Title: Rich In Love and Happiness

Author: K-rock

Rated: SLASH

Pairing: Roy/Johnny

Archive: Yes

Content Warning: This story will stretch the limits of your imagination, taking you where no other story has taken you before. This involves a loving, sexual relationship between two men. If this doesn't appeal to you, please don't read any further. It only gets stranger!

Author's Notes, Reserve and Restriction: This story is very AU. I wanted to write one where one of the guys became pregnant, but maybe not only once, and maybe not just one of them. Just open your mind, and go with me as we explore possibilities that may be only in the near future. However, this story will take place in the early 80's. We wouldn't want Johnny to be too old to have a baby!

Additional notes: Some of this information will be obtained from internet research, as well as movies that have covered this topic.

Summary: It's 1980. Roy and Johnny have been partners and lovers for seven years. For this story, Roy had just divorced when he met Johnny, and it was love at first sight. Roy has a 11 year old son, Chris, and an 9 year old daughter, Jennifer, but Joanne rarely lets him see them. The guys are approached about an unusual procedure, and they have to look into their hearts, and search their souls about this event that would change their lives.



By K-Rock


(Oct. 12, 1987)


Cheers break out in the delivery room among the two doctors and two nurses who are present, along with the happy fathers. Roy leans over and gives his lover of 14 years a kiss. Johnny can only give him a faint, tired smile, totally exhausted by the whole process, and whispers, "I love you, Roy."

With tears in her eyes, Dixie takes the baby over so Johnny can see her. He gives her a quick kiss, and then the doctor knocks him out so he can finish the surgery.

Dixie holds her out to Roy, who just smiles proudly, and gives the tiny angel a kiss. He follows Dix over to the table and watches while she cleans up the squalling newborn.

"Well, this makes number seven, Roy! She certainly has great lungs like her brothers! Does it get any easier?"

Roy shakes his head, wiping away a tear, "No, just makes us richer in love, and a happier family. And all our kids have loud mouths!"

Dixie pats his obviously pregnant stomach, "Roy DeSoto! He just gave you your fourth daughter and you are carrying another son. Are you saying it still hasn't gotten easier?"

Roy laughs, and sits down on the stool as he watches Dixie with his newborn daughter, "Dix, it's a lot harder than we thought it would be. Johnny isn't gonna have anymore, and this will probably be my last one. I think seven children are plenty! When we started this, if you will remember, we were only gonna try it once." He pats his stomach, "Meanwhile, six pregnancies later......"

Dixie rolls her eyes and laughs as she works on the baby, "I know, but you two have been blessed with seven blessings you may have never known if you hadn't tried this. Are you happy you did? Hold her down gently with your hand so I can draw some blood."

Roy nods, smiling as he feels the baby grip his finger, and then scream her head off when Dixie pokes her foot. "Shhh, Darlin'. It's OK." He nods to Dix, "Yeah we are happy we did, but for some reason, I have an easier time than Johnny does, but he loves being pregnant. And, of course, Hank and Mike love being uncles. You know that Mike tried to get pregnant, but it just didn't work out. Dix, watch out. She's pooping."

Dixie nods as she continues cleaning up and doing the tests on the baby, "I know. I've got a diaper right here. I know that Mike and Hank were very disappointed, but they have their hands full watching your kids."

Roy laughs when the baby starts kicking her legs, and fussing at Dixie for bothering her. Roy holds her legs so Dix can finish cleaning her, "I know it but the kids love them. J.R. and Lindsay love staying with them." Roy shifts on the stool, very uncomfortable at this mid-stage in his pregnancy.

Dixie smiles as she notices his discomfort, "How much longer, Roy?" She puts a warming cap on the baby, and wraps her in a blanket.

Roy sighs, "12 weeks. We planned it that way so by the time I had Kyle, Johnny would be back on his feet."

"And what is the name of this little angel?" Dixie asks as she holds the baby close to her, and kisses her gently on the head.

The smile on Roy's face brightens up the room, "Her name is Kaitlyn Michelle Gage-DeSoto. And her brother will be Kyle Michael Gage-DeSoto."

Dixie finishes with the baby, and takes her to the nursey. Roy goes over by the operating table to talk to Dr. Brackett and Dr. Shifter. They look up as he approaches, and Dr. Brackett speaks to him.

"We are nearly done here, Roy. Johnny is doing fine. How is that little angel doing?"

Roy smiles, "She's fine, Doc." He looks at Dr. Shifter, "Dr. Shifter, thank you for bringing us so much joy!"

Dr. Shifter shakes his head, "You brought the joy, Roy. All I did was create the process. When is your baby due?"

Roy smiles, "12 weeks. This is a boy, and his name is Kyle Michael."

Dr. Brackett laughs, "Any particular reason why Michael is the middle name?"

Roy just smiles, "Maybe. We won't know till he is born."

Dr. Shifter looks between the two men, a confused look on his face, "Uh, can you enlighten me here. I am sort of out of the loop these days, as far as the conception part."

Roy laughs, "It's not that big of a deal. Hank and Mike wanted to have a baby, and couldn't. So, we had three eggs harvested, and sperm from each of us were mixed. We won't know who the father is until the baby is born, and we'll see who he looks like, or do blood tests if we can't tell. It will still be our child, unless this kid looks so much like them, they decide they will adopt the baby. More than likely, Johnny and I will raise it, and they will be 'close uncles'." He looks at Kel, "You know, don't you, Doc, that if I had been carrying twins, there was the possiblity that the fathers could be different."

Dr. Brackett nods, "I thought about that. These guys have done great, Dr. Shifter."

The doctor nods as he finishes the surgery, "I know they have! How many children do you and Johnny have now, Roy?"

"Well, including the one I am carrying, we have seven children. He has had four girls, and I have had three boys. He is not gonna have any more, and I probably won't have any more. If I had pictures on me, I would show them to you. But, our children are Rachel Dawn, and Rebecca Marie, and they are our 5 year old twins, then J.R. for John-Roy, is 4, Lindsay Victoria is 2, and Jacob Ryan is 2. They are only four months apart. We thought we were through, but decided we wanted to do this one more time each, so we waited till Jacob turned a year old and then went for it again."

Dr. Brackett speaks up, "OK, let's close and get him in recovery. See ya later, Roy."

Roy looks at Johnny, who is still out, and gives him a quick kiss. Then he hurries through the halls of the small clinic, down to the nursery, checks on Kaitlyn, goes to the bathroom, and then calls Hank and Mike to let them know the good news.

When Roy has time to catch his breath, and relax in Johnny's room, he puts his feet up, leans back, and thinks back to when this whole thing started. It was seven years ago, and who would have thought seven years ago how much their lives would change in just seven short years............

(Seven Years Earlier, (March 1980)

Roy and Johnny are enjoying a late breakfast on their day off. Roy is reading a magazine they get about the Gay Community in California, and Johnny is reading the paper. Roy nearly chokes on his coffee when he comes across an article in the back of the magazine.

"Oh my gosh! This can't be right!"

Johnny looks up from the paper, "What is it Babe?"

Roy laughs, shaking his head in disbelief, "There is a short story under the interesting facts and stories part of the magazine about a gay couple who just had a baby with a successful male pregnancy."

Johnny's eyebrows shoot up into his hair, "Say what? A MAN had a baby?"

Roy nods, and hands Johnny the magazine, "That's what it says right here. Jack and John, which of course are not their real names, from Northern California, successfully completed a nine-month pregnancy and have a beautiful baby girl. I find that real hard to believe, but nowadays anything is possible!"

Johnny hands Roy back the magazine, then quietly reads the newspaper for awhile, neither one of them saying much. After several minutes, Johnny folds the paper, and gets up to get some more coffee. After he fills his cup, he leans back against the counter, with one ankle crossed over the other as he drinks his coffee, deep in thought.

Roy looks up when Johnny doesn't sit back down, "Johnny? What's wrong? You look like you are a million miles away."

Johnny smiles, "I don't know. That article got me thinking, I guess."

Roy looks at Johnny like he just grew a horn, "WHAT? Come on Babe! You can't really believe that happened!"

Johnny comes over and sits back down at the table, "Why not, Babe? You just said yourself that anything is possible!"

Roy laughs, "Johnny! That is more science fiction than anything." He gets up and starts clearing the table. "Come on and help me get the dishes done. We've got to get the washing done and all that good stuff."

Reluctantly Johnny gets up and helps Roy, but he quietly puts the magazine on top of the fridge.


Several days later, Roy and Johnny are at Rampart picking up supplies when Dr. Brackett stops by the nurses station where they are.

"Hey, Guys! Can you spare a couple of minutes?"

They both nod, and Dr. Brackett takes them to his office.

"Have a seat Guys."

They sit down but Roy wonders what they did, "What's going on Doc? Did we do something wrong?"

Dr. Brackett sits down in his chair, and waves his hands, "No, no. This really isn't a professional meeting. It's more of a information meeting, I guess. First of all, I don't want you guys to think I am totally off my rocker."

Roy and Johnny both start laughing, and he rolls his eyes, "OK, OK. Maybe I am a little bit. Anyway, let me tell you about a doctor friend of mine who I have known for over 20 years. He has developed a process where it has been possible for a man to successfully conceive, carry, and deliver a healthy baby."

Roy starts laughing, but Johnny just sits there, showing no expression or emotion as Roy talks, "Oh Doc! We saw an article about a guy in Northern California who had a baby. Are you telling me it's true?"

Dr. Brackett nods, noticing that Johnny is quiet, "Yes, it is true. Roy, I know this doctor and he has been able to keep it quiet. The reason I am telling you guys is because he is always looking for gay men who have a strong, loving relationship, and who have been together for at least five years. This may seem hard to believe, Roy, but there have actually been three men that have had a baby. One here in Californina, one in England, and one in Germany. All the children are doing great. Would you guys at least give this guy a call so he can tell you all about it?"

Roy shakes his head, "I don't know, Doc. That is pretty farfetched. Don't you think so Johnny?"

Roy looks at Johnny and is shocked to see tears in his eyes. He takes his hand in his, "What's wrong Babe? Why does this have you so choked up?"

Johnny just shakes his head, not able to speak at the moment. Dr. Brackett gets up and pours them some coffee, handing one to both of them as he sits on the front of his desk. "Johnny? Is this something you would consider doing?"

Johnny manages to get himself under control, and he looks at Roy, "Babe. I know you laugh, and think this is a crazy idea, but you have two kids. Roy, I have always wanted kids, but once I fell in love with you I just figured that yours would be the ones I would get to have fun with." He looks at Dr. Brackett, "Doc, even if Roy won't talk to the doctor, I would like to."

Roy jumps in, taking Johnny's hand, "Babe. I didn't know it meant this much to you. If you want to talk to this guy, we'll talk to him together." He stops, feeling a little choked up himself, "I love you, Johnny, and I never dreamed that you would want to have my baby. That's just too wierd to even say."

Dr. Brackett hands them a piece of paper with a phone number, "Here is his number. I want you two to understand something. This is not a well-known about procedure. The men who have gone through these pregnancies have been secluded. More than likely you would have to go to his clinic, which is near the Nevada border. You will have to go through testing, and then you will have to take injections of female hormones. They use donor eggs, and fertilize it with the sperm of your lover. Then it is implanted into a pocket on the inside of your abdomen. When it comes time to deliver, you will have a C-section. Because of the hormones, your breasts will get a little larger. All the men who have given birth did breastfeed while at the clinic, to give the baby the first nuitrients, but then chose to bottlefeed when they left. It will change your whole life, Johnny. Both of your lives, Guys. I want you to give him a call, but before you do, make sure you are in total agreement about even trying to conceive. You may not be able to. But, you have to go into it with an open mind, and in total agreement with each other. OK?"

Both guys nod, and Dr. Brackett continues with a little more information, "The guy in Germany who had the first baby, just recently decided to have a second child, and his partner decided to have one, too. So, both of them will be pregnant together, about four months apart. When you guys get off in the morning, go home and talk about this. Also, Johnny, if you decide to do this, you will undergo a complete and thorough physical exam, as well as a psychological exam. And, they will want to talk to you as well, Roy. OK?"

Both guys nod, and then thank Dr. Brackett, and leave the hospital. They go back to the station, and before they can even get out of the squad, they get called out, and are running for the rest of the day, and part of the night.

The next morning when they get off, it is the start of a four-day weekend. Roy has noticed that Johnny has been pretty quiet since they talked to Dr. Brackett. When they get home, he takes him in his arms, and leads him over to the couch.

"Talk to me, Sweetheart. You have been so quiet since we talked to Dr. Brackett, that I know this is weighing heavily on your mind."

Johnny smiles, "Just hold me for right now, Babe. I just want to feel your arms around me."

Roy sits back against the couch, at the end, and pulls Johnny into his arms, holding him close. They don't say anything for awhile, and then Johnny laughs when he hears Roy's stomach growl. He sits up, and then pulls Roy up with him.

"Come on. Let's go fix something to eat, and then go to bed."

They fix some egg sandwiches, and then around 9 am, go upstairs hand-in-hand. They get undressed, get in bed, and Johnny lays in Roy's arms, resting his head on his lover's furry chest. Roy rubs his hands up and down Johnny's back and ass, and after a while, Johnny finally speaks.

"Roy, what do you think about all this. If it is possible to have a baby, would you want to?"

Roy smiles, and strokes Johnny's hair, "Babe, let me tell you something. The time that I was the happiest with Joanne, was when she was pregnant with my babies. Honey, if you can get pregnant, and you want to carry my baby, that just makes my heart swell with more love for you. I know that it is hard enough on a woman, so it won't be a picnic for you. But, Baby, when you told me you wanted to carry my baby, I thought I was gonna cry. My brain finds this whole thing very hard to believe, but my heart is hoping it's possible. Are you sure you want to go through all that?"

Johnny raises up and kisses Roy, looking at him with a heart full of love, "Sweetheart, I don't know for sure what I want to do, but if it is possible for me to have a baby, I want to do it. I love you, Roy, and sometimes I love you so much I feel like my heart is gonna explode. I feel like giving you a baby would be the ultimate 'I love you' gift."

Roy laughs, "Well, that would be a fantastic gift, but Johnny, it's also dangerous. The placenta can attach to organs inside your body, and they might have to end up removing vital organs. We will talk to this guy, and then we'll talk some more after we have more facts, but I don't want you to do anything unless YOU want to have the baby for YOU. Yes, I would love it if you had my baby, but I want you to do it because you want to have a baby. And, we have to think about what will happen after the baby is born. Where are we gonna live, how will we explain having a baby, especially two gay men having a child living with them. Joanne has a fit when Chris and Jen come over even for a few hours. I am pretty sure if we do this, we will end up relocating to wherever this place is."

Johnny sighs, "Oh Roy. I never thought about the fact that Joanne might never let you see the kids again, because she would sure be upset if I had a baby."

Roy hugs Johnny a little tighter, "I don't know how she would react, but don't worry about that. We'll get the facts we need, and go from there."

They are quiet for a few more minutes, and then Johnny raises up again, looking into his lover's face, "Can I tell you what I would love to happen? This is just my dream, and it probably wouldn't ever happen, but it would be great if I was able to have two children."

Roy nods, "We'll see. But, for now, let's go to sleep. I am tired, Babe! I love you."

Johnny kisses him, "I love you, too!"

After a long, passionate kiss, they cuddle up together, and go to sleep.


After a weekend of a lot of talking seriously about the ramifications of conceiving, and carrying a child to term, as well as raising one, Roy finally decides to call the doctor Dr. Brackett told them about. They reach a decision that if it is possible, Johnny will go through the procedures, and see if he can conceive.

Monday morning after they eat breakfast, Roy asks Johnny for the phone number. "Babe? Where is the number for that doctor? Do you have it?"

Johnny nods, "It's upstairs in my billfold. Are you gonna call him now?"

Roy nods as he stands up and begins clearing the table, "Yeah, I'll call him, but I want you right there next to me."

Johnny helps him clean up the kitchen, and then goes upstairs and gets the piece of paper with the number. They sit down on the couch, and Roy calls the doctor.

"Dr. Shifter's office. This is Mary. May I help you?"

Roy leans over so Johnny can hear, too, as he speaks, "Yes ma'am. My name is Roy DeSoto. Dr. Kelly Brackett gave us this number to talk to Dr. Shifter."

"OK, Roy, thank you for calling. I am Mary Shifter, the doctor's wife. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

Roy shrugs, "Yeah, that's fine."

"OK, let me ask you this. I am assuming you are in a gay relationship. Is this correct?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"OK. Have you and your partner been together at least five years?"

"Yes, we have been together seven years, in fact."

"Oh, good. The longer the better. Now, are you the one who wants to go through the testing?"

"No, ma'am, it's my partner who does. We are both a little amazed about this whole thing, and we'd like some more information, too."

"I understand that. We really prefer not to give out to much information over the phone. Would you two be able to come for a meeting this afternoon?"

Roy looks at Johnny, who shrugs, and Roy doesn't care, either, "Yes ma'am, that would be fine. Where could we meet with you?"

"How about we meet you for lunch in Victorville at the Medical Pavallion around 1 pm. Would that be OK?"

"Yes, ma'am. We'll see you there. Thank you."

Roy hangs up, and looks at Johnny, "They sure are very careful. That's good though. What time is it?"

Johnny glances at the clock over the fireplace, "It's 10:00. It's probably gonna take us two hours to get there. Maybe longer since it's noon."

Roy stands up, pulling Johnny up with him, and holds him in his arms. "Well, let's go ahead and get going, and then if we get there a little early, we can always find a place to make out or something!" He gives Johnny a long, passionate kiss, but pulls back when Johnny tries to take it further. "Whoa, Babe. We better not get too carried away! I love you, very much!"

Johnny smiles, "I love you, too. And thank you for going along with me on this."

Roy shakes his head, "Baby, I love you, and if you want to give me a baby, I will help you in any way I can." Roy gives him a quick kiss, "C'mon, and let's get changed and get on the road."

They change clothes, and leave around 10:15. They don't say much on the way, both of them deep in thought about how much their lives could change in just a matter of months.

They arrive in Victorville around 12:30, and quickly locate the Medical Pavillion. They sit in the car for a few minutes, wondering which part they should go in. Finally, they just get out and go towards the main entrance. Right before they get to the doors, a man and woman walk out of the front doors, and the woman speaks.

"Roy DeSoto?"

Roy nods, and the woman introduces the doctor to them, and they all shakes hands, and then turn and go in the building, and up to the third floor. They enter an office that just has Dr. Shifter and Assoc. on it.

Dr. Shifter smiles at them after they come in, "Please. Have a seat Gentlemen. I understand Dr. Brackett referred you. Is that correct?"

Roy nods, "Yes, sir."

Dr. S. smiles. "Good, and so I can make sure we are on the same page, please tell me what he told you I could help you with?"

Roy laughs, "Boy, I hope this is right, because if this is not true, we are gonna be very embarrassed. He told us that you have been successfull with helping men have children."

Dr. S. nods, and sits back in his chair, while his wife makes some coffee, "Yes, that is true. Now, Roy, and Johnny, how long have you been together?"

Roy takes Johnny's hand as he talks, "We have been together seven years."

"That is wonderful! Do either one of you have children from a previous marriage?"

Roy nods, "Yes, I do. I have a son and a daughter."

Dr. S. makes some notes as he talks and listens, "Johnny, why do you want to be the one to carry a child?"

Johnny looks at Roy and smiles, "Because I love Roy very much, and I can't think of a better expression of my love than to be able to bear a child. Dr. Shifter, I have always wanted children, and I had always hoped someday that I would have them, like with a woman!" They all laugh, "But, when I met and fell in love with Roy, he already had children, and I just figured I'd be like a stepdad to them. I never gave anymore thought to having kids until I heard about this. We saw an article in a magazine about two men who had just had a baby, and then Dr. Brackett approached us about it, and I knew that was what I wanted to do."

Dr. Shifter nods and takes notes. His wife gives them all a cup of coffee, and she sits down to join the meeting. Dr. Shifter speaks to Roy, "Roy, what do you think about all this? It will change your life, which I am sure you know since you have kids. What were your first thoughts?"

Roy laughs, "Well, to be real honest, I thought it was a joke. I couldn't believe that a man had actually had a baby. And I was ready to laugh it off when Dr. Brackett told us about it, but I hadn't realized how much Johnny was interested in this. We have spent the weekend talking about this, thinking about how it will change our lives, and he has told me several times he wants to do this. And if he wants to do it, I will be right there beside him every step of the way, holding his hand, rubbing his back, whatever it takes. I love him very much, Dr. Shifter, and I have told him that it just means a lot to me that he wants to have my baby."

Johnny squeezes Roy's hand, and they lock eyes for a minute, sending their love to each other. Dr. Shifter smiles at the interaction between the two, and the silent expression of love. He looks at his wife and winks.

"OK, Gentlemen, here is what I am gonna have you do. We have a medical questionairre that we want both of you to take home and fill out. It is quite extensive because there are questions about the health of your family for several generations. Then when you get that filled out, you can give it to Dr. Brackett. Both of you will be required to undergo a complete physical exam, as well as a psychological exam. Oh, let me add this. Because this is experimental, and we are testing men for this, there is no cost to you for these exams, or any of the IVF procedures. After Dr. Brackett has done your physicals, which does entail a lot of bloodwork, as well as EKG's and EEG's, he will send the results to me, and I will contact you to set up another meeting. Johnny, if you are compatable, and it works out that you begin to try to conceive, you will begin taking daily shots of the female hormone R2D2H51. But that could be a month down the road. Now, do either one of you have any questions?"

Johnny speaks up, "Yeah, I do. Will we have to live somewhere else?"

Dr. Shifter nods, "Yes, we prefer that you live on the grounds where our clinic is located, beginning around your fourth month, or when you really start to have to wear larger clothing. I know that you are both firefighters, and once you decide to go into this, Johnny, you will not be able to work."

Johnny nods, "I figured that. Do the shots hurt?"

Dr. Shifter smiles, "They are a bit uncomfortable, and you will have to have one every morning, but don't worry about that now. Take these forms, fill them out, and then after Dr. Brackett sends them to me, I will call you back."

Roy speaks up, "Dr. Shifter, where is this clinic?"

Dr. Shifter just smiles, "Well, we prefer to keep that confidential right now, but it's out in the desert. And, we ask that you reveal to no one what you are going to be doing!"

Roy and Johnny just laugh, and Johnny just says, "Who would believe us?"

The doctor gives them the forms to fill out, and then they shake hands and leave. When they get out to the car, Johnny just shakes his head, "Man, Roy! They want to know everything about everybody!"

Roy starts the car up, "Well, they want to make sure there are no deadly diseases in either family, I guess. Babe? Do you want to get something to eat here, or go home?"

Johnny looks around to see if he can spot a place to eat, "Naw! Let's just go home."

And they takes off for home, as Dr. Shifter and his wife watch them leave from his office window. His wife turns to him after they are out of sight.

"What do you think, Dear? I think that young man would be a wonderful test subject. They are a very special couple."

Dr. Shifter nods, "Yes, they are, and they are very much in love. I hope it works out that he can conceive because I know Roy would be a great support system for him. Well, let's head on back, and wait for word on them.

Dr. Shifter and his wife leave the building, and go back to their clinic. Roy and Johnny are headed home, waiting to see what the future may bring them.

While Roy and Johnny are driving back to their ranch, on the outskirts of Los Angeles, Johnny reads over the long health form, reading some of the questions out loud to Roy. About halfway home, Roy reaches over and takes his hand. Johnny looks up with a smile, "What do you think?"

Roy rubs his thumb over Johnny's hand, "I think we are in for a lot of changes. Baby, please be sure this is something you want to do because you are gonna be so miserable when you are 9 months and uncomfortably pregnant. But, just getting pregnant is gonna be an adventure. And you know what Dr. Brackett's "complete and thorough" physicals are like. I have a feeling this one is gonna be even more intensive."

Johnny puts the medical forms in the backseat, and turns a little in the seat to face Roy, and hold his hand between his, "Roy, I want to do this. I have thought about all that, and yes, I'm dreading one of Dr. Brackett's physicals. And I know, when and if I get pregnant, that I am gonna be miserable and uncomfortable and probably a real bitch to live with, but I love you so much, I don't know of a better way to express it. And, even though we won't be conceiving a child the old-fashioned way, we can always pretend we are whenever we make love! That will be a lot of fun!!!"

Roy laughs, and then brings Johnny's hand to his mouth, kissing it tenderly, "I love you so much, Johnny. I can't believe you actually want to do this, but I promise to be right by you every step of the way." He takes a deep breath, "And, you know we are gonna have to figure out what to do about working. We can go on Leave of Absence, but I think we both know that once you have the baby, we won't go back. I have been thinking about talking to the Chief of the Fire Department for the area wherever we are going to be. I can at least be a Paramedic Trainer and we could start a Paramedic Program."

Johnny nods, thinking, "Yeah, that's true, but don't you think that Dr. Brackett had considered that when he approached us with this idea. I bet if we talked to him, he would help us figure out how we could work. I just don't know how we are gonna explain this to the guys."

Roy smiles, "Yeah, but I think Mike and Hank might be easier to explain it to then it will be to explain it to Marco and Chet. Mostly Chet. I think Marco just takes this all in stride."

Johnny gives him a puzzled look, "What do you mean, Babe?"

Roy shrugs, "I think he knows about you and me, and I think he knows about Hank and Mike. But, Marco is quiet, and he just observes what is going on without saying anything. I don't think he will be too surprised to find out about this. He might be shocked at first, but I don't think it will surprise him."

Johnny shakes his head, laughing, thinking about the other guy's reactions to all this, "You know, Roy. We should tell Mike and Hank about this, because they might want to try it themselves."

Roy isn't too sure about that idea, and answers cautiously, "I think we better hold off on telling this to anyone, Sweetheart. Let's get through the forms, and the exams, and see what happens. I guess I am probably gonna end up having to give you a shot every morning."

A big grin brightens up Johnny's face as he realizes something, "Hey, Roy? You know how you love sucking my tits?" He laughs when he sees Roy's sideways, questioning glance, "Well, now there will be more to suck if those hormones work!"

Roy just groans and shakes his head, "Johnny, not only will it make your nipples grow, but they will be very tender, too. and, oh man! You will probably get very moody, too! And not only from the hormones, but just from being pregnant. OK, Babe, we are coming up to the road where we need to turn, but do we want to go home, or go by the hospital and talk to Dr. Brackett?"

Johnny points at their turn, and Roy slows down, "Let's go home, and then we can call him, and maybe invite him over. I'd rather talk to him away from the hospital."

Roy makes the turn, and they arrive home in a few minutes. Johnny gets the forms and they go in the house. Roy walks into the kitchen, with Johnny following him, and he asks what he wants to eat, "What do you want to eat, Hon?"

Johnny shrugs, "I don't know. Sandwich, I guess."

Roy turns around and just looks at Johnny for a minute. He laughingly shakes his head, and then turns and starts getting the makings for sandwiches out of the fridge. Johnny rolls his eyes, "What was that for?"

Roy laughs, "I was just trying to picture you skinny and pregnant. You are definitely going to have to eat more!"

They sit down and eat, not really saying too much. When they finish, Roy goes to the phone and calls Dr. Brackett. He invites him and Dixie over for dinner that night. When he gets off the phone, he explains to Johnny why he invited them over for dinner, when he sees the question in his eyes.

"I invited them over for dinner, because I'd rather talk to both of them. I am gonna get some Chinese food delivered. They will be here about 8 pm." He wraps his arms around Johnny, "But, now, my Sweet Love, why don't we go upstairs, and practice making a baby!"

Johnny grins from ear to ear when he hears that offer, and leans in to kiss Roy, "Oooo, I like that plan. We can never practice too much!"

Roy takes him by the hand, leading him upstairs, "That is true. Let me show you how much fun practice can be, and you know, don't you, that practice makes perfect!"

Johnny groans as he follows his lover upstairs, "And I am sure we will get a LOT of practice in!"

Roy turns as they enter the bedroom, "Oh, Baby! You can count on that!"

Roy slowly begins to undress Johnny, scattering kisses over the bare skin as he removes his t-shirt and jeans and briefs. When he has him completely naked, Roy lays him down on the bed, quickly removes his own clothes, and then lays down beside him, on his right side, looking down at the beauty of his lover in all his naked glory.

"I love you so much, and I love to just look at you." He runs his hand lightly over Johnny's abdomen, "I hate that your beautiful skin will be stretched as you grow with a pregnancy, and I want you to be so careful. I love you so much, Johnny. Part of me wants to tell you, 'NO! Don't do this! It's too dangerous! It's just too crazy!' But, in my heart I just feel so full of love because you do want to do this."

Roy leans over and kisses his lover gently and tenderly, before pulling him into his arms, and kissing him passionately as they rub their very erect cocks together. Johnny opens his legs wide to give Roy better access, and after a few minutes of gentle stretching, Roy carefully enters his lover, pushing in deep as Johnny groans when he feels the fullness of his lover.

They start slowly, but gradually the frenzy of their lovemaking builds, with Roy jerking Johnny's hard, throbbing cock in the same rhythm as he thrusts in and out of his love canal.

Johnny screams out his lover's name as he cums, exploding his love all over both of their stomachs.

Roy is barely holding on to his control, and when Johnny explodes, the muscle contractions inside his ass squeeze Roy's painful cock, and that's all it takes to send Roy over the edge with a scream, shooting his lover's ass full of his hot cum.

They collapse in each other's arms, holding on to each other as they regain their breathing, and finally fall asleep whispering soft words of love to each other as they drift off.

Around five pm Roy and Johnny wake up, get up and take a long, hot shower together, then get dressed. They go downstairs and get ready for Dr. Brackett and Dixie to come for dinner. Around 7 pm Dixie calls to let them know they are leaving the hospital. Roy calls to order the Chinese food, then they set the table, and get everything ready for their company.

The Chinese food arrives about five minutes before Kel and Dixie get there, giving Roy and Johnny enough time to set everything out. When Kel and Dixie arrive, Johnny lets them in, then they all sit down at the table to eat and talk.

After everyone gets settled with a plate full of food, Kel questions Roy, "Well, Roy, did you and Johnny get to talk to Dr. Shifter?"

Roy nods, smiling as he reaches over to take Johnny's hand, "Yes, we did. Is Dixie up on all this?"

Dixie laughs, "Uh, Roy, I helped deliver the baby that this man from California had!"

Both Roy and Johnny look at her with shock and amazement, and Johnny just shakes his head, "WOW! I can't believe you got to do that! It WAS a C-section, right?"

Dixie explains with a laugh, "Yes, I assisted, and then took care of the newborn, and helped run tests on it. It is a beautiful baby, and perfect in every way. Now, tell me, Johnny. Are you going to be the one to carry a child?"

Johnny squeezes Roy's hand, grinning brightly as he tells Dix and Kel their plans, "Yes, I am. We spent the weekend talking and thinking and of course, practicing!"

Kel almost chokes on his food when he starts laughing, "Uh, practicing? Do I want to know the answer to that?"

Roy laughs, "Well, we know we can't conceive the oldfashioned way, so we decided we'll just pretend every time we make love, that we are making a baby, too!"

Kel just shakes his head, "I knew it had to be something like that. Have you filled out the forms yet?"

Roy shakes his head, "No, not all of it. We've gone over it and talked about it, but Doc, the reason we wanted to talk to you, was because I figured if you were approaching us about this, that surely you must have some idea of how I am gonna be able to work while he is pregnant." Roy stops with a funny look on his face, chuckling a little bit before he continues, "Those words really sound funny together, but anyway, I plan to be right by his side the whole time he is pregnant, so how am I gonna earn any money?"

Kel smiles, "Well, I have thought about that, Roy, and I have also talked to the Fire Chief of the area where this clinic is located, and he would love for you to start a Paramedic program, and have you as the Director of it!"

Roy smiles at that idea, but then questions the doctor, "How does he know about our situation?"

Kel gets some more of the Chinese food before answering, then he answers with a twinkle in his eye, "Well, it just so happens, his brother is the partner of the young man who just had the baby. We got to talking one day, and got on the subject of the Paramedic program, and he is eager to have one in his county. After Johnny has completed all the tests, and once he has been accepted at the clinic, then I will introduce you to the Fire Chief."

Johnny speaks up, "What does he think about this situation with his brother and his partner?"

Kel laughs, "Well, he was pretty shocked at first, but he is delighted now. Johnny, I hope before you do this, you understand what you are getting in to."

Johnny nods, "I think I do, Doc. Like I said, we spent a lot of time this weekend talking about it, and about how it would change our lives. But, like I told Roy, and Dr. Shifter." He looks at Roy, who squeezes his hand before he continues, "Doc, I love Roy very much. I have always wanted children, but figured once I was with Roy, I'd get to be a step-parent to his kids. I feel like this is the ultimate expression of my love to my lover. If there is anyway at all I can do this, I want to. I know I am gonna have to go through one of your "extremely thorough" physicals," Johnny rolls his eyes and Kel and Dixie laugh. Roy gets up and begins clearing the table as Johnny speaks, then gets everyone some coffee, "and I know I am probably gonna be miserable having to get shots every day. I will probably be cussing you all out when I am in my ninth month and totally miserable, but you know what? I don't care. I want to do this. As long as I have Roy by my side, I know I can do this." Johnny gets up and puts his arms around Roy, who is pouring four cups of coffee, "If I embarrass ya'll over what I'm about to say, I'm sorry, but I need to say it." He looks at Roy with tears in his eyes as he speaks tenderly, "Not only is Roy my lover, he is my friend, my partner, my helper, my right hand, the other half of my heart, and my soulmate. He is the one I lean on when I can't stand by myself, and he is the shoulder I cry on when life gets a little rough. He has been there for me time and time again through all kinds of situations in the past seven years." He glances at Kel and Dix, who both are wiping the tears from their eyes, and then looks back at his lover, who has tears rolling down his cheeks, "Roy, I know you will stand right beside me through all this, because I would never be able to do it without your support and your love. I love you, Baby."

There is not a sound in the room as Johnny embraces his lover, kissing him tenderly, before they part. Johnny sits back down at the table, and Roy brings the coffee over, sitting down beside Johnny while everyone gets their composure back. Kel clears his throat after a few minutes, "Well, don't ever apologize for speaking what's in your heart, Johnny. I think I can say you have passed the psychological part of the exam, but I'll ask you a few questions later when I do your physical."

Dixie wipes her eyes, and looks at Johnny, "Johnny, that was beautiful, and I have seen that love between you two for many years. I will tell you this. If you do start taking the hormone shots, Roy will have to give them to you every morning for a month, and then you will go to the clinic, where some tests will be done to see if your body is ready to try the procedure. Once it has been determined that the sperm fertilized the egg, by IVF, then minor surgery will be done to implant it in a fold in your abdomen. A few weeks later another test will be done to see if you are indeed growing a child."

Roy looks at her with concern, "What would happen if it wasn't a viable pregnancy, and he lost it. Would he bleed any?"

Kel nods, "Yes, there would be some blood when he urinates, and that's when you would need to get to the clinic immediately. But, you will be staying at the clinic once the IVF is done, so he will be monitored closely. And don't expect it to work the first time. The guy who just had the baby had to undergo four months of shots, and the first two implants didn't work. Also, several eggs will be implanted, in hopes that one will take."

Johnny laughs, "Any twins yet?"

Kel rolls his eyes, "No, not yet, thank goodness!"

Roy groans at that thought, "Oh man! Don't even mention twins! Uh, Doc, whose sperm would be used? Mine or his?"

Kel smiles, "Either one, Roy. We can even mix your sperm so you won't know which one of you was lucky until the baby is born."

Roy looks at Johnny with a grin, "Mmm, that sounds interesting! Now, answer me this. What is he gonna have to go through for the physical, and if I understood right, I am gonna have to have one, too?"

Kel nods, "Yes, you will, Roy, just to make sure you are both in good health, but I know you are. I am gonna do the same on both of you. I am gonna do EKG's, and EEG's, as well as X-ray both of your abdomens, just in case you decide you want to go through this Roy."

Roy starts laughing, and waving his hands, "OH NO! I am not gonna do this! He is the one who is going to! Not me!"

"OK, but you never know. Anyway, we'll do a UA, as well as take blood for a CBC, as well as various other blood tests. Also, we'll get a sperm sample, get chest x-rays, thorough exam of everything, including pelvis, and rectal exam. You guys may as well figure on most of the day for all this. When do you want to do it?"

Roy sighs, not really wanting to do it, "Oh, I don't know." He looks at Johnny, "Next week on our days off Babe? We work tomorrow and Friday, and then Monday, so how about next Wednesday?"

Johnny nods, and Dix makes a note of it, then they all get up as Dix and Kel get ready to leave. Johnny asks another question just before they walk out the door, "Doc? Is there any chance I could talk to this guy who just had the baby. Find out about his feelings on it and stuff?"

Kel thinks for a minute, "I don't know, Johnny. Let me find out and I'll let you know. OK?"

Johnny nods, and then he and Roy tell them goodbye, and stand at the door with their arms around each other, watching them leave. When they are out of sight, Roy turns Johnny to face him, cupping his face as he kisses him tenderly, "I love you so much, and what you said was beautiful. Let's clean up this dishes, and then go to bed!"

Johnny kisses Roy back, then hurridly helps him clean up the kitchen. Thirty minutes later they race upstairs, and fall on the bed, kissing passionately as the battle for dominance. Roy lets Johnny take over, and before long, their clothes are on the floor, and they spend the night making slow, passionate love to each other.


During the next week, Roy and Johnny fill out the medical forms and discuss more about this upcoming possible pregnancy. Dixie tells them to come to the hospital at 7 am on Wednesday, and be prepared to stay at least four hours, maybe more. They don't say anything to Hank and Mike, but they really want to tell them.

