A Few Reasons Why I Love Seamus Zelazny Harper....
by Huntress

You can bring him to a party and you're sure to have a good time; if you took Tyr, he would spend the evening telling everyone he was a superior being, and embarrassing you.

He can program your cable box with *all* 3,728 channels; Dylan would say it was stealing, and make you confess all, and ensure you pay for it.

His ass looks very spankable.

Anybody else would look goofy in the middle of space, wearing a Hawaiian shirt.

Has 101 uses for a socket wrench, and has practiced a few of them with Dylan.

Can ingest twelve cans of Sparky Cola, and belch out the themes from Hercules and Xena. (*Sparky Cola* is featured in the ep: 'The Devil Take The Hindmost')

I'm sure I'll think of a few more as time goes on....
