Title: A Talk Between Friends

Author: CaliaDragon

Cartegory: AU/Pre-Slash

Pairing: Xander/Angel, Willow/Oz, Buffy/Faith

Fandom: Buffy

Spoilers: Season 3

Warnings: none

Rating: R

Feedback: On list or at Caliadragon@myself.com

Archive: Any list I send it to, those with prior permission and BC

Summary: Xander, Willow and Buffy talk about the changes in their lives.

Part 6 in the About a Boy Series.

Thanks to Edi for the beta.

A Talk Between Friends
Author: CaliaDragon

Xander leaned back on his elbows and closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his face. Buffy and Willow grinned at eac h other as they came upon him. The last few days had been filled with violence, loss and confusion. The Mayor had been defeated and the Ascension stopped. However, they had lost several friends and members of their graduating class. Willow was just glad that all of the Scoobies and both Slayers had survived. The Mayor had gone after Faith and Buffy just as they had planned. They knew that he would target the two girls. Faith, because she had refused to take his side and Buffy, just for being who she was.

Xander's plan had gone off without a hitch, and he wasn't even upset that his uberbitch ex-girlfriend was now involved with Wesley. The two girls felt that Angel had something to do with that attitude, but had yet to ask if they were right. Buffy was worried about how they would react to the news that she was gay and involved with Faith.

The two girls gave each other a sly smile before tackling Xander. He let out a shocked yelp, then a shout of laughter as the two girls began to tickle him unmercifully. After a few minutes they stopped and sat back. All three of them were laughing breathlessly. The just sat, grinning, for several minutes before Buffy blurted out, "I'm gay and dating Faith."

The other two looked at her before Xander laughed and Willow groaned. "You owe five bucks, Miss Willow!" Xander crowed as Willow pouted at him. Buffy looked back and forth between the two before she started laughing.

"You already knew!" she accused. The other two grinned at her and nodded.

"So now that my big announcement has been announced, what have you called us here for, Xander?" Buffy asked with a grin.

"Angel wants me to go to L.A. with him," Xander said hesitantly.

The two girls sighed sadly. That's what they had been afraid of. "We're gonna miss you like crazy," Willow said tearfully. Buffy nodded and Xander was touched to see no anger in her eyes.

The three hugged for a moment before pulling away. "So, have you two done it yet?" Buffy asked, making Xander choke and Willow chortle at the look on her best friend's face.

"No, but he did kiss me. He said the Powers want me with him. Cordy and Wes are staying here on the hellmouth and getting a place together," Xander said with a half smile.

The other two nodded. Everyone had seen how close the Watcher and Cordy were getting and they weren't surprised by the announcement. "So, are Spike and that cutie Doyle going with you?" Buffy asked.

"Yeah, we're all going to be working together in LA, though I'm not sure the city's ready for us." That made the three friends laugh wickedly. LA would never know what hit it.

The End For Now