Title: Delegation (Batman Beyond spoiler)

Author: Prodigette

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Bruce/Ra's (pronounced "Raysh")

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em

Archive?: Sure! Just tell me where

Spoiler/Summary: From ep: "Out Of The Past." You'd probably have to watch the ep to get it.



by Prodigette


Ra's sat down at Bruce's bedside trailing his eyes over Bruce's face. With only a few wrinkles and some gray still in his hair, Bruce looked to be anywhere from late 30's to mid 40's.

"Exquisite. "I can see why she had such admiration for you." Ra's whispered. He's seen Bruce drugged...no...unconcious before. Now maybe he would be able to take advantage of it. Again.

"You're still oh so perfect."

Ra's trailed his long-fingered hands over Bruce's still body. He ran palms over muscular pecs, a six-pack and under Bruce's belly button. Raising a sculpted eyebrow, Ra's noticed the prominent bulge in Bruce's white shorts.

He gave a knowing smirk. "I see that hasn't changed either, Detective." Ra's slid his hands down to the beginning of the shorts and slipped his fingers under the elastic band and trailing them down further. The

scenerio was all too familiar.

Bruce gave a moan and began to stir. Ra's quickly removed his hand.

"Good morning Bruce. You're looking well, beloved." he said in a feminine voice.

The voice of his own daughter,Talia.