unfinished ROUND ROBIN begun By Cathryn

CATEGORY: Liarverse/Labyrinth crossover.

CHALLENGE fic (it's just fun to capitalize, okay?)

RATING: PG, to be safe

SUMMARY: Ethan is looking forward to an easy babysitting job for Xavy and Sophie when their parents go out on a double date. After all, they're going through that thing that children do when they are obsessed with one specific movie - in this case, "Labyrinth" - and Ethan reasons that the odds they'll be glued to the TV all night, thus making things easier on him, are very good. Then, things are complicated a bit when the kids have a fight and Sophie wishes Xavy away . . . (note: this is taking place when the kids are four.)

NOTES: This is a challenge fic because, while this first part is clear in my mind and I am anxious to write it, I have no ideas for the rest of it. This to me indicated that it is meant to be a challenge. If I get ideas, I may continue it, or I may not. Whether I do or not, it is still a challenge fic and everyone is free to continue it if they like.

DISCLAIMER: Okay, this should be interesting. Ethan, Amy, Jonathan, Xander, and Angelus belong to Joss's verse. Xavy and Sophie belong to Chelle's Liarverse. Jareth and the Labyrinth belong to whoever it was who wrote the book that the movie is based on."A Simple Babystting Job"



unfinished ROUND ROBIN begun By Cathryn

"Now be good for Ethan, okay, honey?" Amy set Sophie on the floor and hugged her goodbye.

"'Kay!" Sophie squirmed out of her mother's arms as Xavy galloped over, demanding,"Can we watch it *now*? I've been waiting for you for years!"

"Yeah!" The children reaced to the VCR.

"Now what's this?" Ethan asked, watching his charges with affectionateamusement.

"Labyrinth," Xander explained. "Y'know, the Jim Henson movie? They'll
probably watch it a couple of times. I hope you like David Bowie."

"Hurry up, we're late!" Jonathon called, attempting to usher Angelus through the door and getting a mild warning growl for his troubles.

"We're doing dinner and a play tonight, we'll be back in a few hours," Xander said. "It's a weekend, they can stay up late, you know the drill."

Ethan smiled. "Enjoy," he replied. As the adults hurried out, he heard Amy say to Jonathon, "I don't know if I like them watching this movie so much, honey. They might start getting ideas."

Half an hour into the movie, Ethan began to understand the witch's concerns. In respects to the few substantiated stories he'd read about the Labyrinth, the movie had proved itself, thus far, to be astonishingly acccurate. Ethan had the uneasy feeling that the method given for getting to the Labyrinth was equally authentic. The myths themselves were always either vague or ridiculous on this point, but this was crystal clear and sensible.

Ethan's uneasiness grew as the movie unfolded. Whoever had been on the creative end of things had really done his homework. He watched as the children's attention span began to dwindle toward the end, and agreed to a second viewing, being as intimately familiar as he had become over the years with their attention spans.

Sure enough, they disappeared into Xavy's room at about the time Sarah was conversing with the worm. Ethan turned the movie off with a shudder. It wasn't a moment too soon for him - not only did the movie unnerve him, but Sarah's whining had successfully put his teeth on edge.

The kids had left the door partially open, and Ethan was content to leaf through a magazine, keeping an ear on their playing. He heard nothing but an amiable, fairly tame round of "playing pretend", and his attention eventually drifted.

It came back with a start when sudden yelling erupted from the bedroom -the sounds of a rapidly escalating argument. Ethan stood up and was about to go mediate, when a supernatural chill shot through him. It somehow prompted him to go to the window and search the darkness, for what he wasn't sure. Later, he would realize that the distraction was exactly that: a distraction, a way to keep Ethan from preventing Sophie's shrill, angry cry."I wish the goblins would come take you away *right* *now*!"

The lights went out. But it was more than that - every particle of light was sucked from the apartment, leaving a blackness that even the magicly experienced Ethan had never seen. "NO!" he yelled, running for the bedroom, somehow tripping over nothing.

He found the bedroom door just as the light returned, revealing Sophie, still and small and pale, huddled on the floor.


"Xavy?" Ethan called, more out of reflex than any real hope. He was unsurprised when he received no answer. On the floor, Sophie snapped out of her shock and began to cry. Ethan knelt and hugged her tightly. "I didn't *mean* it!" Sophie whimpered miserably. "I *didn't*!"

"I know," Ethan soothed gently. "I know."

"A lot of good that does him now," a voice remarked from behind Ethan. He couldn't see it's owner, but Sophie, peering over his shoulder, could. She gasped and clutched Ethan tighter. "Jareth!"

Ethan stood, still holding Sophie, and turned around.

The Goblin King stood in the doorway, leaning casually again the doorframe, yet still very imposing. He had arched an eyebrow in surprise at Sophie's recognition - very few people even knew who he was these days, let alone his name. He studied the little girl, who had squirmed around in Ethan's arms to face him and was solemnly looking back.