Roy spends a lot of time just holding Johnny, cuddling together on the porch or in bed, as they ponder their future. When they get off work on Tuesday morning, they invite Hank and Mike out to the house for breakfast, because they have decided to share this with them. Roy is so overwelmed by all that has happened in a few short weeks that he needs to have someone to share his fears with. He is fearful for, and concerned about, his lover. He knows how dangerous this pregnancy could be for Johnny because any number of things could happen that would endanger his life. Roy need to talk to someone other than Kel or Dixie, and he doesn't want to worry Johnny. He also knows that Johnny knows about the life-threatening dangers, but is choosing to ignore them right now.

While they drive home, Roy feels like they need to get some things said that have been left unsaid, and he also knows they could end up having a big fight. He knows this is gonna be a real test of their love and their relationship.

Johnny senses how quiet Roy is as they drive home, and he reaches over, rubbing his hand lightly over Roy's thigh. "Babe? What's wrong? Why are you so quiet?"

Roy smiles, "I'm just tired I guess, and just thinking about how to tell Hank and Mike all this."

Johnny laughs, "I don't think it's gonna be anything they ever thought they would hear!"

Roy pulls up in their driveway, and they go inside and start preparing pancakes and sausage for breakfast. While Roy is cooking, Johnny fixes coffee and pours several glasses of milk and orange juice. Around 9 am Johnny looks out and sees Hank and Mike drive up, and pretty soon they are all sitting at the table enjoying a big breakfast.

Hank looks at Roy, sensing something is bothering him, "Roy? You sure have been quiet the last week or so. What's up with you two?"

Roy grins, and glances at Johnny, who reaches out to take his hand, nodding slightly. Roy clears his throat, and takes a sip of coffee, "Well, Hank, and Mike, Johnny and I are fixing to have a major change in our lives!"

Hank looks shocked, "You aren't breaking up, are you?"

Both Roy and Johnny quickly shake their heads, and Roy continues, "No, no. Nothing like that. We are very much in love, but what we have to tell you can't leave this house. At least not right now. And, also, what I am gonna tell you about, I want the two of you to consider this."

Hank nods, taking Mike's hand, "OK, come on! We are dying of curiousity here. Tell us!"

Roy takes a deep breath, "Well, Johnny and I are gonna become parents."

Hank and Mike laugh, and congratulate them, but Roy holds up his hand, "Wait a minute. Let me finish. Johnny is going to try to carry a baby to term through IVF. There is a doctor who has been successful with three other men, and we were asked if we would be interested, and Johnny wants to do it."

Hank and Mike sit there quietly with a look of shock and disbelief on their faces, but they listen to Roy, knowing he would never lie about something so serious. Finally Hank speaks up, "I just don't know what to say. That is too amazing, and almost too hard to believe." He looks over at Mike, "Babe? Would you want to do something like that?"

Mike shrugs, "I don't know, Hon. Johnny, why do you want to do this?"

Johnny smiles, scooting his chair closer to Roy. Hank watches Roy as Johnny talks, and notices a look of sadness in Roy's eyes, or fear. He decides to have a talk with him as soon as he can pull him away for a few minutes.

Johnny eagerly explains, "Well, I love Roy very much. I have always wanted to have children, thinking of course, that it would be the regular way! When I fell in love with Roy, I just figured I'd get to be a step-parent to his kids. When I found out about this procedure, I knew it was something I wanted to do, as the ultimate expression of my love to my lover. I go tomorrow for the physical, and then we'll go from there. We have talked a lot about this, and I know what I am getting into. I know I am facing at least a month of hormone shots, and maybe more if the first IVF doesn't take. I know if it does take, I am gonna be fat and miserable and bitchy. But, I also know that Roy is gonna be right by my side though all this."

Hank and Mike listen quietly as Johnny tells them all this, and then suddenly Hank realizes something, "Hey! Wait a minute! Is this your way of telling me that I am gonna lose two Paramedics?"

Roy kinda laughs, "Weeeellllll, it's possible. Johnny can work while he takes the shots, but once they decide to implant the embryo, he has to stay at the clinic, which means I will be right beside him. We'll take a leave of absence until we know if this is gonna work."

Hank runs his hands through his hair, shaking his head over this news, "Oh man! This is unbelievable! Johnny? Are you SURE you want to do this?"

Johnny just grins and nods, and reaches over to hug Roy. Roy chose that moment to get up and get some more coffee, and Hank decided to take him aside and talk to him.

"Roy? Come on out to the car for a minute. Mike, why don't you help Johnny clean up here."

Roy looks surprised, and Johnny looks a little upset. He stands up quickly, "Why do you want to talk to Roy? So you can talk to him about talking me out of this?"

Roy places his hand on Johnny's shoulder, "Calm down, Babe. I just want to talk to Hank for a few minutes, OK. He isn't gonna talk me into or out of anything." Roy gives Johnny a quick kiss, and follows Hank out to the car. Actually, they stand against the car and talk.

Hank nods to Roy, "OK, I can tell there is something you want to get off your chest. When you talk about this, and when Johnny talks about it, I see fear in your eyes. What's wrong?"

Roy sighs, shaking his head, "Hank. He is so happy about this, and I am so scared for him. Don't get me wrong. I am thrilled to death that he wants to have a baby. What scares me is that this is a very dangerous procedure. Any number of things could go wrong, and I would lose the love of my life." Tears begin to slip down Roy's face as he talks to Hank, and Hank reaches over and pats him on the back as Roy continues, "And, I know Johnny knows all this, but he I think he is refusing to think about it. It just suddenly dawned on me the other day that I could lose him. This is considered an etopic pregnancy, meaning the egg could rupture and he could bleed to death. The embryo is implanted into a fold in his abdomen, and as he grows, so does the placenta, and that placenta can attach to anything in it's path. They could end up not only removing a baby, but also his liver or his bowels or half his stomach. He could also bleed to death. Or he could miscarry and bleed to death!"

Hank shakes his head as he listens to Roy pour his heart out, "Roy? Have you and Johnny talked about that part of it?"

Roy wipes the tears from his eyes, and shakes his head, "No. He is so excited that I haven't said anything to him. I know we are fixing to have a big fight over this because I need to make him see the whole picture."

"Are you sure you are excited about him having a baby? It's gonna be a big change in your lives. I know you know that, but this time it's a little different. And how are you gonna support yourself. I know you are gonna have to move, aren't you?"

Roy nods, "Yeah, but that's being taken care of. I might as well tell you that Dr. Brackett and Dixie are in on this, and they have helped deliver the baby who was recently born to a guy in California. I have no idea where the clinic is, but we'll have to stay there." He bows his head for a minute, and then looks at Hank, "Hank? Am I wrong to let him do this? I am so scared for him."

Hank puts his arm around Roy, "Roy, I think you two need to have a long talk, before he has the physical tomorrow. I am scared for him, too. I can't say if you are wrong to let him do this, because I don't know how I would feel if Michael wanted to do it. By the look in his eyes when he heard about it, he just might want to. But, you two need to talk and get your fears out in the open. And if you get thrown out of the house, come over and see us. We'll make you feel better!"

Roy rolls his eyes, laughing a little, "Is that an offer?"

Hank shrugs, "Could be. When he is 9 months pregnant, and you are hornier than hell, maybe Mike and I can help you out. But, you make sure you get Johnny's permission!"

Roy laughs, and hugs Hank, "Always! And thanks for letting me get this off my chest."

Hank and Roy walk back into the house, and Mike and Johnny are washing dishes, and rubbing against each other. Hank goes over and kisses Mike, "If you two are through playing with each other, we need to go now!"

Mike laughs as he dries his hands, and then tosses the towel to Roy, "We weren't playing, Babe! See you guys later!"

Roy walks them to the door, then returns to the kitchen. Johnny is finished with the dishes, and he leans against the counter when Roy comes back in.

"So? What was that all about?"

Roy sighs, "Johnny, we need to talk."

Johnny throws down the kitchen towel on the counter, "Why? So you can talk me out of this? I thought you were all for it?"

Roy pulls out the chair and motions for Johnny to sit down. He pulls out the other chair and sits down. Johnny reluctantly sits down, but he folds his arms when he does, and looks like he is about to cry. Roy takes his hands in his, "Babe, I am not gonna talk you out of having a baby, but we need to talk about a few things. Johnny, I am _scared_ _to_ _death_ for you. Please don't misunderstand what I am trying to say. I am delighted that you want to have a baby! But, Honey, what scares me is that this is a very dangerous procedure. I am been worrying about this for a week, and I have to share this with you, whether you want to hear it or not. Will you please hear me out?"

Johnny just nods as he holds on to Roy's hands, and listens as Roy continues, "Baby, this scares me because any number of things could go wrong. And I think you know this, but you don't want to think about it." Roy takes a deep breath, "Baby, anything could go wrong and I would lose the love of my life." Tears begins to roll down his face as he shares his fears with his lover.

"Baby, it suddenly dawned on me the other day that I could lose you. This is considered an etopic pregnancy, so the egg could rupture and you could bleed to death. That embryo is gonna be implanted into a fold in your abdomen, so as you grow, so does the placenta, and that placenta can attach to anything in it's path. They could end up not only removing a baby, but also your liver or bowels or half your stomach. And Baby, you could miscarry and bleed to death before they could do anything about it. Johnny, I love you with all my heart, but I am so scared, I don't know what to do. Have you thought about any of this?"

Johnny wipes away some tears from his eyes, and looks into his lover's eyes, seeing love mixed with fear, "Yes, I have, and I just tried not to think about it. I don't want to leave you with a baby to raise, either." More tears begin to stream from his face, and Roy holds him close, listening as Johnny shares his fears, "Roy, I am terrified! I AM excited, but I am so scared. I haven't said anything because I just thought I was being silly. I couldn't do this if you weren't gonna be right here beside me. I don't know how I am gonna feel having something inside me, kicking me, and making me miserable. I know that the placenta can attach to anything, and something vital might have to be removed. But, whenever I think of one of the bad things that could happen, I just try to think about how much I love you, and how much I want to give you a baby." He stops and wipes away the tears that are falling down Roy's face, "I love you so much. I am sorry I made you worry. I hope I don't give you too much to worry about when we do this. Will you let me give you a baby?"

Roy can only nod, too choked up by emotion to speak. The two lovers sit at the table, holding each other, for about an hour. Roy caresses Johnny's face, "I love you so much. I was so afraid that we would end up having a huge fight over this, but Hank encouraged me to talk to you." He laughs a little, "He also offered to comfort me if you threw me out!"

Johnny laughs, "So did Mike! It's a good thing we don't need to go over there." Johnny looks at Roy with seriousness, "Roy, when I am 9 months pregnant, and don't feel like making love, but you are so horny you are about to explode, let them love on you, and take care of your needs!"

Roy looks a little surprised that Johnny would say what he was about to say, "I will if I have to, but I am sure I won't want to leave your side! Now, what do you say, we go upstairs, take a nap, take a shower, and then let me make love to you. And, after seven, we won't be able to make love because of the physicals tomorrow, and then tonight before we go to bed, we can do what we need to do so Dr. Brackett will be happy."

Johnny just groans as they stand and walk upstairs holding hands, "Oh man, Babe! I hate it when he makes us do that!"

Roy laughs, "I know, I do too, but when he says an "extensive physical" that's what he means!"

They undress and lay down, and right before they fall asleep, Roy has to laugh when he hears Johnny say he feels like the Roto Rooter Man.

Early the next morning, the alarm goes off way too early and too loud for a 5:30 am on their day off wake up. Roy reaches over and slaps it off. Johnny turns over and covers up his head, whining, "It's TOO early to get up!"

Roy snuggles up next to him, but he is the voice of reason, "I know, Babe, but we have to be at the hospital at 7 am. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get it over with!"

Johnny groans, "I know, but I don't want to go do this at all!"

Roy leans over and kisses him, "Yes, you do. You want a baby, don't you?"

Johnny grumbles, and turns to look at Roy, "Is that your way of saying a baby is gonna keep us up all hours of the night? And I should get up now and get used to it?"

Roy laughs, and holds Johnny in his arms, kissing him tenderly, "Well, that too. But, we are gonna have a lot of days when we are gonna have to get up early for tests and stuff so get used to it!"

They share a long, passionate kiss, but Roy pulls back when he feels Johnny arousal growing against his leg.

Johnny cries out indignantly, "ROY! You get me all hot and bothered, and then you pull away! That's not nice!"

Roy stands up, "Sorry, Babe, but no sex till later! Remember? Dr. Brackett asked us to please refrain from intercourse for 12 hours prior. Come on and get up. We can take a shower together!"

Reluctantly, Johnny gets out of bed, and they take a quick shower, shave, and get dressed. They are ready to leave the house at 6 am, but Roy takes Johnny in his arms before they leave.

"Baby, I know you aren't thrilled about this part of the tests and stuff, but it is necessary. Please be a good boy!" He laughs as Johnny turns a little red, then kisses him, and they leave.

On the way to the hospital, they don't speak much, but they do hold hands the whole way. The traffic is heavy but not too bad, and they are able to get to Rampart around 6:45 am. Johnny grumbles as Roy parks the car. "We could've slept 15 more minutes!"

Roy shakes his head as they get out of the car, "No, we couldn't. If we had left the house any later, we would have hit some heavy traffic. Not quit your grumbling!" He squeezes Johnny's hand as they walk toward the ER, but then release it as they get closer to the doors.

When they enter the ER, Dixie is waiting for them by the ER desk, and waves them over to Dr. Brackett's office. They go in and sit down. Kel is on the phone, but hangs up shortly after they come in.

"Morning, guys! I just got off the phone with Dr. Shifter, and the young man who had the baby would love to talk to you guys later. So, we thought that maybe after the exams are over with, we'd all go meet for a late lunch in Victorville. Do you want to?"

Johnny nods eagerly, although a little sleepily, "Sure! That sounds great, but don't mention food right now!"

Dr. Brackett smiles, "So, both of you are good and empty, and you have not done what I told you not to do, and you did do what I told you to do?"

Both Roy and Johnny nod, and Dr. Brackett looks at Dixie, "OK, Dix, let's let them be in the same room. I want a urine sample from both of you as soon as you get in there, then Dix is gonna do weight and height, BP, pulse, respiration, and draw blood. Lets do chest and abdomen X-rays next, then the EKG and EEG's. When you are done with that, which Joe is gonna do, then I'll finish the exam. Johnny make sure they get a front and rear view of your lungs, and Dix, I want you to do a TB test on him, too."

Johnny looks shocked, "Why a TB test, Doc?"

Dr. Brackett explains, "Because you have had so many lung infections, I want to make very sure we aren't dealing with anything else. A TB test doesn't hurt."

Johnny smiles, "I know, I was just wondering why. That's the least of things I would worry about."

Dr. Brackett continues explaining what he will do, "I am also gonna do something you may not like, but I want to be thorough. I am gonna do a penile scope, so I can see up into your penis to make sure everything is clear." He smiles when he sees Johnny squirm a little bit, "All it is is a very thin tube so I can see up there and make sure there is no blockage. And I doubt there is. The thin tube is smaller than the tube that is inserted when you have a catheter inserted. Also, I want to do laproscopy, and all that entails is a little incision in your abdomen, and insert a scope, and I will have a look/see, and make sure nothing is wrong in the area where you will be carrying the baby."

Roy interrupts, "Uh, Doc, am I am gonna have to go through that, too?"

Dr. Brackett shakes his head, "No, not unless you decide to have a baby. And, the last wonderful thing I want to do, after the prostate exam, is do a colonoscopy and have a good look at your colon, make sure there is no polyps in your colon or on your rectal walls, and that you look very healthy. I am sure you both will be hating me by the time it's over, but at least you'll know that you are in good health. This last exam is especially important because of your relationship. You could very easily have a tear or something and not know it. I don't know how you wouldn't know it, but that's why I asked you to refrain from intercourse, and get all cleaned out, so I could do this. You did that too, right?"

Both of them nod, and Dr. Brackett stands up, "OK, let's get started."

Roy and Johnny follow Dixie out of the office, and to Treatment Room 7. She hands them both a specimen cup, and an exam gown. Roy goes first, then when he returns, Johnny goes in the bathroom.

Dixie motions for Roy to step on the scales, "OK, Roy, hop up here."

Dixie weighs and measures Roy, then directs him to sit on the exam table. Johnny comes out while she is taking Roy's BP. "Johnny, go over to the cabinet and get two thermometers for me, please."

Johnny gets the thermometers while Dixie finishes taking Roy's vitals. Johnny hands her one thermometer, and she sticks it in Roy's mouth, and lays the other one on the tray while she weighs and measures Johnny.

"OK, Johnny, sit your skinny little butt on the exam table." He does, and she sticks the thermometer in his mouth. While she is waiting for that, she gets ready to take blood from Roy's arm. "OK, Roy, I am gonna be taking a vial of blood from each arm." She gets his arms ready, and then removes the thermometer from Johnny's mouth, and records the temps. She glances at Roy before she starts to take his blood. "Do you think you could stand it if I took blood out of one arm while Johnny takes it out of the other one?"

Roy shrugs and nods, "Yeah, I guess. Johnny is pretty gentle when he takes blood. And, it's fine with me as long as I get to do it to him!"

Dixie nods with a smile, "That'll work." She hands one needle to Johnny, and they take the blood at about the same time. Roy kinda hisses through his teeth at one point, but he does good.

Dixie smiles as she caps the blood, "Which one hurt worse?"

Roy grins at her, "Well, I'd have to say your side because I barely felt him insert the needle!"

Johnny laughs, and hops back up on the table, "Lucky for me!"

Dixie glares jokingly at him, "You better behave Johnny!" She hands a needle to Roy, and they both take the blood. Johnny kinda flinches a little bit when they both insert the needle at the same time, but he survives. Dixie caps the blood, and sends it to the lab.

"OK, Boys. X-ray should be here shortly, so let me do the TB test on you, Johnny. Roy, keep an eye on his arm for a couple of days, and remind me to take a look at his arm if you guys come in tomorrow. It is supposed to be checked in three days, so on your next shift, I'll check it for sure."

Dixie gets the needle and does the tests, and he barely flinches. The exam door opens and X-ray enters. Dixie leaves, and the X-ray tech has Roy lie down first, and takes a picture of his chest and abdomen. Then the X-ray tech takes pictures of Johnny's abdomen, and the front and back of his lungs.

After X-ray leaves, Joe and Dixie come in, pushing the machines for the EEG. Joe smiles at them as he sets up the machine. "OK, Roy, let's do you first on the EKG, and I'll hook Johnny up to the EEG."

Joe and Dixie hook them up, do the tests, and then switch. It takes about 30 minutes, but they are finally done with that, and they anxiously wait for Dr. Brackett to come back.

About 9:30 am Dr. Brackett and Dixie enter, and Dr. Brackett washes his hands and gets several pair of gloves. "OK, Roy, let's start with you. I am gonna start with your eyes and go from there."

Roy sits down on the table, and Johnny stands next to him, holding his hand. Dr. Brackett examines his eyes, ears, nose, throat, lymph nodes, and listens to his lungs and heart. He has him lay down and palpates his nipples, and then his abdomen. Then he pulls out the stirrups, has him put his feet in them, and then does a thorough pelvic exam, leaving Roy very hard. Dr. Brackett gets a specimen cup and has Johnny stroke him to completion so he can get a sperm sample. Dr. Brackett snaps on the gloves, has Roy bend over the table, and does the prostate exam first. "OK, I am gonna do the colonoscopy now, so I need you to get on all fours with your ass in the air."

Roy does as he is told, and while Dr. Brackett does the exam, Johnny rubs Roy's back, and talks softly to him. He can tell by the faces he is making that it is pretty uncomfortable.

Dr. Brackett finishes a few minutes later, "OK, Roy, looks good. You look pretty healthy, inside and out. I do want you to watch your weight though. It would be real easy for you to gain weight when Johnny does. It wouldn't hurt you to lose about 10 lbs. If you do decide to get pregnant, and I know you have said you aren't, but if you do decide to, I want you to lose about 20 lbs before you do. OK?"

Roy nods, and gets off the table, "OK, Doc. Can I get dressed now?"

Dr. Brackett nods, "Yeah. I am sure Johnny is gonna need you beside him."

Roy hurries to get dressed. Dr. Brackett washes his hands again, while Johnny sits down on the table. Dr. Brackett starts examining Johnny, and Roy comes back before long. He stands by Johnny's side as Dr. Brackett examines his eyes, ears, nose, throat, lymph nodes, listens closely to his lungs, and heart.

Then he has Johnny lay down, palpates his nipples, and his abdomen, pulling and stretching the skin a little to see the elasticity of it. He does a thorough pelvic exam, has Roy stroke Johnny to completion to get a sperm sample, then has him lie very still so he can insert the penile scope. Johnny only flinches a little bit at first, but he is OK. Dr. Brackett checks him out, and even lets Roy have a look. He does the prostate, and colonoscopy next, and then has Johnny lie on his back again. "OK, Johnny, everything looks good. Dixie is gonna inject a local, and then we'll do the laproscopy."

Dixie quickly injects a local, and that is the only time Johnny cries out, but Roy is right there beside him, holding his hand. When Johnny tells him he is numb, Dr. Brackett makes a small incision, and inserts the scope. He looks around inside Johnny's abdomen, and then lets Roy look. "Johnny, everything looks great, and there is plenty of room for a baby. When you are impregnated, this is how it will be done."

Dr. Brackett withdraws the scope, and sews a few stitches in the small incision, "Those will dissolve by tomorrow. Roy, before you go to work in the morning, check and make sure it looks OK. Get back here if there are any problems. OK, you can get dressed, Johnny. You guys did great, and everything is fine. Now, it's 12:30. Do you still want to go to Victorville?"

Both Roy and Johnny nod their heads eagerly. After Johnny gets dressed, Dr. Brackett and Dixie tell Joe and Carol they will be back in a few hours, and they meet Roy and Johnny in the parking lot. Roy motions to where their car is, "Doc, why don't we follow you. We don't need to come all the way back to the hospital, and it would be easier to go in our own car."

Dr. Brackett and Dixie get in Kel's car, and Roy and Johnny get in their's. Roy and Johnny hold hands as they follow Kel. After a few miles, Roy squeezes Johnny's hand, "Babe? Are you OK?"

Johnny had laid his head against the door, but he sits up and smiles, "Yeah, Babe, I am fine. Just a little sore. That's colon exam was a little uncomfortable."

Roy nods, "I know. How is your incision?"

Johnny shrugs, "It's still a little numb, but it's fine."

Roy brings Johnny's hand to his lips, kissing him tenderly, "I love you."

Johnny smiles, "I love you, too."

Not much more is said as they travel quietly to Victorville. They arrive at the Medical Center about 2:45 pm, and they all go up the Dr. Shifter's office on the third floor.

A smile brightens up Johnny's face when they open the door and see two men, one of whom is holding a tiny little bundle in his arms.

Dr. Brackett closes the door, and Dr. Shifter comes out of his office with his wife, and introduces everyone.

"Roy and Johnny, I would like for you to meet Jack and John, and their daughter, Jane. Jack is the one who has given birth to this little angel." The four men shake hands with each other, and Dr. Shifter explains a few things, "OK, we are only using first names, and it may be their real names, and it may not be. Until you have been accepted into the program, Johnny, no one's identity will be known. Jack has offered to share his story with you, and, as you can see, they have a beautiful daughter to show off. The actual date, time, and place of birth will not be given. Now, if you guys are ready, we can go into the lounge and talk about their experience."

Everyone nods in agreement and they go to the lounge, which is almost like a livingroom, with comfortable sofas and chairs, and a table with sandwiches and colas on it. Everyone gets comfortable, and Dixie takes the sleeping baby from Jack for awhile.

Roy and Johnny sit together on one sofa, and Dixie sits down next to Johnny so he can see the baby. Jack and John sit down on the opposite sofa, with Mrs. Shifter next to them. Dr. Shifter and Dr. Brackett stand over by the desk and talk quietly while Jack and John share their story.

Jack looks at John, taking his hand in his, "I am not sure where to begin, but I have been in love with this crazy guy for over five years." He looks over at Roy and Johnny, "Do you mind if I ask how long you two have been together?"

Roy smiles, holding Johnny's hand in his, "We have been together over seven years."

Jack continues, "Well, a little over a year ago we heard about a doctor who had successfully helped a man to conceive, and we wanted to have a baby together. Neither one of us have children with anyone else, so we were eager to try this. It took several months of shots, and tests, and more shots, and more tests, but one day...." he looks at his lover, "one day, I actually had the joy of telling John we were gonna be parents. We were so excited.....and I was so sick!" Everyone laughs, "I had morning sickness for about three weeks, and we had a few scares. I had blood in my urine a couple of times, but because we were at the clinic, it was taken care of quickly. It was just a slight bladder infection. From about the time I was three and a half months, until I was 36 weeks, I didn't have too many problems. I was very miserable from about 27 weeks on, but I started having horrible cramps at 36 weeks." He grins a little with slight embarrassment, "Turns out it was only minor, MINOR, Braxton-Hicks contractions. I think Dix laughed at me for an hour!"

Dixie laughs and shakes her head, "No, I did not! It was only half an hour!"

Everyone laughs as Jack continues, "Well, I thought they were horrible, and I just knew somehow or other I was gonna go into hard labor and this baby would be stuck in me! Everytime I felt a pain, we'd jump." He shakes his head, "But, the doctor would check me every week, feeling around to see how big the baby was, and also do a sonogram so see if she was ready to be born. The C-section was sceduled for....uh, a certain day, and the night before I swear my water broke." He looks at Dixie, "Do you want me to tell him this part?"

Dixie laughs, "Well, yeah, you better."

Johnny's eyes get huge, "What? What happened?"

Jack laughs, "Well, it's not really THAT bad, but my water did break, and it came out through my cock, and scared me to death. Dixie managed to calm me down, and tell me that it was fine. They gave me an epidural, and then I felt great, because I was starting to feel severe labor pains."

Johnny interrupts, "How far apart were your contractions when they gave you the epidural?"

Jack and John look at each other and laugh. Jack turns a little red, and says, "Uh, they were 10 minutes apart!" They all laugh, and he finishes telling what happened, "John got to be by my side as they did the C-section, and we had chosen not to know the sex of our child. So, we were both delighted to learn we had a beautiful baby girl."

Roy and Johnny smile at the baby, who is beginning to wake up, and Johnny asks Jack, "Can I ask you something that I don't know if you can answer?"

Jack nods, "Yeah, you can ask. I don't know if I can answer it or not."

Johnny nods his understanding, "Well, I was just wondering if you got to nurse her, and what that was like."

Jack glances at Dixie, who nods that it's OK to answer, "Yes, I got to nurse her while we were at the clinic. I could have continued after we left, but I chose not to. But, she got that first bit of milk. As far as what it was like." He rolls his eyes, "OH MAN! It was unbelievable!" He turns a little red, and asks Johnny, "I know this is a personal question, but do you like to have your tits sucked?"

Dixie and Mrs. Shifter just shake their heads. Johnny smiles, and nods, giving Roy a wink. Jack goes on, "Sorry if I embarrassed you guys, but, Johnny, nurse if you can, because that is just the ultimate arousal! I know that sounds really bad to say when you've just given birth, but, HEY! It's true! I had to try really hard to control myself while I was nursing her. That's another reason I decided not to continue nursing. The feelings were just too intense. But, it was worth it."

Roy remembers the early days after his kids were born, "Let me ask you a question. Does she sleep good at night?"

Jack nods, "Oh yeah! She has slept great anytime, anyplace. She is a very good baby. What's hard is recovering from the C-section."

Johnny asks a question he has wondered about, "When they impregnated you, did that hurt much?"

Jack shakes his head, "No, not too much. They did a laprotomy, implanted it in a fold in my abdomen, and then closed me up. I knew I was pregnant about 2 weeks later, and I started showing about 6 weeks after that. Man, you are so skinny, you may show even sooner! Are you excited about having a baby?"

Johnny nods, and Roy kisses him on the forehead, hugging him gently. Roy looks at John, "John? Are you gonna try this? They keep asking me if I am, and I don't think I am going to."

John laughs, "Well, I don't know if I am supposed to say this, but I have already started taking the hormone shots."

They congratulate him, and Dixie lets both Roy and Johnny hold the baby for a few minutes. After talking to them for several more minutes, they all say goodbye and leave.

When Roy, Johnny, Kel, and Dix get to their cars, Kel speaks to Johnny, "Johnny, I spoke with Dr. Shifter, and provided that the blood tests come out OK, you can start taking the hormone shots the first of the month, which is about 2 weeks from tomorrow."

Johnny's eyes light up, "Really? Where do we go to get them?"

Kel smiles, "Come see me the morning after your shift on the 31st, and I will explain everything. Meanwhile, I want you to start eating a little bit more so you can get some meat on those bones. I think the hormone shots may cause you to gain a little weight, too. Well, we are headed back to the hospital. I guess we'll see you guys later?"

Roy and Johnny nod, tell them goodbye, then get in their own car, and leave. Once they get on the highway, Roy reaches over and takes Johnny's hand.

"What do you think about all this?"

Johnny smiles, "I am excited, but a little nervous, too. Roy, if it's OK with you, I want to nurse our baby."

Roy looks at him with a little bit of shock, and raises his eyebrows, "AFTER you get out of the hospital?"

Johnny nods, "Yeah, if I can. I am not gonna do it out in public. Only behind closed doors. I have always heard about how good nursing is for babies, and I want to do it."

Roy grins, "Even if you get a hard-on every time you nurse?"

Johnny just slaps at Roy playfully, "Hush! Not around the children, Dear!"

Roy laughs, "You are crazy! And I love you!" He kisses Johnny's hand, and they flirt with, and kiss each other off and on on the way home. By the time they get home, they are both hot and horny. They hurry in the house, throwing off their clothes as they race upstairs, and spend several hours "practicing" for a baby!

(November 1980)

On the morning of November 1, 1980, Roy and Johnny go to the hospital to meet with Dr. Brackett, and find out about the hormone shots. When they arrive at the hospital, they go to his office.

"Hi, guys! Come on in!"

Dr. Brackett hands them both a cup of coffee, and Dixie joins them shortly. Dr. Brackett grins at Johnny, "Well, how are you feeling, Johnny?"

Johnny takes a deep breath, "A little nervous. Excited. Scared."

Dr. Brackett nods his understanding, "OK, when you leave, Dix will give you enough vials of the hormone for this month. Now, Johnny, Roy is gonna inject these shots in your hip, and they may sting a little bit."

Dixie raises her eyebrows slightly when she hears him say that, because she knows those shots hurt pretty bad. She catches Roy's eye, and he winks with a slight grin. He knows Dr. Brackett is making it easier for Johnny to get the first shot without too much complaining. It's just the other 29 shots that are gonna be a fight.

Dr. Brackett ignores Dixie's look, continuing his explanation to Johnny, "Johnny, you may not notice too many changes right away. By the end of the month you may notice that your nipples are a little tender, as well as a little larger. Now, I'm not talking huge melons on your chest! More like, a very small mound, maybe as large as a half-dollar. Now, by the time you give birth, your nipples will be larger and darker, but your actual breasts won't get that large. Toward the end of your pregnancy you may want to wear a very loose-fitting T-shirt or something like a smock that won't rub you. But, that's for later. By the end of this month, you may notice tenderness in various parts of your body, including your penis. Jack said his got very sensitive the last few days he was taking the shots, and then especially so a few weeks before the baby was born. Also, you may grow a little more hair, or you may lose some hair depending on how your body reacts to the hormones."

Johnny groans, "Oh great, that's all I need. To lose MORE hair. I don't have much to start with! Now, I wouldn't mind growing some hair on my chest!"

Dr. Brackett laughs, "Well, it's hard to say what will happen. Some lose, some don't. Also, you may get very moody, and there is a possibility that you may cry easily. On the other end of the scale, you could feel like you need to sleep alot, and if that happens, then we may need to adjust the dosage a little bit. Also, be sure and take plenty of showers, expecially after you've had intercourse. The chance for infections is a little bit higher. Now, Dix is gonna give you the first shot, and then Roy can give you the rest. So, go on in Room 1. She's gonna take some blood, too, before she gives you a shot, and just to be on the safe side, go ahead and give a urine sample."

Roy and Johnny nod and stand up, and follow Dixie out the door. They go in room 1. Dixie hands Johnny the specimen cup, and he goes in the bathroom. Dix and Roy talk quickly while he's out of the room.

Dix grabs Roy's arm, "Roy, these shots hurt like hell, but I think Kel is just trying to make it easier for him to get the first one."

Roy nods, "I figured that. By the end of the month, I may be crying with him!"

Dixie hugs Roy, "You'll do fine. Anytime you need me to give him the shot, let me know.

Roy nods, then they separate when they hear Johnny flush, and come out of the bathroom. He sits down on the table, and Dix takes some blood. While she's getting it ready for the lab, she smiles at Johnny, "OK, Johnny, drop those pants, and bend over the table."

Johnny makes a face, but he unbuckles his pants, and leans over the table. Roy goes around to the other side, and holds his hands, "I love you."

Johnny smiles, "I know, and I hope so, cause I hate getting shots!"

Roy kisses him, "I know you do, Babe, and I'm sorry."

While Roy is talking softly to Johnny, he sees Dixie getting the shot ready. He wants to cringe when he sees the needle, but he doesn't want to scare Johnny. When Dixie moves Johnny shift out of the way, and pushes his pants down, he starts to turn and look, but Roy won't let him. "No, Babe. Keep your eyes on me. Just relax."

Roy holds him the best he can. Dixie pushes Johnny over a little more so his chest is laying on the table. "OK, Johnny. Take a deep breath and relax."

Johnny takes a deep breath, and tries to relax his hip when he feels Dix rub the alcohol on his hip. He clinches Roy's hand tighter, and waits for the shot. Just before she gives it to him, she asks him, "Johnny? This is your last chance. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Johnny nods, "Yes, Dix, I do. Just give me the damn shot so I can get it over with."

Dixie grins, "OK." And, carefully, yet gently, she slowly injects the hormone into Johnny's hip, the first shot of many to come.

Johnny flinches when he first feels the needle pierce his skin, but tries very hard not to cry out, thinking it's gonna be quick, and over within a couple of seconds.

But, the medicine takes about 30 seconds to be injected, and by the time Dixie removes the needle, Johnny is crying because the hormone burns and stings as it travels through his body. Roy holds him close as he cries softly, wondering how in the world they are gonna get through a month of this.

When Dixie withdraws the needle, she presses a bandaid on Johnny's hip, and pats his back. She leaves the room so Johnny can get his composure back.

After a few minutes, Johnny raises up, and pulls up his pants. Roy holds him close, "Are you OK, Sweetheart?"

Johnny shakes his head, "It hurts so bad, Roy."

"I know it does, Baby. I'm sorry. Can you make it out to the car?"

Johnny nods, wiping tears from his eyes, and they leave the room. Dixie meets them, and hands Roy a box of the injections. She hugs Johnny, "Are you OK?"

Johnny just shakes his head, and walks out to the car with Roy. He gently sits on the seat, and cries off and on all the way home. Roy holds his hand, trying to offer him a little bit of comfort.

When they get home, Roy walks into the kitchen to start the coffee. Johnny follows him in there, and leans against the counter watching Roy make the coffee. Roy turns to him, cupping his chin, "Are you gonna be able to go through with this, Sweetheart?"

Johnny looks up at Roy with tears streaming down his face, and slightly shakes his head, "I don't know, Roy. I just don't know. I don't know if I can go through a month of these shots. But, is it too late to back out now?"

Roy pulls Johnny close to him, hugging him as Johnny cries for a few more minutes. When Johnny pulls back a few minutes later, Roy smiles, "Are you crying because you don't want to get any more shots in your ass, or because you just realized what you got yourself into?"

Johnny kinda laughs as he wipes his eyes, "I don't know. Maybe both? I just didn't realize that shot was gonna hurt that bad." He takes a big breath, letting it out slowly, "But, if those other guys can endure a month, or more, of those shots, plus go through a 9 month pregnancy, with all that that entails, I guess I will try to endure those shots. Jack made it though OK, and John seems to be surviving, so I guess I will, too. I sure don't want to seem like a wimp."

Roy hands Johnny a cup of coffee, then starts fixing some toast and eggs, "Baby, I don't think anyone would think you were a wimp. I saw that needle. I know how much she injected. But, she also told me the first shot is the worst. Maybe the rest of them won't hurt so bad."

Johnny looks up from setting the table, "Yeah, right."

"Well, would you rather Dixie give you a shot every day? That way I could hold you in my arms and comfort you each time." Roy takes the toast out of the toaster, handing Johnny a plate with toast and scrambled eggs, then fixes himself a couple of fried eggs.

Johnny shrugs as he sits down at the table, "I don't know, Babe. I kinda want you to give them to me, because otherwise we are gonna have to go by the hospital every morning, or else go by her apartment when she is off."

Roy finishes up the eggs, grabs the toast, and sits down beside Johnny. He realizes Johnny forgot to get any milk or OJ. "Johnny? Do you want milk or OJ?"

Johnny looks and realizes he forgot to get any, "OH! Both, I guess. You want me to get it?"

Roy shakes his head as he stands up to go get the beverages, "No, I'll get it. You know, Babe," Roy begins as he goes to the fridge and pours the drinks, "Dixie could give you the shots on the days we could get to the hospital, then I could give it to you the days we are off. You want to try that?"

Johnny nods, and starts to talk around a mouth full of food, until Roy glares at him with a raised eyebrow. If nothing else during the years the two of them have been together, Roy finally drilled it into Johnny's head not to talk with his mouth full of food. Johnny's mouth was almost slapped a couple of times, but he finally got the message. He swallows, then speaks after he drinks some milk.

"That sounds good to me. I guess you can give it to me in the mornings before we go to work, then Dix can give it to me the next morning."

Roy nods, reaching out to take Johnny's hand, "I love you, Babe, and I hate that you have to go through this at all." He kisses the hand of his lover, but holds up his hand before Johnny can take it further, "Before we get carried away here, we can't get carried away here!" Grinning at Johnny's look of dismay, he continues, "We have got to do the laundry, change sheets, clean up this house, and maybe a little yard work later."

