Title: Document--Angelus, Part Two

Author: Scribe

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Type: MarySue

Status: In Progress

Feedback: poet77665@yahoo.com

Website: http://www.angelfire.com/grrl/scribescribbles

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, except Scribe. I'm not making any money off it, either. Just giggles and warm tinglies. They can try to sue me for them if they like.

Notes: This was never meant to see the light of mailing list. It began life as an untitled fantasy meander. I was feeling a bit dark, and decided to just abuse the hell out of my Mary Sue character. I thought, "Who better than Angelus? He'll really get a kick out of it." I got so graphic in my character's molestation that I became a weeny bit appalled at myself, and put it away, but it wouldn't leave me alone. It even made a cameo in my Proverb Series, where Angelus grabs my Scribe character and offeres to recreate one of her fics, "The one you're too embarassed to post? The one that's just titled 'Document'?" Her eyes sprang open, and she went from limp to dervish in a split second. "NO FUCKING WAY!" she shrieked. "Not 'Document'! Anything but Document." *shrug* Mary Sues have become much more accepted, and... *sigh* Sucked back in. This story bears no direct relation to any time or story line for the series, really. Unless you want to consider it happening around the time Angel lost his soul. Anyway, being a MarySue, it is pretty much automatically AU.

Warnings: Blatant MarySue. Don't bother to complain to me about it--you've been warned. Non-consensual, out and out rape, bondage. Dark fantasy. Please don't try to psychoanalyze me on this. I'd never really want anything like this to happen in real life.

Rating: NC-17

Notes: *thoughts* //Angelus's thoughts, as opposed to Angel's// In my universe, Angelus is aware of all that goes on in Angel's life, and he's usually none too pleased with it.


by Scribe

Things had been decidedly, er, active in Sunnydale the last few days. A very ruffled group of Scoobies had gathered in the high school library. Even the usually neat Giles was looking more rumpled than usual. He dropped a large, dusty book on the desk and looked around at the assembled teenagers--and vampire. Angel was here, too. Giles didn't exactly like that. His every instinct as a Watcher cried out against it, in fact, but he HAD helped them out before, and they could use all the help they could get now.

"I have identified the demon," he announced.

"Are you SURE it's a demon?" asked Buffy. "I mean, maybe it's just some sort of naturally occurring phase."

"While I know that rampant hormones are a part of growing up, I find it hard to believe that they could account for the sudden mass make out session in assembly."

Oz and Xander exchanged looks. "Youthful high sprits?" said Xander.

"Teenage hijinx?" offered Oz.

"Perhaps, but that would hardly account for the orgy in the Teacher's Lounge, nor that appalling incident involving Coach McNamara and Miss Teesdale under the table in the cafeteria."

Cordelia shuddered. "Luckily I had my shades. I might have been struck blind."

"We can be fairly certain that it IS a particular demon, and I must say that of all the obscure beings we've had toddle through this benighted town, this is one of the most obscure. Those who have encountered it were usually reluctant to set down their experiences."

"Not at all hard to understand, considering that they would probably qualify as porn," drawled Xander, sprawling in a chair.

"And considering that there might not have been very many left with the energy to write it," said Willow.

"If you'll allow me?" The Scooby's quieted again. "Thank you." Giles opened the book and adjusted his glasses. "This is an Amoresor demon. A most appropriate name, but I doubt if that is what it calls itself. I think that the recorded name was probably bestowed by its victims."

Xander spoke, "Blank looks all around. This is significant?"

"It's Latin, Xander," said Angel. "It means 'desire eater'." The Scooby's stared at him. He shrugged. "Don't look at me like that. They shoved Latin down your throat back in my day."

"In any case, Angel is quite right. This is a creature that feeds off the energy generated by *cough* sexual congress. It's pheromones and the chemicals in the oils on its skin are powerful aphrodisiacs."

"I don't know what's so bad about this," Xander protested. "In fact, it could very well be considered a public service."

"This is serious, Xander," said Giles severely. "The ones who are affected become overwhelmed by lust, driven to satisfy their urges. In fact, they suffer both physically and emotionally if they do NOT indulge."

"Same song, second verse, where's the bad?"

"The bad, Mister Harris, is in the fact that the demon does not affect EVERYONE in its vicinity. Some remain unmoved. The ones who ARE affect are helpless to resist their compulsion to seek relief--with the nearest available source." There was silence, and Giles nodded. "We've been lucky so far, but it could very quickly turn into the bad sort of nasty. Luckily this book DOES contain a recipe for a potion that will open a portal into the demon's home world. All we have to do is locate the demon and use the potion. The Amoresor will be sucked in, and the portal will close. It's jolly unlikely that the creature will be able to find its way back, especially to this particular area."

"Well, great!" said Buffy. "It'll be nice to not have to get all sweaty fighting one of the oogies for once."

"Um, perhaps." Giles sounded a bit sheepish.


