Title: Same Time Next Week

Author: kirasmommy

Fandom: DC comics (Batman/Titans)

Pairing: Batman/Arsenal

Warnings: PWP, Anti-Hearts and Flowers challenge response, touch of Angst, minor bondage, not beta read

Notes: Inspired by NW's Chick. I was thinking of her story, cooking supper, and this came to me.

Disclaimer: Don't own them; don't make money off of them

Summary: Anti-Hearts and Flowers Challenge Response.

Same Time Next Week
By kirasmommy

Skin slid against skin. Leather bound flesh. Groans subdued. Sweat ran in rivers down toned bodies while they pushed and pulled against each other in a mockery of dance, struggling against each other, yet grasping the other closer.

No words were spoken. None needed nor wanted. No endearments encouraged.

Only want and need allowed.

A hand in the other's hair pulled his head back till tears appeared in his eyes, hissing for silence as he threatened to cry out at the sudden pain. Blue eyes begged for release. Green eyes denied him such as he tightened the bonds upon the hands beneath him.

The gentle creak of the bed, the harsh pant of breath, the moan of submission.

The sting of a slap, pain bloomed like a rose.

A sharp cry as release was achieved. A moan as the other followed.

He pushed him away in disgust, crawled onto the bed with a glare, reaching down for only a second to loosen the buckles.

"Get out!"

"Now, is that any way to be?" Bruce gasped, rubbing the red mark upon his face.

"Just get the fuck out!" Roy growled as he picked up the remote control.

Bruce stood up rubbing his wrists, allowing the cuffs to fall to the floor. "Gladly." He tossed a wad of bills upon the bed. "For services rendered."

"Take it, I don't want your damn money!" Roy kicked a shiny black booted foot at the money pushing it onto the floor. "Just leave me alone!"

"Not the deal, Roy. Deal is, you give me what I need, and I don't tell anyone about what you do!"

"Used to do! Only you still insist on paying me anymore! And that is only because you are blackmailing me!" Roy snarled.

"Blackmailing you? Nonsense, I'm just keeping your secret! No one ever has to know you turned tricks to get the money for your drugs. And in return, you help keep my secrets. I have just as much to lose as you do! More in fact!" Bruce said reasonably removing the rest of the restraints. "Besides, don't tell me you don't get off on dominating the 'Bat'. I know better!"

"Get the hell out of here!" Roy screamed. "Just get the fuck out!"

Bruce smiled. "I was just leaving."

He picked the money up and tossed it back at Roy. "Buy something nice for Lian. I'll see you next week!"

Roy closed his eyes. "Same time, next week, I'll use the name Sullivan."

Bruce nodded closing the door behind him.

=End Same Time Next Week
Er... Happy Valentine's Day

1) No tenderness, no romance, just passionately raw monkey sex and lots of it.
For Extra Points :
A) Your couple is indulging a kink or fantasy role playing. (Helena is Diana's slave girl..Garth indulges Dick's leather fetish...)
B) The pairing of choice is unusual. (Clark/Orin, Wally/John Henry)
C) A/U (What if Roy became a hooker to support his drug habit? What if Kyle were an exotic dancer, not an artist?)