Title: As I Awaken From A Dream.

Author: Erika ... who also goes by the name of evil child, cute kid, wacky and BetaR.

Feedback: funhapjoy@yahoo.com

Pairing: Highlander/Angel

Disc: Please don't sue me. It's not my fault honest. But just in case: Angel and its characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and Fox Production. Highlander and its characters belongs to TPTB at Pazer/Davis and their associated companies.

Rating: Slash m/m

Summary: Blame my beta-reader Pollyanna. She had some questions, which I did not know the answers to because fossil isn't speaking to me ... *sigh* ... I left him hanging in the middle of a sex scene in another story, anyway blood-sucker pleaded my case and voila here is part 2 of ‘As I lay you down to sleep.'

Beta-reader: Pollyanna who is evil. I repeat E-V-I-L. She makes Cruella De Vil quake in fear. She makes sad mouse write down dirty words. She scares little children. She is evil I tell you.




By Erika

God. It had been a tiring day.

Overall he was pleased with the amount of research he had accomplished during the past two weeks, but even immortal stamina had its limits. He needed to let his mind and body rest.

Three weeks ago he had left Seacouver and made his way down the coast to the City of Angels. He had decided to investigate a tip Joe had given him, about an old journal being discovered in the university library.

Turned out that the journal was a copy of an old Watcher's diary. It documented the rise of General Darius prior to his conversion in Paris. The translation might make a good gift for Dawson.

It was late by the time he left the university and he didn't feel like going back to the empty motel room. He had noticed a bar not that far away. With backpack still in hand he headed in that direction.

He entered the bar and ordered beer. For a moment there he thought the waitress was going to ask him for his ID card. He chuckled. He needed a haircut. He took out his book and began to read. In the back of his mind, he wondered what MacLeod would say about an Immortal reading a play about a man who's obsessed with death?

Two hours passed. He hadn't really noticed how late it was. He yawned. He needed sleep.

Two blocks away from the bar the goose bumps he had felt after he left the place returned in full force. No. Not an immortal, but he had the feeling he was being watched. He shifted carefully making sure he had easy access to his gun. Out here he was a sitting target. He made his way down an alley. Not his first choice, but maybe if he turned the tables on his would-be attackers ... Damn. Four of them. Mortals all.

He hated dying.

They circled around him. One had a sword. Methos felt the beast within him awaken. He was not going to die. Death would not allow it. Two of the men grabbed hold of his arms, making him kneel. He waited for his opening and felt the beast within him rattle its cage. Soon. Soon my pet I will set you free.

No! Damn it! A bystander was approaching them. He turned around to warn him when he was suddenly struck. The beast roared and took control.

Minutes later four men lay dead. Hunters. All of them. God. He needed to get away. He needed to put the beast back into his cage. He needed to contact Dawson and warn him the Hunters were back. He feared what this would do to MacLeod.

He turned around to thank his rescuer and noticed the injury on the stranger's arm. The man in him awakened and controlled the beast. He was Dr. Adams again.

As he tended the man's wound he happened to glance up. Demon. He took a step back. What? He hadn't known ... he needed to get away, but the beast in him was drawn. His heart raced and then calmed. Long ago he had heard stories of other immortals, but he had dismissed them. In 5,000 years he had never met one. He thought them fairytales. And now one was standing in front of him. His Demon. His very own Demon. The beast within him roared. Yes, my pet, it would appear you are going to get a new playmate. He reached out and gently touched the man's cheek, and was roughly grabbed and kissed.

Yes! This is what he wanted. To be possessed. To be taken.

"Ummmm ... Angel?" You call to your demon lover. Your body still tingles. Two days ago .... Has it really been only two days? You stretch sleepily on the bed.

Angel, your demon, gathers you in his arms and gently kisses you. What a lovely way to wake up.

"Adam." You open your eyes. His eyes look into yours and they hold a promise.

"Please." You beg. For the past two days the beast within you has been calmed, the nightmares are gone. All because this man-demon has tamed the beast. Tamed him by allowing Death the freedom to roam. You feel fulfilled as his cock enters you and again you begin this dance between his demon and your beast.

Tomorrow my love, I will tell you the truth. Tomorrow you will call me Methos.


