Copyright: November 1999 By Robin R. Neher



Title: The Bachelor

Author: Robin R. Neher

Rating: R

Pairing: N/A

Archive: Yes

Summary: Johnny, after being rejected by yet another nurse, decides to quit dating. Can the rest of station 51 persuade Johnny to take another shot at love?



By Robin R Neher

<P<>"I can't take it anymore! I just can't take it anymore! I'm tired of women always turning me down!" Johnny Gage screamed, as he threw the bouquet of flowers across the lockeroom of station 51.

Roy DeSoto could see that his partner and best friend was hurting. Roy watched as Johnny buried his head in his hands and sobbed.

"Junior, tell me what's wrong." Roy said gently.

"Yeah, Pal," Cap said, "tell us what's bothering you. Did something happen at Rampart?"

Johnny looked up at his friends through teary eyes. "I asked that new nurse, Melody, for a date."

"She said no, didn't she?" Roy asked.

"She said that she didn't want to date a big, dumb, fireman!" Johnny sobbed even harder. "She said it right there in front of everybody!"

"Ouch!" Cap said. "I know that must've hurt."

"Maybe she's just not into firemen." Roy offered, hoping to cheer his friend up.

"Melody said the only thing that fireman were good for was putting out fires!" Johnny sniffed.

"Pal, I know she hurt you," Cap said, "but there are other women out there who'd love to date a guy like you."

"Yeah," Roy put in. "You just haven't found the right one yet."

"How would either of you know?!" Johnny snapped. "You two are married! Roy, you've only been with Joanne! You have no idea what it's like to be single! Cap, how long have you been married?"

"Twenty years." Cap replied.

"Cap, being single is so much harder today." Johnny said. "Everything revolves around couples from TV shows to monogrammed towels! Why can't I find someone to love me?! Why can't I find someone to share my life with?! Roy, all I want is someone to love me! Is that so wrong?"

"No, Johnny," Roy replied, soothingly, "it's not. You'll find Ms. Right someday, just be patient."

"There's someone for everyone," Cap said. "I'm sure there's someone out there looking for someone just like you."

"Well, if there is, I haven't found her." Johnny said. "Maybe I'm just destined to be alone. I should just quit while I'm ahead."

Johnny opened his locker and took out his little black book. His friends watched as Johnny threw it in the trash.

"Johnny what are you doing?" Roy asked.

"From this day forward, I will not date again. I will be a lifelong bachelor!" Johnny declared. "I've had it with dating!"

With that, Johnny disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Roy and Cap very concerned.


Meanwhile, at Rampart, Dixie was raking Melody over the coals.

"How could you do that to Johnny Gage?!" Dix yelled. "He does have feelings, you know."

"Look," Melody said, defensively. "These firemen have got to learn their place. People like you and Dr. Brackett build them up to think they can do in the field what doctors can do here! One of these days someone's going to get killed because of that!"

Dixie looked at this nurse in disbelief. Where in the hell did you come from? The dark ages? Out loud, she said, "Melody, Part of being in the ER is that you have to be able to work with everyone, including the paramedics. They play a very vital role here!"

"Dix, you can work with them if you want to, but I won't. I don't think the paramedic program should have ever been started." The older nurse replied. "Why don't they go back to putting out fires and leave the doctoring to the doctors?"

Dix stood there, not believing what she was hearing. The Red-haired nurse turned to walk out. Dix grabbed her arm.

"Melody, this isn't the old days," she said, "things have changed, I think for the better."

"Well, I don't." Melody replied. "You're trusting amateurs with patient's lives! I checked into the background of Roy DeSoto, Frankly I wouldn't trust him or his partner with my life! Roy killed a patient because he did a procedure he wasn't qualified to do!"

"Roy had no other choice!" Dix snapped, "The patient had an obstructed airway! He wasn't getting oxygen! Their radio was broken!"

"Still, he should have just continued to transport and let the doctor handle it! Melody replied.

"Do you honestly think fireman are dumb?" Dix asked.

"Yes," Melody replied. "Most fireman I ever knew weren't all together up here." Melody pointed to her head.

Dixie sighed in frustration, then turned and walked out of the breakroom.