Johnny frowns, "Why? Are we having company?"

Roy rolls his eyes as he begins clearing the table, "No, Dear, we are not having company. We don't need to have a reason to clean and do laundry. This house is a wreck." He starts running the water in the sink, then turns to look at Johnny, "Tell you what, Hon. I will do the kitchen and the bathroom and do the laundry, if you will strip the beds, change the sheets, bring all the towels and laundry down, then help me out by vacuumming the livingroom, then gather up the trash and take it out." He kisses Johnny when he brings his dishes over, "Will you do that for me? Then we can play later!" Roy adds with a grin.

Johnny nods, "OK, OK. I will!" He wraps his arms around Roy's waist, "You are too good to me sometimes, and I love you very much!"

Roy laughs, "Oh heavens! The hormones are working already! You're getting mushy!" He gives him a quick kiss, "And I love it!"

Johnny goes upstairs, strips the sheets, puts some fresh ones on, then grabs their dirty laundry and towels and wraps it all up in the dirty sheets. He rounds up the trash, putting it all in one can, then carries both the laundry and the trash downstairs. He deposits the laundry in the utility room, gathers up the rest of the trash, and takes it all out to the dumpster.

While Johnny is doing this, Roy does the dishes and cleans the kitchen, then starts the washing. While Johnny is outdoors, cleaning up the yard, Roy cleans their bathroom, then checks around upstairs to make sure no trash or laundry was forgotten.

When Roy comes back down to the utility room with a few forgotten articles of clothing, the phone rings just as he enters the kitchen. He throws the clothes on the floor in the utility room, and grabs the kitchen phone.


"Roy? This is Hank? Did Johnny get his first shot?"

Roy smiles, "Yeah, he did, and it hurt like hell. He had a few moments of indecision about whether he wanted to really continue with this, but he decided if those other guys could do this, so could he."

Hank whistles, "WOW! And I know how much he hates shots. He must REALLY want to do this. And, that brings me around to why I am calling. Mike and I have talked to Dr. Brackett and Dr. Shifter, and we will go through the tests and the physicals and everything after the first of the year, probably around March."

Roy smiles, "Hey, that's great! Are both of you gonna try to get pregnant?"

Hank laughs, "No, not quite. I had a vasectomy after my last child was born. Dr. Brackett did a sperm count test, and I am still infertile. Mike is gonna try and see if he can get pregnant."

"Well, that's great! But, why do you have to wait till March?"

"Because they want to concentrate on Johnny right now. They said March, or when Johnny is in about his fourth month. He'll be out of the danger time, then."

Roy sighs, "I know. Those first three months will be the worst. Listen, I need to go. I am in the middle of doing the laundry."

Hank laughs, "Yeah, I know how that goes. I am fixing to have to do it, too. But, I also called to see if you two want to come over for dinner tonight. I am gonna made some chowder."

Roy's mouth waters at the thought of the wonderful chowder, "Oh, yeah! I think we can. Johnny is outside doing yardwork, but if he doesn't want to, I'll let you know."

"OK, why don't you guys come over about 5 then. And, you are welcome to stay the night if you want to. Bring a case of beer, if you want. Oh, and Marco and Chet are coming, too. I asked them not to bring a date because we have something we want to tell them."

"Oh, Hank. Do you think we should tell them?"

"We are gonna have to sometime."

Roy runs his hand through his thinning hair, "Yeah, that's true. OK. We'll be there about five, with beer in hand. See ya then."

"OK, bye, Roy."

Roy hangs up, puts the rest of the clothes in the washer, puts the wet ones in the dryer, then fills two glasses of iced tea, and walks outside to where Johnny is cleaning out the barn.

Johnny looks up when he hears Roy open the barn door, smiling when he see the cold drinks in his hand. He stops what he is doing, and sits down on a bale of hay. Roy hands him the tea, and sits down beside him.

"Ohhhh, this tastes wonderful! Thank you!"

Roy leans over to kiss him, "I figured you could use something cold. Hank just called, Babe. Mike is gonna go through the tests and stuff in March. Also, Hank is making chowder tonight, and invited all the guys over. Marco and Chet are gonna be there, too. He feels like we need to go ahead and tell them."

Johnny rolls his eyes, "Well, OK."

"He also asked us to bring a case of beer, and we are welcome to spend the night if we want to. Do you want to?"

Johnny nods, "Sure. That sounds fine to me. Then we can leave and go by the hospital, and Dixie can give me the shot before we come home. I don't think I better drink too much beer, though."

Roy nods in agreement, then stands up, "I agree, Babe. I am gonna go finish cleaning, and I'll vaccuum for you so you can finish up out here. Do you want anything for lunch, or just skip it so we can eat more tonight?"

Johnny laughs, "Skip it! I want as much chowder as I can get!"

Roy goes back in the house to finish cleaning. He gets done about noon just as a very sweaty Johnny comes in. He hands him a tall glass of ice water, "Come on, and lets go take a shower, then we can go to bed!"

Johnny grins as he sets the glass in the sink, "Mmmm, best offer I have had all day!"

They hurry upstairs, and Johnny strips as he goes, although he doesn't have much to take off since he was only wearing a pair of cut-offs.

They get in the shower, kissing and touching as they run soapy hands over each other. Roy gives Johnny a very erotic shampoo, rubbing against him every chance he gets. Then he takes a soapy washcloth and carefully washes every inch of his lover. He kisses the bruise on his bottom, causing Johnny to jump a little bit.

Johnny groans as he feels Roy run the soapy cloth over his whole body, and can barely stand when Roy attaches his soft lips to his very erect cock. Johnny leans against the wall as Roy sucks him dry, with Johnny screams of his lover's name echoing off the tiled walls.

When Roy has sucked Johnny dry, swallowing all he can take, he stands up, embracing his lover in a deep, passionate kiss, allowing him to taste himself in the kiss. Johnny can only groan at first, but then he takes a wet, soapy rag and washes Roy in the same way he washed him. He gives him an erotic shampoo, then after rinsing the hair on his head, takes the soap, washes the hair on his chest, then the course, curly blonde hair at his crotch. Roy about falls over, but holds on to the handhold on the shower wall as Johnny gives him a dynamic blow job.

After Roy explodes down his lover's talented throat, they share another passionate kiss, rinse off, and get out, carefully drying each other off.

They quickly get in bed. Roy holds Johnny in his arms, and they kiss long and slow, letting their tongues battle each other. Roy runs his hands up and down Johnny's body, then moves them down to play with his hole. Johnny groans and whimpers a little when he feels Roy's fingers preparing him. He rolls on his back, and raises his legs up and apart. Roy smiles and moves slowly down his body, kissing as he goes.

Johnny feels himself becoming hard again as Roy heads for where he wants him to be. He squeals when he feels Roy's hot tongue rimming him and his fingers stroking in and out of his ass. Before long, he is so hot, and about to explode, he can only whimper and moan until he feels Roy move up to get in position to make love to his lover.

Roy makes slow, passionate love to this man he loves with all his heart and soul. As he thrusts in and out of his lover's ass, he can't help but smile at the thought that they are pretending to be conceiving a baby. Before long, they both scream out as they explode, with Johnny's exploding all over his chest.

They hold each other until they can breathe again, then Johnny kisses Roy tenderly, "Roy?"

"Hmmm?" A sleepy Roy answers.

Johnny grins, "Do you think we made a baby that time?"

Roy laughs, "Well, you never know!" He hugs him, "I love you so much!"

Johnny cuddles up against him, "I love you, too, Babe!"

They fall asleep holding each other close in their arms.

A few hours later they get up, shower, get dressed, and leave for Hank and Mike's. Roy stops at a convenience store so Johnny can grab a case of beer and a six-pack of a soft drink. He is laughing when he gets back in the car.

Roy backs out, and heads for Hank's, "What's so funny, Babe?"

Johnny shakes his head, "I got carded! I guess they thought because I was buying beer and soda that I was underage. I told the guy, 'I am way over 21 and you are carding me????' He just shrugged, and looked at my license, and said thank you."

They laugh and get to Hank and Mike's a few minutes later. It is 4:50, and only Hank and Mike's cars are there.

Hank opens the door and they all greet each other, as Hank explains, "Marco and Chet will be here about 6:00. I wanted us to have time to talk before they got here."

They all go in the livingroom, and sit down. Mike sits on the arm of the chair Hank is sitting in, while Roy and Johnny sit together on the couch. Hank smiles at Johnny, "So? You started taking the shots?"

Johnny nods but doesn't say anything until Mike speaks, "Johnny, I already know they hurt, so don't keep quiet on my account."

Johnny laughs, "OK, and you are right. They hurt like hell! What are you guys gonna tell Chet and Marco?"

Hank takes Mike's hand in his, "Well, I just thought we'd tell them that we are trying out an experiemental procedure, and you and Mike are gonna try to have a baby."

Johnny shakes his head, "Then, after Chet quits laughing, he'll start teasing. Hank, what's to keep him from going out and telling the press and everyone he knows about this."

Hank shrugs, "I guess I could threaten him with the loss of his job if he tells anyone. Would you rather not tell him, and then have him find out later?"

Johnny laughs, "I don't know Hank. I really don't know. Let's just wait and play it by ear. I really don't think Marco is gonna have any problem with it, though. Just Chet."

Hank nods in agreement, "OK, we'll just wait and see what happens. I need to go check the chowder." He stands up, "Come on, Babe!"

He pulls Mike in the kitchen with him, and Johnny laughs when they hear them giggling. He looks at Roy, "I don't think they are coming back anytime soon, do you?" He begins to rub his hand up and down Roy's thigh.

Roy shakes his head, "No, I don't think so either. How about you and I just neck a little bit!"

Johnny grins as he wiggles his eyebrows, "Ooo, that sounds good!"

They make out on the couch for about 30 minutes, until Hank and Mike return, with Hank clearing his throat to let them know they are back. They talk for a little while, joking a little about having a baby--mostly guy talk.

About 6:00 the doorbell rings, and Mike answers the door. Marco and Chet come in, and greet everyone. Hank ushers them all into the diningroom, where they enjoy a fantastic meal.

After they eat, they all go in the den to talk. Hank winks at Johnny, then looks at Marco and Chet, "Uh, guys, we invited you over here for several reasons. We have some very interesting news to tell you, but I need to tell you this. Chet, and Marco, what we are about to tell you is not to leave this house. Could I please get you word as gentlemen and friends that you will not reveal this to anyone?" Both of them nod, and Hank nods to Johnny.

"Uh, guys, we have some very interesting news to tell you, and because of this, Roy and I may be gone for awhile." He takes a deep breath and starts telling both of them the story about what has happened, and what will happen.

Roy, Hank, and Mike sit there and watch the look on Marco and Chet's faces go from disbelief, to shock, to amazement. When Johnny finishes, there is total silence in the room. Johnny nervously takes Roy's hand, not sure why no one is talking.

Marco shakes his head, "Well, that is the last thing I ever expected to hear the two of you say." He keeps shaking his head, "I didn't say much when you all fell in love, because I could tell how much you were in love, even before you could. While I don't agree with it, I have accepted it because I know the four of you don't act like 'sissies'. But, I'm sorry. I cannot agree with what you are doing. I won't say anything to anybody, but I think this is totally wrong."

Roy interrupts, "Marco? How is this that much different than a man and a woman going through an IVF procedure when neither one of them can have a baby. Johnny and I love each other very much, and he wants to have a baby. But, instead of adopting, he is gonna carry a baby."

Marco shakes his head again, "Roy, women were made to carry babies. Men aren't. This whole thing, including your relationship goes against everything I was ever taught and have ever believed in. I will continue to work with you guys, but I don't ever want to hear about the baby." He looks at Hank, "Hank, I am gonna take the Engineer's test as soon as I can so I can move on. This just saddens me that you would made a mockery of something as beautiful as the miracle of the birth of a child."

Johnny jumps up, "Marco! We are not making a mockery of this! We are still using a donor egg of a woman, and my sperm. What if I had a wife, and she was very ill, but had donated her eggs, and we wanted to continue our family name. She dies, and I want to still have a baby, so I carry it. The miracle of life still goes on! I don't know how this child is gonna grow inside of me. How does it grow inside a woman? The miracle of life is not in who carries the baby, but that a baby grows from such a small egg. Marco! We have seen a beautiful baby girl born to two men who were delighted that they could bring a child into the world. She is healthy and perfect in every way. Marco, this is not some wacko doctor with some wierd idea, trying to create a child from some wierd plan. An egg and sperm are joined together, just as they are in the normal way, and implanted, not in a uterus, but in the fold of my abdomen. I am sorry if you don't agree with this, Marco, but we are very happy, and looking forward to having at least one beautiful child!"

No one says a word as Johnny plops back down on the couch, and Roy wraps his arms around his lover, waiting to see if Marco says anything else.

After a few minutes, Marco looks up at Roy and Johnny with tears in his eyes, "I am sorry, guys. I didn't realize there was all that to it. I still find it hard to believe that a man has carried a child, and that you are gonna do it, but you are right. A child is a miracle, no matter where it grows. I'm still kinda shocked about the whole thing, but if you can do it, more power to you. I am gonna take the Engineer's test though."

Hank just nods and then everyone looks at Chet, who smiles, "Well, all I can say is that this is very interesting that you would tell us this, because I found out yesterday that my sister-in-law's brother's friend in Germany just had a baby. And it was two guys. I think it was his second child, and his partner has decided to have one also. I agree with Marco in that I think this is something only a woman should do, but Johnny had a good example. I am kinda excited for you to see if it really works for you. And I won't say anything to anyone either. When do you do this, Johnny?"

Johnny shakes his head, "I am not sure, Chet. I just started the shots today, and I have to have one every day for a month."

The guys talk for awhile, then Marco and Chet leave about 10 pm. Roy is pretty shocked that Chet was so accepting, and Marco was so against it. Hank, Mike, Roy, and Johnny stay up talking and drinking till midnight, then Roy and Johnny crash on the couch. They don't do much except kiss and make out, but they laugh when they hear Mike and Hank going at it several times during the night.

The next morning, Roy and Johnny take a shower about 7 am, get dressed, and leave. Hank got up as they were leaving, and they just tell him they'll see him tomorrow. Roy drives to the hospital, and Johnny is pretty quiet on the way.

"Are you OK, Babe?"

Johnny nods, "Yeah, I guess. Just not looking forward to getting this shot."

Roy squeezes his hand, "I know you aren't, but I will be right there with you."

They get to the hospital, and Dixie is a little surprised to see them, until Roy explains their plan. Dixie nods, and directs them to room 5.

They go in room 5, and they just stand aroudn and wait. About ten minutes later, Dixie comes in with the shot in her hand, "OK, Johnny, let's get this over with."

Johnny grimaces a little when he sees the needle, and quietly unfastens his pants. Roy holds him in his arms, and moves his shirt out of the way, and pushes his pants and underwear down a little bit. Johnny flinches when he feels the coolness of the alcohol on the alcohol pad being wiped against his skin. When Roy sees Dixie about ready to inject the hormone into Johnny's right hip, Roy takes his mouth in a deep, passionate kiss.

Johnny is shocked when Roy plants a big kiss on him---so much so that he doesn't feel the shot at first. But, then after about 15 seconds, he can feel the burning and stinging as it goes through his veins, and he squeezes his eyes shut, trying hard not to cry out, but right at the end, he does, just as Dixie removes the needle from his behind, and Roy removes his lips from Johnny's. Johnny continues to hold onto Roy, not wanting to let go.

After several minutes, Johnny is able to compose himself, pull his pants back up, and they leave the hospital. He doesn't say much on the way home, just shifts painfully in the seat. Both sides of his bottom are sore, the right more than the left, and he just wants to go home and go to bed.

(November 30, 1980)

The last four weeks have been a chore for Roy and Dixie to get Johnny to take the shots. Just about the time he was starting to get used to the shots, he began to feel tenderness in various parts of his body. He lost a little hair on his head and his crotch, but grew a little hair on his chest. Then the mood swings started, and he had to almost fight not to break out into tears on a couple of runs involving children. He was trying very hard to make it to the end of the month before he took a leave of absence. Today is Saturday, his last day of work was on Thursday. On Monday he will go to the hospital, minor surgery will be done to implant an embryo, then the wait starts to see if he becomes pregnant. It will take about two weeks for them to know for sure.

Roy gets up early, letting Johnny sleep, He had a very restless night because of the tenderness in his nipples, which had grown some, and the tenderness in his penis. He starts the coffee, then gets the shot ready. He is so happy that this is the last one he will have to take. Hopefully the IVF will take, and he won't have to go through another month of these shots.

Roy pours himself a cup of coffee, then sits down to read the paper. A few minutes later he hears Johnny get up and go in the bathroom, so he takes another cup of coffee, along with the hypodermic, upstairs. He walks in the bedroom just as Johnny walks out of the bathroom.

Johnny smiles when he sees his lover, "Hi, Babe!" He starts to hug him, then sees the needle, and starts whining, "Nooo, Roy! Please no more!" He starts backing up cause he's naked, and he hopes he can get away from Roy, but no such luck.

Roy just shakes his head, sets the coffee down, and snags Johnny's arm, "Ut uh uh, Babe. This is the last shot you are gonna have to get! Aren't you happy about that!"

Roy tries to be cheerful but he knows Johnny is so sick and tired of all these painful shots. His poor bottom is sore and tender all over, with light to dark bruises all over, including his thighs. Dix had given him a couple of shots in his thighs, which only caused him to scream out in pain.

Johnny sighs, knowing he is going to have to get this over with. He drinks a little coffee, then sets in on the bedside table, and plops down on the bed on his stomach. He immediately regrets that when his sensitive nipples and penis brush against the rough covers. "Ohhhh, I forgot! Oh man, Roy! Hurry and give me the shot!"

Roy gives him the injection as quickly and gently as he can, shaking his head sadly when Johnny starts crying from the pain. He disposes of the needle, and then lays down beside his lover, hugging him gently, "I love you so much, Baby. And that is the last shot, Sweetheart. On Monday you get your chance to see if you can get pregnant."

Johnny shakes his head, "I changed my mind! I don't want to do this!"

Roy just smiles. They go through this nearly every morning, and Roy just rubs his back, "You are OK. If you don't want to do it, then don't. Just let the hormones get out of your system,"

Johnny rolls over, "You are no help! You are supposed to tell me it'll be OK!"

Roy laughs, leaning over to kiss him, "I love you!"

They lay in bed and kiss for a few minutes, but they have to get up and get to cleaning because they are going to have some company for dinner. Since Roy didn't get to see his kids for Thanksgiving, Joanne is bringing them over for dinner. It will be Roy, Johnny, Hank, Mike, Joanne, Chris (12), and Jenny (10), and Joanne's husband of four years, Ed, with their two children, Eddie, 21 months, and Joni, 3 years. Everyone will arrive around 3 pm.

Johnny is not happy about all this, since he doesn't feel all that well, which was why Roy asked Hank and Mike to join them. Mainly so Johnny would have someone to talk to.

They get dressed and spend the morning cleaning and cooking. Hank and Mike are bringing a huge turkey, so all Roy and Johnny have to worry about are the vegetables, and drinks. Joanne is bringing dessert and a salad.

About 1:00 Johnny is setting the table, and Roy is checking on everything, when he hears Johnny crying. He goes in the diningroom, and Johnny is sitting at the table crying. Roy holds him in his arms for a few minutes till he can speak.

Finally, Roy asks, "Baby? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Johnny wipes his eyes, "I don't know. I think it's cause I hit my hip against the table, and it's sore! I don't know why I'm crying! It's those stupid hormones!"

Roy smiles, and kisses him, "I know, Sweetheart. I know. And, we won't have all those people over here anymore."

Johnny sniffs and looks at his lover with sad eyes, "Will you still love me when I am big, fat, and pregnant, and you won't want to go back to Joanne!"

Roy rolls his eyes, but he hugs Johnny to give him some reassurance, "Baby, I will love you no matter what you look like, because you are carrying our child. And, if you will recall, Joanne is married with two more children. I do not want Joanne. I want you. I love you very much! Now, go upstairs, wash your face, and dry your tears so eveyone won't wonder what in the world you are crying about."

Roy kisses him, watching this man he loves so much as he go upstairs. He looks out the window and sees Hank and Mike drive up. He helps them unload the food from their car, and they bring it all in the kitchen. Hank looks around when they enter, "Where is Johnny?"

Roy smiles, "He is upstairs washing his face. We had a case of hormonal tears again."

Hank smiles, "Do you want me to go check on him?"

Johnny comes in, "I'm OK. You don't need to check on me!"

They greet him, and then start setting the food out. A few minutes later, Johnny looks out the window and sees a station wagon drive up, "Babe, here they are."

Roy kisses him, "Check on the potatoes for me, would you?"

Roy opens the door, and Chris and Jen come running up to him, all of them enveloping each other in a big hug. Roy looks up and nearly drops his teeth when a very pregnant Joanne climbs out of the car. Chris whispers to Roy, "Dad, Mom's a grouch! She is three months pregnant with triplets!"

Jenny slaps Chris on the arm, "CHRIS! That is not right!" She hugs Roy again, "Daddy, Momma is NOT three months pregnant with triplets! She is 15 weeks pregnant with twins! Chris teases her all the time!" She sticks her tongue out at Chris, who starts to hit her, but Roy stops them, holding them apart with both hands.

"OK, you two. Quit your fighting, and go help your mother carry the food in. Where are the two little ones?"

Joanne walks up with her husband, Ed, in time to hear the question. She hands the food to the kids as they walk in and she answers the question, "They are staying with Ed's mother. I wasn't bringing four kids over here, especially when I don't agree with your relationship."

Roy shakes his head as he closes the front door, then ushers everyone into the diningroom. Chris and Jen are hugging Johnny, and Roy can tell just by the look on his face that he is trying hard not to cry out when they bump his chest. Hank and Mike greet Joanne, who introduces them to Ed.

Roy gets everyone's attention, "OK, it's probably gonna be about 30 minutes before everything is ready. Hank and Mike are gonna get everything ready, so lets the rest of us go in the livingroom and get out of their way."

They all go in the livingroom, and Joanne keeps looking at Johnny with a strange look. They sit down and talk for awhile, and Roy finds out about Joanne.

"So, Joanne," Roy asks, as Jen gets comfortable in his lap, "How far are you, and is it twins, triplets, or what?"

Joanne glares at Chris, who is sitting on the floor beside Roy's chair. Joanne and Ed are sitting on the couch, and Johnny is sitting on the chair by the fireplace. "I am NOT pregnant with triplets, even though you son tries to tell me there is one hiding and the doctor just hasn't found it yet." Chris laughs, and Roy bops him on the head, raising one eyebrow at him when Chris starts to complain. "Like Jen said, I am 15 weeks pregnant with twins. I am due towards the end of May, but the doctor will probably induce labor the first part of May if I don't go into labor earlier. I was gonna ask you, too, if the kids could come stay with you guys in June when school is out?"

Roy catches Johnny's eye. Johnny rolls his eyes in disbelief, but shrugs. Roy smiles at Joanne, "Uh, we have some things coming up in May and June that I will discuss with you later."

Joanne looks at Roy with a mixture of shock and surprise, "Are you telling me that something is gonna prevent you from having Chris and Jen stay with you? After all the times you have called and begged me to let them come over here." She glances over at Johnny, "Johnny? Is something wrong? You look like you have gained some weight and you don't feel well. I don't agree with this relationship you have with Roy, but I am trying to be openminded by letting the kids come and stay when school is out. What's going on?"

Roy sighs, "Joanne, I will discuss it with you later."

Ed shakes his head, "Uh, Roy, I know we've only known each other a short time, but in the time I have been with Joanne, if there is one thing I have learned, is don't keep any secrets from her. And don't say you'll tell her later, cause she'll keep on till you tell!"

Roy laughs, nodding his head, "I know, Ed, but this is something that needs to wait till later for us to tell you."

Joanne looks a little confused, "Why? Are you moving?"

Roy shrugs, "Don't know. Maybe."

Just then Hank comes in to let them know dinner is ready. Roy gets up, and as he passes by Hank, he mouths thank you. They all sit down to a bountiful meal. Roy asks Ed to give thanks, which he does, and they all dig into the scrumptious feast. No one speaks much while they are filling their plates and stomachs, and Hank and Mike can tell there is a little tension in the air. Hank decides to try to get Joanne talking about her other children.

"Joanne, Roy tells me you have two other children. How old are they?"

Joanne gives Hank a big smile, "Yes, we do, Hank. Thanks for asking. Joannie is 3, and Eddie is almost 2. They are staying with Ed's mother. They are quite a handful lately. But, they love staying with their Nana and Poppa, so they are spending the weekend with them."

Hank looks at Chris, "Chris, how old are you now? About 13?"

Chris shakes his head, "No, sir. I wish! I just turned 12. I am in 7th grade."

Roy nudges him, "Are you still playing football?"

Chris shakes his head, "No, Dad. Mom asked me not to this year. I am running track though. And I may play baseball in the spring."

Hank speaks to Jen, "And Miss Jenifer, how are things going for you?"

Jen gives Hank a shy smile. She has always enjoyed being around him cause he teases her a lot. She can't quite figure out why Mike is always around him, though. "I am fine. I am 10 now, Uncle Hank. I am in 5th grade!"

"And how is the 5th grade?"

She gives him a shy smile again, "Fine."

Roy tickles her, "How many boys are after you?"

Jen giggles, a sound Roy loves to hear, but doesn't get to hear enough, "None, Daddy. Me and my friends don't like those yucky boys! Chris is enough of a bother!"

Everyone laughs. While all the fun and laugher is going on, Joanne watches Johnny. She knows something is going on with him, but just can't quite figure out what. Part of the time he looks happy, looking at Roy with a look of love that Joanne can't believe two men would share. Then sometimes he looks as if he is about to cry. He also looks very puffy, like he is retaining a lot of water. 'Like I used to look when PMS hit' Joanne thinks to herself. She would love to get a few minutes to talk to Johnny, but doubts that will happen anytime soon.

When everyone finishes stuffing themselves, Roy and Johnny start to clear the table, but Hank and Mike run them off, saying they will clean up and do the dishes. Roy decides to take Chris and Jen out to the barn and have a talk with them, but first he wants to check on Johnny. He feels like Johnny has been way too quiet all day. He gets the chance when Joanne slips away to the bathroom. He motions for Johnny to go upstairs, telling the kids he will meet them out by the barn, and Ed takes them outside.

Roy follows Johnny upstairs, and into their bedroom, closing the door behind him. He takes Johnny in his arms, "Babe, are you OK? You have been very quiet all day?"

Johnny gives his lover a slight smile, "Yeah, I'm OK. Just kinda tired. While you talk to the kids, I am gonna take a nap."

Roy nods, "OK, good idea." He kisses him tenderly, "I love you."

Johnny smiles with tears in his eyes, "I love you, too."

Roy gives him another kiss, and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. He hurries downstairs, only to find Joanne sitting in the livingroom by the fireplace. She smiles when Roy enters the room, "Roy, what's going on with the two of you? Johnny doesn't look like he feels well, and he looks very bloated. What are you not telling me?"

Roy takes a deep breath, shaking his head slightly with his hands on his hips, "Joanne, I really can't get into it right now. I can probably tell you more in a few weeks."

Joanne laughs, "Roy! What are you not telling me? Come on! You can tell me!"

Roy shakes his head, "No, Joanne, I can't. Now, I have to get out to the kids. They are waiting for me out by the barn."

He leaves the room. As he passes through the kitchen, he whispers to Hank and Mike not to tell Joanne anything. He knows she is just sly enough to try to get information out of them. Roy hurries out to where Ed is standing by the barn doors with the kids. When he sees Roy, he tells the kids he is going in the house. As he passes by Roy, he stops him, "Roy, they have been asking a lot of questions about why you and Johnny live together. Especially Jen. Joanne knows you need to talk to them about your relationship. So, please explain to them what you can."

Roy nods, thanks him, and continues into the barn. He and the kids sit and talk about school and sports and stuff. After several minutes, Jen walks over and puts her arm around his neck, "Daddy, can I ask you something?"

Roy swallows hard, wondering what in the world she is gonna ask, "Sure, Honey. You can ask me anything you want."

Jen takes a deep breath, "Well, I don't want to be nosey, Daddy, but I was just wondering why you and Uncle Johnny live together."

Roy smiles, lifting Jen on his lap, but speaks to both kids, "Well, I had to live somewhere, so we live here and share expenses."

Chris glances at Jen, "Dad, I think what she is trying to say is why do you and Uncle Johnny look at each other with loveydovey eyes. You guys look at each other like Mom and Ed do."

Roy laughs a little, "Loveydovey eyes? I didn't realize we did that."

Jen hugs him, "Well, it's mostly Uncle Johnny when he looks at you, Daddy." She is real quiet for a minute, then she say with a little bit of a wavery voice, "Daddy, I heard Momma tell Ed that you two were in a sinful relationship. What does that mean?"

Roy closes his eyes for a minute, trying to decide what to say to her, to both of them, and he looks at both of them as he shares his heart with them, "Jen, Chris, Uncle Johnny and I are not in a sinful relationship. We are in a loving relationship. He is very special to me, and I love him very much."

Jen looks a little surprised, "Do you love him more than you did Momma?"

Roy doesn't say anything for a minute, trying to decide just how to say what he wants to say, "Jen, Momma and I loved each other more like friends love each other. Sure, we had two wonderful kids together but things just didn't work out for us. I love Johnny with all of my heart, soul, mind, and body. It's not real popular for two men to love each other. And some people do think it is a sin, or that we are living in sin. Not only is he my best friend, and partner, but he is also my lover and my soulmate."

Jen grins a little, "Are you two gonna get marrrrrieeeeedddd?"

Roy laughs, but he shakes his head, "No, honey. It's not possible for two men to marry each other. If we could, we would. But, we are committed to each other with the love we have in our hearts."

Roy glances at Chris, who is shaking his bowed head. Roy touches Chris on the shoulder, "Chris, what's wrong? Tell me, Son?"

Chris looks at Roy with tears in his eyes, "Dad, it's not right. Two men aren't supposed to live together. And I know you two sleep together."

Roy rubs his back, "Yes, Chris, we do. But, you know what? I can't help who I fall in love with, any more than Mom could help falling in love with Ed, or who you might fall in love with. Kids, let me ask you something. I know it has been several years since we all lived together, but what do you remember about the time before we divorced?"

Chris shrugs, "You and Mom were always fighting and arguing. When you would go to work, Mom would be crying. Nobody was very happy."

Jen adds her memories, "Momma would be crying when she took us to school or in the middle of the night. She never looked very happy."

Roy nods, "Right. What is your house like now?"

Chris groans, "Too many kids!"

Roy laughs, "Well, besides that?"

Jen smiles, "Well, Momma and Ed are always kissing and laughing. Sometimes he even talks to her tummy!" Jen giggles at that memory.

Roy hugs her, "And you don't see her crying anymore, do you?"

Jen and Chris shake their heads. Roy continues, "Well, that's how it is in our house. We are always laughing and having fun and kissing and being silly because we love each other. You guys, it took me a long time to realize I had fallen in love with Johnny. But we are both very happy. I love him with my whole heart."

Chris doesn't say anything for a few minutes, "Dad, don't other people make fun of your relationship and call you names?"

Jen's eyes get big, "Daddy, some people say bad words about two men kissing."

Roy looks at her with a look of surprise, "When did you see two men kissing?"

Jen smiles, "It was on TV. Momma turned the channel and Ed called them an ugly name till Momma gave him a dirty look."

Roy sighs, "Kids, there are a lot of bad names people give two people of the same sex who love each other. And, yes Chris, sometimes people are rude and call me and Johnny ugly names, but we ignore them. It's not gonna change the way we love each other. It's not gonna change who we are. Those are just rude people. Our friends support us, and we have a lot of fun together just hanging out."

Chris nods, "What is the right word for what you are?"

Roy kinda laughs, "Well, the right word would be men, but I know what you are asking. Johnny and I are two men who love each other in a homosexual relationship. Another word for it is a gay relationship."

Jen shakes her head, "But those are not nice words, Daddy."

Roy hugs her, "Sometimes the way they are said is not in a nice tone of voice, but that is what it is called. Let me tell you one more thing, then I think we better get back in the house." He waits till both kids are looking at him, then he continues. "No matter who I love, or what kind of relationship we are in, I will always love you two guys very much. Johnny and I will never do anything to make you think you are not loved. And neither will your mom and Ed. If you ever feel like something is going on that either I need to know about or that your mom needs to know about, then you let us know. If someone is not treating you right, you let us know. I would love for you two to stay with Johnny and me anytime you want, but if you don't feel comfortable staying with us, we will understand fully. In a couple of weeks we may have some news to tell you, and it will be a big surprise, but just remember it's all done in love. I love you two very much, and don't ever forget that, OK?"

Both kids nod, and hug him back. Roy smiles, "Do you have any other questions?"

Jen shakes her head, "No, Daddy. I do want to come out here when Momma has those babies!"

Roy hugs her, "Well, we'll see."

They get up and go in the house. Hank, Mike, Joanne, and Ed are sitting at the table playing 42. Roy excuses himself, and starts to go upstairs to check on Johnny, only to discover both kids are following him.

"Where are you two going?"

Chris shrugs, "I just wanted to say hi to Uncle Johnny."

Jen nods, "Me, too!"

Roy sits down on the step to talk to them, "Let me go see if he is awake. He hasn't been feeling good, and it might scare him if I showed up with the two of you. So, just wait a minute, OK?"

They nod, and Roy hurries up the stairs. When he enters the bedroom, Johnny is curled up in the bed, sound asleep, and hugging Roy's pillow. Roy smiles as he sits down on the bed, and leans over to kiss him, "Johnny? Baby, wake up."

Johnny slowly opens his eyes and turns over. He smiles at Roy, wrapping his arms around his neck, "Hi. Is everyone gone?"

Roy shakes his head, "No. Hank, Mike, Joanne, and Ed are playing 42. But, I have two kids at the bottom of the stairs who want to see you. We just had a long talk in the barn and they are aware of our relationship, but not about the possible baby. Do you care if they come up here?" Roy smiles as he reaches under the sheet, "Are you decent?" He looks a little surprised when he touches clothing, "OH! you are decent!"

Johnny laughs, "Yes, I wasn't gonna go to bed nude when we have a house full of company. Would you rather I come down and talk to them. I don't think they need to be in our bedroom."

Roy nods, giving Johnny a quick kiss, then stands up, "That's a good idea. I will tell them you will be down in a minute."

Roy walks out as Johnny gets up. The kids are sitting at the bottom of the stairs, and then jump up when they see Roy, "Go in the livingroom. He is gonna come down in a few minutes."

Johnny comes down a few minutes later. He spends several hours with them, talking and laughing. Joanne and Ed round them up about 8 pm, and they all leave. Hank and Mike visit about another hour, telling Roy that Joanne never tried to pry any information from them.

Roy and Johnny go to bed a little while later, tired and happy.

(December 2, 1980)

Roy and Johnny get up bright and early. They have to be at at the hospital at 7 am. Johnny is very emotional, and very hungry. He couldn't eat or have sex after midnight, but he held on to Roy all night. The enormity of this whole procedure and opportunity has him pretty off-balance, and he is very nervous.

Roy could tell how nervous Johnny was before they even went to bed. Add his emotional state because of the hormones, and Roy knew he just needed to be held and cuddled all night. It is a long night, with them talking about their fears, yet sharing the excitment of what this may possibly bring to them.

They arrive at the hospital around 6:45 am, and Dixie tells Johnny to go into TR 7, give a urine sample, put on the hospital gown, and she would be in to take some blood. They are gonna do the minor surgery in the treatment room. She pulls Roy aside and tells him that he can stay with Johnny up until they start the procedure. Roy knows that isn't gonna go over well with his emotionally distraught lover.

Roy goes in the treatment room. Johnny is in the bathroom, but comes out shortly. Roy talks to him while they are wating for Dix to come in.

"Babe, Dixie told me I am not gonna be able to stay in here when they implant the fertilized egg."

Johnny nods, "I figured that. I love you."

Roy kisses him tenderly, "I love you, too. I am so proud of you for going through all this and doing this."

Johnny smiles, "I hope it works the first time, cause I don't think I want to go through another month of shots."

Dixie comes in with a tray full of stuff, "OK, Johnny. I am gonna take some blood, and shave your stomach. Roy, you can stay till Dr. Brackett comes in."

Roy nods. He stays and holds Johnny's hand while Dix takes the blood, and preps him. When Dr. Brackett comes in, Roy gives Johnny a quick kiss and leaves.

Dr. Brackett washes his hands, then speaks to Johnny, who is laying on the table, with his abdomen covered, and ready to go. "Johnny, I am gonna make a small incision, insert the laproscope, make sure everything is clear, then you'll feel a little tug when I insert the forceps to implant the eggs. We are implanting four eggs that have been fertilized with your sperm or Roy's sperm." He laughs at the shocked look on Johnny's face, "Don't worry. All four of them won't take. We implant four to get one. You may feel some tugging and pulling as the eggs are implanted and the pocket is sewn up. Then you need to lay here for about an hour after we close you up. Roy can come back in then. I will check you again before you leave to make sure you can get up OK. Then you can go home and rest and wait. We'll do a blood test in about two weeks, but if you have any problems before then, please get in here. No sex for a couple of days so you can heal. The stitches will dissolve in a couple of days, too. Are you ready?"

Johnny nods, "As ready as I will ever be."

"OK, you know the worst part of this is gonna be the shot to deaden your abdomen."

Johnny jumps a little when Dixie gives him the shot, tears coming to his eyes. He takes a deep breath and tries to relax as the implantation begins.

An hour and a half later Dixie comes into the lounge. Roy jumps up when he sees her, but she waves for him to sit down. She walks over to the coffee pot, pours herself a cup of coffee, then joins Roy at the table.

