Vision Boy 3: The New BTVS Season 4 - Something Blue

Series: Vision Boy (Re-write of Buffy Season 4)

Author: Shara Nesu

Feedback: Something lighter than some of my other stories - like it?

Disclaimer: Joss & TV company owns them all! I'm just correcting them.

Category/Pairings: Spike/Angel, Angel/Willow

Rating: NC17 (on the safe side) Warning: M/M & M/F sex

Distribution: Want, Have, Take.

Spoilers: What if... Events had gone the way show in Birthday (Angel Season 3.) Cordelia finds fame and fortune while Angel receives the visions when Doyle dies. In this timeline Angel decides that he is unable to cope with the visions alone and it’s time to go home to one woman he trusts - Buffy - unfortunately things don’t go to plan.

Summary: Rewrite of the episode Something Blue, in the Vision Boy universe. Getting angry with the situation Buffy takes a stab at performing magic. Things don’t go as she planned.

Archived: Shara's place:

Vision Boy 3: Something Blue
By Shara Nesu

Willow’s POV:

It’s been a couple of days since - okay, it’s been 4 days, 3 hours and 6...7 minutes since I made love to Angel. Buffy looks to be coping better with it. She did have a small outburst at the Thanksgiving dinner, then a little heart attack when Angel and Spike starting making out in front of everyone. Then she kinda chased Spike around with a long stake for a few hours while Angel screamed in pain with a new vision. After that she went and killed the bad guy of said vision and calmed down a lot. After, Angel couldn’t stop apologising about how he and Spike acted the whole night. I swear I’ve never seen a vampire blush like he did. I never thought they could. I guess having sex isn’t the only activity that makes their circulation start up.

Since that day Angel and me haven’t had intercourse again. He and Spike are currently staying with Giles, and sleeping on his sofa. We’ve decided it’s best to keep our relationship low key until Buffy settles down with the idea. It’s very hard because whenever I see my dark vampire, all I want to do is screw him and afterwards keep him wrapped up in my arms all night. Which is really weird for mousy, shy Willow. I guess I’m not that person anymore. The bond with Angel, which I don’t really understand yet, makes me stronger, physically and mentally. I wish I could spend more time with him and Spike, learning how much we are bonded together. And any other effects we haven’t discovered, yet. Also, am I bonded to Angel and Spike, or are we bonded just to Angel? I know he is the central point between us, but what does that make Spike and me? Oh goddess, I have so many questions, but at this moment, I can’t find the answers. We decided, with Giles, that the best way forward is to play this bond downbeat until Buffy becomes adjusted to the whole idea of it. When she finally lets Angel go and moves on. I know it’s hard, I never thought I would move on with Oz. I still love him, I’ll always miss him, but I have Angel now. I know he’ll never leave me - he can’t - I am part of him.

Hopefully, I think Buffy might be doing that moving on part. I caught her talking to a certain Riley Finn earlier in the student lounge. She blushed and batted her eyes at him, and he was all fingers and thumbs around her. His words coming out a jumbled mess. He seems a nice guy, and I’m praying that Buffy falls for him. I’m not pushing, but I really want to be with Angel again. I don’t have Oz to hold me, and when I’m with Angel, I feel complete again - whole and my loneliness is gone. He’s lucky he has Spike to be with all the time. Although Spike complains that Giles won’t allow them to have sex in the house. I’m really looking forward to the time we can be together, because this situation is getting frustrating for all of us. The only trouble is, we have to talk Xander, Giles, Buffy and everyone else into accepting we are in this relationship together, and always shall be. Boy, I wish they could get rid of their Victorian ideas.

Tonight, I agreed to go patrolling with Buffy. We need some bonding time, and I need to know if she’s getting any closer to dating Riley. Please, please say it’s soon.

“It's just, different, you know? A picnic,” Buffy continues telling me about this picnic that Riley invited her on. Please say you like him, “first of all, daylight - kind of a new venue, Buffywise. And the best part - he said he would bring all the food, so all I have to do is to show up and eat. Those are two things I'm really good at.”

“So he's nice?” I ask casually. Say yes!

“Very, *very*.”

Yes!! “And there's sparkage?” I enquire calmly.

“Yeah. He's- have you seen his arms? Those are good arms to have. I really like him. I do.”

“But?” Please say there isn’t a but...

“I don't know. I really like being around him, you know? And I think he cares about me... but... I just... feel like something's missing.”

“He's not making you miserable?”

“Exactly. Riley seems so solid. Like he wouldn't cause me heartache.

“Get out. Get out while there's still time,” I say, putting on the fake worry. This method always works.

“I know... I have to get away from that bad boy thing. There's no good there. And Angel, well he’s moved on to Spike! I mean I didn’t even know he was gay. Do you think Riley’s gay?”

“No!” Goddess, I hope not. “No, I’d certainly say Riley’s as straight as an arrow. And Angel, well he’s a vampire with the whole bi-sexual thing...shutting up now.”

“It’s okay, Willow. I’m getting over Angel. I can see he’s moved on, even though he’s... No... I understand I really do, it was the prophecy, you had no control and I don’t blame you.”