"Well, we WILL have to lure the creature to us. That could be most easily accomplished by one or more couples, er, necking rather passionately."

Xander sighed heavily, putting his arm around Cordelia. "It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it." She smacked him on the back of the head.

"We can worry about that later," said Willow. "Giles, will you have everything you need to make the potion?"

"I should. I gave it a quick glance, and it doesn't seem to be anything too rare. I should have everything in my private box in the chemistry lab."

They started for the chemistry lab, the Scooby's strung out behind Giles as they walked the dimly lit, quiet corridors. Any school at night is a slightly creepy place--something about a place that is usually so bright and bustling being empty, silent, and dark. Sunnydale High was definitely no exception, and the Scooby's unconsciously stayed to the center of the hall, away from the brightly lit classrooms.

The figure that stepped out of the classroom to their right was so unexpected that it garnered several gasps, and the little group skidded to a halt. They relaxed quickly, though, as this person was pretty much the opposite of intimidating.

It was Sunnydale's new English teacher--Miss Scarlet Isabelle Mozelle. She was a pleasant looking, plump woman, she was probably somewhere in her mid-thirties, but she had the sort of round, smooth face that would not age readily. She regarded the little group with bright, lively blue eyes, smiling faintly. "Well, y'all are certainly having a late day of it."

Giles took a step toward her. The Scooby's noticed a sudden near courtliness in his manner. Xander muttered to Oz that he thought that the accent had suddenly become thicker. "Miss Mozelle, you shouldn't be here so late. Things... there's been a good bit of unrest lately."

She nodded. "And y'all are going to try to do something about it?" Shuffling of feet. No one was entirely sure HOW this woman, who had lived on the Hellmouth for less than a half-year, had managed to figure out that there was SOMETHING going on, and that a group of the students, and the school librarian, were fighting it. If they'd asked her directly, she would have told them--she paid attention, and worked on the Sherlockian theory that when all possible explanations had been ruled out, then the impossible was true.

"We're just going to do some extra curricular research," offered Buffy. Everyone stared at her. "What?"

"Does this have anything to do with why the pep squad molested the chess club?" asked Miss Mozelle.

"Yes," Giles admitted. "And I really wish that you hadn't stayed over, Miss Mozelle."

"I had to finish decorating my room for the Shakespeare unit, and will you please stop calling me that? I'm southern enough as it is. It isn't bad enough that my mother has to name me after the ultimate southern belle--when I hear myself called Miss Mozelle I feel like I should tuck a magnolia blossom behind my ear and chug a gallon of mint julep. Please, Rupert, call me Scribe. It's the most appropriate and least embarrassing nickname I've been given yet."

"Yes... Scribe." Giles lingered a fraction of a second over the name. Oz and Xander exchanged looks, eyebrows raised. "Look, we'll be a bit in the lab. Please, don't go wandering about the school, and wait for one of us to escort you to your car."

She cocked her head. "You think it's that hazardous?"

"I'd be much more comfortable."

"All right, then." She smiled, reached out, and tapped the middle button on Giles' shirt. "Far be it from me to make you uncomfortable." The Scooby's were treated to the very rare sight of Giles blushing.

Scribe turned quickly to go back into her room, and...

ran smack into something cool and solid, almost falling. Big, firm hands gripped her arms, supporting her, and she looked up into a handsome, pale face set with dark eyes. "Oh, Angel. I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were behind me."

He nodded. Vampires could be very good at fading into the background until they WANTED to be noticed. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm fine, aside from the normal embarrassment. I seem to be on about my tenth 'clumsy stage'." There was a pause. She could feel his thumbs stroking her arms, and fought back an urge to shiver. She knew what he was, just as she knew about the Hellmouth. Like many Americans she'd grown up with something of a fascination with vampires. Finding out that they actually existed had been disturbing, frightening, and a little bit intriguing. The others in the little demon-fighting group seemed to accept Angel, so she did, too. After all, he'd even saved members of the gang from his own vampiric family--Spike and Drusilla. She saw no reason not to trust him, till he proved untrustworthy. "I ought to get back to my work."

Angel blinked, as if suddenly snapping out of a distraction. "Yes. Just let me know when you're ready to go..."

"I'll walk her out," snapped Giles. "Come along--we're wasting time." He stalked off toward the lab, and the Scooby's followed in his wake. Angel brought up the rear again. Just before entering the lab he glanced back. She was still standing outside the classroom, watching the Scoobies. Their eyes met, and she looked down quickly, turning to go into the classroom.

Inside Giles had unlocked a cabinet and was setting ingredients out on one of the counters. "Lets see..." He ran a finger down the page of the book. "Ground mother of pearl, powdered unicorn horn, flame beetle carapice, sweet oil of oleander..." He muttered to himself as he set out the ingredients. Then his finger stopped moving, and he blinked.

The silence drew out. Finally Cordelia said, "What? Do we have to send someone to the nearest 7-Eleven for eye of newt or something?"

"No, I don't think this could be located there. Hopefully we'll be able to provide it ourselves."

