This story is just the start of a nice long series I've recently begun. Keep in mind as you read that at his point the boys have been lovers for about three months. It's set after the end of episode three, and I promise the tmore details about the year or so between then and this will come out through the series. At this point, they're on their way to spend the winter at the golden palace with Dar's family.

Nothing descriptive for this first part, but lots of suggestion and wordplay. Enjoy!

If you guys like it, I'll try to post more of the story as it gets written, but with class work and things I can't give you an exact date. Before the next dues are, well, due, certainly.

Thanks! Oh, and feedback is always appreciated. Even if it just a spelling or grammar error, please tell me (yes, I am one of those anal-retentive people when it comes to my english). Anyway, read on!

Settling In
by sphinxishism

-Part One

Tao pulled his lover back before he could step out of the trees. Dar turned to him, the questioning look on his face barely over riding his anticipation. "What, love?"

"Um…I've been thinking," Tao started, then paused.

"Surprise surprise," Dar teased. "Thinking about what?" he asked, moving closer so that they stood only centimeters apart. Reaching up, he gently cradled his lover's head in his hands, staring down into his eyes. A hand covered one of his, another snaking around his waist.

"I've been thinking that maybe we shouldn't make our relationship obvious while we're here," Tao answered. "You said you didn't know how your family would feel about it, and I doubt they would suspect us if we avoided doing anything on the palacegrounds."

"By anything you mean everything? Stopping entirely?"

"Palaces are notoriously hard to keep secrets in. We'd have to be really careful, and even then…nothing like the last three months have been."

"Oh, so none of this, then?" Dar asked, lowering one hand to his lover's pants and tugging strategically. Tao moved to lean against him, wrapping both arms around his neck.

"Exactly. Nothing like that, unless we're absolutely certain that no one can see us."

"So…what if we aren't on the palace grounds?"

"I suppose that would depend on the situation."

"So…what about now?"

Glancing around, Tao grinned. "I think we're probably okay here."

"Good, because if we're going to sleep in separate beds the whole time we're here, we need to spend the rest of the afternoon out here."

"I'm not saying we can't sneak away every now and then. Besides, who says we're sleeping in separate beds?"

"Don't you think it would be suspicious if we were to share one?"

"Well, yes, but…I don't think I can sleep by myself anymore." He wasn't exaggerating. Before their first night together, Tao hadn't been able to sleep if Dar wasn't incamp. Now he was certain slumber would be impossible without the familiar figure under the same blankets. The prospect of an empty bed made the winter ahead seem to stretch into eternity.

"We'll see what we can do," Dar soothed. Although he didn't want to admit it, he shared his lover's sentiments. The thought of climbing into a bed bereft of the sweet warmth he had grown to need was nearly painful. "If nothing else, we just won't stay the entire winter."

"No, you deserve to have that time with your family," Tao protested, despite being secretly pleased. If Dar had made that concession so quickly, then he must feel the same way about separate sleeping quarters.

"Why, have I done something bad?" Dar's voice was sarcastic, reminding Tao that in familial relations there was occasionally rocky ground. He had listened to all the sibling rivalry stories imaginable during the first week or so after Dar had searched him out, often smiling when they resembled quarrels he and Kim had had. Now he was looking forward to watching the family dynamics work. It had sounded like they all got along wonderfully when Sendar wasn't around; maybe he would be called away on some kingly errand of importance that would take the entire season. One could always hope.

"No, but there's still time for you to be naughty," he half-purred into his lover's ear. The arms around his waist tightened, and he raised his head a bit to complete the kiss he knew would be waiting. It grew deeper quickly, and before either of them could control themselves they were both hard. He groaned in disappointment as Dar pulled away, holding him arm's length. "What are you doing?"

"Come this way. There's a place where I would go sometimes when I had to get away from all the people, last winter. Maybe some of the leaves are still there, so we can have a bed."

"Gods, Dar, take me on the ground, I don't care."

"You're only saying that because you haven't looked down."

Tao looked down. The ground was root-ridden and nearly bare, as hardly any sunlight could reach this far through the forest canopy. "Oh. Ouch." Glancing back up, he found Dar close, prepared to steal another kiss. "Hmm. Nice try," he said,stealing one of his own. "I win. Now lead the way."

Grinning, Dar kissed him sweetly, then led.

end this part