No control! I wasn’t forced into Angel’s arms. There was feeling there before, I just couldn’t admit it. The prophecy just jump started our emotions and got rid of all the pesky worries. Like how Buffy‘s going to react, etc. I didn’t reject being with him, or want to be with him. Still, I don’t think it’s the best time to approach that with Buffy. She’s still in denial mode about the whole me not being pushed into Angel’s life part.

“Well anyway, Angel and me had real fire and true love. Can a nice, safe relationship be as intense as we were? I know it’s nuts, but... part of me believes that real love and passion have to go hand in hand with pain and fighting.” Out of the blue, a vampire jumps out from behind a bush. He growls, but before the sound finishes leaving his lips, Buffy stakes him without batting an eyelid. I don’t think she’s over Angel just yet. Nope, it’s best to keep quiet. I continue to walk beside her calmly and without a word.

“I wonder where I get that from?” She asks herself.

Angel’s POV:

I hate living here at Giles. It gives me and Spike no freedom at all. I think that’s why Buffy and Xander were so adamant we stay here. They were resolute that I needed more observation. That we need to research the true meaning of the prophecy. Also, that we shouldn’t really trust Spike because he is evil after all. Willow suggested that we agree with them for now. They are Willow’s friends and they need to be okay with this. I don’t mind about Spike and me, but Willow needs them, so I’ll do this. I know Buffy’s searching for a way to break the bond, or find a way that proves we were forced into it. She says the whole commando plot could have been one of Spike’s plans. When Willow removed his little tracking device, she was sure Spike had put it there himself. We don’t argue with Buffy, but gently try and guide her to the truth. The trouble is, she wants to blame everything on Spike - which is what she’s doing now.

“So you really can’t explain what these Commando men really looked like. You saw their faces but you can’t describe them?” she asks him again, exasperated.

Spike grins at her from the sofa, where he and I are curled around each other, drinking our blood. I hate doing this to Buffy, but I had a vision earlier in the night about a vampire attack and it drained me. Physical contact with Spike soothes the pain for some reason. Maybe that’s why the bond was necessary to keep me sane. Spike is my anchor, and he tells me what’s real and what’s not. Without him, I’d be lost in all the insanity I see. I just wish Buffy could accept this. I need to be with him or I fear I shall go insane.

“Oh come on, Spike. How can we really trust you when you don’t even tell us the truth? Giles, make him stop that!” Buffy immediately grabs Spike’s hand and pulls it away from my shoulder.

“Hey, it’s not a crime to want to feel Angel up, is it? Hey Giles, can I cop of feel with Angel, or are you homophobic too?”

“Oh, do behave,” Giles scolds, walking in with another cup of blood for me. “Here Angel, I’ve put a mild sedative in it that should help you sleep.”

“Thank you, Giles,” I answer.

“What’s it for?” asks Buffy, suddenly worried. She sits herself down beside me, touching my hand. Spike growls suddenly low in his throat, but I elbow him to keep quite.

“Feedback,” Spike answers curtly.

Buffy is about to give a smart comment, when I take her hand. “I get visions all the time, Buffy. My link to the Powers is never closed. Sometimes it’s like a movie playing inside my head and I can’t stop it. As well as the visions, I remember what Angelus did with crystal clarity. Also, I remember the lab where I was... I remember what they... what they...”

“Angel, drink your blood,” Spike touches my face gently and I do as he suggests. I hate being the invalid here, and I hope I can learn to control this vision residue, as Giles calls it, soon. At the moment, after a vision I’m too weak and disorientated to do anything. Then I get mini visions, like if people are at the door, or if Spike’s going to break another teacup. It’s ridiculous. Giles says it’s because the link between the Powers and me is too strong, that I’m open to everything and I get feedback from the events occurring around me. Therefore I know all the little things that are going to happen before hand, and it’s over loading my brain. Another problem is - I want to get out of Giles’ house, so Spike and I can have some privacy again. Then Willow might be able to come home to me. Her absence is like a constant ache inside me. She is a piece that is constantly missing from my life. However, I agree that we have to let Buffy move on first.

Buffy steps away from me and drags Giles into the kitchen, as I drink down the warmed animal blood. She forgets that vampires have damn good hearing. I can hear her arguing with Giles about not trusting Spike. Spike snorts next to me and I shhhh him. Suddenly the outer door opens and Willow walks in. I smile instantly and open my arms to her. She checks no one is around, and then falls into my embrace, kissing me soundly on the lips.

“How are you?” she whispers.

“He’d recover more quickly if Buffy would leave us alone,” grumbles Spike.

“She’ll accept it soon,” Willow mumbles against my lips. We kiss again, and she opens her mouth to my questing tongue. We only kiss for a few moments, but then the sounds of movement in the other room make us jump apart. Willow straightens her clothing and checks over some books on the table.

“Oh, hi Wills,” Buffy comments, as she walks in with a large spell book in her hand.

“What’s going on,” asks Willow, eyeing the spell book curiously.

“Giles and I have decided that it’s best, for all our safely, to try a truth Spell on Spike. You know, just to make sure he’s not pulling all our legs. And I don’t want Angel hurt because of all of this.” She gives me a sad smile and pats my knee lovingly.

