Title: Unforgiven VII

Author: kirasmommy

Fandom: Batman

Pairing Batman/Joker

Series: Engraved Metal Hearts

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or song nor do I make any money off of this.

Rating: R

Summery: Robin can't believe what he sees.



by kirasmommy

Well Alfred got that medicine for the Joker and he's all nice and chilled out sitting on that metal chair. He looks like he's about to fall asleep but he doesn't look...well thorazined out. He looks content I guess.

Nightwing came out a few minutes ago and boy he looks pissed. I wonder what they talked about. I have a feeling though I don't really really want to know. But what ever it was about he's sure looking daggers at Joker.

If looks could kill? Joker would have been dead yesterday!

Joker has noticed but I don't think he really cares. I think he's most likely used to it.

Batman just came in and the temperature of the room dropped about ten degrees.

"I want to go home." Joker says quietly.

Batman just nodded. "You will. I'm taking you home."

Well that's a change! He was dead set against it earlier.

Joker flinches as Batman comes and un-handcuffed him. "I'm sorry Jack."

Joker stares at Batman hard. His eyes sparkle with quiet intelligence. "How did you know my name? How are you sure that Dr. Ramon is my brother?"

His voice cracked on the word brother.

Batman's face is unreadable but I'm sure my jaw had hit the ground as he reached up and pulled his cowl off.

Joker looked shocked. Emotions passed across his face in rapid succession. Surprise, shock, bewilderment, anger and shock again.

Finally he swallowed hard.

The slap rang across the batcave. Batman never moved he just turned back to the Joker while the bright red handprint appeared slowly on his skin.

"You knew who I was all the time? And you never fucking said anything? YOU BASTARD!"

Whoa! Apparently I missed something. So they knew each other in the past or something? Wow!

Batman doesn't seem to know what to say. His mouth opens and then closes in silence.

"Do you have any idea how much I NEEDED YOU!" Joker screamed.

He turned and ran to the other side of the room near the crays computer. Batman just stood there and waited. He didn't seem to be too concerned about the fact that Joker was loose in the Batcave.

After a few minutes we heard his quiet voice speak. "You know on some level I think I always knew it was you. It was what attracted me to you. It was why I felt I needed your attention."

Batman just nodded.

"But why didn't you come for me? You knew I needed help! You knew I needed YOU!"

Okay I'm totally confused.

"You left me. I never forgave you for leaving me. Everyone I care about leaves me. But you didn't even have a good excuse. At least at the time I didn't think so."

Joker looked shocked again. "My FATHER had brainwashed me! For a detective you suck!"

Batman just shrugged. "I was younger."

Joker looked hurt. He walked quickly to the Batmobile and jumped in. "Just take me home!"

Batman slowly walked to the car and climbed in. I didn't want to miss out on this so I quickly jumped in the back seat. Nightwing just continued to sit at the table and look pissed off.

No one spoke on the way back to Arkham.

I wondered how we would explain our appearance but apparently it wasn't necessary. A man that really did resemble the Joker met us at the gate. He had been sitting on the bench filling out papers.

As Joker got out of the car Dr. Ramon stood up and cautiously approached. "Joker?"


The Doctor pushed his glasses up higher on his nose. "Yes Jack it's me. I'm surprised you figured it out already."

"I've remembered a lot in the last 24 hours Justin. I remember mother and Jared."

He looked extremely nervous. "I'm sorry Jack I'm sorry."

"A lot of people are sorry it appears. You have the least to be sorry about." Joker said bitterly. "At least you came back on your own."

Batman now with his cowl back on stood by the car.

"Thanks for bringing him home." Was all that the Doctor said to him.

Batman made a non commental noise.

Joker turned back to Batman suddenly and walked back up to him.

"I hate you, you know?" He said suddenly.

"I hate you too." Batman agreed.

But it was the next move that made me about fall off the car.

Batman pulled Joker to him and kissed him. Not even a friendly brotherly chaste type kiss. I'm talking pulse pounding erotic sex in just a kiss type kiss. A very deep very long kiss too.

I was beginning to wonder how they were breathing when the kiss finally broke.

Joker slowly walked back to Dr. Ramon.

Dr. Ramon cleared his throat. "Um...I'm taking Jack to a special clinic in Europe soon. I'm waiting clearence first. But we will be gone for quite a while perhaps even years."

Batman nodded.

I didn't dare speak on the way back. And he didn't offer any words.

But this has been the strangest and most unexpected day I've had in a long time.



Yep I'm actually done with this part of Engraved Metal Hearts...