"Come here," Jareth said abruptly.

Sophie looked nervously up at Ethan, who set her gently on the floor. "Go on, it's all right," he encouraged. He was sure it was - the Goblin King had power only over those wished away or those within his Labyrinth.

Jareth knelt to Sophie's eye level. "I can give you a very special gift, little one," he told her. "The gift of acceptance by all who meet you. It is something all humans strive for, and none accomplish, and yet it is yours for the taking. You need only to forget your young friend. Give him to me."

Sophie's four year old mind couldn't grasp most of what Jareth was saying to her, but she got the general idea. "No. Want Xavy," she said as stubbornly as she could despite her fear.

Incongruously, Ethan was suddenly put in mind of her mother. Tensely, he waited for the King to grow angry.

He didn't. In fact, his reaction was just the opposite. A tiny smile quirked the corners or his mouth. "You know what that means, Sophie, I know you do," he remarked.

Ethan caught his meaning instantly and stepped forward. "Your Majesty," he protested.

Jareth took a few seconds before rising and looking at Ethan, who made a graceful bow before continuing, reflexively deferring to the King's stature. "Surely you don't mean to put her through the Labyrinth? She is -"

"- more than capable," Jareth interrupted sharply.

"She is a child." Emboldened by his urgency, Ethan took another step forward. "The Labyrinth with eat her alive and we both know it."

"She wished him away. Only she can save him."

"Is that an absolute? Or merely a rule?" Ethan demanded.

Jareth's eyes flashed. "Are you implying the rules are not absolutes?"

Ethan ignored the doubletalk. "You are the King," he persisted. "You can change the rules."

"And what are you suggesting? Are you saying that I should change ways that have existed for longer than I have ruled for this one small bit of humanity?"

"It is withn your power to do so . . . is it not?" Ethan challenged. It was a dangerous thing to say, and he knew it. It was all he could do to remain collected under the King's hard glare.

"So I should give up what is rightfully mine because of a child's fit of pique. I can't say I care much for your sense of logic, Mr. Rayne."

"It is because of that fit of pique that Xavier is within your power!" Ethan countered. He switched tactics suddenly, holding out his hands supplicatingly. "Please, let me go in her place." He knew very well that the more humble approach would not fool Jareth, but he hoped to at least give the King pause, perhaps even press him into thinking the matter over.

"Why?" Jareth asked after a lengthy pause.

Ethan had an answer ready. "Because you already have the advantages. Give this one small thing. Allow Xavier that much more of a chance to return to his family."

Another pause, then, "If you do not solve the Labyrinth in thirteen hours, Xavier will have a new family."

Ethan recognized the statement as a granting of his request. "Thank you," he said softly.

Sophie burst forward, wrapping her arms around Ethan's legs. He gently disentangled himself and knelt in front of her. "Now, Sophie, you must be good," he instructed gently. "Sit quietly until your parents get home. And be very, very brave, just like I'm sure Xavy is doing right now. Explain everything to them calmly. Your mother will believe you, even if nobody else does." He hoped. "I have to go now. I'll come back with Xavy."

Sophie nodded, but didn't ask for a promise.

Somehow, she knew better.

"Good girl." Ethan kissed her and stood, looking to Jareth, who was no longer there.

The door did not open into a hallway; it opened onto a small plateau, beyond which lay an intricately plotted and subtly shifting maze. The Labyrinth.

A glance down at Sophie told him that she did not see it. Just a hallway. She would not be able to follow after him, should she try.

Ethan squared his shoulders and walked out onto the plateau. As he surveyed the scene before him, he began to grow excited, in spite of the dangers, or perhaps because of them. He heard something strange in the wind - laughter?

A blinding realization suddenly hit him - he had played right into Jareth's hands. The King wanted him to traverse the Labyrinth. Why?

Ethan set it from his mind. There was no time to ponder it now. He could do it later. If, indeed, the answer did not eventually make itself clear. Ethan began to climb down the plateau, his excitement rising with each step.



Almost at once the brightly colored fairies began to swarm around him. He simply batted them away, not caring for their extraordinary beauty. His mind swam with the knowledge that he, Ethan Rayne, was about to enter the labyrinth. It was almost too much to believe.

His lips curled into a small smile. He would get the boy back, this he was sure of. And then he would know why Jareth wanted him inside the Labyrinth.

He stopped next to the high outer wall of the Labyrinth. **How do I get in?** he wondered. His mind flashed back to the movie. If it was true to form, he should be talking to that goblin right now. **Now what was his name again?**

Ethan's thoughts trailed off as the most beautiful man he had ever seen walked towards him. Without thinking about it, Ethan formed the word that was rushing through his mind. "Beautiful," he whispered.

"No, I'm Hoggle," the man said with a soft smile.

