Title: Surprise

By StarStorm

Email: knightstarstorm@lycos.com

Summary: Answer to challenge

I'm going to be dragged out into the street and shot for the pairing, but the Muse is feeling evil today.


by StarStorm

"Holy shit! You're a virgin?! I don't believe it."

"'Fraid so."

"But you're 400 years old! Not once, in all that time?"


"How come?"

"Too busy fraggin'."

"I still don't believe it."


"Well, my Czarzian friend, let me show you what you've been missing."

"Lead on Bird Boy."

50 words exactly <small, smug smile before running for his life>

here's the challenge from aya:
50 WORD Challenge! (yep you read it right, 50 words) smut optional, but worth pats on the head, using the following line as your first sentence:
"Holy shit! You're a virgin?! I don't believe it."