Later, when Roy and Johnny brought in a victim, they refused to follow him into the treatment room.

"Roy, Johnny, we could use your help." Dixie said.

"Oh?" Johnny said, sarcastically, "Why would you want the help of a couple of big, dumb firemen?"

Dixie watched as Roy and Johnny grabbed their equipment and walked out the double doors. Melody smiled.

"They're finally learning their place." Melody said. "Taking care of patients is our job, not theirs."

Dixie glared at her.


When Johnny and Roy got back to the station, they found it empty.

"The engine must have got a run while we were gone." Roy said.

"Yeah," Johnny replied, heading for the dorm.

When Johnny got to the dorm, he laid down in his bunk. Hugging his teddy bear close to him, he began crying, quietly.

"What did we ever do to Melody?" Johnny sobbed, to himself. "We never did anything to hurt her. What does she have against us?"

Just then the tones went off.

Squad 51, child trapped. 11190 Yancy Ave. 11190 Yancy Ave, Time out :11:20

"Squad 51, 10-4, KMG-365." Roy acknowledged, as Johnny got into the passenger side of the squad. Roy joined him on the driver's side and the squad sped out of the station.


Two hours later, Roy and Johnny brought the victim into Rampart, CPR in progress. Melody was waiting for them.

"Okay Mr. Gage and Mr. DeSoto," She said. "Let the people who know what they're doing take over."

Johnny and Roy started to follow the victim into the treatment room, but Melody stopped them.

"I'll bring your equipment out shortly." Melody said.

"But-" Roy protested.

"No buts," Melody said. "Your job is to transport the patient, nothing more nothing less. You've done that, now let the better educated people take over!"

Before Roy could say anything more, the treatment room door was shut in his face. Roy slammed his fist into the wall, furious.

"C'mon, Roy, sit down." Johnny said. "There's nothing we can do but wait for our equipment."

Just then Dix came over.

"Hi, Guys," She said as she sat down next to them. "Melody struck again, huh?"

"Yeah," Johnny snapped. "Dix, can't you do something about her? You're head nurse after all!"

"Johnny, all I can do is write her up." Dix replied, "The rest is up to the nursing supervisor."

Johnny sighed in frustration.

"Can't Kel do something?" Roy asked.

"The nurses aren't his problem," Dix replied. "The nursing supervisor handles the nurses."

"Roy, if I could, I'd fire Melody, but I don't have that authority." Dix said, "Only the director of nursing has that power."

Roy too sighed in frustration.

Changing the subject, Dixie said, "Johnny, what's this I hear about you giving up on dating?"

"It's true, Dix," Johnny sighed. "I just can't take anymore rejection."

"John, I had no idea Melody hurt you that badly." A concerned Dix said.

"It's not just her." Johnny said. "Over the past few months, I haven't been able to get one woman to go out with me."

"Junior, you're just in a slump, that's all." Roy said.

"Roy's right, John," Dix said. "Everybody goes through it, I did after I broke up with Kel."

"What did you do?" Johnny asked.

"I stopped waiting for Mr. Right to just come along. I started going out again to singles clubs and bars. I even went to singles dances." Dix said.

"Did you ever meet anyone?" John asked.

"No, but I had fun just the same." Dixie smiled. "You see, Johnny, I don't go to these things expecting to meet my future husband, I just go to have fun."

"Yeah, Junior," Roy chimed in. "Just because a woman says no doesn't mean she has anything against you personally, it just means that you may not necessarily be what they're looking for in a man."

"Really?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah," Roy replied. "You know what I want you to do after our shift ends? I want you to go out somewhere. I think it would help your depression to be among people. You need to learn to enjoy being by yourself. You need to realize that it's okay not to have a date every Saturday night."

"Okay, I'll do it." Johnny replied. "I could use a little fun."

"Good." Dix replied. "Treat yourself to a nice dinner, maybe a movie. Just do something for you for once."

Johnny decided he'd take his friend's advice. Tomorrow will just be for me and me alone, nobody else! Johnny thought.


The next evening, after sleeping most of the day, Johnny decided to go to a gentleman's club that a friend had told him about not too long ago. Knowing that the club had a dress code of a jacket and tie, John put on a tweed jacket, white shirt, brown tie and loafers on his feet.