Xander sat up straighter. "I'm not donating any organs."

"Please. It's something any of you could easily spare, and it's for a good cause."

"Well, what IS is, Giles?" said Buffy.

"Well, you see, the recipe calls for three drops of virgin blood."

Silence. Finally Xander said, "Is that, like, blood from a virgin, or like a virgin Bloody Mary, no alcohol?"

"It is blood from someone who has never had intercourse. Someone. that means that it can be from a male or a female, but they," he read, "must never have known the carnal embrace of a man."

"Well, that lets YOU out, Harris," said Oz.

"Surely this won't be too hard to obtain." Giles looked toward the person who would seem like the most logical choice. "Willow?" Her eyes darted around. Oz slipped an arm around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder, raising an eyebrow. "Right. Cordelia?" Xander and Cordelia exchanged looks. "Yes, well. Buffy?"

Buffy bit her lip. "Does it count when...?"

"Yes, it does." Giles looked at Angel. Angel smiled. Giles sighed. "Bloody hell. Couldn't you lot have waited for your senior prom, like most American teens? I don't suppose there are any younger brothers or sisters or cousins I'm unaware of?"

"We could try the mall," suggested Buffy.

"What are we going to do?" asked Cordelia snidely, "Tell them that it's some sort of advanced placement test?"

As the group began argueing, Angel quietly slipped out the door and made his way back down the hallway.


Scribe stretched her arms up over her head, reaching for the strip of corkboard that ran above the blackboard. *Too damn HIGH above the blackboard. Did they design this classroom for teachers who were basketball coaches in their spare time?* She was already standing on the second step of a three step stepladder, and she was still several inches short of reaching her goal.

*Drat. They say not to stand on the top step, but if I don't I'll have to try to push the desk over here, then stand on it. This will only take a second.* She made sure that the thumbtack she intended to use to fasten the drawing of the Globe Theater to the cork was firmly in place, through the paper. She held it in her left hand, then braced her right hand against the chalk board and carefully eased up onto the top step.

She paused in a half-crouch, making sure that she had her balance, then slowly stood up, dragging her hand along the wall for support. So far, so good. Now she stretched her left hand up to seat the tack. Her thumb slipped. The tack slipped out of the paper and dropped, smacking her on the forehead. It didn't prick her, but it startled her enough to make her flinch, and that was all it took.

Her footing slipped, and suddenly she was pitching backward. There was a split second for her to hope that she wouldn't hit anything on the way down, and to pray that she didn't get anything more serious than possibly a broken arm or leg. But these tile floors were awful hard. Even though she was only about three feet off the floor, there was a good chance she'd break her neck when she landed.

She didn't land. Not on the floor, anyway. Instead of thudding to an unyeilding, cold surface, she was caught, strong arms going under her shoulders and thighs. She was caught and drawn close against a broad, cool body, one that staggered only a little at her impact.

Scribe found herself clutching frantically at the slick leather of her rescuer's jacket, gasping with the adrenaline that she suddenly didn't need. She wasn't surprised when she looked up at Angel. He said calmly, "Those things aren't designed to be used like that."

"I know. Talk about learning an object lesson. Thank you." He nodded. She waited a moment. "I'm lucky you just happened to come back by."

"Mm. It's not exactly a coincidence." He set her down, but took hold of her arm. "Miss Mozelle, can I ask you a favor? It's for the Scoobies."

"Of course. Is there something I can do to help?"

"There might be. I think there is, but I'm not entirely sure. Would you...?" He paused.

"Would I what?"

"Just..." He was reaching toward her. She stiffened slightly as his other hand settled on her shoulder. "Just stay still for a moment, and don't be afraid." She stood very still as he leaned toward her, closing his eyes. He took a deep breath. His face tightened in concentration, and he leaned closer still. He turned his head from side to side, sniffing delicately. Then he bent, bringing his face to within an inch of her bare throat. She froze, suddenly remembering what he was, and just how vulnerable she was at that moment.

She didn't see Angel open his eyes, didn't see the brief flicker of feral yellow that shot through the dark depth. When he stood up, he looked normal. "Come with me, please."

Now thoroughly confused, she allowed herself to be led back to the lab. She could hear the confusing gabble of several voices, not an unusual thing when the Scoobies were together, she reflected.

Buffy was saying, "Well, I think I still qualify, technically, so we can go ahead and try it with my blood, and..."

"We can't, Buffy!" said Giles sternly. "The unicorn horn would react very violently to less than pure blood, and..."

"That is SO archaic!" she protested.

"We are NOT debating the double standard and politically correct attitudes toward sexual activity, Buffy, we are trying to concoct a potion that was developed sometime before the middle ages, so the term archaic is not totally inappropriate, and what are you doing here?" All eyes turned toward Scribe and Angel. Giles stammered. "I... I don't mean that you're not welcome, that I don't want... that we don't want you here, but..."