"You're Hoggle," Ethan asked incredulously. **Well of course the movie couldn't portray goblins as beautiful. People would never accept it.**

"Of course I'm Hoggle," the man answered.

"Where's the entrance to the Labyrinth?" Ethan asked.

"At the door," Hoggle said.

"Where's the door," Ethan frowned lightly. This wasn't exactly what he wanted to be doing right now. He had Xavy to save, and the hardening bulge in his pants wasn't helping him think too clearly.

"What door?" questioned Hoggle. He smiled to himself. He loved playing these games with the visitors to the Labyrinth, and this man interested him greatly.

"The door to the. . .never mind. You're not helping at all," Ethan spat out. He was getting frustrated, frustrated in his search for the entrance, frustrated in his ability to get the child, and frustrated in his struggle to not throw himself at the other man-make that goblin.

"Correction, you're just not asking the correct questions," Hoggle returned, stepping closer to Ethan. He was now just an arm's reach away.

Ethan was fascinated when Hoggle's tongue slipped out and ran a slow path around his lips.

"How, how do I get into the Labyrinth?" Ethan stuttered out. He had never gotten tongue tied before, but he was seconds away from throwing this goblin down on the ground and fucking him hard and fast.

"Through the door right over there," Hoggle said, pointing to the plain brown door in the wall. Ethan glanced at it. When he turned back, Hoggle was right up next to him, with barely a hair's width between them. "But are you sure it is the Labyrinth that you want in?" Hoggle whispered, before gently pressing his lips against Ethan's.

Ethan stood stunned as Hoggle gently kissed him. But when Hoggle pulled away, Ethan was pushed into action. Pulling Hoggle flush against him, he pressed his lips firmly against the goblin's, roughly taking his mouth in a passionate kiss. But it was Hoggle who went the next step. While the kiss went on and on, Ethan conquering his mouth, Hoggle quickly unfastened Ethan's pants. With a quick motion, Hoggle dropped to the ground and quickly covered Ethan's hard member with his mouth.

Ethan tossed his head back and moaned. Hoggle began to gently lick the weeping tip, then nibbled his way down one side and up the other. After teasing Ethan by just taking in the tip and nothing more, he finally sucked the entire length into his mouth. Hoggle moved his warm mouth up and down Ethan's shaft, slowly, sucking gently, as he fingered Ethan's heavy balls.

Just when Ethan dug his fingers into Hoggle's shoulders as he prepared to climax. Hoggle pulled away.

Ethan could only stare through lust filled eyes as Hoggle pulled up his pants and refastened them. With a gentle kiss to Ethan's lips, Hoggle pulled away. "You had better hurry mortal," Hoggle called back to him. "Time is ticking away. . .and Jareth is waiting. He would have my head if I had let you cum before he got his hands on you."

With a kiss blown from his fingertips, Hoggle disappeared.

Panting from lack of release, Ethan quickly unzipped his pants and pulled out his straining member. Wrapping one hand loosely around it, he jerked himself once, twice, three times, as he closed his eyes and pictured the Goblin King kneeling before him, sucking and licking. With a hoarse cry of "Jareth," Ethan came, shooting his load onto the ground.

Tucking himself back into his pants, he turned, and with a sigh opened the door to the Labyrinth and stepped inside.


He peered down the corridor, first looking left, then right. Just as in the movie, the walls seemed to stretch out forever. As he tried to gage the so called "hidden turns" from his standpoint, Ethan snickered. "I suppose I'll meet that little worm with the horrible accent."

But no turn seemed to appear. Sighing, he started off towards his left. On and on he trudged, heading for a horizon that never seemed to grow closer. Every second or so he'd touch the wall, hoping that it would be one of the turns taken for granted. And every second or so, he'd mutter unintelligible curses under his breath in anger.

Finally, when his feet could take it no longer, he slumped against the wall.

"Don't mind if I do!"

Ethan leaped back from the wall, his foot agony forgotton. "What in the bloody hell..."

Emerging from an invisible wall was a long... black... thing. "You want a fuck? I'll give you one!"

"Umm... Excuse me if I sound confused, but wha?"

The black thing kind of grinned at him, the slit on it's... 'head'... making out a small smile. "Well, that's what I'm here for. I'm Perky, the stone dildo! The Labyrinth's full o' us. You just got to know where to look."

Ethan's jaw hit the floor with an audible *thunk*. "Umm... worm... eh?" he
muttered under his breath.

"Worm? WELL now." With a *hmph* and a *snarf* the dildo slipped back into the wall. "See if I ever offer him tasty stone filled sex again."

Ethan stared, his mind still spinning. Finally, he pulled himself together, enough to realize that at least ONE of the movie's truths was... in fact.. a truth. Directly across from him lay the concealed turn. He stepped forward and into it, facing yet another endless corridor... but this time feeling more confident. As he walked forward, he glared at that googly eyed yellow lichen stuff staring at him.

"Piss off."