Johnny hoped that the club was not too exclusive and would let him in. Driving to an inconspicuous brick building, Johnny parked his Land Rover in the parking lot, then went up to the door, where a bouncer stopped him.

"Let's see some ID," he barked.

Johnny showed the bouncer his driver's license. The bouncer then consulted a clipboard. After a few minutes, the bouncer shook his head.

"I'm sorry, you're not on the list. This club is members only." The bouncer told him, handing Johnny back his wallet.

"How do you become a member?" Johnny inquired.

"Son, you have to have connections," The bouncer replied. "Even if you had them, I'm not sure they'd let garbage like you in! Why don't you just go back to wherever it is you came from?"

Johnny angrily stalked back to his Land Rover. Fine! he thought, Who needs people like this anyway? Johnny put the Land Rover in gear and sped away.


Sunset found Johnny Gage sitting by himself on the beach, watching the waves roll into the shore. Not to far in the distance, he saw a father and his kids, playing together in the water. The sight brought tears to Johnny's eyes.

Face it, Gage, Johnny thought. You'll never have a family of your own. Who would want to marry a fireman anyway? Most women wouldn't tolerate the long separations and the constant fear of losing us, not that anyone could blame them. Roy and Cap are married, but they're the exception to the rule. Maybe you're just better off alone as accident prone as you are!

Johnny left the beach and drove back to his apartment. After eating a sandwich, Johnny climbed into bed and cried himself to sleep, although it was only 8 P.M.


The next day, Johnny stayed in bed all day long, not wanting to face the world. This week, so far had been very bad for him. He had enough of both Melody and women in general. It made him even more depressed to realize that Dixie could do nothing to stop Melody. Johnny felt he had no control over anything right now. Just then, an idea popped into Johnny's head.

Maybe Dix can do nothing about Melody, but I can! I'm going to go have a talk with the Director of Nursing! I only hope she'll be willing to hear what I have to say! Johnny thought.


The next day, Johnny called Dix and discussed his idea with her.

"Johnny, that's a great idea!" Dix said, enthusiastically. "Why don't you come down to Rampart and We'll go talk to Mrs. Gerard, together."

"Okay, Dix," Johnny replied, "see you in an hour."

Johnny hung up the phone, got in his Land Rover, and drove to the barber shop for a haircut, then headed to the station where he, showered, shaved, and brushed his teeth. Then he changed into his dress uniform. Hank Stanley came out of the office to greet him.

"Johnny, I heard you and Dix have a meeting with the Director of Nursing. Is this about Melody?"

"Yeah, Cap," Johnny answered. "Melody wouldn't let Roy and I help with a patient the other day! Told us to let the better educated people take over!"

"Just be careful, John." Cap warned. "I'm not sure how willing this lady will be to listen to a paramedic. You guys are pretty low on the totem pole."

"I know, Cap, but I just can't sit by and do nothing." Johnny replied. "What are you doing here today?"

"I'm subbing for Captain Hookrader, he's out with the flu." Cap replied. "Good luck, John."

Thanks, Cap," John replied, getting into his Land Rover. As he drove toward Rampart, Johnny thought, I'm gonna need it.


Arriving at Rampart, Johnny was greeted by a smiling Dixie.

"John, you got a haircut!" Dix exclaimed.

"Yeah," He replied, "I want to make a good impression on Mrs. Gerard. How do I look?"

"You look very nice," Dix replied, straightening Johnny's tie. "We'd better get going. our meeting starts at ten."

Dix picked up a bulky file folder off her desk, then led the way to the elevator. As they were waiting for the elevator to arrive, Johnny said, "Is that Melody's file?"

"Uh huh," Dix replied as they were getting into the elevator. Johnny pushed the button for the proper floor.

"It turns out that Melody has a long employment history. She hasn't held any one job for more then one year." Dix told Johnny. "It turns out that Melody lost her only daughter in a house fire, she blames the fireman for that."

"What happened?" Johnny asked.