"Angel seems to think that I can be of some help to y'all." More looks exchanged between the teenagers. Xander coughed. Oz poked him severly. "What?"

"Angel," Giles' voice was frosty. "This is in extremely bad taste, not to mention being almost criminally frivolous."

"I'm not trying to play some sort of joke. You people need a virgin--she qualifies."

Complete and utter silence. A pink tide slowly crept up the English teacher's face. Finally she said weakly, "Well, don't worry. The last I heard it wasn't contagious."

"Good heavens. You are...? I mean, you haven't...? At all?"

Scribe regarded the librarian with something approaching amusement. "I am, and I haven't, at all."

"Well, you've kinda..." Buffy waved her hands, "Um, you know..."

"I don't, but I'll spare you trying to put it into words that won't make us all want to sink through the floor. If it can by any definition be called having sex with another person, I haven't. Clear? Now, what the hell is this all about?" Pause. "Pardon my French."

Giles cleared his throat. "The potion that we need to settle this disturbance requires three drops of virgin blood, and it must be stirred by the hand of one who has never known the carnal embrace of man."

She nodded. "Well, I qualify, all right." She looked around at the teenagers. They looked everywhere but at her. "I decline further comment. This doesn't have to, like, be extracted from some internal organ?"

"Oh, no! It's just three ordinary drops of blood."

"Fine. How do we go about this?"

"Well, we'll need something sharp." Giles glanced around.

"There are disecting kits over there," Xander pointed. "They have little scalpels and picks in them."

"They've also been used on pickled fetal pigs, Xander. Ew," said Cordelia.

"I think I may have the solution." Oz turned up the hem of his shirt and unfastened a large safety pin. "Be prepared. Plus it can be used as an emergency guitar pic." He handed it over to Giles.

"Perfect. I'll just prepare the other ingredients." Giles quickly and efficiently measured the dry ingredients into a mortar, poured in the oil a drop at a time, and stirred it vigorously with the pestle. A viscious, nasty smelling brown goo resulted. "Oh, dear. That doesn't look right, but I've followed the directions carefully. Perhaps the final ingredient will turn the trick."

He opened the safety pin, lit a bunsen burner, and ran the point through the flames. "Scribe, if you would?" She stepped forward. Giles took her wrist, and she stuck out her pointer finger. "Look, I'm sorry about this."

"I used to do counted cross stitch, Rupert. It won't be any worse than what I've done to myself."

The entire gang tensed up, and Giles made a short, sharp jab. Scribe drew in a hissing breath, wincing. Giles stroked her finger, from base to tip. A tiny red speck swelled there, growing till it was a fat, shimmering glode of crimson. She held her finger over the little bowl, and turned it over. The drop elongated slightly, then pulled free and plopped into the goo. She squeezed her finger again and another plump drop fell. It had gotten very quiet in the room.

Cordelia whispered, "Maybe she was... exaggerating a little?"

Scribe gave her a scornfull look, and squeezed her finger again. Another drop fell into the mortar. There was a small flash, and a tinkling sound. The scent of violets filled the room, and the mixture in the bowl shimmered, then turned a pastel blue. She gave it a quick stir, and it faded to pure white.

"Ah. Yes. I do believe that's done it. One of you fetch me a container. A glass one. I'll need to use this a bit like a Molotov cocktail, I think. Smash it as close to the demon's feet as possible."

Willow and Buffy started searching through the cabinet for a suitable container while Cordelia began to help Giles replace the ingredients. Xander and Oz were whispering together about the heretofore believed mythical beings--post adolescent virgins.

Scribe had stepped back a bit from the counter, and found herself standing next to Angel. "Well, that was unusual. I never thought that my maiden state could actually be benificial." He cocked an eyebrow at her, and she shrugged. "It doesn't even guarantee a good reputation these days."

"You're still bleeding," he pointed out. She looked at her finger. The sting had stopped. Now it only ached a little. Sure enough, there was another bead of blood gathering on her fingertip. "I could get you a tissue."

"No need. Nature provided first aid for stuck fingers." She lifted her finger, opening her mouth, prepared to suck the aching digit. But she stopped suddenly. Angel had tensed. She noticed that he was watching her closely. Of course. He survived on cow and pig blood these days, declining to feed off humans now that he had his soul. It nourished him, but Scribe supposed that it must me like living on a diet of cold, unseasoned oarmeal--it might keep you alive, but it wasn't healthy, and it wasn't pleasant. She extended her hand toward him, offering it silently.

Angel stared at the proferred hand. He stared on the quiivering, bubble of blood, then looked back at the face of the woman who was offering it to him. There was no teasing there. There was only friendliness, gentleness. *She knows what it's like,* he thought, surprised. *She realizes, at least a little, how hard it is for me to abstain. She's offering it because she believes it will be good for me, help me.*

He looked down at the blood droplet again. His nostrils flared, and again he drank in the scent of the woman--all the subtle aromas that were the things she used, the things she wore, or ate, or drank, and the infinitely richer, finer scents that were just her alone. Weaving through it all was the scent that he'd recognized in the hallway, the one that had drawn him back to her. The scent of physical purity. It was rumored that a virgin's blood was the sweetest. Angel believed that, though the knowledge was like a dark weight on his soul. Angelus would attest to it with relish.