Roy anxiously waits for Dixie to get her coffee and sit down, "How is he, Dix?"

Dixie nods as she takes a sip of her coffee, "He is fine. It took a little longer because he is so skinny, but Kel created a nice little pocket to implant the eggs in. Because it took longer, Kel gave him a shot to knock him out so he could relax. He was pretty uptight and very emotional, especially when Kel told him that he was possibly pregnant now. You can go on and be with him, but he'll probably sleep about an hour. Keep an eye on him for the rest of the day and don't let him do too much. If he starts bleeding or cramping, get back here. OK?"

Roy nods, finishes his coffee, then hurries to the treatment room where Johnny is. Another nurse is sitting there, but leaves when Roy enters the room. Roy smiles his thanks, then sits down beside his sleeping lover. An IV has been inserted in his wrist, but only as a precaution.

Roy sits beside him for about an hour, holding his hand, talking about how much he loves him and how happy they will be if they have a baby.

Around 10:30 Johnny starts waking up. Dixie comes in and removes the IV, then Dr. Brackett comes in, checks the small incision, and has him stand up to make sure he feels OK. Johnny is a little wobbly, but he feels good. Roy goes with him in the bathroom and helps him get dressed in some scrubs. They share a quick kiss then gather up Johnny's clothes, and leave the hospital.

When they get home, Johnny goes straight to bed. Roy fixes a light lunch, makes Johnny eat a little of it to keep his strength up, then lies down with him. They sleep the sleep of two exhausted men who has been though an emotional event. Roy sleeps with his arms around Johnny, holding him the best that he can.

The next few weeks are a very emotional time, as well, while they wait to find out if Johnny is pregnant. Roy continues to work his shifts until they find out the news. If Johnny is pregnant, they will move to the clinic after Christmas. If he is not pregnant, they will wait until after Christmas to decide what to do. Johnny is not sure he wants to go through all this again. Roy just continues to tell him he loves him, and he will go along with whatever Johnny decides. He knows that if he says anything else, that Johnny, in his emotional state of mind, could turn his words completely around.

Dr. Brackett speaks with them often to check to see how Johnny is feeling. He had also told them that as soon as they found out that he was pregnant, he would start him on estrogen suppliments. Johnny was not thrilled to hear this, especially with his nipples and penis being so tender from the hormone shots. But, Dr. Brackett tells him that it is necessary for him to take the estrogen, and he won't have to get a shot. He will be able to take a pill by mouth.

Roy is supposed to take Johnny to the hospital on Dec. 20th to find out for sure if he is pregnant. But, Johnny wants to give Roy a surprise if he is pregnant, so on Dec. 18, he has Dixie come pick him up while Roy is working, take him to get a blood test, and then take him back home. It is a long day as Johnny waits for them to call him to let him know the results. He is beginning to think that he isn't because he doesn't feel sick or unusually hungry. If he finds out he is pregnant, he is gonna cook a very special breakfast for Roy in the morning.

Around 5 pm the phone rings. Johnny is sitting on the couch watching a football game. He takes a deep breath and picks up the phone.


"Johnny, this is Dr. Brackett. How are you feeling?"

"Oh, OK I guess. Just nervously waiting to find out if I am or not."

"Well, I have your test results right here but don't you want Roy to be with you when you find out?"

Johnny smiles, "No, because this is gonna be my early Christmas present to him. He still thinks we are gonna come day after tomorrow to be tested."

"Well, Johnny, it looks like you are going to be a father!"

Johnny doesn't say anything for a minute, and just blows out a huge breath of relief, while tears come to his eyes, "Doc? Are you sure? Are you real sure?"

Dr. Brackett laughs, "Oh yeah! The test was very positive. After you tell Roy in the morning, why don't you two come by and I will show you the test results. OK?"

Johnny smiles while wiping away the tears, "OK, Doc. Thanks."

Dr. Brackett knows how emotional he is, wondering if he should be there with him, "Johnny, I hate for you to be alone tonight. Do you want Dix and me to come over?"

Johnny shakes his head, "No, Doc, that's OK. I really need some time alone to get used to this idea. Up until now, it hasn't seemed real. Shit. Now it does."

"OK, well come as soon as you can so that you can get started on the estrogen, too."

Johnny nods, "OK, Doc. Thanks for calling."

Johnny hangs up, then leans his head back on the couch and cries. He is so relieved, yet so scared, and he needs to just be alone and cry. He watches the game, but more just to have it on then to really pay attention to it. He sits there for several hours, holding his stomach, rubbing it, talking to the baby, and just trying to come to terms with all this.

Around 10 pm he goes to bed, hugging Roy's pillow to him all night. He has several dreams about him and Roy with a baby. Sometimes it's a girl, sometimes it's two kids, and sometimes he doesn't know the sex.

The next morning he gets up early and fixes Roy's favorite breakfast of french toast and eggs. He makes him a big card that just says "Congratulations Daddy!" About the time that he gets everything set up, and the french toast ready about 8:30 am, he hears Roy drive up in the driveway. He goes to the door, opening it for his lover.

Roy smiles when he sees the love of his life greeting him at the door. He takes him in his arms, kissing him passionately. After a few minutes, they both come up for air. Johnny takes him by the hand, leading him into the diningroom.

"WOW BABE! This is great! To what do I owe the pleasure of all this?"

Johnny grins, wrapping his arms around the father of his child, "Just because I love you and wanted to. Did you have a good shift?"

Roy kisses him, "No. It was lonely because you weren't there."

"Well, sit down and let me get the food."

Roy sits down at the table, picking up the paper that Johnny had set by his plate. Johnny comes in with the plates of food, bringing a smile to Roy's face. He pulls Johnny down on his lap, kissing him tenderly again, "I love you. Thank you for this great breakfast!"

Johnny just grins, kisses him back, then sits down and joins him for breakfast. They don't talk much as they enjoy each other's company. Roy tells him a little about a few runs they did go on. When Roy gets up to get some more coffee, Johnny slips the card over by his plate.

A few minutes later, Roy comes in with a cup of coffee, and a glass of milk, which he gives to Johnny. "Here, Babe. You need to drink more milk." He sits down in his chair, then smiles when he sees the card. "What is this?"

Johnny shrugs, "I don't know. What is what?"

Roy grins, "You are a little stinker! Is this an early Christmas card?"

Johnny just smiles, "Could be!"

Roy grins while he opens the card, but when he sees the message, his mouth drops open, tears come to his eyes, and he is totally speechless. Johnny moves around to sit on his lap, and Roy holds him while they both cry.

Finally Roy looks at him, "How did you find out already? I thought we were going tomorrow?"

Johnny wraps his arms around Roy's neck, wiping away an erant tear, "I had Dixie pick me up yesterday because I wanted to surprise you. I found out about 5 pm last night. Dr. Brackett said to come by sometime today to see the test results and pick up the estrogen."

Roy just shakes his head, holding his lover close. He is too choked up to speak, but finally they share a long, passionate kiss while they sit there at the table.

Finally Roy comes up for air, "You are so wonderful and so special. I am so happy, Sweetheart. How do you feel?"

Johnny shrugs, "Fine. I don't feel any different."

Roy runs his fingers through Johnny's thick, dark hair, "Do you think we could make love and celebrate?"

Johnny grins, "That sounds like a wonderful idea, but how about we get the dishes cleaned up, then go see Dr. Brackett, then come home and celebrate!"

Roy nods, "That sounds like a plan! Do you want to tell Hank and Mike yet or would you rather just keep it our little secret for awhile?"

Johnny gets up to start clearing the table, "Roy, let's let it be our little secret for awhile. I don't want to share it yet. Since we are gonna be with them on Christmas Day maybe we can tell them then. But, I just want this to be our special news right now."

Roy helps him clean up the dishes, "OK, Babe. But, they may ask when I go back to work because they know we are gonna find out tomorrow."

Johnny stops and looks at Roy, "Roy, how much longer are you gonna work? We are supposed to go to the clinic the first of the year."

Roy wraps his arms around Johnny's waist, "Baby, I was gonna work the shift on the 21st, and that was gonna be my last one. Do you not want me to work that shift?"

Johnny looks down, not wanting Roy to see the worry in his eyes, but Roy tilts his chin up, "What is it, Sweetheart? Don't start not telling me things now."

Johnny wipes his eyes, "You are gonna think I am being silly, but I really wish you wouldn't go to work. I am so scared I will lose you!"

Roy holds him close, "Baby, I know, but I am working this shift as a favor to Hank, since I am not gonna work Christmas Eve, which would be even worse. I wouldn't want you to be alone on Christmas Eve. Would you feel better if I asked Dixie if she could stay with you or you could stay with her. I really don't want you to be alone, either."

Johnny shrugs, "I don't know, Babe. I will probably be OK."

Roy shakes his head, "No. I don't want you to be alone. We'll talk to Dixie later."

They finish cleaning up the kitchen, taking a few seconds here and there to give each other a kiss. Around 10 am, Johnny gets dressed and they go to the hospital.

When they arrive at the hospital about 10:45, Dixie directs them to Dr. Brackett's office. When they walk in there, Dixie gives Johnny a big hug, and Dr. Brackett congratulates both of them. He hands Johnny a bottle of pills.

"Here is the estrogen. Take one a day every morning. Then when you are about out, ask Dixie for some more. Now, I think I have something you would like to see." He hands Roy and Johnny the test results. Both of their eyes nearly bug out of their head when they see the written words at the bottom of the paper.


When Johnny can speak, he looks up at Dr. Brackett, "What does this mean? Multiples Possible? How many possible multiples?"

Dr. Brackett laughs, "Uh, two."

Roy and Johnny look at each other, then back to Dr. Brackett, unable to believe what they just heard. Johnny shakes his head like he is trying to clear his ears, "Doc? Are you telling me I am going to have TWINS? Oh my heavens! It was bad enough when I thought I was gonna have one! How in the world am I gonna carry twins? I am gonna be huge! My stomach is gonna explode! Oh man! I don't know if I can do this!"

Roy reaches over to take Johnny's hand and calm him down a little bit. He gets a little angry when he notices that Dr. Brackett is still smiling.

"DOC! How in the hell can you sit there and smile? This isn't funny! This is serious! It was dangerous enough when he was only gonna carry one baby!"

Dr. Brackett nods, "I know, Roy, and I have already talked to Dr. Shifter. He is excited because it is the first case of twins. But, we knew this was gonna be your reaction, and he said to tell you that you have nothing to worry about. You are going to the clinic on the 2nd. You will be under close supervision. And, he has talked to his Associates in Germany and England and they are so excited that you are carrying twins, that they have decided to pay you guys $1000/month for your inconvenience of being watched so closely. Johnny, your skin is very elastic, and will stretch with no problem. But, he isn't gonna let you go 9 months. Your due date, going by 40 weeks and counting from when we implanted the eggs, is Sept. 8th. But, probably around your 28th week, he'll be watching the babies to see when they can survive outside your body. He will start giving you steriods to mature the babies lungs, and when he feels like they have a good chance of survival, he'll go ahead and take them. I would say anytime after June 15th you could have the babies."

Johnny shakes his head with a groan, "I don't believe this Doc. I just don't believe this. Why did you implant four eggs?"

Dr. Brackett comes around the front of his desk, kneeling next to Johnny, "Johnny, we don't know which of those four eggs were the ones that survived. What if we had implanted one and two, and it was three and four that were the right ones. I am sorry if this is a shock to you, but if you feel like you can't handle it, I can either do another laproscopy and remove them, or give you a shot to dissolve the pregnancy."

Johnny looks up sharply, "I don't think so! You aren't gonna take my babies!" He looks at Roy, "Our babies. I am not thrilled about the fact that I am pregnant with twins, but I am NOT gonna get rid of them." He squeezes Roy's hand, "I know we said we didn't want to know the sex, but do you care if we find out?"

Roy shakes his head, "No, I don't care, Babe. That's fine! I am still trying to get used to the fact that you are pregnant!"

Johnny looks at Dr. Brackett, who is sitting on the corner of his desk, "Doc? Can we find out the sex?"

Dr. Brackett nods, "Yeah. Both of them are girls."

Roy and Johnny both have grins on their faces that brighten up the room. They thank Dr. Brackett, then talk to Dixie about Johnny staying with her on the 21st. Roy also asks Dr. Brackett if it's OK to have sex, and he just smiles, "Go for it, Guys. Unlike a normal pregnancy, where you could harm the babies, there isn't quite the same danger. You do need to be careful about HOW you make love so you don't squash his stomach, as long as he feels OK, I don't see any problem. Once you guys go to the clinic, I will see you about once a week."

Roy and Johnny thank them and leave the hospital, telling Dixie they'll see her later. Roy and Johnny go home, holding hands all the way, in shock over the news of the morning.

When they get home, Roy takes Johnny by the hand, leading him upstairs to celebrate the fantastic, and shocking, news of the morning.

When Roy drives up in the driveway of their ranch-style, two story home, he stops Johnny getting out of the car with a hand on his thigh, just as Johnny starts to open the door. He looks at Roy with a questioning glance.

Roy smiles, "Hold on a minute, Babe, before you get out of the car."

Johnny laughs, but he shrugs and says, "OK."

Roy turns off the car, gets out, and hurries around to open Johnny's door. When he opens it, he holds out his hand to help Johnny out of the car. Johnny rolls his eyes, but appreciates the sweet gesture. Roy shuts the door with his foot, pulling his lover close to him, giving him a tender kiss. Then, he just takes him by the hand, leading him to the front door.

When Roy opens the front door, he stops Johnny before he walks through. "Hold on Sweetheart!" Before Johnny knows what has happened, Roy swings him up into his arm, cradling him. Johnny squeals in surprise, but wraps his arms around his lover's neck. Roy carries him in, then shuts the door with his foot.

Johnny cups Roy's face in his hand, kissing him tenderly as he looks deep into those crystal blue eyes, "Roy, you are so funny sometimes! I am too heavy for you to carry!"

Roy kisses him back, then gently puts him down on the floor. He takes him by the hand into the kitchen, then leans against the counter, pulling Johnny to him as he wraps his arms around his waist. "I love you very much, Johnny. I wanted to do something special when we got home, but I am not gonna carry you upstairs. That would not be a good thing to do in your condition. But, let me tell you this, and I have probably told you this before. But, I am gonna tell you over and over again. I love you very much, and I am so happy that you are carrying "our" babies. I am gonna take very good care of you by pampering you, loving you, and letting you know every day how beautiful you are. Yes, your body is going to change, but it is because of something we created together."

Johnny kinda snorts his disbelief, "Yeah, right. I am gonna be a huge elephant and you will have to go to Hank and Mike if you want to get laid or get some head! I am gonna have ugly stretch marks, too."

Roy smiles, "And I will kiss every one of them if I have to, to make you believe that I love you no matter what you look like." He pulls Johnny close to his chest, hugging him tight, as he reassures him, "Baby, you are beautiful now. Pregnancy is just gonna enhance that beauty."

Johnny mumbles against Roy's chest, "Roy?"

Roy lays his head on the top of Johnny's head, "Yeah, Lover?"

"Did you feed Joanne that bunch of bull when she was pregnant?"

Johnny looks up and starts laughing. Roy swats him on the bottom, then kisses him passionately. When they come up for air, he caresses his face, "That was not funny, Johnny! But, yes, I did tell her something like that. Johnny, pregnancy seems to bring out a glow in women, and I wondered if it would in you. And you know what? There is. Your beautiful, dark eyes just seem to shine."

Johnny grins, "Are you sure that's not tears?"

Roy raises his eyebrow, "JOHN-NY! I am trying to be romantic here, and you are not cooperating! I love you Baby! And I want you to feel good about this."

Johnny lays his head on Roy's chest, "I do, Roy. I am just scared."

Roy rubs Johnny's back, "I know you are, Sweetheart. I am, too. Why don't we take this upstairs so I can hold your beautiful naked body in my arms, and not only tell you, but show you how much I love you."

Johnny nods, "That sounds wonderful to me!"

Roy gives him a quick kiss, then leads him by the hand upstairs. When they enter their bedroom, Roy sits down on the bed, then pulls Johnny to stand between his legs. "I want to undress you, Baby. I want to shower your beautiful body with kisses!"

Johnny just groans because he is already pretty aroused and semi-erect, his hard cock already straining to get out, but he loves to feel Roy's lips on his bare skin. He also knows how much Roy loves to suck on his nipples. Because of the extreme sensitivity, he hasn't wanted Roy to suck on them lately, but he knows that it is just gonna feel even better now.

Roy slowly unbuttons Johnny's shirt, planting soft, tender kisses on his skin as he uncovers it. He tosses his shirt on the chair, then softly and tenderly caresses the darkening skin around Johnny's right nipple.

Johnny gasps slightly when he feels Roy's finger touch his breast. Even the area around his nipple has become sensitive, and he kinda finds it arousing. He grabs on to Roy's shoulders when Roy begins to lick all over both nipples. Johnny can only whimper and groan at the whirlwind of feelings--sensitive, painful, arousing--all rolled into one caused by Roy's hot tongue.

While Roy lavishes attention on Johnny's beautiful rosebud nipples, and his slightly bigger breasts, Roy watches the emotions flash through the beautiful deep, brown eyes. He knows Johnny's nipples are sensitive, but he also knows how good it can feel. He has always loved to pay special attention to this part of his lover's body, but because Johnny couldn't stand for them to even be touched over the last few months, he hadn't been able to love them like he wanted to. He smiles when he notices the slight roundness of his breasts, chuckling to himself that it looks like a pre-adolescent's development.

Johnny can only continue to moan as Roy massages his skin, while covering both sides with kisses. But, he about goes through the ceiling when Roy finally attaches his lips to the very sensitive, rounded, and slightly elongated nipples. Johnny holds tight to Roy's shoulders, wanting to cry from the slight pain from the extreme sensitivity, but he is also very hard and very aroused, with his cock straining against his pants. "R-Roy, please! Oh please get me out of these pants!"

Roy continues his gentle sucking of his lover's nipples, but he moves his hands down to lowers his pants. As soon as his cock is free, Johnny starts to move his hips, wanting to rub against something! Roy smiles cause he knows Johnny is about to explode. He quickly trades places with him, laying him gently on the bed, and Roy kneels between his legs. He deepthroats him immediately, which is all it took, and Johnny cums hard and fast with a scream, shooting his load of love down his lover's throat.

When Roy has swallowed all that Johnny had to give him, he quickly undresses, then moves up to lay by his expectant lover, kissing him passionately, allowing him to taste himself in the kiss.

After a few seconds, Johnny backs away, giving Roy a puzzled look, "Roy? Does my cum taste different to you?"

Roy thinks for a minute as he licks his lips, "Hmmm. Now that you mention it, I think it does taste sweeter!" He grins at Johnny, who just rolls his eyes.

"Oh please! I am serious. It seems to taste a little different. Now, let me ask you something. When Joanne was pregnant, did she taste different to you?"

Roy shrugs, "I don't remember Babe. That has been at least 10 years. And she didn't really like for me to go down on her at anytime, much less when she was pregnant. Shit, Johnny. I was lucky to get laid when she was pregnant. And she sure didn't like giving me head! I think she may have given me a blowjob five times the whole time we were married. And maybe once during each pregnancy. I got her to do it on our honeymoon, and she hated it! It took me a year to convince her to do it again. But, I don't remember if she tasted any different!"

Johnny grins, "Welllll, maybe you could ask Ed if she tastes any different now since she is pregnant with twins, too!"

Roy rolls his eyes, "I WILL NOT! You are crazy, Johnny!" He leans over and kisses him, "And I love you more and more everyday!"

Johnny strokes his face, "I love you so much, Roy! Please make love to me! I want to feel your hard cock inside my ass. I want to feel your hot cum shooting deep inside me. I want to feel you next to me, inside me, and feel your love for me."

Roy grins, "Oh Baby! I love you, too, and I want to make love to you. I love pushing my hard cock inside your ass, and shooting my seeds of love deep inside you. I love you, and love being next to you!"

They wrap their arms around each other and kiss passionately as they prepare to make love.

Roy begins to slowly kiss his way down Johnny's long, lean body, being particularly sure to pay special attention to his stomach, the scar from his incision, and his belly button. He smiles when he hears Johnny giggle a little when Roy spends a few minutes talking to their daughters.

"Oh Roy! You are so funny! They can't hear you!"

Roy smiles, "Not yet, but they will soon. We need to talk to them every day, while they will still listen to us without talking back. Cause heavens knows, once they are born, they won't stay still long enough to listen to us!"

Roy continues his downward journey, avoiding Johnny's rapidly rising cock, already hard again. Johnny groans when he feels Roy kissing the inside of his thighs, his balls, which Roy makes sure to lavish plenty of love on, and especially his sensitive hole.

Johnny feels like his whole body is one large erogenous zone. Parts of his body have always been sensitive to Roy's gentle touch, but now, with the hormones, estrogen, and the pregnancy, he feels like every part of his body is ultra, extra-sensitive. He lets out a cross between a squeal and a whimpering groan when he feels Roy's hot, wet tongue at his hole.

"Ohhhh Babe! Ohhhh that feels so good! SSsssss, I am so sensitive, though!"

Roy looks up, "Even your hole?"

Johnny groans, "My hole, my balls, my cock, everything! But, keep going! It feels good! Ohhhh yeah!"

Roy spends a long time getting Johnny ready, particularly because he is so sensitive. By the time he has Johnny fully stretched, he is so hard from the actions of his own hand, he can hardly stand it, but he doesn't want to cum too soon. He removes his fingers, much to Johnny's displeasure, but quickly moves his painfully hard cock to Johnny's entrance as he prepares to make love to this man he loves so much.

Johnny is so hot and aroused, that he can barely lay still while Roy is lovingly preparing him for entry. He knows he needs to be stretched, but he sometimes hates it when Roy goes so slow! His own cock is about to explode again, but he wants so bad to feel his lover inside him. He whimpers with displeasure when he feels an emptiness as Roy removes his fingers, but sighs with relief when he feels the big, rounded, purple head of his lovers cock at his entrance.

Roy carefully pushes his cock inside his lover, moaning at the tightness that surrounds him. He is always amazed at how tight Johnny's ass is if they haven't made love in more than a day or so. It seems to him that it always feels like the first time. When Roy has his cock fully seated inside Johnny's snug hole, he moves up Johnny's body, carefully laying over him, taking his lips in a loving, passionate kiss.

When Johnny feels Roy move further in, he wraps his legs around his hips, pushing his heels into Roy's ass, urging him on. He feels happy and content with this wonderful feeling inside him.

After a long, passionate kiss, Roy tenderly moves Johnny's sweaty bangs out of his eyes, "I love you so much, Sweetheart!" He begins to thrust slowly as he speaks words of love to his lover.

Johnny smiles, tears coming to his eyes, feeling the love all around him, "I love you, too, Roy. You feel so good inside me!"

Roy smiles, "Oh, Baby! You have made me feel so rich!"

Johnny laughs slightly, "Rich? I think with twins we are gonna be poor! Ohhhh yeah, Baby! Push it in deeeeeep!"

Roy thrusts more and wiggles a little as he moves in and out slowly, "Oh Baby! I don't mean rich financially! Shit! We'll probably be poor as church mice, but I am talking about rich in love and happiness! Our lives are full and overflowing from the blessings we have been given!"

Johnny moans as Roy speeds up his thrusts, then smiles when Roy takes his very erect cock in his hand, jerking it in the same rhythm as he is making love to Johnny. "Ohhhh Roy! If that is the case, I feel like a millionaire! Ohhhhh, yeah! Pump it Baby!"

Roy feels his balls tightening, and knows Johnny is on the brink, too. Right before he explodes, he kisses his lover, then says with a grin, "Well, Sweetheart, if you feel like a millionaire now, get a deposit slip ready, because I am about to make a deposit that will make you feel like a billionaire!"

Both of them scream out their love for each other as they cum like a gusher. Johnny shoots his load of love all over his chest, causing his tightening ass muscles to painfully squeeze Roy's cock, and he shoots a big load deep into Johnny's bowels.

When Roy feels like he is finally empty, he can only groan as he lays beside his lover, holding him in his arms. He would rather stay inside Johnny, knowing Johnny loves to feel him inside him after intercourse, but both of them know that is just not practical now with his pregnancy. Both of them lay with their arms around each other, getting their breath back. Johnny moves to lay his head on Roy's furry chest, closing his eyes from the pleasure of feeling Roy's hand stroke his back and ass.

They doze off and on throughout the afternoon, making love several times. Johnny gets a little emotional from the love and tenderness Roy is giving him, but they are both too happy to talk much.

Later that evening, after getting up to shower and eat dinner, they go back to bed. Johnny snuggles up close to his friend and lover. Roy senses his need to just want to cuddle, something he loves to do with him. He gently rubs his hand up and down and over Johnny's back and ass, enjoying the closeness.

Johnny kisses Roy's chest, "Roy?"

"Yeah, Babe?"

"Are you scared?"

Roy leans his head against Johnny's, "Oh, Baby. I am scared and excited and nervous. I don't know what is gonna happen to you, to our babies, or how other people are gonna react to this. But, I want you to keep one thing in mind. I love you, and I will always love you, no matter what happens. I plan on being by your side through all this. It is gonna be scary, but I hope it will be fun, too."

Johnny is quiet for a few minutes, but Roy knows he is awake because he can feel his fingers caressing his chest. He knows Johnny has a lot on his mind, but he also knows that he will tell him when he is ready.

"Roy, how are we gonna raise these girls. People are gonna give us hell because two gay men are raising two little girls. What are we gonna do? And, you know Joanne is gonna try and cause problems! She won't let Chris and Jen come out here. People are gonna think we are wierdos!"

Roy lays there caressing Johnny as he expresses his fears. He doesn't really have any answers, but he lets Johnny rant on, knowing he just needs to talk these things out, getting them off his chest.

Johnny continues expressing his worries and frustrations, "I am never gonna be able to go out in public while I am pregnant. I am gonna be stuck in that clinic, and you will be able to go sneak off and see Hank and Mike and get laid or get some head, because I will be too fat and ugly for you to make love to!"

Roy rolls Johnny over so he is on his back, looking up at Roy. Roy kisses him, then speaks with a heart full of love, "Sweetheart, I want you to listen to me, and listen good. I love you! Do you understand that?" Johnny just nods, and Roy continues, "Good. Now, you will never be too fat or too ugly for me to make love to or to love you. I will not sneak off to go to Hank and Mike for anything, unless you get the point where it is medically and physically not good for us to make love. And I would only go to them if we talked about it first. As far as Joanne, don't worry about her right now. And I don't know what we will do to explain how or why we have two girls. But, don't worry about it Sweetheart. Jack and John have a beautiful daughter. As far as I know, no one has given them a hard time about it. I don't know how we will explain it to our own daughters about their births, but maybe by the time they are old enough to ask questions, it won't be too unusual. Please don't worry about anything you can't do something about right now. OK?"

Johnny leans over and kisses him, "But, there is one thing we could talk about."

Roy smiles, "What?"

Johnny rolls his eyes, "What are we gonna name these girls!"

Roy shrugs, "What do you want to name them? Do you have a special name you want to use?"

Johnny thinks for a minute, "Weeeelll, my Mom's middle name, and her mother's first name, was Marie. I would love it if we could use that name with one of the babies."

Roy gives him a warm, loving smile, "That is a beautiful name, Sweetheart. I love the names Rebecca and Rachel, too. But, we have 8 months to pick a name!"

Johnny shakes his head, "Not really. They could be born as early as June, so we may only have six months!"

Roy laughs, "And we will change our minds and the names at least three times that many months!"

Johnny snuggles up against Roy's warm body again, "I love you, Roy."

Roy closes his eyes, wrapping his arms tighter around his lover, "I love you, too, Johnny. Don't forget that in the morning I am gonna drop you off at Dixie's on the way to work!"

They are both quiet for a long time. Roy thinks Johnny has gone to sleep. Then right before Roy dozes off, he hears Johnny say something quietly, "What Babe?"

Johnny looks up at him with tears in his eyes, "Just please be careful!"

Roy kisses him, "Don't worry about me! I will be very careful! I love you very much!'

"I love you, too."

Wrapped in each other's arms, the two lovers sleep soundly through the night, dreaming about children and twins and crazy pregnant men.

The next morning both of them are sound asleep, still wrapped in each other's arms, when they are rudely awakened by the shrill of the alarm clock around 5:15 am. Roy reaches over, slaps the snooze button, then snuggles up closer to Johnny, kissing him tenderly on the forehead.

"Baby?" Roy whispers as he gently wakes his lover, "Wake up. We need to get up so I can get you to Dixie's before 8 am." Roy began waking Johnny with soft, loving words and tender kisses when he began taking the hormone shots because he never knew what mood he was gonna wake up in. Most of the time, he was in a good mood, happy and cheerful, but he had his days when he was very emotional, and Roy would just shower him with love.

Johnny moans, burying his head under the pillow. He absolutely does not want to get up, and what's more, he doesn't want Roy to go to work. "Roooyyyyy," Johnny whines, "Please don't go to work! Please, can't we just say in bed." Johnny holds on to Roy's arm, not wanting him to move.

Roy sighs, knowing it's gonna be one of those days when he has to deal with a weepy, emotional lover. It's these types of days he has to have the greatest patience with Johnny, because he knows he's scared, fearful something will happen to Roy while at work. He is also gonna have to use tough love--love him all he can, but also be a little strict, and not let Johnny's emotional state drive both of them crazy.

Roy holds Johnny close to him, kissing his face, "Johnny, come on now. We are gonna have to get up. This is the last day I am gonna have to work at the station for a long time, and I sure don't want to be late. I also don't want you to stay here by yourself and worry about me all day. Dixie said she would love for you to come over and keep her company. So, come on, Babe. Let's get up and get moving."

Johnny rolls over, facing up, and wraps his arms around his lover, "Will you make love to me?"

Roy shakes his head as he strokes Johnny's face. "Not right now, Babe. You wore me out yesterday. I love you very much, but I am tired and sore!"

Roy regrets his choice of words as soon as he sees tears fill Johnny's eyes. He quickly reassures him of his love, "Baby, I love you very much, but I just don't want to make love right now. I am gonna get up and take a shower. You can either join me, or stay in bed a little longer."

Roy starts to get up out of bed, but stops when he feels Johnny's hand on his arm, pulling him back. Johnny cups his hand on the back of Roy's head, and captures his mouth in a deep, passionate kiss, turning it into a battle of tongues. Roy surrenders to the kiss---until he feels Johnny's hand grasp his cock. Roy puts a stop to his lover's sneaky tricks. "Johnny! Cool it! I said I didn't want to make love! Now, please stop!"

Roy manages to get up out of bed, but when he glances at Johnny before he goes in the bathroom, he feels bad because he is upset, tears streaming down his face. Roy goes in the bathroom to do his business, but then returns to the bed. Johnny is laying there with his arm over his eyes, but Roy knows he is awake. "Johnny? Look at me."

"Why should I?" Johnny asks, his voice quivering with emotion and unshed tears, "You don't want me. I thought you loved me, Roy?"

Roy shakes his head for a minute, thinking what to say, "Johnny, I do love you. I love you very much. But, we made love most of the day and night yesterday, and I am just not in the mood. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, but we need to get up and get moving. Now, are you gonna take a shower with me, or not?"

Johnny shrugs, but moves his arm away from his eyes, "I love you, too, but you have never rebuffed my advances before!"

Roy chuckles, "Sweetheart, I am sorry. I didn't mean to rebuff your advances, but I've got to get ready for work." He sees fear come to Johnny's eyes, "And, I know you don't want me to go, but I have to." He strokes Johnny's face, "Baby, I promise I will be very careful, but just remember, I have some good guys helping me and backing me up. Please don't worry about me. I don't want you worrying. It's not good for you to worry so much. I am gonna go take a shower. Are you gonna join me?"

Johnny sighs, but he moves back the sheet, and gets up. Roy gets in the shower, Johnny does his business, then joins him in the shower. They kiss for a little bit, then Roy decides to put Johnny out of his misery because he is sporting a very erect penis, begging for relief. After Roy has washed his hair, he goes down on Johnny. He barely gets the erect organ in his mouth, before Johnny screams out, grabs Roy's shoulders, and shoots his load down Roy's hot throat.

After Roy has swallowed all Johnny has to give, he stands up, kisses him passionately for a few minutes, then gets out of the shower, much to Johnny's displeasure. Johnny stays in while Roy shaves and dresses for work. By the time he is dressed, Johnny is out of the shower. He decides to shave, too, then gets dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. They both go downstairs. While Roy is making the coffee, some toast, and some eggs, Johnny opens the front door, and goes out to get the paper. He spends a few minutes taking in the beautiful early morning air, then returns inside the house. Roy meets him at the door with a hot cup of coffee. They stand at the door, arm-in-arm, silently taking in the beauty of the view of the early morning sun starting to hit the mountains. It's only 6:00 am, but in their neck of the woods, they are priviledged to be able to enjoy an early sunrise.

After standing together for a few minutes enjoying the view, then go back in the kitchen and eat breakfast. Not much is said. Both of them are too sleepy, plus Johnny is still a little upset at Roy. They clean up the kitchen, then right before they leave, Roy takes Johnny in his arms as he leans against the counter. He cups Johnny's chin in his hand, kissing him tenderly as he gazes into the soft brown eyes. "Baby, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings this morning. I love you very much, and I don't want to go to work with you mad at me. Neither one of us would have a very good day. I love you so very much. I don't like it when I can't work with you."

Johnny smiles, leaning in to lay his head on Roy's shoulder, "I love you, too, Roy, and I'm sorry for getting so upset." He explains, fiddling with the buttons on Roy's shirt, "I am just scared and worried, and afraid something will happen to you."

Roy lifts Johnny's face up to him, "Sweetheart, I am not gonna tell you that nothing is gonna happen, because I can't predict the future, and that would be lying if I said nothing is gonna happen to me, but let me put it to you this way. I promise to be very careful, and you know the guys are gonna be right there with me, helping me. I don't want you to spend the day worrying, because then I spend the day worrying about you worrying about me, and that's not good, either. Is it?"

Johnny just shakes his head, listening to Roy as he continues, "Now, I do want to tell you this, and it's not to scare you. If something does happen to me....wait, don't start tearing up." He notices tears filling Johnny's eyes when he mentions this, "IF something does happen, I want you to have these babies. Hank and Mike will take care of you and help you. If I am injured or get severe smoke inhalation or something like that and have to be hospitalized, I want you to still go to the clinic. Now, enough of this. I love you, I am going to be very careful, and I want you to take care of these beautiful babies! OK?"

Johnny nods, unable to speak for the lump in his throat. He is so full of love for his lover. He knows he will not do anything foolish to endanger his life or the life of others. But, at the same time, he wants him to be able to see the birth of their daughters. He quietly expresses his love, "I love you, too, Roy."

Roy brings Johnny closer to him and gives him a very long, passionate, tongue-filled kiss. After a few minutes, they pull apart to catch their breath, and Roy asks with a smile, "Do you think that will hold you for the next 24 hours?"

Johnny laughs, "Uh, yeah, I think so! I do love you, Roy. Please don't worry about me."

Roy hugs him, then grabs his keys. They lock up the house, get in the car, and head for Dixie's and Station 51.

Roy and Johnny started out holding hands as Roy drove to Dixie's, but the early morning LA traffic was so bad that Johnny ended up laying his hand on Roy's thigh. They had left the house around 6:40, figuring they'd get to Dixie's around 7:20, giving Roy plenty of time to come in for a cup of coffee. But, it is about 7:35 when they get there. Roy decides to go in for a few minutes, not really having much time to visit.

Roy and Johnny get out of the car. They walk close together up to Dixie's door, but don't hold hands due to a lot of traffic on her street. When they walk up to Dixie's front door, she opens it, greeting them both with a hug.

"Hi Boys! Come on in!"

She leads them into the kitchen. Roy shuts the door behind him, explaining that he can't stay long. "Dixie, traffic was really bad this morning so I can't stay too long.

Dixie hands both of them a cup of coffee, but Johnny excuses himself to go the bathroom. Dixie inquires about Johnny when he leaves. "Roy? How is he doing?"

Roy takes a sip of coffee, shaking his head slightly, "Dix, he is in a very emotional mood right now. We already had an argument this morning because he wanted to make love and I didn't. Damn, Dix! We celebrated all day yesterday. But, he is worried that something is gonna happen to me. Take good care of him, Dix, and don't let him sit and watch any news reports that might come on. I don't want him worrying needlessly." He takes another sip of coffee, then a big breath, "Dix, if something does happen, and for some reason I should end up in the hospital today, take him to Hank and Mike's. I am sure everything will be fine, but I just want to make sure he is gonna be OK. And, make sure he goes to the clinic, too!"

Dixie smiles as she gives Roy a hug, "Don't worry about him, Roy. I am gonna take good care of him."

They hear Johnny finishing up in the bathroom. Roy finishes his coffee, then goes to meet Johnny at the bathroom door. When Johnny opens the door, Roy takes him in his arms. "I am gonna have to get going, Sweetheart. I love you very much, and I will see you in the morning. I want you to get plenty of rest, and take care of our daughters." Roy pats Johnny's tummy as he grins, giving him another kiss. He caresses his face. "I love you."

Johnny smiles, "I love you, too. Be careful, Babe."

Roy smiles, "I will. Bye bye."

Roy quickly leaves to get on his way to the station. Dixie spends the day showing Johnny how to care for a baby, or two, using two dolls. She teaches him all sorts of things about babies so he will understand how to care for them, including changing, bathing, burping, and even nursing, should Johnny still decide he wants to do that.

Johnny lays down about 4 pm to take a nap. He has found that he has needed one lately, another good reason why he isn't working. While he is sleeping, Dix turn on the radio while she fixes dinner. Kel is going to join them for dinner, something Johnny doesn't know, so she is fixing some of both their favorites.

