Title: A Real Family

Author: Kate R.

Disclaimer: All belong to Joss

Rating: PG I think. Maybe PG-13

Pairings: Giles/Ethan

Summary: Uh...AU is about the best I can give you.


A Real Family
by Kate R.

"It'll be okay, Eth, I promise you," the 20 something young man said as he led the dark haired young man with up to the front door of the manor house. "You need to rest after that an I can't lose you so I think we don't have much of a choice. You need to be taught and I know you need better care than you're liable to get on the streets."

"Too tired to argue right now, luv," his companion said. "Just can't seem to see anything straight right now."

"You killed a ruddy demon last night, luv. I know that did some serious draining on your power. You need to rest."

He knocked on the door and it was opened a few moments later by the austere looking butler. He took one look at the young man and smiled. "Master Rupert," he said. "Welcome home. Come in, sir, come in. I'll tell your father and grandmother you are home. This gentleman is a friend of yours?"

"More than a friend, Trevor," Rupert Giles said as he and the man with him followed the butler. "This here be Ethan Rayne. He's my Mate."

"Of course, sir," Trevor said. "I'll just be going to get your father and grandmother. Please, make yourselves comfortable."

The butler left and Ethan Rayne looked at Rupert. "Nice place, Luv," he said with a slight smile as he sat back on the couch. "Hope your dad don't mind me getting dirt on the fancy furniture. Sorry, too bloody tired to stand."

"His father won't care a lick about that," an elderly female voice said. "Rupert, welcome home."

"Hallo, Gram," Rupert said as he hugged the old woman. "This is Ethan. He's part of what I was looking for out there. Ain't sure what the other part was."

"I'm sure you'll find it one day, Rupert. It's so good to have you home, boy. And this young man? My, what power. And he used it to---He saved you?"

"More'n once, Gram," Rupert said. "He saved my heart too as well as my arse out on those streets. His name is Ethan Rayne. He's---Well, he's my bloody everything."

"Then he is more than welcome here, Rupert," another voice spoke.

Rupert Giles tuned in time to get grabbed in a tight hug that near crushed the life out of him.

"Hello, son. Welcome home."

"Father, I---." Rupert began.

"No, Rupert. Nothing needs to be said except this: I am sorry, son. I am so sorry I didn't see what you were trying to tell me. I have regretted everyday what I said that day you left. I am sorry and I am glad you are home. And, if Music is what you want then music is what you shall have."

"I want to do both," Rupert said. "I know I can if I can just have a chance. And---Ethan needs help and training. He used full magic to kill the demon that some idiots in a gang we were running with summoned. I---he needs a place to rest and learn and a crash flat on the streets of London just isn't the place for it. Also, I love him."

The last was said in a quiet whisper but his father smiled and lifted his chin. "If you love him then he is more than welcome here. You are both welcome here. This is your home, Rupert. You can always come here and you can stay here as long as you want."

Rupert just kind of stared as he was hugged again and then Ethan was shocked as he too received a hug.

They were sitting and talking about a half hour later when the door to the study opened and a little boy of about 3 wandered into the room dragging a teddy bear behind him. He was rubbing his eyes sleepily as he made his way into the room and stopped at the first person he came to. He lifted his one unoccupied arm and Ethan stared at him for a moment before he lifted him into his arms.

"This is Wesley, Rupert," his father said.

Rupert watched as the little boy snuggled against Ethan seeking contact that Ethan gave tentively.

"I took him away from his father, Jonothan Wyndham-Pryce, when I found out he was abusing the boy. I've had Wesley here with me the past few weeks. He has nightmares most nights and he always comes to find me."

"He looks comfortable there, luv," Rupert said as he saw the little one was clinging to Ethan.

"Ethan must feel safe to him," Rupert's father said. "He usually follows his instincts to safety. He'll be asleep in a few minutes and then we can take him up to his room. He still doesn't believe it really is his room because it has toys in it. The only one he usually touches is the teddy bear although he is getting better."

Ethan nodded and rubbed the little one's back. He knew this child was special. Somehow he just knew.

"We'll take care of him, dad," Rupert said seeing the look on Ethan's face. "Ethan and me and you and Gram. We'll give him a good family."

"Yes," his father said. "A good family."

