Title: Blood Ties

Author: Kate R.

Disclaimer: Joss owns all

Rating: PG-13 to R for blood and violence and disturbing images of torture and pain

Pairings: Angel/Wes, Xander/Spike, Giles/Ethan

Summary: Blood calls to Blood when Angel needs Spike for revenge.


Blood Ties
by Kate R.

Prologue: Childe Arrives

The Black Desoto with its Blacked out windows pulled up outside the Hyperion Hotel just after sunset. Spike was driving. He got out silently still with the grim look on his ace and went around to the back passenger seat where Rupert Giles lay in an exhausted, nearly unconscious state. He lifted the exhausted watcher into his arms and carried him into the courtyard with Xander following him. When they got into the lobby, Spike laid Giles on one of the couches and covered him with his duster. Then, still not saying a word, he walked up the steps. Xander followed him feeling this was wrong and bad and hell was going to result from whatever had happened to make Spike drive during the day with a passed out form exhaustion watcher and a Xander who was an inch of becoming his mate. Spike was explaining everything it would men, everything vampire to Xander so he fully understood what it meant to do this.

"Sire," Spike said as he opened a door softly.

Xander followed him into the suite and to the bedroom area where he found Angel sitting by a
bed. He couldn’t see who was in the bed but whoever it was, Angel looked terrible.

"William," Angel said in acknowledgement not turning from the bed. "Thank you for coming."

"You called me through the Blood, Sire," Spike said quietly. "Even were I mated fully I would come. What is it? What happened?"

"My Chosen One was hurt," Angel whispered. "My beautiful one was hurt because of a damn lawyer from Stan's Law Firm with a grudge."

"Sire what happened?" Spike asked again.

Xander didn't understand why. Angel had answered once.

"I took his hand," Angel whispered. "So, he took one of mine."

Xander moved forward and stared at what---who was lying on the bed.

"Wesley?" he whispered.

"My Beautiful One," Angel whispered. "My Right Hand. I took one of his hands so he took one of mine. He---if I had gotten here sooner. If I had just---."

"Sire," Spike said. "We will take vengeance for this outrage. They touched Your Mate. I see the marks. You claimed this man at some point. The Clan may take retribution for this. And by all the demons in hell, Sire, We Will."

"You'll help me, Childe?" Angel asked.

Spike nodded and gestured for Xander to start changing the dressings on Wesley's wounds. "We are Blood, Sire. We are Clan. I will help you avenge your mate. I wanted to introduce you to mine and as you to help me find Rupes'. But, Sire, I am here. I will help you do this. I will get your blood from these bastards."

"You can kill all the demons that did this, Childe," Angel said as he wiped a blood tear a way and leaned forward to kiss Wesley's forehead. "But Lindsey MacDonald is Mine."


Chapter 1: Catching Up

"Sire," Spike said. "Could you wait a moment before you tell us everything? I gotta go get something I left on your couch in the lobby."

"Of course, William," Angel said as Xander continued to brush Wesley's face with a cool cloth. Spike was back a moment later carrying a pale, sick looking Giles.

"What happened to him?" Angel asked.

"Buffy," Xander said as he traded places with Spike.

Spike soothed Wesley for a moment until Angel took over, and then went back to where
Xander was sitting smoothing Giles' hair off his face.

"He needs his mate, Sire," Spike said gently. "Ethan always gives him strength to stand up to Buffy. I know Ethan is here in LA somewhere and we need him. We need him for Rupes."

"That makes Xander Your Mate, correct, Childe?" Angel asked as he kisses Wesley's forehead again.

Spike nodded.

"You have my blessing, Childe," Angel said gently. "Care for each other. Xander, you will never find a more loving, emotional vampire than my boy William. How did Buffy cause that in Giles?"

"I'd rather have Ethan here before I say, Sire," Spike said. "But, could you maybe tell me what you ant done about Lindsey MacDonald?"

"I am going to hire Ethan to help but I want Lindsey to pay for this. He raped Wesley with a goddamn Cattle prod. And his fucking fake hand. I want him to hurt the most for that but I want him to know how it is to go hungry for weeks, months. 2 gods damned Months Lindsey had Wesley and he tormented him with food. Tortured him with it and Wes was hungry. God he was so hungry. He hit him in the head with a bat when I got there. He hit him so hard and Wes hasn't woken up since. He hit him because he was tired of hearing Wes scream. I want Lindsey to scream. I want to hear him beg and cry and plead for mercy. Then, I want to laugh and tell him no. I want him to suffer, Childe. I want him to suffer a million torments before I snap his neck and walk over his body where I drop it. I want him to scream, William. I want him to die."

"And he will, Sire," Spike said as he shifted Giles up slightly so they could pour some water down his throat. "He'll beg to die before we kill him. Easy now, Rupes. We won't take it away from you. Sip it slow."

"Buffy did that?" Angel asked.

Spike nodded and hugged Giles tighter as he cringed in his sleep at the bare mention of Buffy's name.

"She runs him till he's exhausted and then makes him run some more. This is the second time this has happened. I swore it would be the last. I need someone to fix it though. I need Ethan."

"We'll find him, then," Angel said as he touched Giles' face. "We'll find him and bring him here. My vow."

Spike nodded and moved to the window where he stood looking out. "Where is the cheer leader, Sire? I want her and anyone else warned I'm here and that mine are off limits. I won't let anyone else hurt them, Sire. I refuse."

"I'll make it known, Childe," Angel said as he stood watching over the sleeping men. "No one will hurt them. No one will threaten, scare or intimidate in anyway these two and Ethan when he gets here will be under the same protection."

"Thank you, Sire," Spike said. "Thank you very much."

Angel nodded and they looked out the windows into the night. Soon, they would repair this mess. Soon, those who had hurt what was theirs would pay. Soon.