Around 6 pm, she hears the DJ interrupt the music to report about a fire. She quickly turns down the radio, hurrying into the livingroom to turn on the TV, with the sound muted. She just shakes her head when she sees so many engines at a mulit-alarm fire at, of all places, an empty warehouse. Or it was supposed to be an empty warehouse. The Fire Department found out the hard way that illegal fireworks were being stored in there. Somehow, a fire was started. The fireworks make things much more dangerous. The best thing is that there are no civilian injuries because of it being empty. But, the chances of injury to firemen increase because of the danger, so several squads, including Squad 51 with Roy and Dwyer, as well as Squad 36, with Brice and Bellingham, were called to be on hand at the scene.

A few hours later when Johnny gets up, Dixie reassures him that everyone is fine so far. Kel arrives, and they all sit down to a wonderful dinner. After dinner, they talk about Johnny's care at the clinic, and also talk about what Johnny will go through when he has the babies. All of them are keeping one eye on the TV. Around 8 pm, Johnny decides to go in the room where he is staying so he can read. He wants to give Dix and Kel some time alone, too.

Right after Johnny leaves the room, Kel notices Hank talking to Roy and Dwyer. He turns up the TV and learns that they are going in on Search and Rescue because two firemen are trapped.

Kel and Dixie exchange glances, listening closely to what happens. They see Roy and Dwyer suit up and go in the still-burning building.

Nothing happens for awhile, except with Kel and Dixie. They are making out on the couch when they hear something about two more trapped men. Sure enough, Roy and Dwyer are trapped. They aren't believed to be injured, just trapped somehow.

Kel looks at Dix, "Do you want to tell Johnny?"

Dixie shakes her head, "Not really. Maybe he is asleep."

Kel gets up and goes down the hall. He peeks in the room to check on Johnny, who turns over when he hears Kel open the door.

"Hi Doc? What's wrong?" Johnny asks sleepily.

Kel softly sighs, which instantly causes Johnny to get scared. "Johnny, Roy is fine, but he is trapped at the fire. They were doing S and R when they got trapped."

Johnny bursts into tears at the news. Kel calls for Dixie, then hurries over to his side. He gives him a hug, trying to comfort him, but Johnny turns away, sobbing, "I'm gonna lose him! I know I am!"

Dixie hurries in and sits down beside Johnny on the bed, pulling him to her. She speaks softly to him, trying to calm him down, "Johnny, listen to me. Roy is not injured. He is just trapped. You need to calm down, Honey. You are getting too upset. Please calm down."

Johnny shakes his head as he speaks between sobs, "No, Dix. You don't understand. If he is trapped in that warehouse, he could easily be injured! There are too many fireworks in there! Ohhhhh, Dix! I am gonna lose my lover!"

Dixie holds Johnny tight as he sobs. She looks at Kel, who motions that he is gonna get a shot ready to calm Johnny down. Dixie manages to get Johnny to calm down a little bit, forcing him to look at her, "Johnny Gage! Listen to me! You do not need to get so upset! You need to calm down. If you don't calm down, Kel is gonna give you a shot to calm you down. You don't want a shot, do you?"

Johnny shakes his head, "N-Noooo! Dix! I am so scared that he is hurt!"

Dixie hugs him, "I know you are, Johnny, but you need to calm down. He is gonna be fine. But, he is not gonna be happy with you if he finds out you got all hysterical. Now, why don't you lay down and go to sleep. He will be here to pick you up before you know it."

Kel walks in the room with a syringe, "Do I need to sedate you, Johnny?"

Johnny swallows hard when he sees the syringe. He absolutely does not want to get another shot in the ass, and he knows that is where he would get it. He shakes his head no.

Kel smiles, "Well, calm down then. You getting so upset is not good for the babies."

Dixie hugs Johnny, then makes sure he gets back to sleep. She walks out of the bedroom with Kel, then laughs when she see that he was holding an empty syringe.

They spend the next several hours making out on the couch, while keeping one eye on the TV, and one ear out for Johnny. They find out about 3 am that Roy and Dwyer were finally rescued. They watch as they are led out of the building's burnt frame, walking under their own power on their own two feet. They are getting a little assistance from Hank, Mike, Chet, and Marco. Kel cringes when he hears them both coughing horrible-sounding coughs.

When Kel sees that they are on their way to the hospital, he calls Joe, asking him to tell Roy that Johnny is fine. He knows about what happened, but he is asleep.

After hanging up, Kel and Dixie go to bed to get a few hours of sleep before they have to go to work at 6 am.


Meanwhile, at the hospital. Chet drives up in the squad with both Roy and Dwyer. Dr. Early starts to send Roy to room 1, and Dwyer to room 2, but they say they don't care if they are in the same room. Dwyer knows about Roy and Johnny's relationship, which is what Joe was concerned about.

Joe does a thorough exam of their throat and lungs, including X-rays. He also orders a blood test, just to be on the safe side, to check their blood gasses.

Around 4:30 he gets the results back, "OK, guys. Both of you are doing pretty good for being trapped for about 7 hours. I am not gonna admit you, unless you have no one to keep an eye on you. Both of you have mild lung irritation, but I don't see any sign of infection. I want you to go home and go to bed. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. Your throats will be sore for a few days, and your chest may hurt from coughing. If you begin to run a fever or start feeling worse, come back in. I am gonna give you both a penicillion shot to ward off any infection. But, you should be OK in a couple of days."

Roy frowns at the mention of a shot, but he doesn't really care. He is just happy he won't have to stay in the hospital. "Doc, can we work our next shift? Oh wait. This was my last shift!" He grins, and Dr. Early looks at Dwyer, "Dwyer, you can if you feel like it. Roy, you guys just take care of yourselves."

Roy nods, "Doc, do you know if Johnny knows about all this?"

Dr. Early lays a hand on Roy's shoulder, smiling his kind smile, "Kel called before you got here, Roy. He said that Johnny knows what happened, and he is asleep. So, don't worry. Now, I will send Carol in to give you guys a shot, then you can go home."

Roy and Dwyer nod and thank Dr. Early. Roy looks at Dwyer, "Well, I don't know about you, but I am not exactly thrilled about getting a penicillion shot, but if it will make me feel better, I am not gonna argue!" His voice is very hoarse, and he can barely speak.

Dwyer nods his agreement. They both get redressed, but leave their pants undone. A few minutes later Carol comes in with two needles. She quickly gives them both a shot. They get dressed and leave with Chet, who takes them back to get their cars at the station.

Roy tells all the guys bye, then gets in his car and drives to Dixie's. It is around 5:15 when he arrives, smiling to himself when he sees Kel's car in the driveway. Any other time he might be hesitant to go in the house, but he knows that both of them have to be at work at 6 am. They are probably getting ready to leave any minute.

Sure enough, just as Roy walks up on the porch, the porchlight comes on. Dixie opens the door, and before Roy knows what's happened, she has him enveloped in a big bear hug. Kel comes over, shakes his hand and pats him on the back. Dix lets him go, then hands him a tall glass of water. He smiles his thanks, then sits down to join them at the table.

"How's Johnny?" Roy asks in a very hoarse voice.

Dixie nods as she drinks her coffee, "He is fine. He got a little upset, but he is fine now. Listen, Roy. We have got to get to work. Lock the front door when you leave. You won't have to worry about a key. He slept most of the night, but I am sure he will be very glad to see you."

Kel pats Roy on the back, "You go home and go to bed. Be sure to get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water. OK?"

Roy nods, waving as they leave. After a few minutes, he goes to the bathroom, then goes in the room where Johnny is. As soon as he opens the door, Johnny turns over. A huge smile comes over his face. He jumps up, and runs to Roy, grabbing him into a huge hug. Their lips meet in a short, passionate kiss, which is cut short by Roy's lack of air in his lungs. Johnny holds him close to him, pulling him down on the bed as he hugs him tight.

The two lovers spend a few minutes holding each other in their arms, so thankful that everything is OK. After a short time, Roy kisses Johnny tenderly, then speaks to him in a quiet, hoarse voice as he wipes away a few tears that have fallen on Johnny's cheek.

"Are you OK Sweetheart?"

Johnny nods, snuggling a little closer, "I am fine. Are YOU OK?"

Roy rubs his cheek against the top of Johnny's head, "I am fine, Babe. Just tired and sore, especially my hip!"

Johnny laughs, "Your hip? Why?"

Roy coughs a little before he answers in a gravelly voice, "Because Dr. Early gave us a penicillion shot and told us to go home and go to sleep. Also to drink plenty of water. Now, as comfortable as I am laying here in your arms, why don't we get up, go home and get in our own beds. I really need to take a shower, too. Dixie and Kel left right after I got here to go to work. Are you ready to go?"

Johnny nods, then they both get up. While Johnny gets dressed, Roy goes in the bathroom. A few minutes later, they are ready to leave. Roy drives home with Johnny sitting very close to him.

Johnny offered to drive home, but Roy said he would. It was the only way he would stay awake till he got to go to bed. Johnny snuggled up to him in the front seat, getting as close as he could to his lover, short of intercourse! He chuckled to himself, knowing Roy probably wouldn't go for that idea while he was driving. He had to be content with laying his head on Roy's shoulder and his hand on his upper thigh.

When they arrive home, both of them tiredly help each other into the house. They go in the kitchen before heading upstairs. Roy sits down at the table, while Johnny starts a pot of coffee, sticks some bread in the toaster, then gets himself a tall glass of milk, as well as a tall glass of water for Roy, adding a lot of ice.

Roy smiles his thanks when Johnny hands him the water. He is very tired. He just want to go to bed, but he knows he needs to eat something first, as well as take a shower, or Johnny won't want to be near him.

While they eat, they sit quietly at the table, holding hands, just being happy to be with each other. When they finish eating, Johnny makes quick work of cleaning up. Roy downs another glass of ice water, then they both head upstairs, arm-in-arm.

When they enter their bedroom, Roy heads into the bathroom to turn on the shower, while Johnny pulls down the covers on the bed. He also closes the blinds, as well as the heavy, dark curtains they have hanging in their room. They only close them when they want to get plenty of sleep during the day, because along about noon, the bright sun will brighten up the room, making it very hard to sleep.

Once he has that done, Johnny undresses, and joins Roy in the shower. They stand close together with their arms wrapped around each other for several minutes, letting the hot water cascade down over their weary bodies. Johnny can feel Roy starting to falter a little from being so tired, so he has him sit down on the shower seat they had installed. He gives his lover a long, thorough, head massage and shampoo.

Roy smiles gratefully at Johnny when he helps him sit down. He is so tired and it feels so good to be on the receiving end of a massage and shampoo. He loves receiving all this attention. He knows Johnny was very upset while he was trapped, and needs the hands-on closeness.

After both of them have showered, they get out, dry off, then go to bed. Roy sighs happily as they crawl into bed on the nice cool sheet. Johnny wraps himself around his lover, laying his head on his soft furry chest, letting his fingers play with the hair.

"I love you, Roy."

Roy rubs his hand up and down and over Johnny's back and hip, "I love you, too, Sweetheart. I am so sorry you were worried and upset."

They are quiet for a few minutes. Roy is about asleep, when he hears Johnny speak to him. "Roy?"


"Roy, did you and Dwyer, uhm, well, you know. Did you guys get to make out or anything?"

Roy laughs hoarsely, "Johnny, I didn't even KNOW about Dwyer until he told me. Later I will tell you all about he and his lover, but for now, I just want to go to sleep."

Johnny raises his head, giving Roy a tender, loving kiss. "I love you, Roy."

Roy kisses him back, giving him a small hug, "I love you, too, Sweetheart."

With their arms and legs wrapped around each other, the two lovers fall fast asleep.


About nine hours later, Roy slowly returns to consciousness. He stretches a little, feeling tired, sore muscles he didn't even know he had. His throat is still a little sore, his chest hurts a little, but all in all he is just happy that everything came out OK. He glances at the clock. 5:15 pm. He glances at Johnny, who is still sound asleep, sawing logs, laying flat on his back, with one arm thrown over his eyes. Roy chuckles to himself. Johnny never really had snored much, until he started taking the hormone shots. It wasn't a lot at first, but got to be more often, especially once he got pregnant.

While Roy is laying there in bed with Johnny, in their bedroom, he thinks back to the several hours when he was trapped with Charlie Dwyer in the building........

***********PREVIOUS EVENING***********

Roy and Charile Dwyer were trapped in an office while doing search and rescue. The ceiling had collapsed just outside the office, bring several floors of the warehouse down on top of the hall. The office had no windows. It was more of a supply room and office than anything. Roy finally got Cap on the HT, only to discover it was gonna be several hours before they could get to them. So, if they weren't hurt, just sit tight and hang on. He also happily reported to them that the fire was out, but there was so much structural damage, they would have to dig their way through it before they could get to Roy and Charlie.

For awhile, Roy and Charlie don't say much. Both are very thankful that they are OK, but wish they were somewhere else, with someone else! Roy sits on the floor, thinking about Johnny. He loves him so much and he doesn't want him to worry, but there is really no way to ask anyone to check on him. He also is concerned for their daughters, knowing how upset Johnny could get if he knew about Roy's situation. That would not be good for him, because of his condition.

After about an hour of sitting quietly, listening to the far off, muffled sounds of the others shoring up the building, Roy is brought back to the present when Dwyer comes over, sitting down on the floor across from him, with his back against the desk.

"Roy?" Dwyer begins hesitantly. "Can I ask you a question?"

Roy smiles, "Sure, Dwyer! What is it?"

Dwyer hesitates a little before plunging right in, "Well, I was just wondering about something. I, uh, know, that uh, you and Johnny have been living together for about 7 years. Are you just sharing a house, or are you sharing your lives, too?"

Roy laughs, "Charlie, I think my relationship with Johnny is one of the best well-known secrets of the LACoFD. Even the Chief has been out to our home for a barbecue." He takes a deep breath before continuing, immediately regretting it because the room is very smoke-filled from the remains of the fire. He coughs a little before continuing, "Charlie, I love Johnny very much. He is my life, my love, and my heart. I have never been happier than I have been since Johnny and I began our relationship. Why do you ask? Are we that obvious?"

Charlie laughs, "No no. If I didn't know you two guys, I would never know you were in a gay relationship. But, I don't know if you know this or not, but I have been gay since I was in my late teens. I have a lover I have been with for 20 years. He isn't with the Fire Department, but he does work for the City of Carson. He works closely with all the departments."

Roy looks surprised, "Wow Charile! I didn't know that! I wonder how I missed hearing it. Does Johnny know?"

Charlie smiles, "I think so. I guess your head has been in the clouds since you are obviously very much in love."

Roy gives him a puzzled look, "How does Johnny know about your relationship?"

Charlie starts laughing, "Well, he and I were working together right after you two began living together. I was trying to find out about the two of you, but he wouldn't really tell me anything. I was flirting with him and he got all flustered!"

Roy laughs, "OH! I think he did tell me something about someone flirting with him just after we started living together. I think I was on vacation.

Charlie nods in agreement, "I think you were." He doesn't say anything for a minute, then continues, "Roy, I think you may know my uncle."

Roy gives him a questioning look, "Oh? Who?"

Charlie smiles, "Dr. Shifter."

Roy's eyebrows shoot up to the top of his head in surprise, "WHAT? Are you serious?"

Charlie nods, "Yeah. And my lover is the uncle of one of the guys who just had the baby."

Roy gets concerned, "Wait a minute. How do you even know we know Dr. Shifter?"

Charlie rolls his eyes, "Roy! I work some with him, Dr. Brackett, and Dixie. We were talking one day, and I brought up the subject of approaching you and Johnny with this idea. Dixie thought it was great. But Kel didn't think you would like the idea."

Roy smiles, shaking his head, "I didn't like the idea at first, but now....." he just trails off, not knowing if Charlie knows about their news.

Charlie continues, "Roy, all I know is that Johnny went through the shots, and that he had the IVF done. I have no idea if he is pregnant, or not. I think it is great, though, if he is. I am thinking about starting the tests and taking the shots."

Roy smiles, "Well, Charlie, there aren't many people we would tell this news to, and I am not even sure Johnny would want me to tell you. But, you know this is to be kept to yourself, don't you?"

Charlie nods, "Yeah, but Roy, I will be at the clinic when you guys check in on the 2nd. I help with doing admitting tests, and various other stuff. Have you been told where the clinic is?"

Roy shakes his head, "No. We will meet Dr. Brackett at the hospital on the 2nd, and then follow him. I guess it will be OK to tell you our news." Roy grins real big, "Not only is Johnny pregnant, he is carrying twin girls!"

The look of shocked amazement on Charlie's face was worth telling him the shocking news. Roy laughs when Dwyer can't say too much right away. He just keeps shaking his head, "Oh my gosh, Roy! Twins? Are you guys in shock?" Then Dwyer realizes the spot they are in, and asks with some alarm, "ROY! Is he by himself right now?"

Roy shakes his head, "No, he is staying with Dixie. Charlie, let me tell you something you may or may not know about those shots. Not only do they hurt like hell, you will have days when your emotions are all screwed up! Sometimes Johnny is just fine, being his normal, crazy self. But," Roy shakes his head, "there are some days when he just needs plenty of love and encouragement and reassurance of my love for him, His whole body became sensitive from the hormones, especially his nipples and his dick."

Charlie looks surprised, "His dick? Wow! How is he now?"

Roy shrugs, "OK. This morning was a little tough. He was very emotional because he didn't want me to go to work, fearing something like this would happen. I just thank God I am not injured. He was also upset because we had a little fight this morning, so we didn't exactly get off to a good start."

Charlie smiles, "What did you fight about?"

Roy turns a little red, "Well, let's just say we celebrated a lot yesterday, and this morning he wanted to continue the celebration. I didn't because I was tired and sore, and that hurt his feelings. I tell you what, Dwyer. If you go through with these shots, they are gonna hurt very much!"

Dwyer nods, "I know." He sighs, "Roy, I tried it a year ago, but the shots hurt so bad, I only got three shots. I hated them. But, I plan to try again later. Are you gonna try?"

Roy laughs, looking at Charlie like he is crazy, "WHAT? Are you kidding? No way am I gonna go through all this!"

Charlie laughs, "Roy, other than the shots being a little painful, it's worth it! Look, when your daughters are about a year old, you guys talk about having more, only you be the one to get pregnant. You know the two guys who just had the little girl?" Roy nods, "Well, the partner of the other one just had the IVF done. The one last month didn't work, so he's trying again."

Roy nods, "Oh yeah! Johnny and I got to meet with them and see that beautiful daughter of theirs. John told me that he was gonna try it. He was taking the shots at that time. Also, I think that Mike and Hank are considering trying this. Well, Mike is. Hank can't. But, Johnny and I are very happy. Very nervous, but very happy! What is gonna happen when we go to the clinic?"

Dwyer smiles, "Well, do you want to know where it is?"

Roy shrugs, "Well, yeah, but don't tell me. Johnny would wonder how I knew."

Dwyer nods, "OK. Well, when you get there, you will be shown to the cabin where the two of you will be staying. Johnny will have to go through a physical, including checking the babies heartbeats, and do a sonogram. They will take some blood just to verify he is who he says he is. He will be checked to to make sure the RH factor doesn't present a problem. Also, a glucose tolerance test will be done to make sure he doesn't have any signs of maternal diabetes. It's done a little early so they can watch for it, and then it's done again in a few months. Dr. Shifter will probably repeat some of the tests that Dr. Brackett did. Some slightly uncomfortable, but necessary. I know Johnny will not be happy about that. One thing about all this Roy. They take good care of the men who get pregnant. They perform all sorts of tests and exams, making sure no problems develop, especially with the placenta. He may have to undergo at least one colonoscopy, just to make sure there isn't a problem in his colon or intestines."

Roy just shakes his head, knowing that Johnny is gonna be very miserable, "Dwyer, how did some of the other guys do with these tests?"

Dwyer thinks for a minute, "Well, there haven't been very many, but the few who have gotten that far cried through most of the tests. It's very emotionally trying for them. Dr. Shifter does not allow their lover to be with them, only his wife, who is also his nurse, or Dixie. He will just be watched very carefully."

Roy nods his understanding, "Did you get to be with Jack when he had the baby?"

Dwyer smiles, "Through part of it. That was really great. I hope to be at the clinic a lot more because I really want to follow Johnny's progress. He's gonna do great, Roy!"

Roy just nods his agreement. They spend several more hours in there, just talking or sitting quietly. They both know they could very easily turn to each other, but the love for their partner dwells deep in their hearts.


Back to the bedroom, where Roy is laying in bed next to Johnny.........

Roy smiles as he thinks to himself how nice it would have been to have been trapped with Johnny. They could have passed the time in many ways.

Roy starts to drift back to sleep when he hears a groan next to him. He opens his eyes, and sees Johnny looking at him with a little fear in his eyes. Before he can ask him what is wrong, Johnny jumps up and runs for the bathroom. Roy chuckles to himself, thinking 'well, looks like morning sickness has begun.'

Roy gets up to follow Johnny in the bathroom. He supports him till he finishes throwing up, then gently wipes his face, and hands him some water. He also wipes away a few tears on his lover's face, "What's wrong, Babe? That morning sickness surprise you?"

Johnny groans, "I didn't know it would hit so sudden. I feel awful Roy!"

Roy smiles as he hugs him, "I know Sweetheart. Do you want to go back to bed now?"

Johnny shakes his head, "What time is it?"

"About 6 pm."

Johnny looks at him with surprise, "Six PM? It's not even morning! I get morning sickness at night! Oh, that's good!"

Roy holds him close, "Well, we have been asleep all day. And you had an emotional day yesterday. That's probably why it hit when it did. Come on. Let's go downstairs."

They get dressed in t-shirts and shorts, then go downstairs. Roy gives him some warm tea and crackers while he fixes some soup and sandwiches.

They spend the evening together on the couch, holding each other, while they listen to soft music. Around midnight, they decide to go back to bed. Johnny makes sure to take some crackers with him to put next to the bed.

They spend part of the night talking about what Roy found out from Dwyer. Johnny tells him that is what Kel and Dixie told him was gonna happen. After several hours they drift off to sleep, with arms and legs entangled.

The guys spend Christmas with Hank and Mike, who are very excited to hear their good news. After Christmas, Roy and Johnny get ready to go to the clinic, with plans to come back to the ranch after the twins are born. They pack up stuff they won't be needing and put it in the spare room to store it.

On January 1, 1981, they are laying in bed talking when the phone rings about 7 am. Roy reaches over to pick it up.


"Roy? This is Joanne. Am I interrupting anything?"

Roy rolls his eyes, "No, Joanne. What do you need?"

He hears her sigh, "Roy, you told us right after Thanksgiving that you would have some news to tell us. I haven't heard from you, so I didn't know if you still did. What is going on?"

Roy rolls his eyes, "Joanne, I can't get into it right now. We'll let you know before too long, though. Maybe in a month or two."

Johnny laughs, knowing Joanne would be shocked to hear his news. Roy motions for him to shhhh, covering the phone so Joanne won't hear them.

"Roy DeSoto, if you want to see your kids, then I suggest you tell me what is going on! They want to come over today and spend a few days with you two."

Roy looks at Johnny, and he nods, but holds up one finger, "Joanne, bring em over, but they can only stay for the day. We are leaving town tomorrow, and we will be gone for awhile."

Joanne gets mad when she hears this, "ROY! WHAT IN THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU? You know damn good and well I am pregnant, and I need you to help me with Chris and Jen when school is out!"

Roy tries to soothe Joanne, "Joanne! Calm down. You don't need to get that upset. There is a possibitlity that we can keep the kids when school is out. But, I don't answer to you anymore. I don't have to tell you what is going on, or where we are going. You have to understand that we have some things happening in our life that can't be changed."

"Fine! Are you gonna come get your kids?"

Roy sighs, "Yes, Joanne. I will come and get them. Where are you? At home or at your mom's or where?"

"We are at our house. We are going to Mom's about 10. So, either pick them up over here by then, or at Mom's after about 11. What are you gonna do?"

"Joanne, we will be there when we can get there. Goodbye!'

He hangs up, glaring at Johnny, "Ooooo sometimes I want to slap that bitch!"

Johnny leans over and kisses him, "Calm down Babe. Let's get dressed and go get the kids. We may as well tell them our news."

Roy looks at Johnny with disbelief, "Well, we'll see. I am not sure we should tell any of them anything yet!"

They get up and get dressed. They leave the house about 7:45 am. Roy notices that Johnny is already getting a little bit of a tummy. They get to Joanne's about 9 am. As soon as Roy pulls up in front of the house, Chris and Jen come running out. Roy sees Joanne at the front door. He rolls down his window to yell at her, "Joanne? Are you gonna pick them up tonight, or what?"

Joanne opens the screen door, yelling back at him, "I don't know Roy! We are supposed to be at Mom's till late!"

Roy takes a deep breath, then turns to Chris, "Christopher, go in the house, and tell you mother that if she doesn't pick you up tonight, we are gonna have to take you over to Uncle Hank's. Johnny and I are leaving town early in the morning and we are not even coming this way."

Chris nods and jumps out of the car, hurrying to tell his mother what his dad said. Roy notices that Ed walks up when Chris comes in, then Chris and Ed walk back to the car together. Ed talks to Roy while Chris gets in the backseat.

"Roy, Joanne is having a tough day. She is very tired and miserable. We will try to be back by 9 to pick up the kids, but if we aren't, go ahead and take them over to Hank and Mike's. Can you give Joanne any idea of where you are going?"

Roy shakes his head, "Not really, Ed. We'll be gone awhile."

Ed nods his understanding, "OK. We'll see you later then. Thanks for picking up the kids. The two little ones are at my mom's. Joanne just needs some time with her mother."

Roy smiles, "I can understand that since Gloria carried twins once, too. See you later, Ed!"

He waves and drives off. They go home and spend the day just having fun. Roy and Johnny don't tell the kids anything about their news, but Jen is a preceptive child. She spends most of the day watching Johnny without being too obvious. She can tell something is different with him. Around dinnertime it dawns on her that he looks like her mother did when she was just beginning to show when she was pregnant with the twins.

When they all sit down to a supper of cornbread and beans, Jen suddenly stops everyone in their tracks when she blurts out, amazement and wonder filling her voice, "Uncle Johnny? Are you pregnant with twins, too?"

Total silence fills the room. Johnny nearly chokes on the cornbread he had just stuck in his mouth. Roy had just taken a sip of his water, then starts coughing like it had gone down the wrong way. But, it's Chris who is the first to speak.

Chris looks at her sister like she is from another planet. "Jennifer! You are so dumb! Men can't have babies! Just because Mom is pregnant with twins, that doesn't mean everyone who looks fat is pregnant! Don't ask stupid questions!"

Jennifer starts to hit Chris, until she sees her father raise his eyebrow. She just glares at Chris, hoping he is gonna get yelled out. She glances at Johnny, who has turned very red, "Uncle Johnny, I am sorry. I didn't mean to be rude."

Roy smiles at Jen, "It's OK. Jen. You just asked a question." He turns to Chris, fixing him with a steely glare, "And, as for you, young man, the only stupid question is the one not asked. I better not ever hear you talk to your sister like that or you won't be sitting down for a week. Is that understood?"

Chris nods, answering quietly, "Yes, sir."

Roy takes a deep breath, not sure what to do or say. He looks at Johnny and sees a little bit of fear in his eyes. He knows that they should tell the kids, but seeing how fearful it makes Johnny, he decides that it would be better not to. He decides to wait until they are at the clinic, then he will pay Joanne and the kids a visit to tell them the news. But, for now, he has to figure out how to answer Jen's question. Just as he opens his mouth to answer it, Johnny beats him to it.

Johnny knows that Roy is trying to decide what to tell the kids. He gets the feeling that Roy isn't gonna tell them the news, but needs to tell them something. Johnny smiles at Jen, "Jen, I have been taking some medicine because of some minor stomach surgery I had. It makes me a little sick and I have gained a little weight." He hugs her when he sees tears come to her eyes, "Hey! I'm fine! It's nothing to cry about!"

Roy smiles at Johnny, his heart filled with love for this man for reassuring his daughter that he was OK by giving them a very abbreviated version of what happened. Roy knows without a doubt that Johnny will make a very good..."mother?" Roy is not sure that is the word he would use for Johnny, so he decides he will make a good parent.

The kids seem satisfied with Johnny's explanation and they all finish eating. They all clean up when they are done, then go in the livingroom and talk and play games. About 9 pm Roy gets up when he hears a car coming down the road. He looks out and sees Ed and Joanne drive up. A few minutes later Ed comes to the door. The kids kiss Roy goodbye. Johnny stands at the door with his arm around Roy's waist, watching them leave. When they are out of sight, Roy closes the door. He wraps his arms around Johnny's waist, pulling him close, "I love you so much! You handled that very well."

Johnny grins, "Well, I was a little nervous at first, not really sure what to tell her. But, I decided a brief version of what happened would work."

Roy kisses him tenderly on the lips, "I think you will make a great, maternal father! Yeah! That is what you are! A maternal father!"

Johnny rolls his eyes and laughs, "Well, I guess it's better than being called a mother. Come on! Let's go to bed!"

Roy smiles, shaking his head. "We can't go to bed yet, Babe. We have to make sure we have everything cleaned up and packed up so that when we get up at 6 am tomorrow morning, all we have to do is grab our suitcases, lock the door, and get on the road. We are meeting Kel and Dix at Rampart at 7 am."

Johnny nods, giving a loud sigh. "I know. Let's get going so we can go to bed!"

They spend the next hour making sure everything is in order before finally going upstairs about 10 pm. They get undressed, then lay in bed just holding each other, with Johnny's head on Roy's chest, which is his favorite position to be in.


"Yeah, Babe?"

"I am scared."

Roy hugs him closer, "I know you are. But you are gonna do great! I guess now that we are actually going to the clinic makes it all pretty realistic, doesn't it?"

Johnny nods against Roy's chest, "Yeah, but I am so glad you will be there with me."

Roy smiles, "Always, Sweetheart. Always!"

They are silent for a few minutes, then Johnny looks up at his lover, "Please make love to me, Roy. I know we will still be able to at the clinic, but this is our last night of privacy."

Roy slowly and lovingly makes love to his expectant lover. He spends plenty of time loving every part of his body, and when they both finally get their release, they both scream out their lover's name as they cum simultaneously. Within minutes, they are sound asleep, content in each other's arms.

Several times during the night they wake up and make love. When the alarm goes off at 5:30 am, they both groan at the intrusion of their sleep. Johnny has to wake up slowly, eating a cracker to ward off morning sickness. After several minutes, they both get up, take a shower together, get dressed, grab their bags, and leave.

They meet Kel and Dixie at Rampart at 7 am and follow them. Kel had already told them it would be about a three hour drive. Roy can't imagine where in the world they are going. When they head towards Victorville, Roy thinks they are going to the medical center there, but Kel surprises them by turning before they get there. They head out on a road that they have no idea where it leads. They pass through a small town called Four Corners, take a few more turns, and enjoy a beautiful drive with lots of trees. Then they go through a large, 10 ft. high gate, where they have to show ID, then on a few more miles. When they arrive at the clinic, both of them gasp in amazement.

Clinic is the wrong term for this place where they will be staying. It is more like a beautiful Chateau, with a lot of smaller villas behind it. Roy and Johnny can only look on in astonishment at the beauty of the place.

They pull up in a parking area. Kel gets out of his car and comes over to Roy and Johnny as they get out of their car. "This is the Shifter Medical Compound. This is the main building with the offices and medical facilities. That villa over there is where you will give birth, Johnny. It is just called 'The Clinic'. You will be staying in one of these other villas. Come on and lets get you checked in."

They all go in the main building, where they are greeted by Dr. Shifter.

"Hello, hello! Come in, and welcome! I am sorry I didn't come out to meet you but I have been on the phone with Jack. The baby is fussy, so Mary is going over to help them out. Johnny, how are you feeling?"

Johnny smiles, giving him a slight shrug, "OK, I guess. Just nervous."

Dr. Shifter shakes hands with Roy, then speaks to everyone, "Kel, are you and Dix gonna stay for awhile, or do you need to head back?"

Dixie shakes her head, "No, we can stay. I knew Mary was gonna have to leave, so I can help you out."

Dr. Shifter smiles, "Good, good! Let's all go in my office."

They go in his office, which is a huge room with a very warm environment. They all sit around a nice fireplace.

Dr. Shifter looks at Johnny as he speaks, "OK, Johnny, were you told what to expect when you arrived?"

Johnny nods as he swallows nervously, "Yes, sir."

"OK. We'll get started in a minute, but while you are undergoing an exam and tests, I will have Charlie show Roy where you guys will be staying. Johnny, when you are finished, you will be taken to your cabin. It is gonna be several hours, though.

They talk for awhile, then Dixie takes Johnny to be admitted, and Dr. Shifter goes to get ready. Roy and Charlie sit and talk to Kel for a little bit, but the first time he hears Johnny cry out, he nearly jumps out of his skin. Charlie calms him down, "Easy there, Roy. Come on, and I will show you where you guys will be staying."

Roy starts to object, but Kel just shakes his head, motioning for Roy to stay calm. He quietly follows Charlie to their cabin. He is pleasantly surprised at how comfortable it looks. He turns to Charlie just before he leaves, "Charlie? What were they doing to Johnny to make him cry out already?"

Charlie smiles, "Roy, that wasn't Johnny. It is a recording they play to see if you would jump and run if you did hear your lover cry out. If you had just sat there, we'd still be sitting there, because we would know you wouldn't be about to tear somebody apart trying to protect your lover. So far, we've had to take everyone to their room. Now if you need anything, just dial 0."

Roy thanks Charlie as he leaves. He looks around, and read all the information they have about men having babies, what to do if certain signs occur, and a few first aid hints.

A little while later, he goes to get their luggage, then unpacks, and waits for Johnny, wondering how he is doing. He is also worried, knowing Johnny does not handle these exams well. Around 4 pm, he hears a key in the door, and hurries to the front door. Dixie is helping Johnny in. Roy's heart breaks at the tear-streaked face of his lover. He wraps him in his arms, holding him close as Dixie talks to them.

Dixie rubs Johnny's arm, "Roy, he is a little upset. He has been put through the wringer with all sorts of tests and exams, but everything is fine. The babies heartbeats are strong, they look good, and Johnny has no signs of an RH problem, or gestational diabetes." She laughs a little, "Uh, his bottom may be a little sore because he got an enema, as well as a colonoscopy. He also got a shot of Vitamin B6. But, he looks good, and he has an appointment in two weeks to check on the babies!" She smiles and hugs Johnny, "Johnny, I am sorry you had to undergo all that, but it is necessary. You won't have to do it again unless you get pregnant again!"

Johnny just shakes his head, answering in a wobbly voice, "Not a chance that I am gonna do this again, Dix!'

Dix just smiles and leaves. Roy holds Johnny close as he whispers word of love to him. After a few minutes, they go lay down on the bed. Roy holds Johnny in his arms as they fall asleep.


The next few months go by quickly as Roy and Johnny settle in at the Clinic. Johnny begins showing very soon, and by the time he is 12 weeks, he looks about 7 months. He loves being pregnant, but he is very miserable, due to morning sickness that won't go away, sometimes lasting all day long. He also suffers from leg cramps, feels miserable, but Roy just keeps surrounding him with love.

On March 30 they are laying in bed talking, when Johnny gasps, "Roy! I felt them move! They moved! Oh my gosh! Here, feel!"

They lay there for a long time, feeling the babies move, and talking to them, telling them how much they love them.

Two weeks later, about 9 am, the phone rings while they are laying together in bed. Roy reaches over to answer it, "Hello?"

"Roy? This is Dixie. I thought I might let you know that Joanne is asking for you, wanting to know where you are, and just what is going on. Also, you know that Mike had the IVF implantation last week, right?"

Roy nods, "Yeah. They called and told us."

Dixie sighs, "Well, they came in the hospital last night. Mike was cramping slightly. Kel had to do minor surgery to remove the tissue. It didn't take this time. Mike isn't sure he wants to do it again, but Kel told them to just rest and talk about it later."

Roy groans, "Oh, Dixie, I am sorry to hear that. And, I guess the time has come for me to tell Joanne what is going on."

"I think so, Roy. How is Johnny?"

Roy smiles, "He is big and beautiful and fine. The girls have been kicking up a storm. When it gets too bad, one of us has to swat his stomach to get them to calm down, and they usually do. We have one daughter who has an attitude. She will always give an extra kick after we tell them to calm down."

Dixie laughs, then has to hang up because of an incoming call. Roy hugs Johnny close, "Babe, that was Dixie. Mike lost the baby."

Johnny hugs Roy close, tears filling his eyes, "Oh no! I am so sorry. What else is wrong?"

Roy groans, "Well, it looks like I am gonna have to go tell Joanne the news. It is nearly time for her to give birth, too, and she is asking where we are. So, I guess I am gonna need to go see her."

Johnny laughs, "Well, normally I would be jealous that you are leaving me to go see your Ex-wife, but she is bigger and fatter than I am, so I am not too worried. While you are near them, go see Hank and Mike! Maybe you can make love with one of them!"

Roy glares at Johnny, "Babe? Why would I want to do that? We can still make love just fine!"

Johnny groans, "But, not face to face. My stomach is so fat we can't do it comfortably. I give you permission to go fuck one of them!"

Roy shakes his head, "I don't want to fuck one of them! You are all I need, and all I want! I love you very much!"

Johnny smiles, "I love you, too. And I won't care if you go see them!"

Roy gets up, shaking his head, "Johnny, you are a nut!" He leans over and kisses him, "But, I love you anyway. I will try to be back tonight, OK."

Johnny nods, "I am fine. Don't worry about me! Go have fun!"

Roy gets dressed, then before he leaves, he takes Johnny in his arms, giving him a long, passionate kiss. "I love you. YOU Johnny Gage! I love you very much, and I will be back as soon as I can!"

After they part, just before Roy walks out the door, Johnny shouts out, "GO GET LAID IF YOU CAN, BABE!"

