Author/pseudonym: SUZY REDFERN.

Fandom: BLAKE 7


Rating: NC:17

Status: NEW

Archive: YES

E-mail address for feedback: suzy@forestcroft34.freeserve.co.uk

Series/Sequel: NO

Other websites: ?



Warnings: AU.


THE LOVE TRIBE By Suzy Redfern

A Paul Darrow Story. August 99

by Suzy Redfern


Kimmi wandered along the path, she should be sorting the vegetables in the kitchen for the tribes evening meal, but she had left them 3 days ago. She belonged to a colony of humans that had been altered by the Federation and mutated, they were supposed to be much more aggressive and only took a year to grow from a baby to adult, although the life cycle bit had worked. The aggression was very sporadic, some were so aggressive that they killed their mother almost from birth. Others were so placid that they just sat and did nothing unless someone told them to do it, most of them starved to death.

Others were normal, very few were just what the Federation wanted. They kept the colony going and every year came and took the useful ones, and killed any placid ones that hadn't already died. The others were just a breeding group.

One of the uncomfortable parts of it was the females absolute need to mate every 12 months, every mating produced a child, which only took 4 months to be born, and left the mother after 8 months, and was an adult a year later. Kimmi did not know all this as she had been born here and only knew them as her people, she had taken herself away after her last child had left her. Several of the other women of the tribe had successfully avoided one or two matings like that, but by the third time the feelings become too strong. She bent down and picked a couple of mushrooms, they went in her bag with the other vegetables and fruit, she'd found along the way. It always took her a couple of hours to get her dinner, but it did take her mind off the burning itch in her loins. She climbed a small hill and stood on the top, she saw a movement at the bottom of the other side.

There was a male trying to fight off a Targa, and as they were 8 ft high and had claws a foot long, it wasn't easy, she wondered why he hadn't just reached out and shorted out the animals brain. She reached out her thoughts and was surprised to find out she couldn't hear him, but all her people were telepathic, she was intrigued. He must be an outsider, he would be killed. She ran down the hill and shouted the animal turned and moved towards her. She had to be within a foot to be able to reach the creatures mind properly, she could almost feel its breath when she felt its fear, she reached out her thoughts and watched it slowly sink to the ground dead.

The man was lying by a rock, she hoped he was okay. He was still breathing, but had a long gash on his head, she worried about infection, the claws of the Targa were not the cleanest things in the world. The man stirred and she touched his arm. "Are you okay." she said.

Avon opened his eyes and saw a tall beautiful woman crouched beside him. "I don't know," he sat up and groaned, the pain in his head was terrible, he reached up and touched it, feeling the damp blood. "That damm animal got me."

"Yes, it did, it must be cleaned or you will be very sick." she stood up. "Hang on here for a moment, while I find some water."

Kimmi went over to a small stream nearby and took out her face cloth, she dipped it in the water and came back to him. He had propped himself against the rock, and she knelt down beside him and gently mopped at the cut. "There that should help you", she said and let him take the cloth and hold it against his head.

"Thank-you it does help a bit." he half smiled at her, and she felt the mating urge rear up. But as he wasn't a telepath, the connection wasn't made, so she pushed it away.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

Avon looked up at her and wondered what she was doing her in the middle of nowhere. "What are you doing here?" he said answering her with a question.

Kimmi smiled at him "I live here, what are you doing here?" she replied.

Avon smiled, and reached for his bracelet, it was then that he realised that it had gone. He looked down in horror, it must of fallen off while that creature was attacking him. It couldn't be far, he smiled up at her again. "I came here from my ship, in search of supplies," he lied.

Kimmi knew he was lying, now she was closer to him she could almost hear his thoughts, he was here for another reason and he didn't trust her. She knew that the longer she spent with him the more of his thoughts she would be able to read.

Avon began to feel dizzy, he had to get back to his ship, and for that he needed his bracelet. He started to get up, but the pain in his head was so great it took his breath away. He sat back down and tried not to throw up, but lost the battle, he hated things like this. He was used to being in charge, and when he was sick like this he wasn't and it pissed him off no end.