"Well, according to the file, the fire started when she left a pot on the stove." Dix replied. "Her daughter was asleep in her bedroom. By the time that the fire department got there, the house was fully involved. Nobody could've have saved the child, but Melody couldn't accept that. She was in a psychiatric hospital for two years. When she got out, she applied and was accepted to nursing school."

Johnny shook his head. How can someone like that get into nursing? He thought.

Getting off the elevator, Dix led the way to a door marked: Eileen Gerard, Director of Nursing. Dixie knocked on the door.

"It's open," A voice called from inside the office.

Dixie opened the door and went inside, followed by Johnny. Johnny saw a woman with the deepest brown eyes, and graying black hair sitting at a large oak desk.

"Dixie, thank you for alerting me to your problem with Melody Smits." Mrs. Gerard began, as Johnny and Dix each took seats across the desk from Mrs. Gerard.

Dix nodded. "I just don't know what else to do with her," Dix said. "I've tried writing her up. I tried a verbal warning."

"Have you tried a written warning?" Mrs. Gerard asked.

Dix nodded. "Nothing I've done has had any effect."

"Who is this man sitting next to you?" Mrs. Gerard asked.

"This is John Gage, one of our paramedics." Dix replied. "Melody's been the hardest on him."

"It's nice to meet such a well known legend in this hospital." Mrs. Gerard said, extending her hand to Johnny. "Your many escapades are the topics of many conversations around here"

"Ma'am," Johnny replied, shaking her hand.

Turning to Dix, Mrs. Gerard said, "Dixie, could you wait outside for a minute? I'd like to talk to John, alone."

"Yes, Ma'am," Dixie replied, getting up.

After Dix left, Mrs. Gerard to Johnny. She smiled at him.

"So, Miss Smits has been giving you and your partner trouble, huh?" Mrs. Gerard asked.

"I'll say," Johnny replied. "Two days ago, We brought a patient here. We had CPR in progress. Well, Melody told us that she'd bring our equipment out shortly. You, see, usually, we help treat the victim in the ER. Melody was waiting for us when we arrived. When we tried to follow the patient in, she told us our job was to transport the patient, noting more, nothing less, Then she told us to let the quote Better educated people take over."

Mrs. Gerard scowled.

"That was certainly unprofessional conduct on her part." The Nursing Director agreed.

The day before that, I asked Melody to go out with me, She told me she didn't date big, dumb, firemen!" Johnny said. "She said it right there in front of everybody!"

"Of all the rotten things to say!" Mrs. Gerard said, angrily. She punched a button on her desk. "Miss Christopher! Get Dixie back in here and call up to the Emergency Room. Tell Melody Smits to get her but down here...NOW!"

"Yes, Mrs. Gerard," Miss Christopher's voice replied, thru the speaker. Johnny got up to leave.

"John, Please stay." Mrs. Gerard said. "I want you to see Melody get hers!"

John sat back down, grinning with delight.


Dixie came back into the office and once again took her seat beside Johnny. Thirty minutes went by with still no sign of Melody. Eileen Gerard was getting angrier by the minute. Just then, Miss Christopher entered the office, she handed her boss a note, then left. Mrs. Gerard opened the note and read it. Her expression abruptly changed to one of fear.

"Mrs. Gerard, what's wrong?" Johnny asked.

The nursing director handed Johnny the note. Dix looked over his shoulder as he read it.

Dix and John,

You think you can get rid of me this easily? I was a nurse before either of you were born. You both will pay for ratting on me to Mrs. Gerard. You both will pay with your lives!

John: You think you and your partner are such big deals around here! You guys are NOTHING but lowly fireman. Pretty soon you, Roy and Dixie will all know what it's like to suffer the way my daughter did! I want you all to know the pain that my daughter suffered when she died in that fire! I want you to know what it's like to have nobody come to your rescue!

Believe me, you will get yours!


John and Dix were too shocked to say anything at first. Then, Johnny spoke up.

"I never thought she'd threaten to kill us!" He exclaimed.

"I think we all know what we have to do," Mrs. Gerard said, as she dialed the phone.


Minutes later, the police were swarming the hospital While other cops were searching for Melody. Johnny, Dixie and Roy were moved to a safehouse in Nevada. Johnny was upset.

"Damn!" He exclaimed. "We should be at work not running away! I'm outta here. I'd rather be working the just sitting around helpless!"

