Blue Heritage

by Kate R

Fandom: Buffy/Power Rangers

Disclaimer: Rangers belong to Saban, Giles and co belongs to joss. This is for entertainment and fun.

Rating: PG-13 to R

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, Jason/Billy

Summary: What does Giles do all summer? Does he have a family?

Blue Heritage
by Kate R.

Prologue: The Call

"Yes, Doctor," Giles was saying as the Scoobies walked into the library. "Yes, you have my permission. I know. I'll be there as soon as I can. Yes, my full permission to operate. Yes. Yes. Until then, goodbye." Giles hung up and turned to the Scoobies. He knew they were waiting for something from him but at this moment he could not give it to them. He had to get moving. Something very important had just come up.

"I'll see you in September," he said as he took off his tweed jacket and walked out of the library.

"Giles!" Buffy called. She ran after him and grabbed his am.

He turned so fast she was shocked as he hurled her backwards and she landed clear across the library.

"I. Have. To. Go. He repeated slowly and enunciating each word. "I. Will. See. You. All. In. September."

He walked out of the library then and went home to change. Then, he went to the only person he felt comfortable asking a favor of: Joyce Summers.

"Of course you can borrow the car, Giles," she said once he'd explained. "Could you take Dawn with you? Her Summer Camp starts in a week in Angel Grove and I was hoping...."

"Of course but we need to go now," he said.

Joyce nodded the car already being packed and Giles hustled Dawn in. She hugged her mom goodbye and got into the passenger seat. Giles was wearing slacks and a button down shirt but not tweed and he had a suitcase packed as well. He started the car and they drove out. She knew she was leaving a week early but Giles had to go now and she wanted to get there anyway. Dawn was excited.

They drove past the school where the Scoobies were staring at the car and he saw Buffy glaring but he had no choice. He had to get to Angel Grove Now.

"Giles, why are we going?" Dawn asked.

Giles sighed and looked at the girl. "Someone there needs me," he told her.

"Who?" she asked.

"My son," he said.

Dawn made a slight 'oh' face but settled into silence as Giles drove them north. He had to go so they were going. Dawn could understand the need now.

His son.

Wo....Giles had a son? Neat. Learn something new everyday.

Chapter 1: Watcher's Son

The car was parked and she and Giles were running into the hospital. Dawn followed Giles knowing he had to be here now. She trailed him all the way up to a waiting room where there were a group of teenagers waiting.

"Mr. Giles!" one called and Giles turned and smiled.

"Hallo, Jason," he said. He gave the boy a hug as well as a girl with chestnut hair. He was introduced to another boy specifically before it was introductions all around.

"Who are you?" Native American boy named Tommy asked. Giles sighed and the Asian boy gave him a "Duh" look.

"My name is Rupert Giles," he said. "I'm Billy's father."

"Say what?" was the general response. Giles ignored the disbelief and sat with the group who knew him. Dawn sat with him as they watched and waited.

Finally a doctor came out and spoke with Giles. Giles listened and nodded.

"I'll be here now," Giles was saying. After explaining why he didn't live with Billy, he and the doctor were going to do something about the neglect Billy lived with. The boy had been malnourished as well as having appendicitis and Giles was not amused and nor was the doctor.

"Can I see him?" Giles asked. The doctor nodded and after Giles assured everyone Billy was going to be okay, led the librarian to a room where his son was lying asleep.

The boy woke seeming to sense the presence watching him. He smiled when he saw it was Giles.

"Hi, dad," Billy whispered.

"Hello Billy," Giles said as he brushed the boy's hair from his face. "Something of a role reversal this summer eh?"

"Yeah," Billy whispered. "Last year I took care of you after you got out of the hospital."

"Well," Giles said. "I'm here early but that just gives us time.

Of course, I had to being Dawn with me because she's in Kimberly's camp group. I had to borrow her mother's car to get here as fast as I needed to."

"It's okay, dad," Billy said. "I'm just glad you're here."

"I'm glad I'm here too, little one," Giles said. "I'll be taking custody of you as well, little one. You were sick as well as having appendicitis."

"Good," Billy said sleepily as he started to drift off. "Love you, daddy."

"Love you too, little one," Giles said as he wrapped one of his tweed jackets around his boy's body. Billy liked the smell of tweed. He said it reminded him of Giles.

Giles chuckled as he left the room. He walked out to where the others were waiting and looked at Tommy directly.

"He's sleeping," Giles said. "He had exhaustion and regular sickness as well as the appendicitis. You tell your boss we will be taking a vacation this summer. If he wants Billy he had better bring me as well and if it isn't really important hell be eating Chaos from an enraged Chaos Mage."

"Hello Ripper," Dawn said with a giggle. Giles chuckled and then looked at the girl.

"What am I going to do with you while I'm taking care of Billy? We have a week before your camp starts."

"She can hang out with me," Kimberly said. "I'll be at the Youth Center and I think Dawn might like to go there."

"If you don't mind," Dawn asked nervously.

"No problem," Kim said. She knew Giles would need some help getting things handled while Billy was sick so she would keep an eye on Dawn and Jason would help with other things as would Adam.

Giles sighed. That was one less thing for him to worry about. That was for sure.

"Thank you, Kim," he said as he walked back to Billy's room. "Thank you very much."