Kimmi saw him pale and knew he was going to be sick, she reached over and held his head, pulling it forward so he wouldn't throw up on himself, she gently probed his mind while he was bent over. His mind resisted for a moment but hers was too strong, he was here to find some secret thing she didn't understand. And he was worried about a bracelet, it was something he needed to get back to his ship, strange. She helped him to sit back after he'd finished. She mopped his face with her cloth and saw the colour begin to return. He kept his eyes closed, she knew his pain was bad, he was almost shaking with it.

"Why don't you lie down for a while, and try to sleep." she said and helped him to slide down. She took out her cloak and covered him, he fell asleep almost as soon as he was lying down. She went back to the river to look for the dodoet root, it was good for bringing down fevers and helping to fight infection. It was the wrong time of year for it, but if she was lucky she might find a few small ones, just enough for her needs. It took her 2hrs but at last she had enough, she'd also found a few other herbs that would be useful. When she got back he was still asleep, but restless, he was very hot, as she started to get her pot she saw something flashing in the undergrowth, it was a shiny bracelet, it must be the one he wanted, she put it in her pack, and forgot about it. She started a fire and put her pot onto to boil, she added all the herbs and roots and just enough water to cover. It boiled quickly, she threw in some of her dried spices, it would help to take away the taste, which would be bitter. It was ready, just as he began to stir.

She went over to him and put her hand on his chest, "Don't sit up or you will be sick again." she said and felt him relax. "I've made something that will help you." she helped him to hold his head up slightly, enough to drink. He shuddered at the taste.

Avon felt like spitting the drink out, it was so bitter, but he would do anything to make the pain in his head go away, it was so bad he couldn't think straight. Slowly he felt it subside to a dull ache, he opened his eyes and it didn't get worse, it was like waking up after a nightmare, you feel so much better, but the dream lingers on.

She smiled down at him knowing he was feeling better. She could see the root was beginning to fight the infection, he looked cooler, and his colour was coming back. "Do you want to sit up?" she asked, knowing he did, but not yet wanting to let him know she knew what he was thinking. He nodded carefully, and she helped him up. He winced at first but then settled back and get her a weak smile. "Feel better?" she asked.

Avon sat still for a moment just enjoying the feeling of not having a blinding pain in his head. "Yes, thank-you." he smiled, but kept still as this made the pain almost disappear completely. He watched her as she changed the medicine pot over for a larger one, and began to cut up some vegetables and add some dried stuff, probably meat. He could feel a strange feeling tickling at the back of his mind, like a quiet voice. He tried to shake off the feeling, it must be something lingering affect of the headache.

Kimmi felt him watching her and had a twinge of mating urge, she tried to force it back, he was not of her tribe and it wouldn't be fair to force her rituals on him, but she felt her body slip into the first phase, with luck she could get him well and be gone before he lost his will to resist her.

Avon smiled to himself, he'd seen her body change, she was flirting with him and his ego fluffed up, a small strand of desire stirred in his loins, and he allowed it to grow, believing he'd started it. He didn't know that the pheronomes she'd started to produce were just as irresistible to him as the were to the males of her tribe. She pulled the pot away from the fire and spooned some of the stew into a bowl and handed it to him with a small carved wooden spoon. He took a careful mouthful and was amazed at how good it tasted, he'd never had anything so good. He smiled at her and when she smiled back he felt his body react sexually, he was surprised, this never happened to him, he always kept a tight rein on his feelings, but he could feel his control slowly seeping away.

They concentrated on eating for a while, Avon thought about his braclet, "While you were out searching did you come across a bracelet?" he asked.

Kimmi remembered finding it and was about to show him it, when she heard his thoughts, he would leave if she gave it to him, she shook her head, "No I didn't, but I will help you look for it later if you like." he nodded.

Avon finished his stew, "That was really good." he said and smiled, as she smiled back at him, he almost leant over and touched her arm, his sexual feelings had become really uncomfortable, he shuffled about, trying to ease the tightness in his loins, but no matter how he tried he couldn't push the feelings away. She reached over and took his bowl, her closeness took his breath away, he could no longer resist and grabbed her arm.

Kimmi was unprepared for his touch and at that second their thoughts mingled and the connection was made, there was nothing she could do. He pulled her towards him and kissed her gently at first and then more fiercely. She opened her mouth and he plunged in his tongue, this set off her passion and she pushed him back, reached down tried to open his trousers but couldn't find the way. Her hands played over his obvious excitement but she could see no way of getting at it.

