Title: Ideas and Such

Author: Prodigette

Rating: R

Fandom: Batman Beyond

Pairing: Terry/Bruce ('Berry')

Disclaimer: They belong to DC and WB.

Archive?: Yes please! Just tell me where

Summary: It's out of Bruce's hands.

Note: For the "Drinking" challenge (45 minutes)

Ideas and Such
by Prodigette

This was new to Bruce.

A drunk teenager was in his house, and somehow, the situation got out of control. Out of Bruce's control. Nevertheless, he took it in stride. Somewhat. He couldn't throw young men over his shoulder like he used to. So instead, Bruce just let Terry stay in one place.

His bedroom.

Sitting on the edge of the large bed, he rolled his eyes as Terry began to sing off key.


It was obviously a bad idea. The room that Terry often stayed in was just down the hall. Bruce could have let him stagger to it by himself. He earlier heard a small part of himself tell him not to let the boy drink, and the older man pushed it aside.

The younger man was attempting to talk, but was slurring with each word. He was laying on the large bed and waving his arms around as if he was swimming. Pale skin against black satin sheets.

Bruce's lips twitched in amusement.

When Terry began to kick off his shoes, he knew something was going on. Bruce looked away. He tried to find more interest in the black carpeting, but was failing.

He could actually *feel* Terry smirk.

Another article of clothing was taken off and thrown to the side. Jeans.

Gradually turning around, he could see that his protege was falling asleep. There was a naked, drunk teenager in his house. In his bedroom.

In his bed.

And it was out of his control.

Bruce's expression evolved into something resembling a smile. Ruffling the boy's dark hair, he got up to leave the room.

He'd give Terry hell in the morning.