Slowly Angel took hold of her wrist, lifting her hand. He bent his head, shutting his eyes and opening his mouth. Scribe shuddered slightly as she felt the cool, velvet touch of Angel's tongue. He lapped her fingertip, then paused, eyes closed, lips resting against her skin. After a moment his lips parted and he slipped her fingertip into his mouth, sucking softly.

Scribe stared, wide-eyed, unsure. "Angel?" she said softly. His grip tightened a fraction on her wrist, but that was his only response. Her voice rose a little. "Angel?"

Giles turned around. The metal jar he'd been holding clattered to the floor. "ANGEL!"

Angel's head jerked back. He looked up into the startled face of the woman beside him and quickly let go of her wrist stepping away. "It's all right, Giles."

"It goddamn well ISN'T all right!" He rounded on Scribe, his fear and worry making him angry. "Damn it, woman, don't you know what you're doing?" She blinked at him, and the anger drained away as swiftly as it had come. "No, of course you don't. You don't know how dangerous that little game is. But you..." he glared at Angel. "You have no excuse." Angel nodded, not trying to deny it. He knew. He had just allowed himself a moment of weakness. That was dangerous, for everyone.

Giles stepped close to Angel. His voice was very low. "You won't touch her again. Do you understand? You won't go near her, not unless all of us are here. And even then..."

"I understand."

Giles stared at him hard. Finally he nodded. "Come along, Scribe. I'll walk you to your car."

"Oh. Yes. I'll just need to get my purse from my room."

"I'll take you there."

"Yes." She glanced around at the Scoobies. "Good night. You all take care. Don't take any chances with this... whatever it is."

There was a chorus of asssurances. Perhaps Scribe's eyes flicked one more time toward the tall, dark vampire, but she gave no special farewells as Giles escorted her out of the room.

"Whoa, Giles suddenly turned into Mr. Protective," marvelled Xander.

"Definitely a bit more than the usual Mr. Manners he usually is around the rest of the female staff," Oz agreed.

Xander lifted his chin toward Angel, who was staring at the empty doorway. "Hey, Deadboy. What's virgin blood taste like?

Angel didn't turn, didn't look around. "Sweet," he murmured. "Very, very sweet."

Part Two

"Yes, the outdated language CAN be a deterrent to enjoying Shakespeare, IF YOU LET IT! But if you pay attention to the action and the situation as well as the words, it usually isn't all that
hard to figure out. For instance, in the scene where Hamlet first spies the ghost of his father, he cries that he will not be kept from going to him, he will deal with whoever 'lets' him. I noticed some of you looking puzzled. Why?" Silence. Scribe glanced around the room. "Cordelia?"

Cordelia slapped her book shut, hiding the clothes catalogue she'd been studying. "Um. 'Lets'. Uh, because he wants to go, and he ought to be happy with anyone who lets him."

"That's what you'd think if you just looked at the words and didn't try to interpret the action. Willow?"

"Well, from the way he uses the word in this situation, I'd think that maybe 'let' had a different meaning from what we think of today. Maybe it meant... stop?"

Scribe smiled, nodding. "Exactly. And when Hamlet later tells Ophelia to 'get thee to a nunnery', he isn't telling her to take holy vows. In Shakespeare's time, nunnery was a vulgar slang expression for a house of ill repute." The bell rang. As the students started to surge to their feet she raised her hands. "Whoa! Remember the assignment! I want a three page dialogue done in your best imitation of Shakespeare's style." There were groans. "Bunch of babies," her voice was good natured. "Three full pages, narrow lined paper. You can skip lines between each section of the speech, but don't try to get away with skipping every other line. Remember, Shakespeare did
comedy, too, and his plays were the sensational entertainment of his time. Violence, intrigue, death, and sex. Y'all should be well versed in all of those after watching cable television. Okay,
escape." They did.

She was shaking her head as she began to gather her things. "You'd think I'd asked them to write 'War and Peace'."

"You didn't ask for footnotes or index cards. How are we supposed to operate without footnotes and index cards?"

Surprised, she looked around to find Xander Harris standing near the doorway. "Xander. I expect y'all to actually try to have an original thought or two. Harsh, I know, but it's up to me to prepare
you for the real world."

He smiled. "You think original thinking is admired in the 'real world'. Watched any tv lately?"

She had to smile back. She liked Xander. He was funny, but not unnecessarily disruptive, he had a quirky sense of humor, and she suspected he was a lot more intelligent than he let on. "Point taken. What are you doing still hanging around? Shouldn't you be half-way home by now?"

He shrugged. "It's not like I'm on a curfew or anything." He came over and picked up the stack of books she'd been reaching for. "I'll take those for you."