I know what she’s trying to do, unfortunately it won’t change the situation. I trust Spike implicitly. I can feel him on the edge of my mind, just as he can me. He knows everything I’m feeling, nearly everything I’m thinking. When I experience the visions, he’s my only link to the real world.

“I think that might be a good idea,” I agree with Buffy’s suggestion. Spike glares at me with wide confused eyes, but Willow catches on. Buffy looks a little sceptical, but she can’t back down now, since it was her suggestion.

“Oh, fine!” Spike shouts, “do whatever you want, it won’t change anything.” He snuggles into my back, wrapping his arms around my chest. Buffy’s eyes flash with anger and jealously, and I disengage myself from Spike’s embrace. For a moment he looks hurt, but then accepts my wishes. I don’t want to hurt Buffy more than necessary. I want to touch Spike so desperately, but not in front of her.

“Well, yes... We’ll have a go if everyone agrees,” Giles comments, not really sure about what is happening here.

“Looks pretty simple,” Willow agrees, looking over the spell book. “I'll stop by the magic shop tomorrow.”

“Oh, no. I can do it on the way home,” Buffy instantly jumps up, grabbing her coat, “and I’ll bring it by in the morning. I have to be going now; I need to do a paper for tomorrow. See you guys then!” she calls, as she closes Giles front door behind her.

“It is me, or is Buffy acting a little strange,” Giles asks no one in particular, “I know she’s a little upset about Angel and all, but...”

“You people are blind,” comments Spike, drinking the last of his blood. “She’s hangin’ on by a thread. Any ninny can see that.”

“Oh dear, you don’t think she’ll do anything rash do you?” Giles asks apprehensively cleaning his glasses.

I yawn and close my eyes; the sedative must be taking effect. I’m worried about Buffy too, but I’m too tired and exhausted to wonder anymore. I curl into Spike’s embrace and go to sleep.

Buffy’s POV:

When I arrive back at the dorm, I find myself alone. Willow hasn’t returned from Giles’ yet, which for the first time I’m glad about. I hate her being around Angel, but I need time alone. I hope I’m doing the right thing. No... I know I am. I have to make sure Angel is safe, because I don’t think he is. He’s been blinded by Spike, and he’s been fooled by Willow’s need. This prophecy has to be stopped and Angel released from their hold. I love Willow like a sister, but I think she’s been so miserable about Oz leaving her that she’ll do anything. She’s under a spell, by Spike most probably, and I have to break it for all their sakes. They‘ll all understand when I reveal to them this is all a trick performed by Spike.

I pick up the bottle of beer I’ve been drinking, and finish it off. I need some courage here. I’ve never tried spells before. I’ve always left them to Willow. Okay, I’m the slayer and I can do this. I take a deep breath and open Willow’s spell chest. Inside are candles, herbs and stuff, everything I need for this spell. I check the spell book, stolen from Giles and read the ingredients. I take out some red candles and place them around me, lighting them as I go. Then an incense censer, a mortar and pestle, a goblet, and some herbs. Parsley, thyme and rosemary. Hmm... sounds like cooking. I hope not though, because I’m a disaster in the kitchen. Okay, I’m ready.

“Harken all ye elements, I summon thee now,” I read from the book. Gingerly I drop an herb into the bowl before me, and add water from the goblet. “Control the outside, control within. Land and sea, fire and wind. Out of my passions, a web be spun.” I add the rest of the herbs.

“From this eve forth...”

“Buffy, I’m back!” Willow shouts, as she tires to open the locked door.

“Willow! Just a minute.”

“Will be done. So let it be!” With a gush of wind, and a spark of bright light, the spell is cast. I hope that means the spell has worked. I quickly blow out the candles and shove everything under my bed.

“I’m coming,” I yell to Willow, who’s trying to open the door with her spare key. When everything is cleared away, I unlock the door.

“Hi,” she says, looking at me a little concerned. “Are you okay?”

“Oh yeah, fine,” I fake a yawn, “I’m just tired and I need some sleep.”

“Okay, I’ll just grab my stuff and have a shower.”

I smile and nod. Willow collects her things and goes into the girl’s washroom. I sigh in relief; I can’t believe how close that was. Now I have to check the spell.

“It’s my will that... err... my hair!” I look into the mirror on my desk and... nothing. It’s blond. I check the spell book, but I did it right. I pick up a bent Q-tip. “I will that this Q-tip gets... unbendy?” Nothing! Something’s not right here. Maybe I used the wrong herbs.

Willow’s POV:

I have my shower and try to relax. I’m a little concerned about Buffy. I’m sure she was hiding something when I walked into the room. She never locks the door when she knows I’m coming back. Still, I have to be more understanding of her. It’s hard to see your ex-boyfriend destined to be with someone else. She loves Angel, but I don’t think she knows him anymore. She’s in love with the vampire she met when she first came to Sunnydale. Ever since Angel returned from Hell, he’s changed and so has she. During that time they have drifted apart, no longer the same people they were before. Angel certainly isn’t, with these new Seer abilities. I just hope they don’t change him too much. I just have to believe that Spike and I can keep him sane. I worry however, because I think that my being apart from Angel is hurting him.

