Title: A Family of Choice

Author: Kate R.


Disclaimer: So not mine. Charmed belongs to TNT and the WB and Buffy/Angel belongs to Joss.

Rating: R-NC-17 in some parts because of non-con and underage sex. Nominally PG-13

Pairings: Dawn/Cole, Dawn/Xander (Non-con), Giles/Ethan (non-integral), Angel/Wes (Non-integral)

Summary: Dawn left Sunnydale 4 years ago. The reasons why are about to be known.

A Family of Choice
by Kate R.

"Yes, Buffy, I'll be there," Dawn sighed tiredly as she talked to her sister. "No, I don't need Willow to bring me. Cole can do that. I don't care. No, I will come with Cole. You'll just have to deal. I'm not the 17-year-old girl who you last knew. I'm a woman now and you don't control when I come or go. Hey, you be glad I'm setting foot in that damnable house of yours. I'd like to see her try. She'll get bounced so hard it won't be funny to anyone but Cole and me. Oh, grow up. Buffy, the world does not revolve around you. Ask me if I care. I said I'll be there for the stupid wedding but I'm not staying after it. I have my own life and responsibilities. Yeah, some of us know the meaning of that word."

At that moment Dawn heard a cry of pain from Willow's voice and she started laughing. She heard Cole's sinister laugh from the bedroom before he rolled over and went back to sleep.

"I told you not to do it," Dawn told Buffy. "I told you she'd get bounced. Please. She is by no means the strongest witch and she's nothing to Cole. You'll meet him soon. Yeah, you will. And he'll kick your ass up around your ears. Yeah fine, see you tomorrow. Bye."

Dawn hung up finally with a muttered "Bitch" at her sister and went into the room she shared with Cole. Her love was sprawled across the bed with his head buried under a pillow. Dawn chuckled as she lay down next to him. He moved for her, just like he moved for the little ones. 3 years and counting he'd been in her life and she could say she had actually started living on that day. She existed for the little ones but Coleā€¦Cole made her come alive. He said she had saved him first though so he was more than happy to return the favor.

"Stupid bitch," Cole muttered as he hugged Dawn.

Dawn laughed. "It was her own fault," Dawn said as she snuggled up to him. Cole was so strong and warm and he made her feel so safe. And the kids adored him as much as he adored them. She wanted for nothing, not even her education because Cole was paying for her classes until she got her degree and a job. One more semester and she'd have it: Her degree in law. Then, she and Cole were going to open their own practice: Turner and Summers. He wasn't ready for marriage, not after his ex-wife. Gods, now She was a bitch. Her sisters were really no better but they couldn't do anything. Cole hadn't done a damn thing to them but if they didn't stop, Dawn was going to. Or maybe, Dawn by way of Ethan Rayne. Ethan had even less tolerance for those three bitches than she did.

"I'm guessing by that phone call we're going to your old hell hole? I mean hometown? Cole corrected himself.

Dawn laughed. "Hell Hole fits better love," she said. "Yeah, my sister is getting married to a dork and Willow to the SOB."

"You sure you want me near them?" Cole asked. "You know I am liable to fire-ball the living shit out of them if I get angry."

"Not that thy won't deserve it but yeah. It's not fair to make Giles suffer alone," Dawn said.

Cole sighed wearily and nodded. "Right, get the kids packed and we'll Shimmer on over there," Cole grumbled. "In the morning though. Go to sleep for now. Tired."

Dawn nodded and watched as Cole shifted and curled up around her. He worked hard so when he was tired, he really was dead tired and Dawn didn't ask for more than he had to give. He was the best lover and father there could be and he took care of her. If he wanted a night where all he did was sleep, Dawn was willing to give it. And besides, she was tired today too.

Dawn curled up by his side, letting her fingers trail though his hair. He had such soft hair. He started to purr under he hands and Dawn grinned as he lay there, trusting her.

"Goodnight, Cole," she said kissing his neck. "I'll be here."

He was soon sound asleep and Dawn sat, thinking about the past. From meeting to Cole to what brought her...no, she wouldn't think about that right now. Not when she had to face Him the next day. Then she would think about it.

And Cole would be by her side and she would be safe.

Safe...what a nice word.


With Cole.



They were packed and ready to go the next morning before ten am. For Cole to be up that early on a day off told Dawn he took his responsibility as parent seriously. And he was, for all intents and purposes the father of her children. In every way except blood, Cole was 'Daddy' and the little ones adored him. It was Cole they went to when they had scraped knees, it was Cole who taught them all the things a daddy teaches his children and it was Cole who read to them and tucked them in at night. Cole was daddy and Dawn knew it would burn Xander to know Cole was a half-demon. Her children would not have Xander's hatreds. No, to them Cole had always been there so it was Cole they ran to when scared, it was Cole they looked to for guidance and it was Cole who protected them.

"Are we ready?" Cole asked in his quiet voice.