Roy leaves laughing, shaking his head over the antics of his crazy lover. There is no way he would ever go to Hank and Mike because Johnny is so hormonal, that if he found out Roy was with another man, no matter who it was, he would probably get all emotional.

With a unhappy sigh, Roy gets in the car, heading for LA, not knowing exactly what he is gonna say to anyone.

When Roy arrives in LA around 1 pm, he decides to go to Joanne's first. It is Saturday afternoon and he figures he can tell the kids, too. He also plans to go by to see Hank and Mike before he heads back to the clinic.

Roy smiles as he pulls up in front of Joanne and Ed's house. Chris and Jen are out front playing with their younger brother and sister. When Jen sees Roy drive up, she runs to greet him.

Roy opens the car door, and envelopes Jen in a big, bear hug. It had only been about three months since he had seen them, but it was three months too long. He picks her up, kisses her, then puts her back down on her feet. She runs over to get the little ones and take them in the house. Chris gives him a hug when he approaches him.

"Hi, Dad. Mom is laying on the couch. She has to stay in bed most of the time now. They are hoping she can make it to May 1st. She has gone to the hospital three times in the last two weeks. Ed is at work. Mom made us come out to play so she could get some rest."

Roy nods his understanding. "OK, I am gonna go talk to her. Why don't you kids stay out here for awhile."

He goes to the door, opens it, and calls out Joanne's name, "Joanne? It's Roy? Can I come in?"

He hears Joanne call out from the livingroom, "Yes! Come on in! But, would you tell Chris and Jen to put Eddie and Joannie down for a nap!"

Roy turns around and tells Chris what he needs to do. They all come in the house, and Roy goes in the livingroom. He tries not to smile when he sees his very pregnant ex-wife laying on the couch, looking very miserable......and very fat. He dreads seeing what Johnny will look like when he gets this close to his due date.

"Hi Joanne! How are you feeling?"

Joanne glares at him, "Fat and miserable! Just where in the hell have you been? And where is Johnny?"

Roy sits down in a chair across from her. "Well, that's what I came to talk to you about. I know we were gonna tell you guys earlier, but we didn't get to." He looks up as Chris and Jen come in the room, "You guys sit down. I may as well tell all of you at the same time. First of all, there is no bad news, or anything like that." He takes a deep breath, not exactly sure how to start, now that the time has come to tell them. He had already discussed with Dixie how to tell them this news. She told him just to come out and tell them, but be prepared to be laughed at, made fun of, or called a liar.

Before he can start, Jen comes over to sit on his lap, "Daddy? Is Uncle Johnny OK?"

Roy gives her a hug, "Yes, Honey, Uncle Johnny is fine. OK, here is what is going on. Nearly a year ago we found out about a man who had sucessfully had a baby. Both Johnny and I thought that was the craziest thing we had ever heard. Then, shortly after that, Dr. Brackett told us about a doctor who was doing this and needed some volunteers."

Joanne starts laughing, "Wait, wait!" She shakes her head in disbelief. "What kind of bull are you gonna tell us?"

Roy glares at her, "Joanne, please let me finish. In October Johnny went through extensive tests and exams to see if he could carry a child. This was not something we decided on just the spur of the minute. There are long health forms to fill out, and very extensive medical exams. Then he had to go through a month of getting very painful hormone shots in his a... uh, in his bottom every morning."

Jennifer cringes, "Oh Daddy! Pour Uncle Johnny! He hates getting shots!"

Roy nods, "I know, Darlin'. These were very painful shots, and he was not happy about having to get them. But, he was very anxious to see if he could carry a child. After he had gone through all those shots, then he had minor surgery performed right after Thanksgiving. Four fertilized eggs were implanted by IVF in a special pocket in his abdomen. He also had to take estrogen suppliments so he would still produce the hormones necessary for carrying a baby. Right before Christmas we found out he was pregnant.......with twins......both of them girls." He shakes his head with a laugh, "That was hard news to take, but we are currently staying at a clinic where he can be watched closely."

Joanne just shakes her head, and the kids look at each other in amazement. Joanne looks at Roy, "You know, I would think that you were lying, except I don't think you would lie about something like this. I don't know how in the world you two are gonna raise twin girls, but I think that is funny! But, poor Johnny is right! He is so skinny, Roy! Does he look like a beached whale?"

Roy shakes his head, "No, he just looks very pregnant. He is about five months, but looks about 9 months." He glances at Jen, "Jen, that day you asked us if he was pregnant, we wanted to tell you, but we couldn't."

Chris gives Roy a disbelieving look, "Dad! There is no way a man can have a baby!"

Roy nods, "I used to think that, too, Chris, but this doctor has created a special process that has helped men to have babies."

Jen grins at her daddy, "Daddy, are you gonna have a baby?"

Roy laughs, "Oh, Honey! I don't think so."

Joanne grins to herself. She knows Roy is seriously considering it if he didn't come right out and say absolutely not. "Roy, this is very hard to believe, but I do remembering hearing Dixie talking about some doctor who was helping men. I find this very hard to believe, but these days, anything is possible. I know Johnny is gonna be as miserable as I am right now, if not more so. Do you guys know when you will be back home?"

Roy shakes his head, "No. He is due in September, but I don't think they will let him go much past August. Those little girls are very active." He rolls his eyes, "And one of them has an attitude! We spend several hours a night talking to them. If they get too active, we pat Johnny's stomach so they will calm down and go to sleep. Then just about the time we all get to sleep, we always get one last little kick."

Jen grins, "Daddy! Do those babies have a name yet?"

Roy shrugs, "Well, sort of. One of them will probably be Rebecca Marie. The other one may be Rachel. We haven't agreed on a middle name."

"Daddy! How about Dawn! You know, like the early morning sunrise is called dawn! I like Rachel Dawn."

Roy nods, "Hmmm, I do, too. I'll be sure and mention it to Johnny."

Jen hugs Roy, "Daddy, can we come see you and Uncle Johnny at that place?"

Roy shakes his head, "I don't think so Jen. But, I'll tell you what. As soon as we are able to come home with the babies, you can come see them. OK?"

Jen nods eagerly, "OK! And I can help you, too!"

Joanne clears her throat, "Uh, excuse me, Jennifer Lynn, I believe you are gonna have your own little brother and sister to help take care of." Joanne points dramatically at her very swollen stomach.

Jen groans a little, "Oh yeah. I forgot about that."

Roy laughs, "So do you know for sure that they are a boy and a girl?"

Joanne shakes her head, "No, not real sure. We know that one of them is a boy. I think that one of them is a girl. Roy, I really wish you had told us this earlier. I can send some maternity shirts to Johnny, if he wants any."

Roy smiles, but shakes his head, "No, that's OK. He basically wears T-shirts and sweat pants. Well, I need to go because I need to go by Hank and Mike's. Uh, Mike had the procedure done, but it didn't take."

Joanne shakes her head, "I am sorry to hear that. But, that's the danger in this, right?"

Roy nods, holding Joanne's eye, "Uh, yeah, one of them."

Joanne can tell Roy wants to say something else, so she sends the kids out to go check on their sleeping siblings, "What is the other worry, Roy?"

Roy sighs, "Well, there is always the chance that the placenta could attach to some vital organs, and endanger his life. They do a sonogram every two weeks to check everything out. So far, so good."

He stands up, tells them bye, and tells Joanne to tell Dixie to let them know when she has her babies.

After leaving Joanne's, he drives by Hank and Mike's. He stops when he sees both their cars in the driveway. He knocks, and a few minutes later a very red-eyed Hank answers the door.

Roy is shocked at his appearance, "Hank! What is wrong? Are you OK?"

Hank motions for him to come in. Mike is curled on the couch. Roy can tell it is obvious they were a little busy. "I am sorry if I interrupted something, but Dixie told me what happened. I just wanted to come by and tell you how sorry I was to hear it."

Hank goes over to the couch and takes Mike in his arms as he sits down on the couch. "You came all the way over here just to see us?"

Roy smiles, "Well, that was one reason. I also had to go explain to Joanne and the kids what was going on. I am sorry, Mike."

Mike just nods. Hank hugs him, "We have had kind of a tough day, Roy. We didn't know it was gonna hit us this hard."

Roy comes over and sits down on the couch on the other side of Mike, rubbing his back, "Well, I don't know if it helps any to say I am sorry, but both Johnny and I were sorry to hear what happened. But, you can try again, can't you?"

Mike nods, answering in a weak, teary voice, "Yeah, we could, but I don't know if I want to go through all that again only to lose a baby. It's just too hard. Maybe we will be honorary uncles to your kids!"

Roy laughs, "Oh, believe me! We will need all the help we can get! I don't blame you for not wanting to go through another month of those shots. I hated giving them to Johnny, and I hated having to give them to you the couple of times I did."

Hank smiles, "How is Johnny doing, Roy?"

Roy grins, "Oh, he is fine and dandy! He is about 5 months, but looks like he is 9 months. We have two very active little girls."

Mike asks with a quirky grin, "Are you still getting any?"

Roy wiggles his eyebrows, "Oh, yeah!" Then adds with a shrug, "We can't make love face to face because I don't want to lay on his stomach. And he doesn't like doing it doggie-style, so I usually lay behind him and do it that way! Man! That is one hot way to do it!" He shifts a little as his pants get a little snugger. "And he still gives great head!"

Mike notices his discomfort, and lays his hand on Roy's crotch, "Would you like us to help you out there, Roy?"

Roy smiles, but he shakes his head, "Uh, no, I don't think so. Johnny gave me permission to get some from you guys, but I think he would be crushed if I did after I told him I wouldn't."

Hank laughs, "Well, we won't force you, but we'd love it if you would stay the night."

Roy doesn't say anything for a few minutes. He knows Johnny wouldn't mind if he did, and he is really hard. After a few minutes, Mike hands Roy the phone, "Call him, Roy."

Roy takes the phone and dials the private number to the cabin he and Johnny are staying in. It rings a few times before Johnny answers, a little breathlessly.

"Hi, Babe! Are you OK?"

Johnny sighs, "Hi, Sweetheart! Yeah, I'm fine. I was in the bathroom, as usual. Where are you?"

Roy grins, "I am at Hank and Mike's. I came by to see how Mike was doing."

"How is he doing?"

Roy shrugs, "OK. A little shook up."

Johnny doesn't say anything for a few minutes, then asks in a small, insecure-sounding voice, "Are you gonna stay overnight and sleep with them?"

Roy shakes his head when he hears the insecurity in his lover's voice, "No, Babe. I am not gonna sleep with them. I just wanted to call and see how you were doing. I am gonna leave here pretty quick. Are you feeling OK?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just miss you. How did Joanne and the kids take the news?"

"They were a little shocked, but they didn't say much. I love you, Johnny."

"I love you, too, Roy. Hurry home."

"I will. Bye." Roy hangs up the phone, then cups Mike's face, "Mike, as much as I would love to stay with you guys, I can't. I love Johnny too much to risk having a quick fuck with you guys. He is very insecure right now about his weight. He thinks he is too fat, but he is beautiful. Even though he told me before I left that he wanted me to get some head, he sounded very insecure on the phone. I could never face him with a clear conscious, and he would be very hurt. I hope you guys understand!"

Hank nods as he gets up off the couch. He and Mike give Roy a hug and a kiss, and one for Johnny, then Roy gets on his way.

All the way back to the clinic, Roy thinks about how easy it would have been to spend the night with Hank and Mike. It wouldn't be the first time. Several times he and Johnny had spent the night with them. Sometimes, when Johnny was working overtime, he would go over and stay the night with them, as Johnny would when he was working overtime.

But, ever since Johnny got pregnant, Roy knew that he was terrified that Roy would have an affair. Roy had continually assured him he wouldn't, and he knew that if he had done anything with Mike and Hank, even though Johnny wanted him to, it would have crushed him. Roy shifts in the seat, his pants very snug. He still hadn't gotten rid of the hard-on he had had since he arrived at Hank's. But, it was Johnny's mouth he wanted on his dick, and he could wait.

As Roy continues driving the long, boring road back to the clinic, he smiles as he thinks about his lover. He loves him so much. His heart feels empty when they are apart. Tears come to his eyes as he thinks about how blessed they are that they are going to have twin daughters. But, something else niggles at his mind. Something that Jen asked him. WAS he going to have a baby?

At first, Roy was adamently against it. He watched Johnny go through all the misery of those horrible shots, dealing with sensitive, nearly painful parts of his body. He can't imagine going through all that. But, he would like to experience one time the joy of carrying a child, feeling it move for the first time. The thought of being so fat doesn't really appeal to him, but after watching Joanne go through all the misery she went through with Chris and Jen, and now with the twins, plus watching Johnny put up with the misery, he knows how happy both of them are.

As these thoughts roam around in his mind on the drive back, he can only shake his head. Why is he even considering this? Johnny is gonna laugh, IF he decides to tell him. Maybe it's jealousy. JEALOUSY? Roy snickers out loud, "I don't know how it could be jealousy. Maybe I am envious of the closeness between Joanne and Johnny with their babies. Hmmm, I'll have to ask Johnny about that."

Curious thoughts continue to flood his mind on the rest of the way back to the clinic. By the time he pulls into the parking lot near their cabin, he is very hard, and very ready to see his lover.

Before he can even get to the door of their cabin, Johnny has opened the door, rushing to greet him with open arms.

Roy wraps his arms around his lover, kissing him passionately as he moves them inside, kicking the door closed with his foot. He picks Johnny up and carries him over to their bed, laying him down gently, then laying beside him as they continue to kiss and run their hands all over each other, both of them whispering words of love to each other.

After several minutes, Roy gives Johnny a quick kiss, then moves away to get up. Johnny pulls his arm, "Hey! Where are you going?"

Roy looks back at his lover, reaching out to caress his beautiful swollen, freshly-kissed lips, "Johnny, I have got to go to the bathroom! I want to make love to you very much, but, uh, first things first!"

Johnny laughs, quickly letting go of his arm, "Ooops, sorry Babe! Go right ahead!"

While Roy goes to the bathroom, Johnny calls out to him, "Hey! Are you hungry?"

Roy calls back to him, "Yeah, a little. Do we have anything here, or do we need to go to the cafeteria?"

Johnny goes over to open the small icebox in their kitchenette, "Well, we have bread and turkey. We could call for room service, too."

Roy emerges from the bathroom, wearing only his underwear, "I don't want anything right now, Babe, except to hold you in my arms."

They snuggle up together on the couch, with Johnny sitting on Roy's lap. He lays his head on his shoulder and caresses his chest.

Roy puts his head against Johnny's, "I love you very much and I missed you terribly! What did you do today?"

Johnny shrugs, "Nothing much. Dwyer was around so we went to eat lunch in the cafeteria. Then Mary Shifter saw us and dragged me into the clinic to get weighed!" He sits up to look at Roy, a big, grin covering his face, "You will be happy to know that I have now gained 40 lbs!"

Roy hugs him, giving him a kiss, "Hey! That's wonderful! As skinny as you are, though, you need to gain even more, but that is wonderful!!!"

Johnny lays his head back down, "Yeah, they were all pretty happy. I am 21 weeks, but more than halfway there, because she thinks Dr. Shifter may decide to do a C-section towards the end of August. She said as long as the girls are active, growing well, and I am not having any pain, he will let them stay inside me." He sighs, "She was gonna give me another Vitamin K shot, but I asked her to please wait until Monday when you could be with me."

Roy asks with concern, "Why another one, Babe?"

Johnny shrugs, "Because it has been more than three months since the last one, and since I am gaining weight, and feeling good, they want me to get another shot." He whines a little bit, "It hurts really bad, Roy."

Roy hugs him, "I know it does, Sweetheart, but, like she said, the first one helped you, so go with what works. Do you want to hear about my visit with Joanne and the kids?"

Johnny nods against Roy's chest, "Yeah! What did they say?"

Roy laughs, "Well, they were all pretty shocked, but Joanne knew we weren't lying. Chris is having a little trouble believing it, but Jen was very excited. In fact, she thought up a name to put with Rachel's name. Do you like Rachel Dawn?"

Johnny thinks for a minute as he mulls the name over in his head, "Hey, yeah, I like that! So, the first one will be Rebecca Marie, and the second one will be Rachel Dawn!" He looks up at Roy, "OK?"

Roy nods, "Sounds good to me! She also volunterred herself to help us with the babies, until Joanne reminded her that she was going to have her own brand-new brother and sister to help take care of!"

Johnny laughs, "I bet that went over well. Does she know for sure that it's one of each?"

Roy shrugs, "She said that one is definitely a boy, but they don't know the sex of the other one. She thinks it's a girl."

Roy pauses for a minute, which causes Johnny to push away from him to look at him. "What else did she say that has you looking so preoccupied?"

Roy smiles, "Well, it wasn't Joanne, it was Jen. She asked me if I was gonna have a baby, too."

Johnny grins his crooked grin, "Well, are you?"

Roy shrugs, "I don't know, Babe. For months I have been saying 'No, absolutely not, never, no way' but on the way home I got to thinking about it. I just don't know Johnny. I have watched you go through those very painful shots, as well as watching Mike and Hank go through all they went through, only to lose the baby. I know you have been miserable, but there is one thing that popped into my mind."

Johnny caresses Roy's face, "What is that, Sweetheart?"

Roy kinda laughs, "The thought that maybe I could be jealous. Or envious."

"Are you?"

Roy shakes his head, "I don't know. I know how much your face brightens up when you feel the girls move inside you, especially the first time. I also remember that about Joanne. No matter how miserable she was, her face would brighten up the minute she felt Chris or Jen move. I guess it's something I will never know the joy of unless I go through it myself. Is there some sort of special bond there, do you think?"

Johnny kisses Roy tenderly, then lays his head back on his shoulder, "I think there is a very special bond there. It's funny that you mention that, because I have talked with Mary about it several times. Dix doesn't understand what I am talking about because she hasn't had the joy of carrying a child, but Mary has. Roy, there is just something special about having these living beings inside you, knowing your body is growing them and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. All we can do is let them know they are loved, make sure we eat right, get plenty of rest, and get checked by the doctor. But, it is special Roy. It's not something I can easily describe but I would love it if you went through it, too. It's kinda scary, too, the closer I get to the date when they will be born, because then I have to share them with everyone. Right now, it's me and them, sharing something special. I would love to share that with you, but I can't. Unless you go though it, too. Does that make sense?"

Roy nods, "It sure does, Babe. But, I am not gonna do anything until you are back on your feet."

Johnny laughs, "That's good to know! Uh, how was Mike doing?"

Roy sighs, "Well, when I got there they had both been crying. They didn't realize the loss would hit them quite so hard. And, Johnny, they did want me to stay. But, I couldn't."

Johnny sits up, giving Roy a sly grin, "You couldn't get it up, or you couldn't do it with them?"

Roy rolls his eyes, "JOHNNY! I have been hard since I talked to you on the phone. I know you said you wanted me to stay and get some, but I love you too much, Babe. I couldn't do that to you."

Johnny wipes away the tears in his eyes, "Thanks, Roy, for not sleeping with them. I wanted to kick myself after you left for telling you to do it, but I guess I got a little scared that you would."

Roy takes Johnny's face in his, giving him a short, passionate kiss, "That was from Hank and Mike. They said to tell you they love you, they miss you, and they can hardly wait to help us with the babies!"

Johnny laughs, "They **WANT** to help us?"

Roy nods, "Yeah. They have decided not to try again. It's too painful when they lose the baby. They want to be honorary uncles. I told them we could use all the help we can get."

"That's for darn sure!"

They don't say too much more, both of them content with just cuddling on the couch. Slowly, Johnny moves his hand down to cup Roy's fullness in his shorts, smiling when he hears Roy moans, "Are you still just a little bit hard?"

Roy laughs, "Oh yeah!"

Johnny moves off of Roy's lap, slipping down to kneel between his knees as he pulls his boxers off, "Then let me take care of this little problem, Babe! Just lean your head back and enjoy!"

Roy moans as he leans his head back on the couch, "Johnny," he warns, "I am right on the edge so it's not gonna take too much of your talented sucking before I shoot a load of cum down your throat!"

Johnny wiggles his eyebrows, "Good!"

Johnny starts to suck Roy's big, beefy cock while he moves his hand down to caress his balls. He barely gets the whole thing in his mouth before Roy screams out as he cums, shooting hard down his lover's throat. Johnny drinks it all up, then moves back up on the couch next to Roy, sharing his taste with him. They try to lay next to each other on the couch, but Johnny's very swollen stomach prevents them from it. Roy stands up and leads him over to the bed.

Just as they both get comfortable on the bed, with Roy spooned behind Johnny, carressing his beautiful body, someone knocks at the door. Fortunately, the bed is not in direct view of the front door. It is actually behind a half-wall, that serves as a private area. Roy knows it can only be a doctor or a nurse, and there is no use trying to hide what they are doing. "COME IN!" When the door opens, he calls out, "Whoever it is, we are a little busy!" He pulls the sheet over their naked bodies.

He hears Dixie laugh, "Roy? Johnny? It's Dixie. I need to give Johnny a Vitamin K shot!"

Johnny makes a face, whining as he looks up at Roy, "DIX! Mary said it could wait until Monday!"

Dixie comes around the corner, holding a tray in her hand. She smiles when she sees them in bed, "Sorry to interrupt Guys, but Dr. Shifter wants me to draw some blood, and give you a shot of Vitamin K. Mary said you wanted Roy to be with you, and now he is."

Roy smiles, "Dix, do you mind waiting in the other room, so I can put some clothes on? We'll be there in a minute."

Dixie nods, "OK, I'll set up at the table."

She leaves. Roy gets out of bed, "C'mon, Johnny. I know you don't want a shot, but I will be right there with you. Put a robe on, at least."

Roy puts on a pair of shorts while Johnny reluctantly gets up and puts on his robe. They walk in the other room hand-in-hand. Roy questions Dixie, "Dixie? Why does some more blood have to be drawn?"

Dixie smiles, giving both of them a hug, then motions for them to sit down, "Because it's a way to keep a close eye on everything that is going on. I heard the news that you have gained 40 lbs now, Johnny, and that is great! But, Dr. Shifter and Dr. Brackett want to keep a close eye on everything." She quickly takes some blood from Johnny's arm. He holds Roy's hand, but barely flinches when she gets the blood. Then she smiles at him while she prepares the shot, "Johnny, do you want to lay down on your bed, or have Roy hold you in his arms?"

Johnny's bottom lip quivers a little bit. He doesn't want a shot at all. He feels like a pin cushion as it is. When Roy sees his indecision, he pulls Johnny into his arms, "Come on, Sweetheart. Let's get this over with."

Roy leans against the table, holding Johnny against him. He moves his robe out of the way, exposing his bare bottom. Johnny whines a little bit when he feels himself exposed. Dixie pats him on the shoulder, "Take it easy and relax, Johnny. It will be over with quickly."

Johnny leans his head against Roy's chest, "I don't want a shot, Dixie!"

Dixie rubs on the alcohol, "I know you don't, Johnny. I am sorry!"

She quickly gives him the injection, shaking her head at the other light bruises on his bottom. She knows how much he hates this, but it's only for his own good.

Johnny flinches when he feels the sharp sting of the needle as the Vitamin K is injected. He cries out a little, but he is comforted in the arms of his lover. He feels secure, and he tries very hard to control his emotions.

Roy holds his lover close, wanting to protect him all he can. He sees the needle, and he knows it's gonna hurt some, but not nearly as much as those hormone shots did.

Dixie quickly finishes with what she came to do, "I know you two would rather have some time alone, but Kel is here, too, and we'd love to have dinner with you, Guys. Why don't you get dressed and join us for dinner in about an hour? Do you want to?"

Johnny wipes his eyes, and nods, "Yeah, I guess, if you don't care if I wear sweatpants and a T-shirt. It's all that fits!"

Dixie hugs him, "That's fine, Johnny. I am so proud of you. You are doing great!" Her face clouds over a little, "Have you talked to Hank and Mike?"

Roy nods, "Yeah. They were pretty shook up, but they're doing good. I don't think they want to try again though."

Dixie nods in agreement, "I don't think so either. OK. I'll see you two in a few minutes!"

She leaves. Roy and Johnny get in the shower, spending several minutes kissing and running their hands over each other. One of the babies decides to start kicking up a storm, so Roy takes a few minutes to caress Johnny's abdomen, talking softly to the babies.

An hour later they arrive in the diningroom of the main building. They join Kel and Dixie for a wonderful dinner of Italian food. Roy also notices a few other couples scattered around the room, "Dix? I didn't know there were other guys here?"

Dixie smiles and nods, "Yeah, there are two other couples, in fact. One of them is about three weeks away from delivering, and the other one just found out they were pregnant last week."

Johnny groans, then grins as his hand goes to this abdomen, "I think one of the girls is not happy about all this food! She is kicking up a storm."

Roy grins, moving his hand to Johnny's belly, "Rebecca! Settle down! It's time to go to sleep now."

Dixie laughs, "Oh yeah, right, Daddy. I am sure she is gonna believe that!"

Johnny leans back a little, "But, Dixie, she stopped. She knows Roy's voice!"

Dix and Kel look at each other, both of them shaking their heads, and Dixie asks in amazement, "Does that happen often?"

Roy looks up, "What? That she kicks like that, or that she actually obeys?"

Dixie grins, "Does she always obey?"

Roy shakes his head, "NO!"

Kel looks a little confused, "How do you know it's the same baby kicking each time?"

Johnny laughs, "Well, we really don't. But, it always seems like one kicks up here, and one kicks down here," he explains, pointing to different parts of his stomach, "Sometimes we might tell Rebecca to stop, but the kicking continues, so we tell Rachel to stop, and the kicking will stop. But, we are also rubbing my stomach at the same time, trying to get them to calm down. It may be more the comfort of the massage, then it is who we are talking to."

Roy grins, "But, it never hurts to call them by name, either! That way they will know their names when they are born!"

Kel laughs, "I think you are gonna have two very confused little girls, who are gonna come to their Uncle Kel wanting to know why their daddies can't tell them apart!"

They all laugh, and continue talking. It is around 9 pm when they walk them back to their room, and say goodnight.

Roy and Johnny go in, lock the door, and get undressed. Roy takes Johnny in his arms, "Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?"

Johnny laughs, "You mean about four hours ago?"

Roy kisses him, "Yeah. Do you want to stay up awhile, or go to bed?"

Johnny shakes his head, "I am tired, Babe. That shot always hurts for several hours. Let's just go to bed." He caresses Roy's face, "Aren't you tired from being on the road?"

Roy nods, kissing him as they crawl into bed, "Yeah, kinda weary."

They get in bed with Roy spooned behind Johnny, with his arms wrapped around him. Roy strokes his belly as he kisses Johnny's neck and ear, "I love you so much."

Johnny turns to look at Roy, their lips meeting as they kiss passionately for a few minutes, "There is much of me to love!"

Roy laughs, then caresses his face, "You are so beautiful, my love. I think your face shines and glows with the glow of pregnancy."

Johnny lays his head down on the pillow, "I am glad you think so, cause I feel huge!"

Roy kisses his neck, "Well, you aren't huge. I love you, Johnny."

Johnny wiggles his butt against Roy's crotch, "I love you, too, Roy."

Sharing soft, loving words, and tender kisses, the two lover drift off to sleep, happy and secure in their love for each other, knowing that there is a tough road ahead of them.

12 WEEKS LATER (Aug. 15, 1981)

The last few months have been exciting, and miserable, for Roy and Johnny. They are excited about the upcoming birth of their twin girls, but Johnny is very miserable. He is tired of being pregnant by the middle of June. He has to undergo twice-weekly exams so Dr. Shifter and Dr. Brackett can keep a close eye on him and the girls. He is doing great, but he is tired of all the poking and proding.

Roy makes several trips back to LA. Joanne delivered twin boys on June 1st, so Roy went to pick up the kids and take them to Hank and Mike's, who offered to keep the kids for a couple of days, which everyone appreciated.

Roy also went home to get the nursery ready. A few of their friends had surprised them with a baby shower at the clinic. Johnny was very moved by it all.

Their sex life was really great. Because of the new positions they found, they realized it made things so much better. But, as they got closer to the births of their daughters, Johnny was just not comfortable doing it any way. But, he loved to lavish attention on Roy.

This morning when they woke up, Johnny woke up gripey and whiney, but very clingy. He wanted Roy near him all the time. Roy had planned to run to LA to take care of some more things, but with Johnny in the mood he was in, he decided just to stick close. The C-section was scheduled for Monday, August 31, 1982, unless Johnny went into labor or his blood pressure went up too high. So far, they have been lucky. His blood pressure has stayed in the normal range. He has gained 75 lbs, most of which is all babies.

After a light breakfast, Johnny lays down on the couch, while Roy goes to do their laundry. He can't find a comfortable position at all, and the babies always seem to be laying on his bladder. The thought of having to go through two more weeks of this does not make him very happy, but then, when he thinks that he has endured nearly 8 months of being pregnant, 2 weeks doesn't seem too bad.

Around noon Roy returns, bringing some sandwiches with him. "Hi! How are you doing, Babe?"

Johnny frowns, "I am fucking miserable, Roy! I am tired of this!"

Roy wraps his arms around his lover, "I know you are. But, it's only a few more weeks. Have you had any more false labor pains?"

Johnny shakes his head, "No, but I've had several feet slamming into my bladder." He leans his head against Roy, "I just want all this to be over with, and these babies to be born."

Roy kisses him, "I know you do. Maybe you will go into labor before the 31st, though."

Johnny lays back down on the couch, "I hope so!"

Johnny goes to sleep for awhile while Roy puts up the clothes. He eats and then lays down on the couch to watch TV, then dozes off.

A few hours later he is awakened when he hears moaning and groaning coming from the bed. He hurries over to Johnny, who is curled up, the best he can be for being so pregnant, and holding onto his stomach, "What's wrong, Johnny? What's a matter, Babe?"

"It hurts, Roy. Oh shit, it hurts! I think I am in labor!"

Roy pushes the emergency button on the wall by the bed, then hurries to unlock the door. He returns to sit down beside Johnny, holding him and comforting him the best he can. They have been told not to attempt to try to move him if they think he is in labor. A couple of minutes after Roy pushed the button, he hears a knock at the door, then Dr. Shifter hollers out, "Roy? Johnny? Where are you?"

Roy calls out, "We're on the bed!"

Dr. Shifter and his wife, Mary, quickly come around the corner. "How long has he been like this?"

Roy shakes his head, "Not very long. I went to sleep on the couch cause he was asleep on the bed, but I woke up as soon as I heard him moaning and groaning."

Mary turns Johnny over, "Johnny? What's wrong? Explain the pain?"

Johnny looks at her with tear-filled eyes, "It feels like a gripping pain, but it comes and goes. It's only been happening for the last 20 minutes. If these are contractions, they are 10 minutes apart."

Dr. Shifter examines Johnny, then notices that the front of his underwear if wet, "Well, Johnny, unless you have wet your pants, I think your water broke."

Roy's eyebrows shoot up, "So, this is the real thing?"

Mary smiles, "Well, we will know more when we get him to the clinic to make sure it's amniotic fluid and not urine, but I think you guys may have two beautiful babies before the day is over."

She picks up the phone and calls for a gurney. A few minutes later, Dwyer and another guy, come in pushing a gurney. They lift Johnny up and put him on it, then Roy closes the door, following them to the clinic.

Roy is allowed to stay in the room while they examine Johnny. It is determined that his water did break, and he is in labor. The bad thing is they are short-handed, so they draft Roy and Dwyer into service, getting Roy to insert an IV in Johnny's arm, while Dr. Shifter and Dwyer start getting the OR ready. Dr. Shifter also calls Dr. Brackett, but he isn't at the hospital.

About 20 minutes later, they are very relieved when they see Dr. Brackett and Dixie drive up. Roy hurries out to fill them in, then he hurries back to Johnny's side. Johnny is pretty groggy and just wants to sleep, but Roy talks to him, telling him to stay awake to see their babies.

Roy is allowed to stay beside Johnny, after changing into hospital greens. He sits beside Johnny's head, comforting him, telling him how much he loves him. Dr. Shifter gives him an epidural, watching him closely as Dr. Brackett performs the C-section, with Dixie assisting him.

At 1:30 pm on Sunday, August 15, 1981, Rebecca Marie Gage-DeSoto is born by C-section, coming into the world kicking and screaming, delivered by her "Uncle Kel". She is long and scrawny. Roy laughs when he sees her, thinking she looks a lot like Johnny. They are allowed to give her a quick kiss before Mary whisks her off to clean up her, and do a multitude of exams on her.

At 1:40 pm on Sunday, August 15, 1981, Rachel Dawn Gage-DeSoto is born by C-section, quietly coming into the world with wide-open eyes, but not really crying until "Uncle Kel" swats her on the bottom. Roy knew she was fine when Kel lifted her out, but Johnny was concerned because she wasn't crying, so Kel gave her a little swat to get her to cry, but she was much more interested in looking around, probably wondering where her sister was. She is smaller than Rebecca, but just as skinny.

Roy stays by Johnny's side while the doctors finish sewing him up. He can hear the babies crying, so he knows they are in good hands with Dixie and Mary. Once he makes sure Johnny is settled into Recovery, he goes to the nursery to check on the girls.

Both Mary and Dixie are smiling and talking to the girls when Roy arrives. Dixie motions for him to sit down, then hands him Rebecca. Tears of joy begin to roll down his face as he sees the beautiful angel who looks so much like Johnny. Dixie gives him a hug, and asks, "What is her name, Roy?"

Roy smiles, "Rebecca Marie. What are her vitals? How is she?"

Dixie grins, "She is doing great. She weighs 4 lbs, 7 oz, and is 19 inches long. She is a perfect little angel who looks very much like Johnny, wouldn't you say?"

Roy nods, holding the baby close to kiss her, "She is a beautiful angel, Dix. What were her Apgars?"

Dixie smiles, "9 and 9. If she had been over 5 lbs, she probably would have gotten a 10."

Roy hands her back to Dix. Mary hands Rachel to him, asking, "Who is this little angel?"

Roy smiles, "This is Rachel Dawn. She is very quiet, isn't she?"

Dixie laughs, "Yeah, I think her sister took up all the room."

Mary gives him her vitals, "She weighs 4 lbs, 4 ozs., and is 16 inches long. Her Apgars were 8 and 9, and that was because she didn't cry out right away. She is prefectly healthy, but she looks to be the type who is just gonna observe."

Roy nods, "Kinda like me. I think she looks a little like me, too, don't you, Dix?"

Dixie nods, "I think both girls favor both of you. Now, we need to take them and put them in the incubator to keep them warm. I think you have a few calls to make, too!"

Roy gives both girls a kiss, then hurries to go call Hank and Mike, as well as Joanne and the kids. He was gonna do it from the room where Johnny will be, but he decides to go back to their cabin.

When Roy walks back in the door of their cabin, he is suddenly overwelmed with the enormity of the whole thing, and collapses in the chair, crying his eyes out. He knows Johnny is gonna be OK, and that the girls are gonna be OK, and he is so relieved, he can only cry.

After several minutes, he gets calmed down, and calls Hank and Mike. They are not home, so he calls the station.

"Station 51, Captain Hank Stanley speaking."

Roy grins, "Hi, 'Uncle Hank'!"

Hank gasps, "ROY! Did he have the babies?"

Roy laughs, "Yep! And everyone is doing great! Are you in your office?"

"Yeah, doing paperwork. The squad is gone, so the four of us are here. Hold on a minute."

Hank goes to this office door, and yells for the guys to come in. Then he puts Roy on the speaker-phone. "OK, give us all the details!"

Roy laughs, "Well, it all happened pretty sudden. As you know, the C-section was scheduled for the 31st, but his water broke and he went into labor this afternoon. At 1:30 pm, Rebecca Marie was born, weighing 4 lbs, 7 ozs. and 19 in. long. She is long and scrawny like Johnny, and she is beautiful. Then at 1:40 pm, Rachel Dawn was born, and she weighs 4 lbs, 4 oz. and is 16 inches long. She is very quiet, and content with looking around. She didn't cry when she was born, but she had her eyes wide open. Johnny got a little upset when he didn't hear her cry, so Kel swatted her, and got her to cry, which was more like a little cat crying. Both girls are beautiful, Johnny is doing great, and I am exhausted!"

Mike speaks up, "Roy, I am very happy for you guys. I though that I would dread hearing the news, but I am thrilled for you!"

Roy grins, "Thanks, Mike. We will probably be home in about 3 or 4 weeks. Marco? Chet? How are you guys doing?"

Marco replies politely, "I am doing fine, Roy. Thank you for asking. Please tell Johnny we hope he recovers quickly."

Roy rolls his eyes, "Thanks Marco. I will!"

Chet calls out, "Hey, Roy! I think it's great news! I'll be by to see you guys when you get home!"

"OK, Chet. I am sure Johnny will be looking forward to it!"

Hank takes Roy off the speakerphone, "Roy? If there is anything we can do, let us know. OK?"

Roy laughs, "OK, but I think we are fine for now! Talk to you later!"

Roy hangs up and calls Joanne, but nobody is home, so he hurries back to the Recovery Room. Dixie is talking to Johnny, who is barely awake.

"Hi, Babe!" Roy gives him a kiss, "How are you doing?"

Johnny groans, "I am very sore. How are the babies?"

Roy caresses his face, "They are as beautiful as you are."

Johnny rolls his eyes, glancing at Dixie, "Can you believe the lines he comes up with?"

Dixie laughs, "He is right, Johnny. Rebecca looks just like you. She came out kicking and screaming. Rachel is very quiet, but, believe me, she has good lungs when she is stuck."

Johnny glares at Dixie, "Don't you hurt my girls!"

Dixie gives him a kiss, "Go to sleep Johnny. Your girls are fine!"

Dixie leaves. Roy sits with Johnny till he falls back asleep, then goes to the nursery to watch his girls. They are both asleep, curled up against each other in the same bassinett. Roy thought it was funny that they were in the same bed, but Mary explained to him that they had been in separate beds, but wouldn't go to sleep. Sometimes twins need the comfort of each other before they will go to sleep, especially since they have been curled up to each other for nearly 9 months.