I return to the dorm to find it empty. Strange. I thought Buffy wanted to get some sleep. I discover a note on my bed.

‘Gone patrolling’ That’s all. No ‘love Buffy’ at the end. I decide to ring Giles and see if she went back there. I hope she’s all right. I pick up the phone and dial his number.

“Hi, Giles?” I ask, as I hear the other end pick up.

“Oh hello, Willow. Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I got back safely, but I’m worried about Buffy. She’s been acting a little strange, and I....” I look down and notice a book shoved under Buffy’s bed. I pull it out. It’s a spell book I know belongs to Giles. What is this doing here? “Did you lend Buffy a Spell book,” I ask Giles.

“No,” he answers, a little confused.

“Strange, she has one here... and wait a mo...” I check under her bed. There are candles and herbs. “I think she’s been casting a spell. I just got back and the door was locked, and I think I interrupted her. Oh, Giles you don’t think she did anything...”

“No, Buffy doesn’t mess with magic,” Giles interrupts. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Maybe she wanted to show you something.”

“Giles, you do know that Buffy doesn’t really trust me anymore. She’s confused about this whole Angel, Spike and me bonding thing. She doesn’t believe that the prophecy is right. You don’t think she was trying to break it?”

“Did you feel anything wrong?”

“No, I didn’t feel a thing.”

“I don’t think Buffy would be messing around with magic, Willow. She is the Slayer; she doesn’t have the temperament for witchcraft. And this prophecy deal, I really do think that she’s dealing with it. She and Angel have moved on and...”

“No Giles, she hasn’t moved on. Goddess, can’t you see it?” I’m so angry and so afraid that Buffy might try to break the bond Spike and I have with Angel. “You know something Giles, you don’t see what’s going on with Buffy, and you don’t see anything!”

~ On the other end of the phone, Giles jerks back as if he’s been slapped. He can hear Willow talking, but he can’t answer. His eyes burn and he removes his glasses. He quickly rubs his eyes, thinking it might be a little eyestrain. When replacing his glasses, the whole world seems dimmer - as if there is a fog before his eyes. He is shaken and turns his attention back to the phone. ~

“Um... Oh sorry, Willow... Something’s come up and I’ll have to talk to you later. Look I’ll talk to Buffy when she comes around and confront her with this spell deal... Okay?”

“Oh. All right, Giles,” I sigh, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Giles puts the phone down and I hang up too. That was so strange. One moment he’s okay, and then... then he acts really strange. I had this strange feeling as I was talking to him. My eyes burned a moment and then... No, it’s just worry. I’m worried about Angel, and Buffy, and everything else. Giles is right. Buffy wouldn’t be messing with magic.

“I just hope Riley doesn’t go and get sick for Buffy’s picnic. She really might try and do something stupid then,” I say to myself, as I get into bed. Things aren’t going well.

The next evening:

I walk into the dorm room to find Buffy sitting dejected on the bed. Our classes haven’t over lapped today; they never do on a Monday, so I’ve been unable to check on her.

“Hi Buffy, what’s up?”

“Nothing,” she sighs. She gives another great huff and... “Is it me or something? Because everything I do goes wrong.”

“What do you mean?” I ask confused.

“I tried a spell last night and it didn’t work. Then I go for this picnic and Riley’s too sick to see me. I mean it must be me.”

“What spell did you do?” I ask, concerned. What if she hurt Spike or Angel?

“A ‘as I will’ spell. Don’t worry it didn’t work. Watch,” She indicates the desk. “I will that glass of water to be in my hand,” she commands. Nothing happens. “See it doesn’t work,” she sobs.

I get Buffy to tell and show me exactly what she did. Everything seems right, the spell should have worked. It just didn’t. Maybe the Slayer doesn’t have the capacity to do spells or something. She’s very apologetic about what she’s done and I believe her sincerity. Angel did say that Buffy might betray us, maybe this is it. I comfort her as best I can and suggest we go over and talk things out with Giles.

“Look Buffy, even I can’t do all the spells I tried. You know how many times I’ve tried to de-rat Amy,” I comfort her. She agrees and grabs her coat from the closet. “I think that maybe she’s the only real witch here. I mean, one second she’s a normal girl and the next a rat.”

“I know Willow, I’m really sorry and I won’t try it again.”

“I know Buffy, I’m sorry too. I never meant to hurt you.” We hug each other and step out of the door. Maybe Buffy and I can work this out.

~Unknown to both Willow and Buffy, the spell had worked. For a moment Willow’s eyes had glowed blue as she said that Amy was a girl. For a second, Amy the human had appeared in her rat cage, the next second, as soon as ‘rat’ dropped from Willow’s lips, she returned back into that state. The magic was working, but not how Buffy had expected it. ~

On the way over to Giles, we meet up with Xander. He’s still a little uncomfortable around me, since the whole “I slept with Angel” thing dropped out.

“Hi guys, we’re we going?” he greets, swaggering over to us. We take the scenic walk through the graveyard to Giles’s house.

“We’re going over to Giles to confess,” Buffy informs him with a sad smile.

