Title: As I Was

Author Lady Bard

Fandom: Andromeda

Feed back: please!

pairing: none

Rating: G

Type: Challenge Response

Archive: Sure just let me know where. I love discovering new sites.

Disclaimers: not really needed the people being used could come from anywhere but no infringment is intended. Ok?

Notes: Answer to Crystal's 55 word story challenge on SUJE and Joxerotica but I'm sharing it around because it could really be anyone just insert couple here.


As I was

by Lady Bard


I am as I was before, alone and unwanted. The one who shown light into my meaningless existance is gone. Left for Greener pastures, for brighter days but the blame is mine. If I had shown my feelings more often than we would still be together. MY days would be bright not dark.