He got up to leave, but Roy grabbed his arm.

"Johnny, I can't believe you!" Roy yelled. "You'd trade your Job for your life!? Are you that self-centered that you'd be willing to jeopardize our lives so you can go back to work?! Are you willing to jeopardize the guys lives as well?!"

"Well, it sure beats sitting on our fucking thumbs!" Johnny yelled, as he tried to push his way past Roy. Roy blocked the door.

"I say you're staying here with the rest of us til the cops find Melody!" Roy said.

"Get out of my way, Roy!" Johnny growled.

"Make me!" Roy challenged, clenching his fists.

"ALRIGHT, ENOUGH!!!" Dix yelled. "Johnny, you want to leave, go ahead, but the police won't be able to protect you if you do! I know you don't have the family that Roy does, but you still have people that care about you just the same! Johnny how would you feel if Melody killed Mike, Marco, Cap, and Chet because you had to do your precious job?! Are you willing to jeopardize their lives as well? And for what? A lousy job?"

Johnny hung his head in shame.

"Guys, I'm sorry." Johnny whispered, sinking down on the couch. "It's just that I hate being so damn helpless! I hate not having any choice in this!"

"Junior, we didn't exactly have a choice in this either." Roy reminded him. "Sometimes in life, you don't always have a choice."

"Yeah, John," Dix put in. "Don't you know that you are helping the cops by staying here, where they can protect us? We're safer here then we would be back in LA right now."

"Don't you think that I miss my wife and kids?" Roy asked. "I miss them, but I'm not going to endanger them by going home. Johnny, we're all in this together. We must work as a team like we always have. Our very lives may depend on it."

Johnny realized that Roy and Dix were right. He would stay until Melody was found, no matter how long it took.


Meanwhile, Melody was planning her revenge. She bought several books of matches and gasoline. If I can't get Roy, Johnny and Dixie, I'll just have to settle for their friends! Melody thought.

Later that night, Melody snuck into station 51. After turning on the gas, She poured gasoline all around the station. She then lit a small fire using one of the books of matches. The guys, fortunately were out on a run and were not in the station. A neighbor saw the smoke and dialed 911. Engines 110 and 116 arrived with minutes and put out the fire before it destroyed the station. When 51's crew returned they were shocked to hear of the fire. Cap was livid when the Chief told him the fire marshal suspected arson.

"Melody Smits!!!" He yelled. "She's the only one who could have done this!!!!"

The Chief had been informed of the threats on Gage, DeSoto and McCall and was inclined to agree with Hank.

"Until further notice, station 51 is on standown." The Chief said. "Hank, you and your men will all be sent to separate stations until Miss Smits is captured. I cannot risk you all being together, you all will be sitting ducks if you are. Separated, you all will be safer."

"What about B and C shifts, Chief?" Hank asked.

"They will all be assigned to other stations temporarily as well. I'll get another engine and squad to cover 51's territory. Now, I suggest you all go home and get some rest." The Chief said.

After the Chief left, Hank turned to his men.

"You all heard the Chief, Let's move!" Hank ordered.


At their safehouse, Roy, Johnny and Dixie were watching the local news. John's face went red with rage when they saw the story about the fire at 51's.

"That bitch!" Johnny exploded. "It's one thing that Melody is after us, but when she goes after our friends, that's going too far!"

John rose to his feet and grabbed the rifle by the front door.

"That Does it! I'm going after her myself!" Johnny exploded.

As he walked to the door, Roy blocked his way.

"Get the fuck out of my way, DeSoto!" Johnny yelled.

"You'll have to shoot me first, Junior." Roy said. "You're not a police officer. Melody could kill you if you go after her!"

"Get out of my way, Roy!" Johnny growled, through clenched teeth.

Roy did not answer as he blocked the door. Dixie watched as Johnny cocked the rifle and aimed it at Roy's chest. Dix's eyes widened in terror.

"Move out of my way or I will shoot you!" Johnny told Roy.

"Then go ahead," Roy said, "because the only way you will get out this door is over my dead body!"

Johnny stood ready to pull the trigger. Dixie watched, horrified.