“What? We already know about the whole Angel and Willow thing,” he laughs, “Unless they did it again. I never thought you would have a thing for demons, Willow.” He chuckles more, and fishes out a bag of munchies from his pocket.

“Xander!” I yell back, “how can you say that, considering your own track record. I seem to remember you falling for a whole load of weirdos. Take the bug lady, mummy girl, Anya! You’re a... a demon magnet!” I shout at him, my anger rising.

~Willow’s eyes flash blue~

“Hey, Wills I was only joking,” he answers apologetically. “I’m sorry, I didn’t say it to hurt you or Buffy. You know me - me and my unstoppable flapping mouth.”

“He’s right Wills, he’s totally brainless,” Buffy giggles.

I laugh. Finally things are getting back to normal. We continue to walk through the graveyard, thankfully not being disturbed by any newly risen vampires tonight.

“So, you think Angel and Spike really love each other?” Buffy asks, after a long silence.

I hope she’s getting used to the idea. “Yeah, I think they do. Angel talked about him and Spike when he was still calling himself William. I think even Angelus loved him. They were just pulled apart by fate.”

“You’re making it sound like they are Romeo and Juliet,” laughs Xander.

“It’s just hard seeing them together,” Buffy whispers.

“I know Buff, but it’s not meant to hurt you. You can’t help whom you fall in love with. Angel will always love you, but...”

“But he belongs with Spike; I get that,” Buffy finishes, “I just never want to see them get married or anything,” she laughs sadly.

“Oh, yeah,” I answer back, laughing, as my mind fills with Angel and Spike getting married in church. I wonder who would wear the wedding dress! “I can just see that, Angel and Spike getting married!”

~Willow’s eyes flash blue *again*. ~

“You think they would go poof when the priest blessed them?” asks Xander, giggling hysterically.

When we reach Giles’ house an unwelcome sight greets us. Anya. She’s just about to knock on Giles’ door when we she notes our arrival. As soon as she spots Xander, it’s like her eyes light up and she starts salivating. And I thought Spike was sex mad, but no one compares to Anya. After a few short, private words with her, he informs us they have something very important to discuss at his place and he’ll see us later. Buffy and I just roll our eyes - we know that there will be no talking going on at Xander’s. Goddess, I wish I could be doing that now with Angel.

We knock on Giles door, his shout informs us the door is open, and we let ourselves in. Suddenly, both of us stop dead at the sight before us. Angel is kneeling on one knee before a seated Spike. He looks deeply into Spike’s face, their eyes meeting.

“Spike, my beloved Childe, do me the honour of saying you’ll marry me.”

“Oh my god! Giles!” screams Buffy.

“Just a minute,” Giles shouts from the bathroom.

“Oh, Angel,” Spike weeps, wiping a tear from his eye, “Angel, you don’t know how long I’ve waited for you to love me. I will,” he grabs Angel by the face and kisses him passionately. Then kisses some more, and more... and more... Goddess, don’t they need to breathe?! Oh, I forgot - Vampires - dead already.

“Giles!” Buffy yells again, staring in shock at Angel and Spike. They have both slipped off the chair, and are currently groping and kissing on the floor. They’ve started moaning and grunting as their bodies rub together. Oh wow, they look so good. I’m desperate for a little Angel action myself. Hold on! What if they get married and they won’t want me?

“Giles!” I scream! Something is so not right here. Really wrong, I feel it in my bones.

Giles appears from the bathroom, his eyes red and sore. He almost trips over Angel and Spike groping on the floor. His eyes widen as he takes it all in.

“What the hell?”

“Oh Giles, I’m so happy,” proclaims Angel from the floor, “Spike’s agreed to marry me. I’m the happiest ma... vampire in the world!” He returns his mouth back to Spike’ and they continue to feel each other up.

Giles takes of his glasses and wipes them again, looking totally baffled. I am too, because the longer I look at them, the more I get this nagging feeling something is going haywire. I just feel that a spell or something has violated Angel... Damn this is frustrating. I’m not jealous of him loving Spike, but something is wrong with this picture, I just can’t work out what it is.

“Angel, Spike!” Giles yells, “Get yourselves off my floor this instant!” He sounds like a disgruntled parent. Instantly, both Spike and Angel stand and look embarrassed from their kissing session. Spike takes Angel’s hand and squeezes it gently.

“We’ll get to that later, luv,” he mumbles to Angel.

“Not in my house, you won’t!” Giles disagrees.

Suddenly, Buffy starts to cry and flings herself into Giles’ arms. Oh, brother!

“Buffy, please don’t cry,” Angel says, coming over and trying to comfort her, “I’ll always love you, but Spike and I are forever... and he’s a vampire like me. I can’t give you sunlight and children, with Spike he doesn’t need that. We are the same, and I love him. Our love could never be...”

“Angel, you still love her,” states Spike incredulously. “You said you loved only me! I’m just second best, aren’t I? You can’t have her, so you have to settle with me!”

“No Spike, please. You are my Childe. I love you!” Angel pouts, his large brown eyes filling with tears. He cups Spike’s face and continues to speak lovingly, “I want to marry you and be with you for eternity. I want to be with you when the world ends, and our dust will be combined together forever. We’ll be one for all etern...”