Avon pulled away from her touch, "Here let me" he said his voice all husky with emotion, he stood up and stripped off the top part of his jumpsuit, the whole thing fell to the ground and Kimmi sprang forward, she was so far into her mating cycle that she couldn't stop even if she wanted to. Avon was caught into her cycle too, he could hear all her thoughts, and knew she had his bracelet but didn't care, at this moment all he wanted to do was make love to her. Her hands felt hot as she caressed him and he couldn't wait any longer, he pushed her back onto the ground and pulled up her skirt, she wore no undergarments and her legs spread ready for him. He had never felt this aroused before and almost finished before he started. As soon as he'd entered her the feelings got worse and he began to move faster and faster, and she matched him, twice, three times he finished, but went on again. At last exhaustion claimed them both and they fell into a fitful sleep, still joined together. Kimmi woke first, and pulled gently away from him, while she still touched him she could hear his thoughts, he was dreaming of someone called Servelan, he hated her, but loved her too, it was strange, his thoughts began to turn sexy and Kimmi felt her own body twitch and she moved closer again, a slave to the sexual appetites of her race. She reached and caressed him making him ready for her before he was properly awake, she fitted her body to his and moved gently, the first mating had taken the edge off her desires but she was still in her mating frenzy, and would be for two or three days more, that was how conception was guaranteed.

Avon woke to find his dream coming true, but not with Servalan it was Kimmi, he knew her name as she knew his from the exchange of minds, he emersed himself in her body, enjoying every moment. He knew from her mind that she needed him and he wasn't sure he didn't need her too at this moment. He had cut himself off from sexual entanglements most of his adult life, preferring things to people, things didn't hurt you or run off with other things. He also knew that the secret place he had come to see did not exist. He remembered she had his bracelet too, but didn't bother about that at the moment. She would stay with him for a couple of days then leave, he would miss her but she would not miss him that was her life, the males never stayed. Afterwards he held her tight for a while till she slept again, then he slowly slid out from under her and stood up. The air was cold so he put his Jumpsuit back on, found her cloak and covered her up.

He knew where his bracelet was and retrieved it. He toyed with the idea of leaving her and going back to his ship, but her mating instinct had captured him too and he couldn't do it. The fire had died down so he added some more wood. He put the bracelet in his own pack, just to be on the safe side.

The next three days were wonderful, Avon was happy, and that was something he hadn't been since ... well in a long time. They walked and made love, ate and made love, talked and made love, smiled and made love. Each day her urge became less and by the third day, they were making love because they wanted too not because they had to. Kimmi knew Avon had his bracelet, he didn't know she knew, she could hide her thoughts from him but he could hide nothing from her. He had to leave soon, but that was okay, because she already bore his child, of two days. She would miss him but all males left the females their only use was for mating, no other purpose. But in Avon's mind she had seen another life, where male and female lived together and looked after the child till it was .. the next bit was strange, but it seemed that Avon's peoples children took 18 yrs to become an adult, this was more than a lifetime for her people, most females didn't live past 10yrs, they were very old by then, she herself was only 4 yrs. Avon she couldn't believe was more than 30 yrs old, no-one lived that long. When the moment came for her to leave she was very sad, a very odd feeling for her, she only knew what it was because she'd seen it in his mind, strange, until now she had never questioned her life, but now, now she wanted to stay with him always. But it was not to be, he was going back to his ship. She waited till he was sleeping then kissed him and walked back towards her tribe. Later on that day she was back in her own hut, a stray thought slipped into her mind, she knew he was out in the trees beyond the village watching her, she got up but stopped before the door. Better if he didn't see her, and left, it would do no good, they could never be together, his life cycle was too long and hers too short. She sat down again and felt a dampness on her cheek, it must be raining, she would check the roof for leaks tomorrow.

Avon sat in the trees for 2 hours but although he could feel her presence he never saw her. He sighed and got up, called his ship and had the computer teleport him up. It would be a long time before he forgot her, and his child, maybe someday he would return and see what had become of her, but with her short life compared to his, it would never work. He decided to take the nav computer apart and fix the small fault in its data chips. When he'd thrown half the nonworking components against the wall, he felt a touch better, only because he hated it when computers didn't work as they should and for no other reason at all!!



Visit me at http://www.forestcroft34.freeserve.co.uk/suzy/actors.htm