Roy stood firm, staring down the barrel of the rifle Johnny now pointed at him. Dix quietly snuck up behind Johnny.

"John, we all realize how angry you are, but this isn't the answer." Dix said, softly.

"What the hell are we supposed to do?!" Johnny growled, "just stand here while our friends get hurt?! Well, I can't do that, I'm sorry!!!"

Johnny ran for the back door, but Dix blocked that door as well.

"You want to get shot too, Dix?!" Johnny growled. "Please, just get the fuck out of my way!!!"

Roy grabbed the gun out of Johnny's hands. Johnny glared at him.

"Johnny, for god's sake, stop and think for a second!" Roy yelled, shaking his shoulders. "What good would it do the department if Melody killed you?! Junior, we're all upset over the station fire, but it's not going to help to go after Melody by yourself!"

John slowly went to his knees and sobbed, uncontrollably.

"Oh God, Roy, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Johnny sobbed, hysterically.

Roy went to his knees and gathered his sobbing partner into his arms. Johnny buried his head his Roy's neck.

"Dix, help me get him to bed." Roy ordered.

Dixie went around to Johnny's other side and helped him to his feet with Roy on the other side. As they helped him to bed, John sobbed even harder.

"I'm so sorry, Roy!" Johnny sobbed, over and over.

"Johnny, you were just upset," Roy said, "you weren't thinking clearly."

"A good night's sleep is just what you need." Dix told him. "Things will be a lot clearer in the morning."

Johnny closed his eyes and was soon asleep.


Back in Los Angeles, Melody Smits was muttering angrily to herself.

"Damn, I couldn't even burn down a damn fire station right!" She muttered. "Gage and DeSoto weren't even there! I'll just have to find another way to get them!"


The next morning, Johnny seemed a lot calmer to his friends.

"Guys, about last night-" Johnny began.

"John, don't worry about it," Roy said, "you weren't thinking clearly. You were acting on pure anger, which was totally understandable given what happened."

"It still doesn't excuse what I did," Johnny said. "I put my own anger above the safety of my friends."

"John, don't you think that this is just as hard on Roy and I?" Dix asked. "I hate this too, but what can we do? Are we just supposed to go charging to the rescue everytime our friends get hurt? What good would that do?"

"Dix is right, Junior," Roy put in, "this time, it's best that we stay out of this one, not only for our safety, but for the safety of our friends as well."

"Why don't you come into the kitchen?" Dix asked, "Breakfast is just about ready."

Johnny followed his friends into the kitchen.


Back in LA, Marco Lopez was enjoying a day off from work. Unknown to him, a masked figure crept up behind him. The figure then poured ether onto a rag. The next thing Marco knew, that rage was put over his face and he was unconscious.

Melody grinned as she carried the sleeping fireman to her van and tossed him in the back of her van, along with the also knocked out, Mike Stoker and Chester Kelly.

Now to get the others, Melody thought.


When Marco and Mike came to, the found themselves tied up in an empty garage, Along with Chet, Cap and Kel Brackett. Just then, Melody Smits entered. She carried a pistol.

"Where are we?" Cap asked.

"No Talking!" Melody screamed, hitting Cap over the head with her pistol. Cap slumped unconscious.

"Now, who can tell me where Gage, DeSoto and McCall are hidden?" She asked, pointing her gun at them.

"They were moved to a safehouse we don't know where." Kel replied.

"You're lying!" Melody screamed, grabbing the motionless Cap and holding the gun to his head. "Either you tell me where they are or Hank here gets his head blown off!"

"Miss Smits, please," Kel said, gently, "I'm telling you the truth! You can trust me."

Melody cocked the gun. Kel flinched.

"Melody, come on now, you don't want to hurt us," Kel said, "We can work something out."

"The only thing you can offer me is John Gage, Roy DeSoto and Dixie McCall, dead!" Melody yelled.

Before Kel could react, Melody shot Cap in the chest. Kel tried to go to him, but Melody kicked him in the gut. Kel doubled over in pain.

"You will not touch him! He will die, just like my daughter did!" Melody cried, triumphantly.

"Is that what this is about? Revenge?" Kel gasped.

"Holly didn't get a chance to live, so why should Hank?" Melody crowed. "A life for a life, that's fair!"