Roy watches for a long time, laughing when he sees Rebecca kick the cover off. He nods, knowing who it was now that was kicking Johnny so much. When the girls settle down and go to sleep, Roy goes back to where Johnny is, only to find that they are moving him to his room

Roy, Dwyer, and Dixie get him settled in bed. Dixie looks at Roy, "You can stay here, but monitor his BP. It has been up a little the last few days. I think it is OK now, but just keep an eye on it. Let me know if you leave."

Roy nods as he settles into the overstuffed chair next to his lover's bed. He starts to doze off, but he hears Johnny call out his name.

"Roy? Roy? Are you here?"

Roy gets up and goes over to him, taking his hand, "I am right here, Babe. What's wrong?"

"I want to hold one of the girls. I want to feed her."

Roy shakes his head, "Johnny, that's not a real good idea. You are still pretty groggy."

Johnny looks at him with pleading eyes, "Please, Babe. You will be right here with me. I just need to hold one or both of them!"

Roy nods, "OK, let me go check. You calm down and rest."

Roy goes out to look for Dixie, and explains the situation to her. They talk to Mary, and decide since the babies are in one Isolette, they can wheel it in his room. They can still sleep under the light, and Johnny can hold them for a few minutes, as long as Roy stands right there with him.

They wheel the babies in the room. Johnny is asleep, but with all the comotion, he wakes up, a big smile on his face. Dixie checks him to make sure he is doing OK, "Johnny, you can hold one of the babies, and you can nurse her, but either Roy or I will stand right here. You are too groggy to hold her by yourself."

Johnny nods his understanding. Dix helps him sit up a little bit, then hands Rebecca to him. She helps him get her attached to his nipple. They both crack up laughing at the look on Johnny's face when Rebecca starts sucking. He swallows hard and rolls his eyes, "Oh my gosh! Now I see what Jack meant. Wow! That is pretty amazing."

Dixie grins, "Don't get too aroused there, Johnny!"

Johnny shakes his head, "Never, Dix, not with this angel in my arms." He talks softly to her as she nurses. Tears run down his cheeks as he cuddles her, unable to believe that this little angel came from him. He looks up at Roy, holding his hand out to him, "I love you."

Roy smiles, kissing his hand, "I love you, too. Let me know if you want to switch babies. Rachel is having a fit because her sister isn't near her. Oh, by the way, I discovered it WAS Rebecca who was kicking you. I watched them while they were asleep, and she kicked the covers off."

Johnny just smiles, then kisses Rebecca. Dixie helps him remove her from his nipple. Roy lays her back in her bed, then hands Rachel to Dixie, who helps Johnny starts nursing her.

Tears come to their eyes when Johnny and Rachel lock eyes. Rachel has big blue eyes, and once she locks eyes with her daddy, she is happy and content. Johnny kisses her and whispers, "I feel like I am looking into your eyes, Roy. Her eyes are the same color as yours."

After a few minutes, he is about to fall asleep, so Dixie takes the girls back to the nursery. Roy stays with Johnny, monitoring his vitals through the night, catching a few winks here and there.

Johnny and the girls stay in the hospital for a week. The doctors run tests on both Johnny and the babies to make sure everything is OK, which it is. Everything went perfectly, which pleases the doctors very much.

A week later, Roy, Dixie, and Mary help Johnny and the girls get situated in their cabin, where they will stay until Johnny's 6-week checkup.

While Johnny was in the hospital, Roy had a long talk with Dr. Brackett and Dr. Shifter. Although he hasn't discussed it with Johnny in several weeks, Roy has pretty much decided that he wants to go ahead and try to get pregnant. After talking with the doctors, they decide that, if Johnny doesn't mind, Roy will start taking the shots on September 1st.

After getting Johnny and the babies settled into bed, Dixie and Roy fix a dinner of soup and sandwiches. Dixie is going to spend the first couple of nights on their couch to help them out since Johnny isn't real steady on his feet, and Roy does not want to try to handle the twins alone. And, since the doctor told them no sex for at least four weeks, they don't have that to worry about.

After dinner, Roy gets into bed with Johnny, holding him in his arms, watching as he nurses Rebecca. This has become a very special time for them. Roy had been able to stay close to Johnny in the hospital while he was nursing, but this is the first time he is able to lay in bed with him.

After Rebecca has gone to sleep, Dixie takes her and brings Rachel. Roy changes her while Johnny turns on his other side. They lay facing each other while Johnny nurses her because she likes to look around. After she has gone to sleep, Dixie takes her to put her to bed, then tells the guys goodnight.

Roy snuggles up to Johnny, who carefully rearranges himself so he can lay in Roy's arms, with his head on his chest.

Roy decides that now is as good of time as any to talk to Johnny, "Babe? Are you awake?"

Johnny snuggles closer to Roy's chest, "Yeah. Kinda hard to sleep right now."

Roy smiles, "I talked to Dr. Brackett and Dr. Shifter about starting the shots."

Johnny carefully raises up to look at Roy with a grin on his face, "You are gonna do it? You are gonna try and get pregnant?"

Roy nods, "Yeah, I guess so. I am supposed to start taking the shots on September 1st, but do you think that is too soon?"

Johnny lays back down, thinking, "Well, it is a little soon. I was figuring you would wait until we were back home. Why so soon? So you can get it over with or what?"

Roy laughs, "I don't know. That's just the date that came up, but I can wait until October 1st. That way we will be settled at home. Also, I spoke with Dr. Brackett about taking the position he was talking about. You know? The Chief of Paramedic Training? But, if I get pregnant, he is gonna have me doing some research, both of us if you want to, and we can live at home. He doesn't see any need for us to come back here until about two months before I am due."

Johnny nods, "That sounds good. If you wait until October 1st to start taking the shots, that will be one year to the day that I started taking them. So, this time next year we could be here with another new baby."

They laugh when they hear Dixie call out from the livingroom, "Let's hope it's only one!"

Roy laughs, "You got that right!" He kisses Johnny, "Dr. Brackett weighed me, and he really wants me to lose about 8 more lbs before I get pregnant, but with the hormone shots that might either help me or it could cause me to gain more."

Johnny nods, "That's true. Are you gonna have to undergo a complete physical like I did?"

Roy laughs, "I already did, Sweetheart. They went ahead and did it the other day, and, you were right! It's pretty miserable! But, what I want to know is, are YOU gonna have any more?"

Johnny groans, "Oh Roy! I don't know. Maybe next year after you have one, I will see about having another one, but right now, I couldn't give you an honest answer. At least we are gonna have plenty of help when we get home." He turns to look at Roy, "Hey! You never did tell me! Did you finally get ahold of Joanne?"

Roy nods, "Yeah. I called them the next day. They were excited to hear the news, and glad that you and the girls were doing OK. And, no, I haven't told them about my decision."

Johnny laughs, "Are you?"

Roy shrugs, "Don't know. Maybe later."

Johnny yawns, "Well, I don't know about you, but I am sleepy." He turns to kiss Roy, "I love you, Daddy Roy!"

Roy grins, kissing Johnny tenderly, "I love you, too, Daddy Johnny."

Happy and content, they fall asleep holding each other in their arms.


Five weeks later, on Sept. 30, Roy and Johnny take their new children home. Hank and Mike are there to greet them and help them out. They are on a two-week vacation, which they will spend with Roy and Johnny to help them. Then Dixie will be on vacation for two weeks, and she will also spend it helping Roy and Johnny. They have several visitors the first day, mostly Joanne and Jennifer. Jen is very excited, and really wants to stay and help out, but Joanne won't let her.

On the morning of October 1st, Dixie arrives at the ranch to give Roy his first hormone shot. He is not looking forward to it, but he knows that if he wants to get pregnant, he is gonna have to go through with it.

Dixie arrives around 10 am with a box full of the injections. Johnny is going to give them to him the first two weeks, then Dixie or Johnny will give them the last two weeks.

When Dixie arrives, they are all eating breakfast, and the girls are asleep. Roy groans when he sees Dixie, which just causes her to laugh.

Johnny takes the box from her, putting it in the fridge. Then he has to put up with a quick exam from her to make sure his incision is healing OK and that he is feeling OK, and he is fine. Johnny speaks to Hank before they go in the bedroom to give Roy the shot, "Hank? Will you listen for the girls? I don't think they will wake up anytime soon."

Hank nods. Johnny takes Roy by the elbow, ushering him into their bedroom. Dixie smiles at the look of uncertainty in Roy's face, "Roy? You can back out. This is your last chance."

Roy sighs, but shakes his head, "No, I know they hurt, but I want to go ahead and do it."

Dixie nods, then asks, "Do you want to lay down, or do you want to Johnny to hold you like you did him?"

Roy shrugs, "I guess I want him to hold me."

Johnny smiles. After Roy drops his shorts, Johnny wraps his arms around his lover, holding him close as he whispers in his ear, "Take it easy, Babe, and relax."

Roy lays his head on Johnny's shoulder, flinching a bit when he feels Dixie rub the cool alcohol on his hip. He takes a deep breath, holding it when she injects the painful hormone deep into his body.

Roy tries very hard not to cry out when he feels the sharp sting of the needle, and the burning from the hormone. He squeezes his eyes tight, bites his lip, holds on the Johnny, but right at the end a painful whimper escapes from his throat. Johnny continues to whisper words of love in his ear as he holds him, and before long, the shot is over.

Dixie pats his back, "You did good, Roy. I will see you guys later."

She gives Johnny a quick kiss, then leaves. Johnny lays down on the bed, holding Roy in his arms for awhile. After about 15 minutes, they both get up and go in the kitchen.

Hank looks up from doing the dishes when they walk in, "Are you OK, Roy?"

Roy shakes his head, "Not really. Those damn shots hurt like hell. I knew it, too!"

Throughout the rest of the month, Roy endures the shots. He never really gets very emotional, just very sensitive around his nipples and his cock. Johnny is amazed he isn't more weepy, but is just glad he isn't.

On November 4th, 1981, Mary comes to keep the girls for Roy and Johnny while they go to the hospital for the IVF procedure. A week later they are back when he started cramping. The first one didn't take, and they are a little upset, but on December 10th, the IVF is repeated, and on December 24th, they find out he is pregnant. With only one baby, and it is a boy!

There is a lot of rejoicing as they share the news. He is due Sept.16th, 1982, and the doctor assures him he will not let him go too much past that date.

They have a wonderful Christmas with their girls, who are 4 1/2 months old. Johnny only nursed for a few weeks, but he loved doing it.

Jan 10th, 1982 is Roy and Johnny's 9th anniversary. They had planned to take a big trip for their 10th anniversary, but not knowing what the future holds for them, other than another baby, they decide to spend the weekend someplace private. And, since Dr. Shifter wants to run some tests and stuff on Roy, they decide to go to the clinic, and stay in one of those cabins. After the tests, they can spend a few extra days in one of the cabins at the back of the property.

At first they wonder who in the world they can get to keep the girls for a week, and Johnny really hates to be away from them for that long. But, after talking about it with Dixie, Hank, and Mike, their problem is solved. Dixie will take care of them for the first four days, then Hank and Mike will take care of them for the other four days. Roy and Johnny will leave on Sunday evening, Jan 6th, have the tests done on Jan 7th, 8th, and 9th, then they will be alone to celebrate their anniversary on Thursday, Jan 10th through Saturday, Jan. 12th. They will return home on Sunday morning before Hank and Mike have to leave that night so they can go to work the next morning.


On Sunday, Jan 6th, Roy and Johnny are getting ready for their trip for Roy's tests, and also to celebrate their anniversary. They spend the day cleaning, washing clothes, and preparing bottles for the girls. Rebecca has learned to scoot all over the place, while Rachel rocks on her knees, so most of the time they keep them in the playpen. Johnny has become very adept at feeding one and changing the other one, if he has to, but most of the time Roy helps him.

After having several meetings with Dr. Brackett, both Roy and Johnny are doing research on different Paramedic programs in different parts of the country, as well as writing up training procedures for new Paramedics, and exams for those who will be needing to be recertified. Both Roy and Johnny took an extended leave of absence from the Fire Department, and now are being paid by the City of Carson under their new position.

Around 3 pm, Dixie comes to the house. She is very excited about keeping the girls. Roy and Johnny give the girls a kiss, and head down the road for the clinic around 5 pm.

Roy and Johnny hold hands on the way, but don't say much. They feel really strange going anywhere without the girls. This is the first time they have been alone since Johnny had the twins, and they are really not alone now, because Roy is carrying a baby.

Johnny squeezes Roy's hand, "What are you thinking about, Sweetheart. You are awfully quiet?"

Roy shrugs and smiles, "I don't know. Nothing really. Just find it hard to believe I am pregnant. Can I tell you the name I would like to call this little guy?"

Johnny grins, "What? Roy, Jr?"

Roy rolls his eyes, "Not quite, Dear! But, I would like to name him John-Roy, JR for short."

Johnny rolls his eyes, "Why John-Roy? Why not Roy-John?" Both of them look at each other, then laugh and shake their heads, "No, guess not. But, why John-Roy?"

Roy caresses his face, "Because I love you, and I want to name our son after you. Would you prefer we name him John Roderick?"

Johnny shakes his head quickly, "No, no! I wouldn't stick any child with that name! John-Roy is good, and JR is even better."

Roy smiles, "I'm glad. IF, and that is a big IF, I do this again, and have a boy, or if you do this again, and have a boy, then you can choose the name. What would you have chosen?"

Johnny shrugs, "I don't know, Babe." He caresses Roy's leg, "I love you."

Roy moves his hand off his leg, "Babe, as much as I love for you to do that, you better not. Since I have tests early in the morning, you know we can't do anything. It's a good thing we got to make love this morning."

Johnny grins, holding Roy's hand in his, "Yeah, and it would have been even better if Rebecca hadn't started crying right in the middle of it!"

Roy laughs, "Well, we did get to finish! Besides, that's what happens when you have kids, Sweetheart. Wait till they are walking!"

Johnny groans, "OH MAN! I don't EVEN want to think about that!"

They travel the rest of the way in silence, enjoying each other's company. They arrive at the clinic about 8:30 pm. Mary greets them with a hug and a kiss, then ushers them into the office. She gets Roy admitted while she visits with them.

"So, how are those two beautiful girls doing?"

Johnny grins the grin of a proud father, "They are doing great. They are nearly 5 months old, but not quite crawling. Rebecca scoots all over the place, while Rachel kinda gets on her knees and rocks."

Mary grins, "And, I understand, you are here for some peace and quiet to celebrate your anniversary, too! That is wonderful! How many years?"

Roy squeezes Johnny's hand, "Nine years."

"That is wonderful. OK, you guys will be staying in Cabin 10, which is at the end. Roy, you can spend the night tonight with Johnny, if you want to, but you need to be back here at 6 am. Also, during the time where you are celebrating your anniversary, I know you want some privacy, so anytime you want room service, just buzz. Johnny, while Roy is going through these tests, you can stay in the cabin, or you can stay in his room."

Roy grimaces, "I know some of the stuff that Johnny had to go through, but what am I gonna have to go through?"

Mary smiles, "Well, I am sure you know that to start with, you will have to have an enema, to clean you out good for the colonoscopy. Plus, the penile scope, like Johnny had. As well as numerous blood tests, sonograms, the RH test, the glucose-tolerance test, plus a few others. Now, do you want to stay here tonight? Johnny, you can stay with him."

They look at each other and nod, and she issues a word of warning, "OK, but no intercourse, which I am sure you know. OH! How far are you, Roy?"

Roy smiles, "I am four weeks pregnant with a son!"

Mary smiles, "That is wonderful! OK, you have room 104, so go on in there. Would you rather I do the enema tonight or in the morning?"

Roy makes a face, causing both of them to laugh, "I'd rather not have it at all, but," he gives a big, dramatic sigh, "I guess if I have to have one, I'd rather get it over with tonight."

Mary nods and pats him arm, "It's not that bad, Roy. Why don't you go get settled in your room, put on the hospital gown, and get settled in the bed. I will come in about 30 minutes, OK?"

Both of them nod. Roy waits for Johnny to get their bag from the car, then they walk hand-in-hand to room 104. Roy changes into the hospital gown, and gets in bed. Johnny makes himself comfortable in the large reclining chair.

When Mary comes around 10 pm, she was gonna chase Johnny out, but Roy asked if he could please stay. Johnny stands by Roy's side, talking him though the procedure, which Roy hates.

When it's all over, Johnny gets in bed with Roy, holding him close and that is how they spend the night, cuddling and kissing.

At 5:30 am the next morning, Johnny gets up and showers, then gets back in the lounge chair. At 6:30 am Mary comes to get Roy to take him to the tests. Johnny decides to stay in the room, knowing how uncomfortable and embarrassing some of the tests were. While he wished Roy was with him when he was going through them, he was also glad he wasn't. He remembers the penile scope, and shudders a little bit.

Around noon, Mary wheels Roy back. He looks very upset, and Mary explains that the doctor wants to do a lower GI later, so after Roy has rested a little bit, she will have to give him a barium enema. When she sees the concern on Johnny's face, she explains, "It's not because he found anything, Johnny. But, because of the failed IVF, he just wants to get a good look, and make sure there are no other problems. While a barium enema is no fun, and neither is a lower GI, it is sometimes necessary." She pats Roy on the shoulder, "You'll do fine!"

She leaves and Johnny holds Roy, who is not a happy camper. He sleeps until about 2 pm, then Mary comes back to get him. This time they are gone until 5:30, but when they return, Roy looks a little better, and Mary tells them everything is fine.

The next day Roy has to go through blood tests and sonograms, but they get to see the little tiny speck, which is their son. It's too soon to hear a heartbeat, but they are excited to be able to see him.

On Wednesday morning, Johnny goes with Roy while they do the penile scope. When Johnny had it done, there was no baby to see, but when the doctor does it, they are able to see a better view of their baby. Roy is allowed to rest for the rest of the day, until around 4 pm, when they do a couple of more tests. He will spend the night, then they can go to their cabin the next morning.

Johnny spends the day getting their cabin ready. It is very clean and all he has to do is set out the candles and flowers he brought. He arranges several meals with Mary, as well as a few other things. He decides to spend the night in the cabin to give Roy a little chance to rest, and also so he can get a good night's sleep, something he hasn't had in about a year!

On Thursday morning, Jan. 10, 1982, Roy and Johnny's 9th anniversary, Johnny gets up early, checks with Mary to see if the breakfast he ordered is ready, then around 7 am goes to Roy's room. Roy is sound asleep. Johnny goes over and kisses him gently on the lips to wake him up, "Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart!"

Roy's eyes slowly open, and he smiles when he sees this man he has loved so much. He cups the back of Johnny's head, pulling it down closer to him as they share a long, passionate kiss. Johnny pulls back, caressing his face, "I love you so much."

Roy smiles, "I love you, too. Why don't you crawl in this bed with me and I'll show you how much!"

Johnny laughs, "Well, I would, but I have a special breakfast planned for us. So, why don't you get up and get dressed so we can get out of here!"

Roy grins real big, then pushes the sheet back, "I will be more than happy to get out of here!"

Johnny helps him get up. While Roy is in the bathroom, he gets everything packed up. Roy comes out about 10 minutes later, and they leave hand-in-hand. Johnny leads him to the admitting office, except they go a few doors past it, to a small diningroom.

Roy gasps when they walk in, because Johnny had it decorated in flowers and candles. They sit down to a hot breakfast of pancakes and french toast, eggs, and juice and milk. They eat slowly, never taking their eyes off each other.

When they finish, they walk slowly to their cabin, kissing and touching on the way. Roy just shakes his head when they walk in. The room is filled with candles. Roy drops his bag, taking his lover of 9 years in his arms, "I love you so much! Thank you for all this!"

Johnny smiles, "I love you very much. I wanted this anniversary to be special, because we have so much to be thankful for, and so much to celebrate."

Johnny pulls Roy over to the couch. They sit down, wrap their arms around each other, and share a long, passionate kiss as Johnny slowly lowers his lover to lay down on his back. He lays beside him, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, covering his beautiful, soft, hair-covered chest with gentle kisses.

Before they get too carried away, Roy stops Johnny, "Hold on, Baby! Let's go to bed where we can be more comfortable."

Johnny gives Roy his crooked grin, then pulls him up, leading him over to the bed. They quickly get undressed, then lay beside each other, sharing passionate kisses.

Johnny knows how tender Roy's nipples and stomach is, so he moves down to lay between his legs, giving him a long, slow blowjob. It doesn't take much for Roy to explode, and Johnny takes all he gives him.

After Roy has recovered from the fantastic blow job, he lays on his back, and pulls Johnny up to him. Then they turn over so Johnny is on bottom, and Roy works his way down his long, lean body, covering it with kisses. He gives Johnny a long, slow blowjob, then makes slow, sweet love to him. They fall asleep holding each other in their arms.

They spend a wonderful three days celebrating their anniversary, making love over and over again. But, they miss their girls very much, so they end up leaving early Sunday morning. Both of them laugh because they never thought those two little girls would wrap their little fingers around their hearts.

Hank and Mike have the girls outside when they drive up. Both of them look a little surpised to see them so early, but not that surprised. Roy and Johnny each pick up a baby, both of whom were squealing with delight when they saw their Daddies drive up.

Hank and Mike fix lunch, then leave. Roy and Johnny give the girls a bath, then put them down for their nap. While the girls are sleeping, Roy and Johnny do laundry, and a multitude of chores.

The next few months go by quickly as they watch the girls get bigger, as well as Roy's stomach. Johnny talks to John-Roy the same way that Roy talked to the twins when they were in his stomach. Johnny also teaches the girls to pat Roy's tummy, and say "baby" or "JR".

On Sat. Aug. 13, 1982, they celebrate the twin's first birthday early, with a joint celebration with Joanne's twin boys, who are about 6 weeks older. They are having the party early because Roy and Johnny will be leaving Sunday morning to go to the clinic. Roy's due date has been changed to Sept. 10th, and possibly even earlier, plus they want to keep a very close eye on him. Joanne's mother and Jennifer are going to keep the girls at the ranch. Her mother thinks the guys are crazy for wanting to have a baby, but she is delighted to take care of them. Dixie will help when she can, but she will be at the clinic part of the time.

When Roy and Johnny leave on Sunday morning, they do so very early, before the twins awake, because they have gotten to where they cry if they see them leave without them. Plus, Roy is very tired of being pregnant, and just wants to get to the clinic where he can relax without people looking at him funny. Johnny keeps telling him he isn't THAT big, but Roy is very ready to have this baby and doesn't know how Johnny carried twins.

On the way to the clinic, they discuss having more children. Johnny is driving and he looks over to his lover, who is trying to find a comfortable position to sleep.

"Babe? Are you OK?"

Roy groans a little, "Not really. I can't get comfortable. Are you gonna do this again?"

Johnny shrugs, "I don't know. I kinda would like to wait about year. We do not need four kids under three, which is what would happen if I were to start taking the shots again. Let's wait till JR is a year old, then talk about it! I think it would be neat if we both were pregnant at the same time!"

Roy give him a look like he is crazy, "You are a nut! Both of us pregnant with three little ones running around? Please!"

Johnny grins, "Well, let's just wait and see. I love you."

Roy smiles, "I love you, too, Babe. I am sorry I am a grouch."

Johnny laughs, shaking his head, "Oh Honey! You are nowhere near the grouch I was. You are doing great!"

Roy manages to get a little bit of sleep. They arrive at the clinic about 10 am, and get checked in. Dr. Shifter does a thorough exam to check Roy out, including a penile scope, checking to make sure that no vital organs are in danger. When he does the sonogram, big smiles cover everyone's face when they see a big, beautiful, and very obvious, baby boy. Dr. Shifter measures him, then winks at Roy and Johnny, explaining, "Well, I think about two more weeks should do it, maybe three. Everything looks great but I think he could use a few more weeks of growth before we take him out." He laughs at the look of misery on Roy's face, then pats his back, "I tell you what Roy. When he grows about 2 more inches, he'll be 18 inches, and with about 6 more ounces, he'll be right about 5 lbs. So, hang in there because I don't want him to be under 5 lbs if we can help it. But, if you start feeling any contractions, let us know immediately! OK?"

Roy nods, then he and Johnny go to their cabin. They spend the next few weeks just being together, enjoying each other, but missing their girls very much. They talk to them on the phone a few times, but according to Jennifer, they just look at the phone, wondering where those voices are coming from.

On August 21, August 28, and August 31, Roy has false labor, but they just know it's the real thing. He gets checked out, only to find that it was only Braxton-Hicks contractions.

The doctor tells him on Sept. 1st that they will do the C-section on Sept. 7th, unless he goes into labor earlier, or his water breaks.

Roy is so tired and so discouraged because he is beginning to think this child is gonna be stuck in him forever. Johnny continues to just be there to love him, and assure him that it's almost over.

The doctor had put a "no-sex" ban on for the last four months, but at his last check-up he told him if they wanted to, to go ahead, because it could start things happening. But, Roy is not in the mood to do anything. Until the night of Sept. 4th.

Roy had felt a little better that evening so they decided to go for a walk. When they returned, they both undressed, and get into bed. Johnny lays behind Roy, kissing him and stroking his stomach, telling him how much he loves him.

Roy turns to look at Johnny, "Do you want to make love, Sweetheart? Dr. Shifter did say it might help things along!"

Johnny grins, "Only if you want to, my love! Do you want me to go down on you and give you some head?"

Roy shakes his head, "No, I just want to feel your hard cock inside my ass."

Johnny smiles then starts kissing his lover's neck, stroking his chest, and pushing his cock close to his ass. Roy hands him the lube, which he quickly applies to his cock, and Roy's hole. Slowly, and carefully, Johnny pushes his way into Roy's tight ass, both of them moaning at the good feelings they have going through them. Roy turns his head, lifts his hand, and cups the back of Johnny's head, pulling him down into a hard, passionate kiss.

As Johnny starts thrusting faster, he grabs Roy's cock, thrusting it in the same rhythm, and then both of them cry out as they both explode at the same time. Happy and satisfied, they fall asleep holding each other.

Around 3 am on Sept. 5th, 1982, Roy wakes up to a wierd feeling. At first he thinks some pre-cum is leaking from his cock, but Johnny had already cleaned both of them up. He has this odd feeling that his water is breaking. But, it is pitch black in the room, so he can't see anything.

"Johnny? Hey Sweetheart? Are you awake?" He jiggles Johnny a little bit, trying to wake him up.

Johnny comes instantly awake, thinking that one of the girls needs him, and he mumbles, "I'm coming Rebecca! I'm coming!"

Roy laughs, "Johnny! Wake up!"

"What's wrong, Roy? Are you in labor?"

"I don't know. Turn on the light. I think my water broke!"

Johnny quickly turns on the light, and they look down to see the whole area by Roy's cock is very wet. "Hey! Looks like we are gonna have a baby today! Do you want me to buzz them to bring a gurney or can you make it over there?"

Roy starts getting up, "I am fine. I think I can walk over there, but call first."

Roy puts on his sweat pants, while Johnny puts on his t-shirt and shorts. He quickly calls the clinic to let them know they are coming. He and Roy walk out, close the door, then go to the clinic hand-in-hand. Just before they enter, they give each other a long, passionate kiss, and Dixie walks out and catches them.

"Well! You sure don't seem to be in labor!'

They laugh, and Roy explains, "I haven't felt any labor pains. But, my water broke, and I think it is still leaking."

Dixie smiles, "OK, both of you change. Roy, put on a hospital gown, and Johnny put on the greens. I'll check you, Roy, and see if it is amniotic fluid."

They go do as they are told. Dixie checks Roy. His water did break, so she puts in a call to the doctor-on-call, which is Dr. Brackett. She has Roy give a urine sample, then has Johnny start an IV on him while she gets everything set up.

About 15 minutes later, Roy is laying on the gurney, with an IV in his arm, and the dreaded catheter also inserted, which was done by Johnny at Roy's insistance, when Dr. Brackett hurries in. He checks Roy over, and happily tells him they will have a baby this morning.

At 5:15 am on Mon. Sept. 5th, 1982, John-Roy Gage-DeSoto is born by C-Section. He weighs 5 lbs, 2 oz., 20 inches long, and scored a 10 and a 10 on the Apgars. He is also the spitting image of Roy. He is a very perfectly healthy baby. Both he and Roy are released from the clinic on Sept. 10th, but they stay in the cabin until Sept. 21st, then go home, very ready to see their girls.

Well, both Roy and Johnny have experienced the joys of having babies. Roy also experienced breast-feeding, but only for a few days. Over the next year they watched the kids grow, had lots of babysitting help from Jen, got very little media hassle, and just enjoyed life. Hank and Mike were always happy to babysit anytime they could.

Roy and Johnny continued what they were doing with the Paramedic program, sometimes travelling to other cities. They also worked a shift every once in awhile to keep up their own certification.

They both didn't really think they would have any more babies. But, when JR turned a year old, they decided to go for it one more time each. Johnny started taking the shots first in September of 1983, had an IVF done in October, but it didn't take. They tried again in December 1983, and found out on their 11th anniversary, in Jan. 1984, that he was pregnant, with only one girl this time. He is due Sept. 21st, 1984. Then, Roy began to take the shots in February 1984, an IVF was done on March 5th, with no luck. Another one was done April 5th, and he lost the baby on April 20th. Finally success was achieved when an IVF was done on May 10th, and they found out on May 20th that he was pregnant, and due on Valentine's Day, 1985. They also find out that Roy is carrying another boy.

Roy and Johnny discover it is a very interesting experience to have three little ones running around and both of them be pregnant. They get a lot of help from Jennifer, who love to help take care of the girls, and JR. Sometimes, Joanne will bring her twins over and let them play together. Also, Hank and Mike are more than happy to help out, and JR loves being with them.

During the year that Roy and Johnny were not pregnant, Mike tried again to get pregnant, but was not successful. So, they decided they would just be Uncles to Roy and Johnny's kids. Another surprise to Roy and Johnny, was Chet and Marco. Chet spent a lot of time helping them out, even before Roy had JR. But, Marco began to come help after he got chewed out by his mother.

Marco shared with Roy and Johnny what his mother told him. She told him he should be ashamed for turning his back on his friends at the time they needed his help the most. He may not agree with their relationship, or what they are doing, but he isn't their judge. He is their friend. She told him that nobody said he had to be in a gay relationship, and nobody said he had to go and have a baby. Marco said he tried to explain to his mother that he didn't agree with them because of his beliefs, and how he was raised. His mother looked at him, and told him he was raised to help other people, not turn his back on them. And, who was he to say who could love who. He may not agree with them, but he could still help them.

It also surprised Roy and Johnny when both Chet and Marco's mothers offered to keep the babies when Roy and Johnny had to go to the clinic. Johnny was due first, and Roy would go be with him, offering his support and love. Then, they would return home for a few months. When they return to the clinic for the birth of Roy's baby, Chet and Marco's mothers told them they would be delighted to keep their new daughter, also.

Roy and Johnny had a hard time believing all the assistance they were getting, but they were delighted to get it. They had at least one person each day helping them out, most of the time being Jen.

Roy and Johnny also spent a lot of time reading to their kids, making sure they were well-behaved, and most of all, making sure they knew they were loved. It was no secret to them that one day they would have to explain why they didn't have a "mother", but until then, they just showered them with love.

On Sept. 10, 1984, Roy and Johnny kiss their kids goodbye, and take the long trip back to the clinic. They aren't sure how long they will be gone. It looks like Johnny could deliver early, so they could be back by October 10th. Both Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Lopez will be with the kids most of the time, with Dixie, Joanne, and Joanne's Mom, Gloria, as well as Jennifer, giving them a break every now and then. At this point, Rebecca and Rachel just turned three, and JR just turned two.

Roy and Johnny get settled into the clinic, and wait. Johnny's due date is Sept. 21st, so they know they don't have too long to wait. They enjoy the time alone, but very much miss their kids.

They are in for a surprise when they have been there about a week, and discover that Jack and John are there. Jack is pregnant with his third child, and John has had one. They have decided that this will be their last one. Roy and Johnny are just happy to have someone to talk to, to share their experiences with.

While they are waiting to have their babies, Dr. Shifter talks to them as a group, getting their opinions, as well as what they could do different. They all agree that being able to deliver at a hospital closer to their home would be nice, but until male pregnancy is accepted by the population as a whole, that will never happen. But, each of them agree that they are very happy that they did take this chance, even though most of the time they are miserable while they are pregnant.

Johnny's C-section is set for Sept. 21st, his due date. But, after having several sonograms, the doctor decides to wait until October 1st. The baby is just a tad small, so unless he goes into labor, or his water breaks, they will do the C-section then. Johnny is not at all happy to have to wait, but he doesn't want the baby to have to be in an incubator, either. He is planning to breastfeed this baby, too, but only while they are at the clinic.

On Sept. 25, Jack gives birth to a little boy, 4 lbs, 2 oz. He is 6 weeks early, and Jack has had a lot of problems with this pregnancy.

On Sept 30, Roy and Johnny spend the night in Johnny's room in the clinic, ready to have a baby the next morning. During the night, his water breaks, so they give him the epidural a few hours earlier than orignally planned.

At 5:14 am on Friday, October 1, 1984, Lindsay Victoria is born, weighing 5 lbs, 8 oz., and 20 inches long. She has Roy's blue eyes, and they think she looks just a little bit like Dixie, which gets them to wondering just who donates those eggs! She also looks like her sisters, so they think that Dixie may be the one who is the egg donor for their kids. They don't say anything to Dixie, yet, but they plan to one day soon.

Three weeks later, on October 21, Roy and Johnny are able to take Lindsay home, because the doctors know they have a lot of help. Johnny is moving around very slowly, as is Roy, so they need all the help they can get. The other kids love having a new baby around, but Johnny is very strict with them after he catches three year old Rebecca trying to pick up Lindsay from the crib. They don't have to get on to their kids too much, but Johnny makes sure they know right from wrong.

Within a few weeks, Johnny is back on his feet. They are a happy little family, excited to have another one on the way. They will be going back to the clinic on Feb. 1st, since they doctors think Roy might deliver early. They have a wonderful Christmas, seeing it through the eyes of their children.

On Jan 15th, 1985, right after their 12th anniversary, Roy starts to have a few labor pains. Dixie and Kel come out to the house to check him, and while they decide that it is false labor, they also agree that it's probably a good idea to go ahead and go to the clinic. Dixie decides to ride with them when they go, so if anything happens, she will be able to help.

Plans are made for them to leave on Jan. 19th. Roy and Johnny talk and decide that on the trip up, they will find out if Dixie is their egg donor.

They leave early in the morning, with Johnny driving, and about halfway, Roy brings up the subject.

"Hey, Dix, we were wondering something."

Dixie looks up from the book she is reading, "Yeah, Roy? What's that?"

Roy grins, "Uh, Dix, who is the egg donor for these babies?"

Dixie grins, shaking her head, "Now, Roy, you know that is anonymous. I have no idea!"

Both Roy and Johnny look at each other, then at Dixie, with grins on their faces, and Roy continues, "Uh, Dix, we know it's you. Lindsay looks just a little bit too much like you. She has my eyes, but she looks a little like you, too. And, she also looks like her sisters, which we find very interesting, since Rebecca looks like Johnny, and Rachel looks a little like me."

Johnny glances at Dixie in the rearview mirror, "Dix? Do you donate eggs for everyone, or just for our kids?"

Dixie grins, but tears come to her eyes, "You guys are not supposed to know that I donated those eggs. I did it because I wanted to, since I am never gonna have kids of my own. I know that my eggs were used with all of yours, Johnny, but Roy, you had several IVF's, so I don't know which of my eggs were used when you carried JR. And I won't know until this one is born if my egg was used or not. But, yes, it was mine with all of your girls, Johnny."

Roy smiles, reaching back to squeeze her hand, "Thanks Dixie. It is very much appreciated."

They talk or sleep until they get to the clinic. Roy is checked, and it is quickly decided that he needs to try to go until Feb. 1st, 1985.

While the guys are waiting for Roy to have the baby, they discuss names. They had thrown a few around early on, but had concentrated more on names for their daughter, knowing they would have some time alone to think of a name for their son.

They are laying in bed one morning, Roy holding Johnny in his arms. Johnny's head is on Roy's shoulder, and his hands are massaging Roy's stomach.

"Hey, Johnny? We need to pick out a name for this little guy."

Johnny looks up at Roy as he kinda laughs, "Yeah, I guess we do. I am sure he wouldn't want to be called 'Baby' all his life."

Roy snickers, "Uh, no, I don't think so, but how about Michael Jacob?"

Johnny shakes his head, "Jacob is OK, but do you think Mike would kinda feel bad if we named a baby after him. Let's hold off on using Michael until we see if they decide to try one more time."

Roy sighs, "OK, but I think he would think of it as a honor if we did. How about Jacob Stephen?"

Johnny nods his head, "I like that name." Then a thought occurs to him, "Uh, Babe, isn't Stephen, David's middle name?" David is one of Joanne's twin sons.

Roy rolls his eyes, "Oh, man! I knew I'd heard that name somewhere. OK, what about Jacob Ryan?"

Johnny nods, "I like that name! That is a good name, Sweetheart!"

Roy hugs Johnny closer to him, "I love you so much Johnny. I cannot believe we have both had a combination of 5 kids!"

Johnny kisses his lover's neck and throat, "And I can't believe how damn sexy you are when you are pregnant!"

Roy shakes his head, "Oh please! I tried to tell you that when you were pregnant! But, I just feel fat and ugly!"

Johnny moves to his side, pulling Roy toward him, "Baby, you are not fat and ugly! If I had a glow when I was pregnant, you have that same glow. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree that we both think we are ugly when we are pregnant."

Roy laughs, then brings Johnny closer to him as they share a long, passionate kiss. The doctor put a no-sex ban on before Johnny had Lindsay. Then just about the time of Johnny's six week check-up, they put a no-sex ban on Roy, because of some mild cramping he was having. Other than a quick blow job, they haven't been able to do anything but kiss and touch for several months. Roy groans as he feels himself getting erect.