"All right." She hitched her purse up on her shoulder. "But I warn you, I had to park on the far side of the lot today." As they walked she said, "You know, my timing stinks. Girls are supposed to have boys carrying their books while they're attending school, not while they're teaching it."

"Do you read all these?"

"THOSE are my class books. The stacks I take home from the library for my personal reading are much larger than that."

"Shit!" He flinched. "I mean..."

"My ears aren't going to fall off, Xander." She slanted an amused look at him. "Damn it."

"It's just that you read more than anyone else I know, even Willow. Well, except maybe Giles."

Scribe was unlocking her car. She smiled. "Yes, Rupert DOES seem to have a wide range of reading interests. I've never seen such an, um, unusual selection as there is at this school's library." She looked up to find Xander making a face. "What?"

"It's just kinda weird, hearing Giles called Rupert."

"I can sympathize with someone having a slightly unusual name. In fact, slightly unusual names seem to almost be the norm around here--Rupert, Buffy, Cordelia, Willow, Oz, Xander... Oh, but the Xander stands for Alexander, and the Oz is really a Daniel. So you two have CHOSEN your different names." She tilted the driver's seat forward. "Put those in the back, would you?"

Xander stepped forward and bent down to place the books on the back seat. When he stood up, he found that he was very close to Scribe. In fact, his sleeve had brushed her as he turned. He found himself staring into her face, and he found himself thinking.

He'd stayed because she knew what was going on in Sunnydale, and he was wondering if she was going to be recruited into the Scoobies. Lord knew they could use all the help they could get. But Giles was acting oddly resistant to the idea. This had Xander puzzled. While the Watcher did everything he could to see that they were well trained, educated, equipped, and prepared to fight the demonic influences in Sunnydale, he still sent them out to do it. There was very little that he forbade them to do in the name of slaying. Why was he being hesitant about drafting Miss Mozelle?

"Do you need a ride home?" she asked.

"Yeah, that would be nice."

"Fine." She paused. "Xander, you have to let me get in the car if I'm going to drive."

"Oh. Right."

Xander went around and got in the passenger side after Scribe unlocked the door. As they pulled out, she said, "You'll have to give me your address."

"Tell you what, why don't you take me by Buzz instead? It's closer than my house, and I can walk home from there."

"Sure." They drove. "So, that thing that Rupert whipped up worked? I've noticed that things are a lot more... Well, a lot less, um, loose than they were."

"Yeah, it worked great. We lured the demon out into the open, and Giles lobbed that sucker right at the things feet, and *schloop!* Demon gone."

"How did y'all lure it out?" There was silence. They'd stopped at a corner, and Scribe glanced over to find Xander blushing. "Never mind." She pulled up in front of the coffee shop. "Well, I'll see you Monday."

"How about coming in for a few minutes?" Scribe hesitated. "C'mon," Xander coaxed. "They have an orange-mocha cappucino that's killer."

Scibe couldn't help smiling. She was still in the process of exploring Sunnydale, and she'd been meaning to visit this little shop, but never had. "Sure, why not? I don't have any heavy grading to do." She parked and they got out. She was pleasantly surprised when Xander hurried ahead of her and held the door. "Oo, a gentleman. What a pleasant surprise." At the counter he let her order first. "I hope you don't think I'm disrespecting your tastes, Xander, but I think I want the double chocolate frappichino instead."

"Who am I to argue with someone who wants chocolate? And I'll have my usual."

Buffy, behind the counter, gave him a disgusted look. "What regular?"

*Way thanks, Buffy, make me look like an idiot.* "What I've ordered three out of five weekday afternoon for the past year."

"I keep hoping you'll change it."

As Buffy started fixing the order, Scribe murmured, "I didn't know Buffy worked here."

"Just a few hours a week afterschool. It's sort of an unofficial requirement to cover up some of..." Buffy was giving him the hairy eyeball. He cleared his throat. "You know, sometimes that whole Slayer thing gets her into stuff that's sort of hard to explain, and..." He trailed off. Scribe nodded in understanding.

Buffy put the drinks on the counter. "That'll be six-twenty-two."

"Oh, I'm sorry, this isn't together," said Scribe.

"Yes, it is." Xander had pulled out his wallet and was handing over money.

Scribe blinked. "Well, I'm not used to having people pay my way. Thank you, Xander."

"No prob." He picked up the drinks. "There's a booth over there." He led her back to a corner booth, and they slid in opposite sides. "So, how are you liking our fair burg so far?"

"Um, interesting. It's not as wet as it was back where I came from." He lifted an eyebrow. She smiled. "Right. And the demon population is a lot thicker, too. I'd just about decided that there
was weird stuff afoot in the world--it just wasn't confirmed till I came here."

"You handle it a lot better than some people who've been here a lot longer."

She shrugged. "Thanks. I'm not sure if it means I'm very stable, or a little cracked."

"Whatever. You fit right in."