Dawn nodded, bringing the children to her.

"All ready, Daddy," Rupert William said. Little Angela Joyce nodded and hugged his pants leg. Cole nodded and hugged Dawn who was holding Rupert and touched their bags as well then faded them out of his penthouse....their penthouse...

and into a house in Sunnydale, California.

"HEY!" He heard shrieked as soon as they appeared solidly. 'How did you get through my strongest wards?"

"The same way I bounced you off mine," Cole said coldly as he released Dawn.

"You are not half as powerful as you think you are, you do not impress me and you do not intimidate me. Hell, the Power of Three could not hurt me, what makes a you think a fifth-rate amateur such s yourself even has half a chance?"

"Be-because I'm powerful and smart and.." the girl whined.

Cole laughed at her. "Not nearly as powerful and smart as you think you are," Cole said turning to Dawn. "Now, Sweet Sun, aside from Giles, Ethan and Tara, please introduce me to everyone who hasn't tested either my power or my patience."

"Sure, Triple B," Dawn said using her pet name for him as he used his for her. "That's Angel, Wesley, Cordelia and Gunn. Then we have Buffy, my sister, and her fiance Riley. There is Willow. And him in the corner is..."

"YOU!" Cole snarled and had he still had his demon form he surely would have changed.

"Cole, NO!" Dawn cried.

Cole lunged for the man he knew by process of elimination had to be Xander Harris, the biological father of the kids, and the part of him that was demon and always would be demon, roared.

"Triple B, please!" Dawn cried. "Please don't do it. He isn't worth it!"

Cole stopped hearing her plea and sensing the upset of his children.

"As you wish, my Sweet Sun," Cole said releasing the lapels of the young man's jacket. "As you wish."

"What did I do to you?" the youth asked coldly.

Cole shook his head. "To me? Nothing," Cole told him. "To Sweet Sun? Everything. Rupert William and Angela Joyce, please come here."

The children peeked around his legs and the young man took steps backwards.

Cole however, stalked him across the room and into a wall. He did not do what he wished to though; he did not pull a fireball and shove it up the boy's ass. No, instead, he leaned in as close as he could and hissed in his face: "You. Asked."

"Daddy?" Rupert William asked as Cole looked down at the boy. And this one would always be a boy playing at being a man to him. RW as Angela called him, was a sensitive. Both the children had gift from their mother and they both looked to him to teach them because Dawn could not. RW was empathic. Cole never wanted a day as bad as the one he had to beg Phoebe to come help the boy. The mutual hatred was there but Phoebe came because RW was an innocent. After he had the power under control, Dawn threw Phoebe out and told her not to come back. Especially when she suggested binding the powers or at least Dawn moving out of Cole's place. Dawn was 20 by then, her children called Cole daddy and there was no way she was leaving him. Besides, he loved them a much as he loved her and they loved him.

"It's nothing little one," Cole said turning and lifting the boy into his arms. "Mr. Harris and I will have issues about how you and your sister were conceived until the day he dies."

"Oh," Angela said. "He's the Sonuvabitch Drunk who forced himself on Mommy? It's okay, Daddy. He isn't important. You're Daddy and that's all that matters to us."

"Thank you baby-girl," Cole said. "Tell you what, after this hellish Nightmare is over, how about you and me and RW and mommy and Grandpa Rupes and Ethan and Auntie Tara all go someplace for a bit of Family Bonding?"

"YAY!" The little one cried and Cole laughed. He looked back up at the boy and saw the look on his face.

"Yes, infant," Cole said. "They are yours. At least by blood. By Choice they are mine, by love they are mine, by being there, they are mine. You do not deserve them. Sweet Sun, is there any place we can stay that isn't here?"

"With me," Angel said quietly. "I own a mansion on the outskirts of town. You can stay with me. Anyone who doesn't want to stay here."

"Thanks, Angel," Dawn said happily. "Is Spike..."

"He lives there," Angel said. "Come on. It's time to go."

"Angel, she can't leave!" Buffy cried. "She's my sister and...and not responsible enough..."

"She's 22 year old," Angel growled. "She has two children that if scent confirms belong to worthless boy over there. And she's raising them fine with the help of the man who obviously loves her. She is far more responsible than you Miss Abortion. Come on, Dawn, lets go home and I'll tell you how Buffy dealt with an unexpected pregnancy."

Dawn nodded and all of AI joined hands. Cole nodded, gathered everything and faded them all to the mansion. Buffy felt her jaw drop that Angel knew and her mouth working silently, unable to come up with a return before Cole faded everyone but the two couples out.

At the mansion, as they faded in, Dawn sighed already tired.

"NIBS!" A voice cried.

"Hi, Spike," Dawn said quietly. "Nice to see you. Cole? Could you catch me? I'm going to pass out now.

"Shit!" Cole muttered and caught her. "I have you babe, I have you."