Johnny smiles when he feels Roy hardening against his leg, "I know you want some relief. I wonder how mad the doctors would be if I sucked you off?"

Roy gives kind of a miserable laugh, "I don't know, but, if you will recall, we made love the night before you had Lindsay. But, you were ready. I don't think they would be very happy if I had the baby so early, especially after they just told me they wanted to wait two weeks. But, I am so miserable! And so hard!"

Johnny laughs, "And so horny!" He slowly moves down Roy's body, stopping at his stomach to talk to Jacob, "OK, Jacob, listen up! This is your Daddy Johnny. I am gonna make your Daddy Roy feel real good, so don't decide to come yet, OK!" He gives Roy's stomach a kiss, only to be greeted by a kick, causing Roy to laugh.

"I don't think he agrees with that, Babe! But, hell! Go ahead and suck me off! But, be gentle!"

Johnny grins as he moves his way down his lover's very pregnant body. He lays between his spread legs, and slowly licks up and down his very erect shaft. Roy can only moan and groan as Johnny's very talented tongue works it's magic.

"Ohhhhh Johnny! That feels so good! Oh man! After I have this baby, and the doctor gives us the OK to resume sex, ohhhhh yeah! We are gonna leave the kids with anybody who will keep them, and we are gonna celebrate our anniversary and Valentine's Day! Ohhhhh, Baby! I am about to explode!"

Johnny helps him last a little longer by slowly down, speeding up, backing off to keep him off-balance. He also pushes a wet finger inside his ass, which cause Roy to moan loudly. For the last several months they both have had to be content with one finger inserted, and they are wanting more than that very badly.

Finally Johnny lets Roy have his release, swallowing every bit he gives him. After he has Roy cleaned up, Johnny moves back up to take Roy in his arms, kissing him long and hard. After a few minutes, Roy backs away, asking, "What can I do for you, Sweetheart?"

Johnny groans, thinking what he would like to have done, "Ohhhh Roy! Why don't you go down on me, too, then just rim me, while you fingerfuck me. I guess we didn't bring a dildo with us?"

Roy shakes his head, "Oh shit, Johnny! I don't even know where those are anymore! But, I will give you the best fingerfuck you have ever had! **I** can insert several fingers inside of you, even if I can't insert anything else!"

Johnny lays flat on his back, happy that he is gonna finally get more than one finger up his ass. He got the all clear for sex several weeks ago, but a whole hell of a lot of good it did, since Roy didn't have the all clear. He also knows he's gonna be very tight.

Roy slowly makes his way down Johnny's long, sexy body, kissing as he goes. He feels Jacob kicking inside him, and rubs his stomach a little to get him to calm down. He kneels on the floor between Johnny's legs, and proceeds to give him a long, slow, mind-blowing blow-job. He pulls off before Johnny explodes, which causes Johnny to cry out in near-agony.

Roy laughs, "Sorry, Sweetheart, but I need to rearrange myself. Jacob is kicking up a storm. Move your ass down to the edge of the bed, and lift your knees to your chest."

Roy gets comfortable on the floor. He pulls a chair closer so he can lean against it to give his back some support. Then he wraps his arms around Johnny's legs, wets his fingers, and starts to stroke his long, beefy cock while he first rims his ass, then begins to slowly tongue-fuck him, causing Johnny to scream out in a mixture of agony and ecstasy. Johnny continues to squeal and moan as Roy slowly slips his fingers inside his tight ass, and begins sucking and licking the very erect cock in front of his face.

Johnny holds on tight to the sheets, trying very hard not to thrash about on the bed, which only makes it harder on Roy. But, it feels soooo good to have a tongue, then one, two, and finally three fingers inside his ass, while the life is being sucked out through his cock.

Suddenly Johnny feels something bigger than Roy's three fingers inside his ass, causing his eyes to pop open. He sees Roy's smiling face close to his as he very slowly pushes his hard cock in and out of Johnny's ass, jerking Johnny's cock in the same rhythm.

Johnny swallows hard, "R-Roy! You aren't supposed to be fucking me! You are gonna get in so much trouble! But, oh shit! You feel so good!"

Roy leans over to kiss him, "I know I am not supposed to, but I had to, Sweetheart! I got very hard again. I am gonna be careful, though. I may have to pull out of you and jerk off on your chest, but I wanted you to get some relief!"

Johnny has tears come in his eyes as he feels Roy making love to him, knowing that it could cause Roy to go into labor. He decides right then and there that when they finish making love, he is gonna give Roy a very relaxing bath.

Roy continues to thrust in and out of his lover's ass, and jerking his cock, being sure to press against his prostate. He continues this until Johnny screams out, cumming harder that he has in a long time. Roy pulls out of him once Johnny has exploded, then continues to jerk off, shooting his load over Johnny's chest, mixing it with Johnny's love juices.

When Roy has caught his breath, he goes in the bathroom, gets a wet washcloth, then returns to clean up his lover. They lay down and kiss for a few minutes, then Johnny gets up.

Roy looks puzzled, "Where are you going Sweetheart?"

Johnny smiles, "I am gonna run us a nice warm bath. The last thing we need to happen is for you to go into labor and they discover that we made love!"

Roy laughs, but decides that is a good idea. He gets up when he hears the water come on, then relieves himself before climbing in the tub, with Johnny's able assistance. They spend a lot of time washing each other's body, making sure to get every nook and cranny, especially the very sensitive areas.

After Johnny gives Roy a very erotic scalp massage, they both get out of the tub, dry each other off, and go to bed, wrapped in each others arms, sleeping better than they have in a long time.

Several weeks go by and Roy is still waiting. Because nothing happened after they made love, they try it that way a few more times, always being careful to take a bath afterwards.

February 1st comes and goes. The doctor is gonna wait to do the C-section until Feb. 15th, unless Roy goes into labor before then. As long he and the baby are doing great, he is gonna hold off on doing anything. They do get chewed out by Dixie for making love, but only because she heard them going at it one night.

On Feb. 10th, 1985, Roy wakes up around 2 am to discover his water broke. They kinda get a laugh out of it because on that particular night, Johnny was sleeping in front of Roy, instead of Roy in front of Johnny. And, before Roy could warn Johnny not to turn over, Johnny turned over to see why Roy was groaning, and rolls right over into a big wet puddle on the sheet.

"Uh Roy?"

Roy snickers a little, "Yeah, Babe?"

"Please tell me that we have one of the kids in bed with us and they peed the bed!"

Roy laughs, "Uh, no, Sweetheart. Nobody peed in the bed. My water broke and I tried to warn you before you turned over!"

Johnny just groans, but gets up quickly, turning on the light, "Uh, are you OK? Have you had any pains?"

Roy shakes his head as he gets up, "No, I haven't had any pains. I am gonna go get cleaned up, then lets go on over to the clinic."

Roy goes in the bathroom to clean up while Johnny changes the sheets and gets dressed. Roy just puts on some sweat pants and a T-shirt. They share a long, passionate kiss before they leave, then hurry over to the clinic. Johnny had called to let them know they were coming, and as usually happens with them, they are short-handed. Dixie is there, as is Dwyer, and Dr. Brackett is the doctor on-call, and he is asleep. Dixie and Johnny get Roy prepped, then wheeled into the operating room, where Dr. Brackett is waiting.

At 3:43 am on Feb. 10, 1985, Jacob Ryan Gage-DeSoto comes into the world screaming his head off. He weighs 6 lbs, 7 oz., and is 21 inches long. He was kicking so much when Kel was trying to cut Roy open, that they ended up having to cut a little higher, then reach down with a needle with just a drop of a sedative on it. It wasn't enough to even do anything, only to get him to calm down so Kel wouldn't cut him. He is so shocked from the needle stick that he does calm down long enough for Kel to open Roy up, then starts screaming his head off. Johnny has to go over and talk quietly to him before he will calm down. They get Roy sewn up and taken to Recovery, then as soon as possible, bring Jacob to him to nurse. Jacob takes right to it, finally falling asleep. They can only figure he was mad because Roy hadn't eaten anything in over 8 hours, and he was hungry!

Dixie just shakes her head in amazement as she watches Jacob fall asleep while Roy nurses him, "You know. In all my years of nursing, I have only see that happen a few times. That is just too amazing." She looks at Johnny, "Johnny? What did you say to him when you talked to him and he quieted down?"

Johnny smiles, "I just told him how much we loved him, and to calm down because he would get to eat soon. I guess my voice calmed him down."

Roy looks at them with weary eyes, "Well, guys, he is asleep, and I am about to be. So, somebody take him please!"

Dixie takes Jacob back to the nursery. Johnny gives Roy a light kiss on the forehead before leaving to go back to the cabin to call the house.

When he calls around 7 am, someone picks up the phone and he can hear a lot of kids playing in the background. He just shakes his head, wondering which of the kids picked up the phone. Both he and Roy had told the girls several times that when they picked it up, to immediately say "Hello?"

Finally, after about 30 seconds, he hears a small voice answer, "Hello? 'Dis is Rebecca. Who this?"

Johnny smiles, shaking his head, "Rebecca Marie! What is going on in that house?"

He has to hold the phone out when she squeals, "DADDY JOHNNY! UNCLE MIKE! IT'S DADDY JOHNNY!"

Mike hurries over to take the phone, "Johnny? Is that you?"

Johnny laughs, "Yeah, Mike, it's me. What is going on over there?"

"Hold on, OK! KIDS! QUIET! Settle down right now! Rachel! Sorry, Johnny, they are all just playing early this morning. Did Roy have the baby?"

"Yeah. Jacob Ryan was born around 3:30 and came into the world yelling his head off. Mike, why are the kids up so early yelling and playing? Are ALL the kids up?"

Mike laughs, "No, Lindsay, Mrs. Kelly, and Chet are asleep upstairs. Your twins and Joannes' twins, as well as JR, had a sort of a slumber party down here last night in the livingroom with me, Jen, Chris, Marco, Eddie, and Joannie."

Johnny groans, knowing his livingroom is probably a disaster area. "Mike? How bad of a mess did they make?"

Mike laughs again, "It's not too bad, Johnny. Mostly they slept--till 6 am. They have been watching cartoons."

Johnny shakes his head, "Did all those kids get along?"

"Well, most of the time. We have been trying to teach JR to share, but he doesn't like to share!"

Johnny laughs, "I know! How has Lindsay been. Is she doing OK? I really hated leaving her!"

Mike reassures Johnny, "She's doing great Johnny. Mrs. Kelly just takes such good care of her. Hold on a second. Rachel wants to talk to you."

Johnny smiles, his heart filling with warmth with the love for his kids, "OK, put her on."

Rachel comes on the phone, "Daddy? When you be home?"

Johnny smiles, "We will be home in a couple of weeks. I miss you."

"I miss you, too, Daddy. Rebecca is being mean to me, and bossing me!" Rachel whines in a familiar tone of voice.

Johnny sighs, rubbing his temple, "Rachel Dawn. I do not want to hear about you two fighting and arguing. What did Daddy Roy and I tell you before we left?"

Rachel whines, "I forgot Daddy."

"Rachel, put Rebecca on the phone, and you stay beside her and listen to what I tell you."

Rachel calls Rebecca over to the phone, "Becca! Daddy wants to talk to us!"

Mike picks up the phone, "Johnny, do you want me close by?"

Johnny laughs, "Yeah, you better. Rebecca? Rachel? Are both of you listening?"

They both answer, "Yes."

Johnny continues, "Now I want both of you to listen to me. I do not want to hear about any fighting or arguing or bossing around. Do you understand me, Rebecca?"

A small voice replies, "Yes, Daddy. I miss you real bad."

Johnny closes his eyes, "Oh, girls! I miss you, too. Daddy Roy and I will be home in a couple of weeks, and we have a brand new baby. Now, I need both of you to behave because I don't want to come home and find out both of you need to be spanked. Will you please behave?"

Both girls reply, "Yes, Daddy." Then Rebecca asks, "Daddy? Why come did Daddy Roy have to go and have another baby for?"

Johnny laughs, "Because we wanted to add another beautiful baby to our beautiful kids."

"Did he have a boy or a girl?"

"A boy. His name is Jacob Ryan."

"But, why come we gonna have another baby, Daddy? We already have one upstairs asleep."

"I know. Now we have another one. Look, girls, I need to go, but please be good, and Rebecca, quit being bossy. I love you! Give JR and Lindsay a kiss, OK."

Rebecca answers, "OK. Here is Uncle Mike!"

"Johnny? Give Roy our congratulations, OK?"

Johnny smiles, "Thank, Mike, I will. And we will be home as soon as we can. Tell everyone how much we appreciate their help. Is Lindsay really doing OK?"

Mike reassures him, "Yes, Johnny, she is doing fine. Sleeping very good, too. Mrs. Kelly took her to get a shot yesterday, and other than screaming her head off, she did great."

Johnny flinches for his poor baby, "Oh, Mike. I wish I could have been there for her. OK, I better go! Talk to you later!"

Johnny hangs up, changes clothes, then hurries back over to the clinic. He stays by Roy's side for several days as he recovers.

They talk to the doctor about going home as soon as possible. He really wants them to stay about two weeks, to make sure Roy can ride comfortably in the car. Dixie decides to ride back with them so Roy can lay down in the back seat and she can tend to the baby.

One week after the baby was born, Roy is released to go back to the cabin, Then three days later, on Feb. 21, they bundle Roy up in the car, making him a comfortable place to lay in the backseat. Dixie and Johnny ride in the front, with Johnny driving, and the baby in the carseat between them. When Jacob gets hungry, they hand him to Roy, who lays there and nurses him. He is gonna nurse as long as he can.

When they get home, it is about 2 pm on Monday afternoon, and it is quiet around the house. Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Lopez got all the kids down for a nap, and are busy cooking and cleaning. When Johnny drives up, they come out to help unload the car while Johnny and Dixie help get Roy to bed in the spare room, since he can't climb the stairs yet.

Roy, Johnny, and Dixie eat lunch before Mrs. Kelly takes Dixie home. Both Roy and Johnny lay down, and barely get to sleep before Jacob is awake and hungry. While Roy feeds him, Johnny goes to get Lindsay, because he can hear her crying. He puts her to his breast to see if he has any more milk. He is surprised that he does, because he thought it had dried up, even though he pumped a little bit while they were gone.

Roy looks up with surprise when he sees Johnny come in the bedroom and sit down and start nursing Lindsay, "Do you have any milk left?"

Johnny looks up with a grin, "Yeah, some. I have been making a few bottles while we were gone, remember?"

Roy nods, "I know, but I thought you were just trying to get rid of your milk." He looks down at Jacob, tears coming to his eyes, "It's a great feeling, isn't it?"

Johnny nods, "It sure is. I am glad I am still able to feed her."

Roy smiles, "I was gonna tell you that if you couldn't, I would put her on one nipple, while Jacob was on the other."

Johnny laughs, "I thought about that. I am gonna have to stop because I hear Rachel waking up, and they are gonna come storming in here in a minute. I know that Mrs. Lopez will keep them out, but they'll find a way in."

Johnny waits a few more minutes, then when Lindsay falls asleep, he puts her in the bassinett, puts his shirt back on, and goes out to see the kids.


Over the next year, Roy and Johnny watch their kids grow, and are very happy with their little family. They don't really think they will have any more kids. Five is plenty. They get busy helping Dr. Brackett with Paramedic issues, including training.

What is really amazing to Roy is how well his kids get along with Joanne's kids. Jennifer loves to play with Rebecca and Rachel, and both sets of twins play well together. Half the time their ranch is a madhouse with at least 6 kids running around.

As Rebecca, Rachel, and Lindsay grow, even though Rebecca favors Johnny, and Rachel and Lindsay favor Roy, both Roy and Johnny can see Dixie in them. Rachel not only has Johnny's personality and long body, she has Dixie's firey eyes when she gets mad. Joanne is amazed how much both JR and Jacob look like Chris.

There was only one time when their way of living came into question. Somebody had found out that a bunch of kids lived with two gay men, and called Child Welfare. Roy and Johnny knew some people didn't like what they did, but they tried not to worry about them.

A woman from Child Welfare came out, sat in her car to observe what was going on, came in and talked to Roy and Johnny for a few minutes, then left. Nothing else was ever said, and no reports were filed.

About the time that Jacob was getting ready to have his first birthday, Dixie told Roy and Johnny that Dr. Shifter had opened another clinic in Tustin, and that she and Dr. Brackett were going to help out more. Also, if they wanted to have any more, to do it soon because Dr. Shifter was getting ready to retire, leaving the clinic to his son, who had also had a baby, and was more than happy to take over for his father.

Roy and Johnny decide to take some time off and go away for the weekend to talk about if they want to have any more children. They have a birthday party for Jacob on Feb.10, 1986, leave the kids with Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Lopez, and drive to Palm Springs and get a hotel room.

On Tues., Feb. 11, 1986, Roy and Johnny check into a fabulous room at a very nice hotel in Palm Springs. They weren't able to get the Lover's Suite or the Honeymoon suite, but even the regular rooms are fantastic.

They spend most of their time in bed, making love as much as possible, enjoying their quiet time together. But, they also talk about having another baby, or two.

On Friday morning, Feb. 14th, Valentine's Day, they give each other a valentine that says "Happy Valentine's Day. I'll have another baby just for you!"

Johnny looks shocked, "Roy? You are gonna have another one, too! I thought you didn't want to go through it again?"

Roy shrugs, pulling Johnny closer to him, "Well, I didn't, but I got to thinking about it, and I guess one more time won't hurt, but this is the very last time, Johnny! I am not gonna have any more after we do it this time!"

Johnny smiles, "I know, Babe. I am not either, I don't think. But, I was thinking about something. Since Hank and Mike have not been able to have a baby, and since they have helped us out so much, we ought to get them to donate some sperm, mix it with ours, and see which one fertilizes the egg."

Roy grins, "Hey! That's a good idea. Now, do you want to go first, or do you want me to?"

Johnny rolls his eyes, "Oh man! I guess I will. But, we need to make sure there is about 12-16 weeks between us. That way I will be totally recovered by the time you are ready to have your baby."

Roy nods, then slowly begins to make love to his Sweetheart of 13 years. They spend the morning in bed, then pack up and drive back to LA to talk to Dr. Brackett.

Dr. Brackett is shocked and surprised to hear that they want to do it again, but says OK. Both Roy and Johnny are gonna have to go through another physical and tests again. They decide to wait until April to do all that since the Shifter clinic is going through their changeover.

It ends up being the middle of May before Dr. Brackett is able to do the physicals and tests. The plans were for Johnny to start taking the shots on June 1st, but they will be on vacation in June, taking the kids to Montana. On July 1st, Johnny begins taking the shots again, and he hates them with a passion. On July 15th they do an IVF, but it just never does take.

They have also spoken with Mike and Hank about mixing their sperm with Roy and Johnny's, and they decide it's a great idea, so they will do that when Roy has the IVF done.

On Sept. 5th, another IVF is done on Johnny, and two days later they discover it didn't take either. Roy tries to talk Johnny into giving up, but he doesn't want to. In November, Dr. Brackett has him take a few more weeks of shots, then an IVF is done on Dec. 18th. They are thrilled to discover on Dec. 31st that Johnny is pregnant. He has to stay in bed for a few days just to make sure everything is OK, but he is fine.

In Feb.1987, Roy starts getting the shots every day. He hates them, too, and if he has to go through more than two IVF's, he isn't gonna do it anymore. Then on March 12, 1987, 12 weeks to the day that Johnny had an IVF successfully done, one is done on Roy. They find out on March 30 that he is pregnant, and they are delighted.

Their kids, however, are a little confused. They wait as long as possible before telling them anything, and it's only when Rebecca was sitting on Johnny's lap, crying because she says she didn't feel good, and gets kicked, that they finally have to explain. Rebecca and Rachel are five years old, so they figure they are old enough to understand a little bit.

Rebecca has been upset all day because Rachel got to go play with Joanne's twins. Roy wouldn't let Rebecca go because she had gotten into a fight with JR, backtalked Roy AND Johnny, and was acting like a little brat. After spending most of the day sitting in her room in the corner in timeout, she decided she didn't feel good. Johnny knows she is just trying for attention, and probably senses something is different. So, he allows her to climb in his lap while they have a little talk in the bedroom.

Johnny sits down on her bed, with his back to the wall. He is five months pregnant, not really showing very much, but the baby has been moving a lot. Rebecca crawls up in his lap and curls up against him as Johnny talks to her.

"OK, Rebecca Marie, what is the matter? Why are you being such a bad girl today?"

Rebecca sniffs, "I don't know, Daddy. I'm sorry."

Johnny just shakes his head, "I know you are, Darlin', but you need to behave. You are my oldest, and I love you very much, but I do not like it when you misbehave so much that I have to make you stay in timeout all day. Do you like having to do that?"

Johnny feels her shake her head against him, then she suddenly sits up, a look of shock in her eyes, "What's wrong?"

"DADDY! Your tummy moved! Something hit me!"

Johnny smiles, then decides he better explain, "Rebecca, let me tell you something, and this is just between you and me right now. I am gonna have a baby, and so is Daddy Roy."

Rebecca looks at him with great big eyes, "YOU ARE? Really?"

Johnny nods, hugging her, "And we are gonna need your help more than ever!"

"Are you gonna have a boy or a girl?"

Johnny shakes his head, "I don't know, Darlin', but probably a girl! Can you help me out by being a good girl and helping us with the other kids?"

Rebecca nods, "Yes, Daddy, but why do you want more kids like me?"

Johnny laughs, "Well, we want more kids because we love you guys so much! Now, come on, and let's go help Daddy Roy get supper ready."

They go out and help Roy, who is not real thrilled with Johnny for telling Rebecca, but knows it had to be done. They also tell Rachel later, and she is thrilled to death.

During this period of time that both Roy and Johnny are expecting, they talk about moving or adding on to their ranch-style house. It has three bedrooms upstairs, and a guest room downstairs, where Roy and Johnny are sleeping. They decide to wait until the babies are older, but one day in the middle of June, they are suprised when a whole bunch of their friends show up, and add two bedrooms and a bathroom onto the other side of the house. Roy and Johnny have a barbecue to thank them. Rebecca and Rachel want to move to the new bedroom, but Roy and Johnny decide to have one room as a guestroom and one room as a nursery. Rebecca is not at all happy because she wants a room all to herself.

Roy and Johnny also talk about what to do with the kids when they go to the clinic in Tustin. Because it is closer, they won't have to leave quite so far in advance, but the Dr. Brackett thinks that Johnny might go into labor early. Amazingly, Joanne offers to keep Rebecca, Rachel, and Lindsay. Rebecca and Rachel are in Kindergarten with her boys, and she doesn't mind keeping Lindsay. Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Lopez offer to come to the house and keep JR and Jacob.

At first Dr. Brackett wants Johnny to come to the clinic on Sept. 28, his due date. But, after checking him on the 10th, he tells them to wait until Oct. 1st. Johnny is already so miserable he doesn't think he is gonna make it that long, but he knows he will have to. Then about a week before they are gonna leave, Dr. Brackett tells them to wait until October 6th.

On Sat. October 4th, Roy and Johnny get all the kids together for a family meeting. Rachel and Rebecca know what is going on, and they know that they are going to "Aunt Joanne's" for a few days. They all sit on Roy and Johnny's bed, with Johnny holding Jacob, who doesn't really want to be held, and Roy is holding Lindsay, who loves to be held.

Roy gets their attention, "OK, you guys, listen up! Johnny, if Jacob won't sit still, let him down. Rach, keep an eye on him though." He waits while Johnny puts Jacob on the floor, "OK, tomorrow Daddy Johnny and I are leaving to go to the clinic so he can have his baby. Rebecca, you, Rachel, and Lindsay are gonna go stay with Jennifer, OK?"

The twins eagerly nod their heads, and Lindsay does, too, but only because they are. Roy gives her a hug and a kiss, "OK, I want you guys to behave yourselves! Rebecca, you help Aunt Joanne with Lindsay, OK? She's got her hands full as it is and it is very nice of her to offer to let you guys stay over there!" He gives both Rachel and Rebecca a very stern look, "And I do NOT want to hear about you fighting with the boys, either. Aunt Joanne has my permission to put you guys in time out or spank you if she has to! And, what will happen if you get in trouble at someone else's house?"

Both Rebecca and Rachel reply in unison, "We'll get in trouble at home!"

Roy and Johnny nod as Roy continues, "That's right. I don't know how long we will be gone so we are trusting you to be good! OK?"

All three girls nod, then Roy looks at JR, who is sitting between him and Johnny, "OK, Buddy, you know that you and Jacob get to stay here with Nana Kelly and Nana Lopez right?"

JR nods happily, "Yeah, Daddy! And we get rid of the girls!" He sticks his tongue out at Rachel, but Roy glares at her before she can do anything, then pops JR on the hand.

"Behave yourself! I want you to be good even if Uncle Chet and Uncle Marco come over. OK?"

JR nods, "Yes, Sir."

Johnny turns to look at JR, "And I don't want you telling them that you guys are allowed to stay up late, either, like you told them when Daddy Roy and I went out of town."

Rebecca looks at JR and smiles, "I told them they had to go to bed, Daddy!"

Roy nods, "I know you did, but YOU need to quit being so bossy! You are supposed to help, not tell everyone what to do."

Lindsay pulls on Roy's shirt, "Daddy, go potty!"

Roy laughs, "Rebecca, take Lindsay to the potty!"

Rebecca takes Lindsay and Roy talks to JR, "JR, you make sure you help out, too, OK. And keep your rooms clean."

JR nods, not very happily, "OK, Daddy. When are you gonna have your baby?"

Roy shakes his head, "Not for several more months, kiddo."

JR sighs dramatically, "Well, I hope you have a boy cause we have too many yucky girls around here!"

Johnny laughs, "Well, sorry bud, but we are fixing to have one more!"

Rebecca comes back in, holding Lindsay's hand, "Daddy, when are we going to Aunt Joanne's?"

Roy helps Lindsay get comfortable in his lap, "Probably tomorrow morning. I want all of you to make sure your rooms are clean, too!"

They talk and play for awhile, then Johnny puts the little ones down for their naps. The next morning, Joanne and Jennifer come over to get Rebecca, Rachel, and Lindsay, who are all very excited to go. JR and Jacob are even more excited for them to leave! Roy and Johnny aren't leaving until early Monday morning, so Mrs. Lopez and Mrs. Kelly are coming over Sunday evening. JR is just happy to have the girls gone.

When the ladies show up, Roy and Johnny turn the boys over to them, and go to bed. It is 8 pm, but they have to get up early the next morning.

Roy and Johnny lay in bed, holding each other, as Roy remarks, "Boy, it is quiet with the girls gone."

Johnny laughs, "I was thinking the same thing." He turns to face Roy, kissing him tenderly on the lips, "I love you."

Roy caresses his face, "I love you, too!"

They fall asleep in each other's arms, ready to go add a few more kids to their happy bunch.


Roy and Johnny go to the clinic on the 6th, and end up only having to wait six days. On Oct. 12, 1987, Johnny gives birth to Kaitlyn Michelle. They spend 10 days at the clinic before returning home. Roy helps Johnny get comfortable in bed, with Kaitlyn in his arms, before he allows any of the kids to come in. Jacob doesn't really care to see a baby, but JR does. Roy lets him sit on the side of the bed and touch Kaitlyn.

JR looks up at Roy with big, blue eyes, "Daddy! She is so tiny!"

Roy nods and hugs him, "That's how tiny you were when you were born!"

JR pats Roy's stomach, "Is that how big your baby is?"

Roy shakes his head, "No, this one is a little smaller right now. He has to grow some more."

They let JR sit there until the girls get home, then Roy has to get them settled down. Rebecca is too excited and trying to say she gets to go first because she is the oldest. So, Roy makes her wait till last because she won't quiet down. Rachel is excited to get to see a brand new baby, and Johnny lets her hold her. Roy just shakes his head, because he knows that Rachel is gonna go straight to Rebecca and tell her. After letting Lindsay have a quick look, Roy goes to get Rebecca, who is sitting on the couch crying.

"Rebecca? What is the matter with you?"

"R-Rachel got to hold the baby! You won't let me see her!"

Roy rolls his eyes, "Rebecca Marie, I told you when you quieted down that you could see her, and you can hold her, too. Are you ready to behave yourself?"

Rebecca nods her head, wipes her tears, and walks with Roy in the bedroom. She sits down on the bed very quietly, and Johnny lets her hold the baby for a few minutes. And, he also issues a word of warning to her. "Rebecca Marie, look at me."

Rebecca looks up at him, "Now, listen to me very carefully. You are not, under any circumstance, to pick Kaitlyn up. Do you understand me?"

Rebecca nods, "Yes, sir, but what if she is crying and NEEDS to be picked up."

Johnny looks up at Roy and rolls his eyes, then looks at Rebecca, "Rebecca Marie Gage-DeSoto, I am gonna tell you this one time. If I see you, or find out from anybody, that you have picked this baby up, I will spank you. Do you want that to happen?"

Rebecca shakes her head, with her lower lip stuck out, "No, Daddy. I won't pick her up. I will just let her cry her head off."

Johnny shakes his head, "Rebecca! Nobody is gonna let her cry her head off, and you are not gonna pick her up. If she starts crying, you let either me or Daddy Roy, or some other adult know. OK?"

Rebecca nods, "OK, Daddy. Cause I sure don't want a spanken." She looks up at Roy underneath her long lashes, "Or time out again."

Johnny tries very hard not to laugh, and he takes Kaitlyn from her, "OK, Missy, go play with the other kids, and try to behave yourself!"

Rebecca leaves the room. Roy comes over and sits down on the side of the bed, and both of them laugh. Johnny just shakes his head as he begins to nurse Kaitlyn. He looks up at Roy, "Are you sure she is MY daughter?"

Roy laughs, "Oh yeah, Babe! She is definitely your daughter! I guess I better go make sure they are not tearing up the house." He gives Johnny and Kaitlyn a quick kiss and leaves.

For the next several months Roy and Johnny have extra help since Johnny is getting back on his feet, and Roy is getting pretty big. Dr. Brackett thinks he may go ahead and take the baby in early December. Roy is due in mid-December, but Dr. Brackett is talking about December 1st.

Roy and Johnny have Thanksgiving at their house, but nobody lets them lift a finger. They will leave Friday to go to the clinic. They invited everyone to their house to thank them for their help with all the kids over the last several years. Hank and Joanne put themselves in charge of the dinner so that Roy can rest. Johnny is still trying to nurse Kaitlyn, so they will be taking her with them.

Joining Roy, Johnny, Rebecca, Rachel, JR, Lindsay, Jacob, and Kaitlyn for dinner are Joanne, Ed, Chris, Jennifer, Eddie, Joannie, Stephen, Scott, Joanne's mother, Gloria, Mrs. Kelly, Chet, Mrs. Lopez, Marco, Mike, and Hank. Also, Dixie and Dr. Brackett come for a little bit. They have a very joyous time, filled with fun, fellowship, and family.

Before they sit down to eat, Roy asks Hank to give thanks for the food, friends, and family that have joined them.

Hank looks at everyone before he begins, "I will offer a word of prayer in a moment, but first I want to say thank you to Roy and Johnny for sharing your children with me and Mike. It didn't work out for us to have any, but we have been blessed with so many 'nieces and nephews'. Now, if you all will join me in a word of Thanks." he pauses to give everyone time to calm down, "Father, we thank You for this food, and for the many hands that have prepared it. Bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies. Also thank You so very much for the children that You have blessed not only Johnny and Roy with, but also the children who are products of Roy and Joanne, Joanne and Ed, my children who are not with us, the children of Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Lopez, too. We know that all children come from You, and we thank You for the miracles of each and every one of them. We also thank You for the one that Roy is carrying. Please help him to have a safe birth. Thank you for allowing all of us to join together. In Jesus name, Amen"


On Friday, Roy and Johnny leave, taking Jennifer and Kaitlyn with them. Jennifer is going so she can take care of Kaitlyn while Johnny is with Roy. Roy will be having the C-section on Monday, so Jen will only miss a few days of school.

Johnny gets Jen and Kaitlyn settled in, then goes to check on Roy, who is having to undergo a few tests, but is able to come back to the cabin on Friday night. Jen sleeps on the couch, while Roy and Johnny sleep on the bed, with Kaitlyn between them.

About 4:30 am, Johnny is nursing Kaitlyn when Roy suddenly gets a funny look, "Ut oh!"

Johnny looks up, "What, Babe?"

Roy smiles, "I think my water just broke."

Johnny leans over to kiss him, "Well, that is good timing because she is finished, and ready to go back to sleep. Why don't you get up and get ready, and I'll call the clinic."

Roy gets up, cleans up, and gets some sweats on. Jen gets up and burps Kaitlyn for Johnny so he can leave with Roy.

At 6:10 am on November 30, 1987, Kyle Michael Gage-DeSoto is born weighing 6 lbs, 4 oz., and is 19 in. long. Both Roy and Kyle are doing great. Jen goes home on Monday, then Roy, Johnny, and the babies come home on Friday, but Roy has to stay in bed, at least until Monday, and Dixie will be there to check on him.

So, that's the story of Roy and Johnny having children. They never thought when they started they would end up with 7 children, but they wouldn't trade one of them for anything. They are a very blessed family, full of love and rich in happiness. Roy is always puzzled by the fact that their twin daughters are good friends with his ex-wife's twin sons. And, actually, all their kids play well together.

(Christmas, 2002)


Roy and Johnny, both Chiefs with the LACoFD, Paramedic Division.

Rebecca and Rachel, 21 years old, Srs. at UCLA

JR, 20 years old, Jr. at Univ. of Colorado

Lindsay, 18, Fresh. at USC

Jacob, 18, Sr. in HS

Kaitlyn, 16, Soph in HS

Kyle, 16, Soph in HS

They are all gathered together for Christmas, one of the last ones they will probably all have together because with the girls fixing to graduate from college, Roy and Johnny know they may not be around next year.

After having a family breakfast, all the kids go off to do their thing. Later in the afternoon, Joanne, Ed, Stephen, Scott, and Jennifer come over. While Roy and Johnny are talking to Joanne, Ed, and Jennifer, Stephen and Rebecca, and Scott and Rachel come in, standing in front of them.

Scott clears his voice, "Uh, could we have your attention please?"

Roy looks up, and suddenly gets a very funny feeling. He grasps Johnny's hand, who looks at him, wondering what is wrong, then looks over at the girls.

Roy nods to Scott, "Go ahead. What's up?"

Scott looks at Rachel and smiles, then look at the parents, "Uh, Rach and I have something to tell you guys." He takes a deep breath, "I have asked Rachel to marry me, and she said yes!"

Before anyone can say anything, Stephen waves at Roy and Johnny, "Uh, I proposed to Rebecca and she said yes, too!"

There is a few minutes of shocked silence, mostly between Roy and Joanne, who can't believe HER kids are marrying HIS kids. But, then she remembers that Johnny is the one who carried the girls. Finally, everyone congratulates them. Roy and Johnny also hug Joanne and Ed. Finally Roy and Johnny hug their girls, and everyone wipes tears from their eyes.

Johnny shakes his head, "Well, I can't believe my babies are getting married. Have ya'll set a date?"

Rebecca shakes her head, "No, but we don't want a big wedding. We would like to get married here, in front of this beautiful fireplace. But, not till June, after all of us have graduated."

Roy and Johnny agree, as do Joanne and Ed. Later that evening, after Joanne, Ed, and their family have left, Roy calls a family meeting.

"OK, you guys. We've had a big day today. I just never imagined that our kids would marry Joanne's kids."

JR laughs, "Would this be the time to tell you I am dating Joannie?"

Roy hits him playfully, "You are not! She is about 10 years older than you!"

JR just laughs, "I know it, Dad."

Johnny clears his throat, "Well, I want to say something, and I don't know if I can get through this so bear with me." He takes Roy's hand in his, then looks around at all their kids. "I just want to say how proud I am--we are--of you guys. It was a hard decision we made 21 years ago when I decided to be one of the first men to carry **A** baby. But, we did it. I couldn't have done it without the help of this man I love so much. You guys have been great putting up with two men as parents. Most of the time we had no idea what we were doing. It was also a shock to find out I was carrying twins. But, each one of you," he stops and points to each of their children, "whether birthed by me or Roy, were wanted and loved, and we raised you with as much love as we could. One of the things I told Daddy Roy when we first started was that I felt like we were very rich in love and happiness, and you kids have proved that over and over." He stops a minute because everyone is about to cry, then he takes a deep breath, stands up, and pulls Roy up with him. "I never planned to do this in front of our kids, but, Roy, could we reaffirm our vows of love in front of them?"

Roy's eyes grow large and filled with tears. They look around to see what the kids think, and they are all smiling and nodding.

Johnny clears his throat, trying to get his composure back, "I, John Roderick Gage, take you Roy DeSoto, as the love of my life. I promised my love to you nearly 30 years ago, and I promise to continue to love you for 30 more years. You are my heart and soul, my life and my love. Thank you for putting up with me all these years, but most of all thank you for standing by my side as we raised seven terrific kids! I love you very much."

Roy reaches out to wipe away a few tears from Johnny's face, then begins, "I, Roy DeSoto, take you John Roderick Gage, as the love of my life. You came into my life at a time when I thought I couldn't love anyone ever again, but you showed me what true love is. Thank you so much for helping me to raise these 7 terrific kids, and thank you for 30 wonderful years. I love you very much."

They share a quick kiss, and start to step away from each other, until Rebecca, Rachel, JR, and Kaitlyn start singing a few love songs.

On June 1, 2002, Roy and Johnny give Rebecca Marie Gage-DeSoto in marriage to Stephen David Rollings; and Rachel Dawn Gage-DeSoto in marriage to Scott Aaron Rollings.


THE END!!!!!!

That's all folks, that's it, there ain't no more! It's DONE!