“Shut up!” Giles and I scream in unison.

Spike and Angel smile at each other and embrace. Finally, Angel pulls Spike into a comfortable chair, and he slides into Angel’s lap, as they start the whole kissing and groping thing again.

“Give me strength!” proclaims Giles, as he tried to comfort a weeping slayer. “I need a drink.” Giles guides Buffy to the sofa and sits her down. He goes over to his drink cabinet and blindly searches around for a bottle and glass. I watch for a moment, I don’t think he can see it. After great difficulty, he grabs a bottle, and takes a large swig without pouring it into a glass.

“Giles, are you okay?” I ask softly.

“I rather think not. I seem to be rather... rather... blind. Completely, in fact.” Angel and Spike groan loudly as their lips compress against each other, Spike’s hands running down and over Angel’s growing arousal.

“Stop that right now! I can hear the smacking,” Giles complains at them, taking another swig of whiskey and petting Buffy’s head comfortingly as she sobs into his shirt.

I just stand shell-shocked. My brain is ticking over, questioning, what the hell is happening to everyone? I think I’m working it out and... Oh goddess! Buffy’s spell did work! She put it on me! I said to Giles earlier about how he couldn’t see anything. Then on the way over her I said about Angel and Spike getting married. Oh, bloody hell! I hope Xander’s all right.

~The darkness of Xander’s basement room, he and Anya roll and kiss upon the sofa bed. They pull at each other’s clothing, their fingers desperate to touch soft, naked skin. Their lips meet tenderly, while their hips rock together.

“Xander! Do you and your friend want something to eat?” Xander’s mother‘s voice echoes in the dark basement room.

“No, Mom!” Xander yells, as he breaks away from Anya’s mouth.

“I liked those fruit roll-ups,” Anya reminds him, sitting up. Xander groans, mentally cursing his mother for interrupting their necking session. “I can wait; however,” Anya smiles and returns to kissing his warmed lips. They fall back onto the bed, while Anya unzips his trousers. Xander gives a deep groan and reaches for her mouth again.

Suddenly, as they writhe on the bed, a green skinned, horned demon bursts in through the side door. They jump up and both give a small girly scream. The demon spots Xander and grins. He gives him a once over noticing the bulge in Xander’s open trousers and immediately advances. Xander follows the demon’s gaze, quickly zipping himself up again. The demon licks its lips and makes a grab at the boy. With a loud yell, the demon collapses to the floor, unconscious. Xander stares at his girlfriend holding a large baseball bat in her hands.

“That’s my boyfriend!” she yells at the dazed demon. Xander and Anya both grab the rest of their clothing, while more and more demons start clambering through the broken door. They stare at each other in horror as they are slowly surrounded. Xander thinking quickly, grabs Anya’s hand and helps her escape through the basement window. Xander follows close behind her.

“What the hell is going on!” he yells. ~

“Huh guys, I think I know what’s happened,” I announce enthusiastically. My friends pay little attention - Angel and Spike continue kissing, while Buffy sobs onto Giles’ shoulder. “Guys!” I yell, just as the door swings open and in rushes a panting Xander followed by Anya. Then they both stop dead staring at Spike and Angel making out on the chair.

“Duh dum, da-da... Duh dum, da-da, duh dum da da dum da da dum da da...” Spike starts to mumble into Angel’s ear, while Angel licks over his jugular with a cool tongue. Damn, I wish I were Spike at this moment. No... Back to finding out how to break this spell Buffy has cast over me.

“I wanna mate with you, Spike,” Angel answers, kissing down Spike’s neck. “Properly, I’ll give up my sire claims and we can be equals.”

“Oh god...Yes, Angel!” Spike moans into Angels’ mouth.

“Board up the windows, and barricade the doors,” screams Xander, but continues gaping at Angel and Spike the whole time. He shakes himself out his stupor, and pulls me towards the door to help him move the bookcase.

“What's going on?” asks Giles, looking around blindly.

“Demons. They keep coming and coming,” answers Anya, helping us move the bookcase.

“I think we lost them, but I couldn't see...” Xander begins, interrupted by a loud snarl from both vampires as they morph into game face, and sink fangs into each other’s throat. They embrace tightly, their hips rocking together. “and... What the hell are they doing?”

“Their getting married!” weeps Buffy from the sofa, “and Giles is blind,” she finishes.

“Giles is blind?” Anya asks, waving her hand before his face.

That’s it! I’ve had enough. No one listens to me. “Will everyone SHUT THE HELL UP!” I screech. Suddenly there is silence; even Angel and Spike have stopped kissing. “Now sit down!” I command. Everyone moves over to a seat, and quickly sits. Hey, I’m beginning to like this being the bossy one.

“Right,” I grin at my finally quiet audience. At long last I get some attention around here. “Right, this is really simple. Buffy did an ‘As I will’ spell which went wrong. For whatever reason, I was the one she put the spell on - not herself. Now, I spoke to Giles about him not seeing what’s happening and now he’s blind.” Giles goes to speak, but I silence him, “Quiet! Then I said that Spike and Angel should get married, after I told Xander he was a demon magnet... is everyone following this?” They nod but don’t speak. “Good. So now all we have to do is reverse the spell, and everyone is happy again.”