They talked for awhile longer. Scribe found that she was enjoying herself. The teenager was charming, in a goofy, class clown sort of way, and she had the sneaking suspicion that he was a lot more intelligent than he let on in class. He caught several cultural references that would have whizzed right over the heads of most people his age, and he threw them right back at her.

Buffy came over and started cleaning a table near the booth. She paused and said, in a low voice, "Xander, I wouldn't expect you to know any better, but Miz Mozelle, I thought you'd be more discreet." Scribe gave her a blank look. Buffy waved her hand at the half-full shop. "C'mon, the place is full of people from school. If you two are going to date, you ought to pick somewhere a little more out of the limelight."

Scribe's mouth dropped open. "Date? Buffy, I haven't dated since..." She flushed. "Well, never mind, but I haven't. We're just having a drink..." She frowned. "That doesn't sound right."

"We're just having a coffee flavored beverage together," supplied Xander. He gave Buffy a cold look. "You can leave any time now." It wasn't easy to flounce in the smock Buffy had to wear for her job, but she managed it.

"A DATE?" Scribe repeated, sounding a little stunned. "Good God, what DOES run through that child's mind?"

"Right. Riding home from school and grabbing a frappacino doesn't count as a date. Now, going to The Bronze together, THAT would be a date."

"I mean, really, where did she get that idea? You're only about half my age."

"Younger men and older women are all the rage these days. How about it?"

"How about what?"

"The Bronze. Tonight, say about eight?"

She blinked. "Xander, did you just ask me out on a date?"


"I'm old enough to be your mother."

"Please, no mental images. Doesn't have to be The Bronze. They're changing the movies at the multiplex today, and there ought to be something good."

"But... Xander... Let's put the age difference aside for a moment. I'm your teacher. Such things are more than frowned upon. I could lose my job."

Xander sighed. "Well, I can't argue with that. I couldn't support you. But would you if you WEREN'T my teacher?"


"Look, the age difference doesn't bug ME. Do YOU have a problem with it, or do you have a problem with society's problem with it?"


"Do you think that you're too old for me, or that I'm too young for you? Because there IS a difference, you know." Her hand was lying on the table, and Xander reached over, tracing a pattern on the back. "I'm mature for my age, in some things."

Scribe blinked at him. "Where the heck were you when I was back in highschool, and that's a metaphoric question, so don't say 'not born yet'." She studied him. "Tell me, is this about the virgin thing? Because there's bound to be some virgins your own age wandering around here somewhere."

"I won't deny that's a certain part of it."

She sighed. "Well, I'm still flattered, but... it wouldn't work, Xander. You have to know that." He slumped a little. "Oh, dear. This is a situation I DEFINITELY never thought I'd be in."

Xander waved. "S'okay. I don't think I could've handled having Giles go territorial on me, anyway."


"Nevermind." He held out his hand. "Friends?"

She shook hands. "I certainly hope so, Xander." She left.

Buffy sidled over. "Did I see flames shooting up from over here, Xan?"

"Don't you have drains to clean? Grounds to empty? Hopefully toilets to swab out?"

"What is this obsession you have with older women, Xander? Miss Walsh, mummygirl, now someone who's..." she wrinkled her nose, "Giles' age."

Xander stood up. "You know, Buffy, sometimes I think that you're singlehandedly trying to prove all the stereotypes about blonds."

As he walked off, she called, "Hey! No tip?"

*One thing I hate about being a vampire--the accomodations are usually pretty shitty,* Angel thought as he awoke to find himself staring at the underside of a stone slab. Well, they had been for the last few decades, anyway. People had gotten so picky about wanting identification, and it had also gotten more expensive and difficult to acquire fake ID. He was eternally (literally) grateful that he'd been turned AFTER he looked of age. It would have been really pissy to spend his existence having to flash a card to every bouncer and grocery clerk he ran across. *I wonder what they'd say if I showed them something with my real birthdate on it? Bet they don't get many with the DOB in the early seventeen hundreds.*

He pushed the slab aside and sat up, looking around the dusty crypt interior. "I have GOT to move. There's that deserted mansion on the edge of town." He settled back, not quite ready to get up. Better to wait for full dark rather than risk having one pure gleam of sunshine make it over the horizon unexpectedly.

The coffin wasn't too uncomfortable. He'd put in some rubber padding, and lined it with a quilt, tucking a pillow at the top. Angel folded his hands over his belly, sighing. Another bad thing about being a vampire--too damn much time to think.

He went back over the events of the last couple of days. It had been kind of crazy, capturing that sex demon. He had a feeling that Xander had enjoyed it a little, though. They'd needed sexual energy to lure the creature out, so Xander and Cordelia, Willow and Oz, and Buffy and Angel had gone to a deserted section of the park and, with Giles hiding nearby, made out.

