aged warrior. But, he still denied he was ‘sweet’. Joxer sighed wistfully, wishing he could just crawl back into bed, but first, time to check on Jett.


Asclepius tried to roll over and fell out of his chair. He landed with a thump and a groan, "I really need to get another bed in this place." He slowly picked himself up and staggered over to the bathing chamber to relieve himself. After washing his face, he went back into the main room and started water for tea. He was searching for a clean mug when Joxer appeared in the doorway, "Good morning, Joxer. Would you like some tea, or maybe something to eat?"

Joxer immediately noticed the signs of exhaustion in the other god, "Asclepius, sit down. I’ll make us something to eat."

The God of Healing started to argue, but seeing the stubborn determination on Joxer’s face, he shrugged ruefully and sat at his lone table. Joxer took a seat next to him and materialized a large breakfast for the two of them. Asclepius’ eyes grew wide at the sight of all the food on the table. He seldom ate very well, mostly just cheese and bread and occasionally some fruit. Joxer had made eggs and sausage, cheese pastries, fresh milk, juice, toasted bread and a huge plate of Baklava. Asclepius had never had the sweet pastry for breakfast before, but it looked and smelled delicious. He filled his plate several times, finally able to eat his fill. Joxer watched in stunned amazement as the slender God packed away enough food to feed three mortals.

Asclepius finally pushed his plate away with a groan, "Oh, Gods, that was wonderful, Joxer. Thank you."

Joxer had been studying the other God as he ate and came to some disturbing conclusions. His robes were thin and worn, the furniture was shoddy, and his temple was smaller than the house Ares had built for Melid. But, it was when he checked Asclepius’ energy levels that he became seriously concerned. He searched through his link and found the drain, or rather, drains, on Asclepius’ power. One line was tied directly to Jett, and several others were tied to various mortals. They all had one thing in common; they’d all been horribly injured. The mortals all needed the healing, many were confined to their beds, but Asclepius was wearing himself to a thread trying to take care of all of them at once.

Further study showed that the instant someone sent a prayer to the God, that power was turned and sent out to mortals who needed it more. Asclepius was keeping very little for himself. Only enough to maintain his form, he didn’t even have the energy to make food for himself. And the sight of a crumpled blanket lying on the chair next to the bed where Jett was resting told its own tale.

He reached out a hand and laid it on Asclepius’ shoulder, he fed a stream of power into the exhausted God, and tied it off before it could be sent out. Asclepius looked angry for a moment, and then reddened in embarrassment, "Thank you, Joxer, but that wasn’t necessary. I’m fine."

"Asc, you’re exhausted. I can appreciate you wanting to help people, but you’ll be able to do more good if you can actually stand on your feet. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to help those who need you."

Asclepius hung his head, "I know that, Joxer. But, there’s so many I can’t save." He looked into Joxer’s swirling gray eyes and shrugged, "What can I say? I’m arrogant enough that I hate it when I lose a patient."

Joxer burst into laughter, "That’s not arrogance, that’s compassion. You’re the least arrogant being I’ve ever met. "

Asclepius smirked; he had to get in a dig of his own, "I guess you ‘would’ know about arrogance. After all, you are married to the God of Arrogance. Or was that the God of War?"

Joxer stared at him for a moment and then laughed harder, "I like you Asc, so I won’t tell him you said that. Even if it is true."


The sound of hearty laughter finally forced Jett to open his eyes, he felt panic rising in him for a second until he remember where he was. A gentle hand touched his shoulder; he looked up into the soft blue eyes of the man who’d been taking care of him the night before.

"How do you feel?" the man asked, in a voice as soft as his eyes.

"I don’t know." Jett said, equally softly.


The assassin turned at the sound of his brother’s voice. He saw no anger or recrimination in those strange eyes, just concern. Jett felt tears well up in his eyes and was wrapped in strong arms before he could speak. He looked up into the soft blue eyes of his caretaker and heard the man say, "You’re safe here. I promise. Nothing can hurt you here." The litany went on and on. Jett let the quiet words wash over him, and lull him back to sleep.

Asclepius covered his patient and turned to face Joxer, "We need to talk."