“You don’t really want to mate with me?” sobs Spike, shoving himself away from Angel.

“I do. I don’t care if it’s a spell; it’s just bringing out the truth. I’ve always wanted you,” Angel begs, trying to grab Spike’s hands.

“No, you don‘t!” Spike turns on his heel, races out of the living room and through the back door.

“William!” howls Angel.

“Wait, Buffy did a spell?” asks Xander incredulously.

“I wanted to put everything right!” wails Buffy.

“William!” Angel bellows again.

“Angel, shut up!” Anya interrupts.

“William!” screeches Angel and I finally catch on. He’s having a vision. Angel’s whole body convulses on the chair, and his head slaps back hard against the headrest.

“Oh shit!” I yell. This isn’t happening! I run over to Angel and try to hold him down. His whole body is racked with pain, and we fall to the floor. He lands with a hard smack, his head impacting on the wooden floorboards. Blood sprays everywhere from a head wound. With quick thinking, Xander grabs a towel and tries to press it to his head. Angel howls in agony, his bones cracking from the strain of the convulsions. I hear a crunch as Angel’s arm is fractured from his thrashing and another spray of blood covers me.

“Angel!” I scream. Oh goddess, what do I do?! I need Spike! Wait! The spell! “I will Angel to be free of the visions.” .... Nothing!!

“Giles, why won’t the spell work on Angel!”

“His visions are not magically given; they are from the powers!” he shouts back, “Wish him restrained!”

“I will Angel to be safely restrained on a bed!” I yell. Please work!

~Willow’s eyes flash blue. ~

With a sudden flash of light, Angel is strapped down to a hospital gurney. He thrashes and screams but can no longer hurt himself. Xander acts quickly and wraps another towel around Angel’s openly fractured arm. I gently stroke his face, wishing him to be okay.

“Angel is connected to the powers, I don’t think you can wish them away, Willow,” Giles says, suddenly at my arm. I feel like weeping for him as Angel screams in agony. I wish I knew what he was seeing.

“He’s in so much pain,” I sob, “if only Spike were here.” I reach out and stroke Angel’s face gently. I hope I haven’t destroyed his and Spike’s relationship. This is all my fault.

“I’ll go and find him!” shouts Buffy, running towards the back door. She suddenly stops and screeches.

Spike comes back inside, fighting off a whole hoard of demons. Every size, colour and build are trying to get into... no, not get in, they want Xander! Anya and I both run to help Buffy and Spike fight them off and we manage to shut the door. We move the heavy kitchen cabinet in front of it, hoping to block them out for a while. From above there is a crashing sound of glass being broken. Another crash comes from the living room.

“Buffy! Block off the window!” cries Giles, trying to look around desperately, but unable to see a thing. With everyone’s help, we push another bookcase in front of the window. We are going to have to do something soon; we are all trapped here!

“Giles!” I yell over Angel’s screaming, “how do we break Buffy’s spell?” Then I turn to Spike, “You go and look after Angel!” Spike pouts a moment, but does as I command him. I love being in control!

Suddenly, the front door crashes open, and half a dozen demons pour in. Buffy and Xander are first in line to fight them off. They pick up a couple of Giles’s heavy lamps, using them as bats. Anya too takes up an umbrella and tries to fight them off in much the same way.

“Giles, the spell!” I yell. I grab up a large heavy book, and whack it on the head of the nearest demon. He grunts under the blow and collapses before me. Hey, I’m pretty strong here. Out of the blue a fist connects with my cheek and I’m thrown back against the wall. This time I use one of Buffy’s techniques and kick him where his balls should be. He groans loudly and another demon is out for the count. I jump up and run over to Spike, trying to calm and protect Angel at the same time. I notice that Giles isn't coping well, and has his hands full with trying to save himself.

“Buffy...” Angel suddenly pants as I come nearer. “Spell... broken... her words...” he gasps. He groans in pain and his teeth crunch, as another spasm passes through his body.

“Only Buffy can break the spell?” I ask back, shouting over the racket. Upon hearing those words, Spike runs off to take Buffy’s place in the front line, fighting the demons back. He howls in joy as he discovers that with his first swing, he can hurt demons. In seconds, Buffy is by Angel’s side.

“Buffy, repeat after Angel, whatever he tells you!” I shout, and go back to keeping the demons away from them.

Moments later, I hear Buffy’s clear voice. She repeats Angel’s broken words spoken to her. She shouts them over the din of fighting occurring around her. “Let the healing power begin. Let my will be safe again. As these words of peace are spoken, let this harmful spell be broken!”

~Willow’s eyes glow blue as thunder crashes, and lightening flashes. ~

Spike’s POV:

As soon as the Slayer’s words echo around the room, all the fighting ends. Which is a little disappointing because I’ve just discovered that I can still battle with demons. I was enjoying working out my temper on them. The spell hurt in more ways that I want to admit. For years I’ve wanted to be Angelus’ equal, and when he finally wants that too, it was all because of a spell. A spell done by the Bloody slayer. Bitch is always messing up my life!