He wasn't entirely comfortable kissing and gropeing Buffy around others. That was probably why he hadn't been all that interested. Oh, it had been pleasant enough. He liked Buffy--she was a good Slayer, and a fairly nice girl--if a little self-absorbed. But she WAS a girl--not a woman. He almost felt like a child molester with her, eventhough she'd admitted she wasn't exactly untouched with the whole virgin's blood thing...

There was a dark whisper in his mind. //Virgin's blood. Oh, it's been a LONG time.//

Angel ignored it. Most times he could keep Angelus muffled, crammed back in some far corner of his mind, but there were times when the demon wandered a little too close to the surface for comfort. The bright, shining shield of his soul kept the demon in check, though Angel sometimes worried. It was his apprehension about experiencing pure happiness, and losing his soul, unleashing Angelus once again, that had kept him all these years from establishing a relationship with anyone--mortal or vampire.

Angel's hands trailed idly up and down his belly as he thought, sliding over the smooth silk of his dark shirt. He treated himself to good clothes. There was so much he was denied in life--he would
let himself have this. It wasn't that he hadn't had sex in all those long years since he'd regained his soul. No, there's been sex--fast, dirty, and as anonymous as he could make it. Often he didn't even
know his partner's last name. In fact, there were a good number where he didn't even know their FIRST name--it had been lost in the pounding of club music when they first approached each other. He just didn't feel he could risk getting emotionally close to anyone he had sex with, so it had been decades of one night, or weekend stands. Not all that difficult to manage. He wasn't vain, but he knew that he was attractive, and he used it when he had to.

Angel let his hands slide lower, over the rougher spance of denim at his crotch. He stroked thoughtfully. Then there was Buffy. He wasn't sure exactly what he had with her. It was something, more than he'd had with anyone since Drusilla, but still... He sighed. He was beginning to respond, but only to his own caresses. The thought of Buffy just wasn't doing anything for him. Buffy was just a little too perfect. 'Malibu Barbie' some wit had called her once--probably Xander, when she wasn't around. That pretty much summed it up. A pretty, deadly doll--doing her duty and whining about it all the way. *What's that expression--I've stepped in deeper puddles?*

*But I guess that may be a side effect of California. Shallow, or conflicted. Shallow--Buffy and Cordelia. Conflicted--Willow. Miss Calandar--hates my guts. Then there's Miss Mozelle...*

There was a sudden throb of interest in his groin, and he could almost hear Angelus sigh, //Aaah, yessss. There's most certainly her.//

Angel spoke aloud. "No."

//So hasty. No? Then why are you opening your fly? I wish I could say OUR fly, but I don't FEEL any of it, damn you.//

Angel closed his eyes and pictured the woman as he'd seen her the other night at the school. He slid his hand into his pants and found himself already half hard. He gripped his cock and began to stroke firmly, remembering how bright and blue her eyes had been, how soft her hair looked, the rounded curve of her chin...

//Fuck! Think about her tits, her ass, even her mouth. GIVE me something, dammit! And spit in your hand, you idiot.// The demon's tone was taunting. //As much as you jerk off instead of getting laid, I'd think you'd know by now.//

Angel ignored him, stroking more quickly, going for maximum stimulation. He hated not feeling secure enough to take his time pleasuring himself, but anything that made him lose the least bit of
control brought Angelus that much closer to the surface, and the demon knew this, so he'd try to goad Angel as much as possible.

*She smelled so good--warm, sweet, clean...*

//Pris-tine! Oh, yeah, smell is GOOD! Wouldn't it be nice to smudge up all that purity?//

"Shut up," Angel muttered. He'd started to leak pre-seminal fluid by now, and he used it to slick his hand. The pleasure was pooling in his groin, sparking up and down his spine. Not much more... He thought of how she'd felt when he'd cradled her in his arms after she'd fallen off the ladder. He'd held Buffy before, and she was solid and muscular. Scribe had been soft and curved--not taut and toned like the Slayer, but so definitely female. He remembered scenting her. If he'd just turned his head, leaned forward another inch or two, he would have been kissing her. Would she have pinched her lips shut? Remained passive? What if her lips had trembled, then parted?

//Yes, her mouth--warm and wet, like another part of her, eh? The desk right there. Imagine her bent over it.//

"No." But his hand was moving faster.

//How the cloth would have sounded ripping. The noise she would have made when you went inside, the way she would have squirmed.//

"No!" But the images came, and wouldn't go away. He tried to alter them, making the mental image of his self gentle into a lover's attitude--touching softly, sweetly... But her eyes were still hurt, confused, frightened...

Angel's hips arched, and he came, his cool sperm splattering the bottom of his shirt. He cursed even as the waves of pleasure were receeding. Now he'd have to change before he could go out. He climbed out of the coffin, searching for the tub of Wet-naps that he kept for such occasions.

Deep in his mind he could hear the demon hissing quietly. //You enjoyed it, sop. You won't admit it, but you did.// A dark chuckle. //Ah, the guilt adds to it, doesn't it?//

*I'd never do anything like that.*

//You wouldn't have to, Angel. I would.//