Kel shivered at Melody's words.


Meanwhile at the safehouse, the hidden threesome had just learned of the kidnapping and shooting. Johnny had gotten so angry over it, that Dixie had no other choice but to sedate him.

"Roy, I want Johnny kept sedated until this is over," Dix told him.

"I understand," Roy said. "What is Johnny's problem, anyway?"

"Johnny has a cowboy mentality." Dix explained. "He thinks that he and he alone can solve everyone's problems. He thinks he's god."

"Johnny does seem to have a need to be the hero," Roy admitted.. "Maybe that's my fault. I am senior partner, it is my responsibility to teach John that we can't always save everyone, including our friends."

"That's why I sedated him." Dix replied. "I can count on you to not to take unnecessary chances at times like this. You're a lot more responsible then Johnny."

"That's because I have a wife and two kids at home that rely on me." Roy said, quietly. "I can't afford to take unnecessary risks."

"How did Johnny get into the fire department to begin with?" Dixie asked.

"As you know, Johnny came to Los Angeles from Montana," Roy began, "he moved there with his Mom after his Dad, John, Sr, was killed in a structure fire, he was a fireman, just like his son."

"I never knew that," A shocked Dix exclaimed, "maybe that explains Johnny's need to be a hero!"

Roy nodded.

"I met Johnny's Mom, Gloria, not too long ago," Roy continued, "she told me that Johnny was fifteen when his Dad died. He helped out at his Dad's station a lot. He used to go out on calls with his Dad and the others. Johnny had gone with him to the structure fire that day."

"Johnny witnessed his father's death," Dix finished, tears rolling down her cheeks.


At the garage, Cap came to, briefly. Melody glared at him.

"Why?" He gasped, then passed out again.

All Kel and the others could do was watch as Cap slowly bled to death. "Please," Kel pleaded, "let me help him. I don't want to watch my friend and their Captain bleed to death!"

"Nobody came to my daughter's rescue," Melody said, "nobody was there when she died! I want these so-called fireman to know what it's like to watch helplessly as someone they love dies!"

"Will you at least let me check his vitals?" Kel asked.

"No! I don't want you or anyone else touching him!" Melody screamed. "Say good-bye to your Captain!"

Melody cocked the gun again and aimed it at Cap's chest.

"No, Melody," Mike Stoker chimed in. "It's John, Dix and Roy you want, not Cap."

"Who Are you?! Melody demanded.

"Michael Stoker, station fifty-one's Engineer." Mike said, softly. "Melody, Cap is a friend of mine. Will you let me go to him? I promise, no funny business, okay?"

Melody relented.

"Okay," She said, "get up, slowly."

Mike did so, he did not want to die a hero. He slowly made his way over to Cap.

"Cap? Cap?" Mike called, shaking his shoulders, "can you hear me?"

Hank opened his eyes, he smiled weakly at Mike.

"Mike," he gasped, weakly, "I'm gonna die, Pal."

"No, Cap," Mike protested. "You're not gonna die. Please don't die. We need you. Your wife and kids need you!"

"Mike, please tell my wife and kids I love them." Cap gasped with his final breath. His eyes rolled back in his head and then he was gone.

"CAP! CAP! NOOOOOOOO!" Mike screamed. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

The others sat, sobbing hysterically. Melody staggered out of the garage and surrendered to the police. The police came and escorted Mike, Chet, Marco and Kel to safety. Then they called the coroner to take Cap's body away.


One week later, Captain Henry Stanley was buried with full honors. Johnny read his eulogy. Two weeks later, the remaining crew of station 51 returned to duty under new Captain, Mike Stoker.

As for Melody Smits, she was found not guiltily by reason of insanity and committed to a mental hospital for the rest of her life.

The guys all missed Cap dearly, but they knew Cap would want them to move on, so they did.

Johnny and Dixie grew closer and closer while they grieved Cap's death, falling in love shortly after Johnny returned to work.

Johnny found love after all, even though he was not looking for it.

The End

Author's note: To all firefighters on the list. Please understand that I really have a lot of respect for what you do. I don't think firefighters are dumb. I don't mean any disrespect to any of you.