“William,” Angel moans softly. I try and remain stoic, but the sound of the pain in his voice cuts me to the bone. “William!” he sobs.

I quickly move to his side and take his hand. He’s been restrained to the bed by heavy leather bindings, but he can still move his hands a little. He squeezes mine tight and I hold on.

“I’m here, Angel,” I whisper. His appearance shocks me. His head is covered in blood, from a head wound. They always bleed a lot. He also has a fractured arm, which is bent, at a strange angle, the bone protruding out of his skin.

“Spike,” he murmurs. I lean down, so I can hear him better. “Marrying you might have come from a spell, but it’s still true. I want to be your equal, your mate. This is me talking without a spell.” He grins slightly, which really turns out more a grimace, as a fresh wave of pain passes through him.

“We’ll get you cleaned up first, Angel,” I answer, smiling stupidly.

Angel wants me! Wants me as his equal! His lover! Wow!

“Angel, are you okay?” Willow asks, bending over him and softly kissing his lips.

There is no jealously in me from her simple action. He didn’t ask her to mate with him, but me - twice! Okay, one was from the spell, but this one isn’t. This is pure Angel.

“Spike, stop the stupid grinning,” she chills me, “and help me get Angel cleaned up.”

The Next Morning:

The spell effects have vanished, Xander is no longer a demon magnet and Giles can see again. It was a long night, however. Angel was violently sick from the pain of the vision. We cleaned him up, and Willow, Angel and myself spent the night in Giles’ bed. We didn’t make love, since Angel puking his guts out wasn‘t a huge turn on. We washed him, bandaged his wounds, told him what was real and what wasn’t, and in the end we finally got some sleep.

Giles is concerned about Angel’s worsening vision sickness and the convulsions. This time they nearly tore his body to shreds. He has some concerns that those commandos did something to him as well as me. He was in that examination room for nearly two days. Angel won’t talk about it, but in that time, anything could have been done to him. We talk about sorting out a study of Angel, but just then Buffy arrives. Since the spell and Angel’s fears about her, we have decided not to include her or let her care for Angel. I won’t have her near him, and Willow doesn’t trust her. Giles is confused about the whole situation, but bends to our request.

Buffy immediately starts cooking chocolate-chip cookies, which aren’t bad. Later Anya and Xander come by and surprisingly bring some extra blood for Angel, since he did save Xander from becoming a Demon love pet. Buffy of course made more cookies, which I just had to eat.

“How long are you going to keep making these?” Anya asks, munching down on another round.

“Oh, until I don't feel so horribly guilty. I figure about a million chips from now. Also, I have to detail Giles' car.”

On the sofa, Xander is testing Giles recovered eyesight and holds up a clock. “Time?” he asks.

“A-ha... Five past two. Thursday,” Giles reads happily.

“Look, cookies. A very not-evil thing I did. Oatmeal?” Buffy asks Giles, offering him a plate.

“Yes, very funny, they're chocolate chip. I can see them. I still need my glasses, though. You could have been more specific and given me 20/20 vision,” replies Giles, removing his glasses and taking a cookie with a large scowl on his face.

Buffy walks over to Willow and asks sheepishly. “Eat a cookie; ease my pain?”

“Mm... Better?” enquires Willow, after taking a bite from a chocolate chip cookie.

“Well, baking lifts about 30% of my guilt, but only 7% of my inner turmoil. Guess that'll just take awhile.”

“It'll happen,” Willow replies, with a large, fake smile. She’s scared of Buffy now, and even more careful to avoid her going near Angel. Buffy wanted to see him earlier, but Willow said he was sleeping. Which was a lie. I’m so proud of little Red; she’ll be corrupted soon enough.

“Don't I get a cookie?” I ask, as Buffy misses me. I see she still hates me about the whole ‘Angel wants to mate with me’ thing. Tell the truth, I don’t give a toss.


“Not even one for Angel? He might want me to feed it to him,” I comment. Buffy gives me a dark scowl, but hands me two cookies, walking away.

I take the cookies, and quickly run up to Giles - now Angel’s – room. I discover him looking much better and sitting up reading Giles’s book.

“You really shouldn’t upset her, Spike. That was the whole reason for the ‘As I Will’ spell.”

“Yeah, but she’s so easy to wind up. I only have to mention your name and she gets all jumpy.”


“I know. I promise I won’t wind the Slayer up, okay?” I lean down over him, and throw aside the book. “What are you going to give me to compensate for my lack of excitement for not winding the Slayer up?”

“Hmmm... My cookie?”

“Already eaten it.”

“My love?”

“Already got it.”

“My equality and my eternity?”

“Are you asking to marry me again?”

“No, I’m asking if you want to mate with me.” He grins up at me, licking his lips.

I lean down to cover his mouth with my own. “Okay, then!” I agree, as I kiss his lips.

~Downstairs a crash is heard, and a loud “Woohoo!” from the upstairs bedroom. Willow grins and continues to eat her cookie, while Buffy looks longingly up the stairs.

“I hope they aren‘t going to be here for long,” Giles murmurs to himself. ~

*Promises of more sex next time - You’ve got the whole Spike/Angel mating coming! *