Title: WWF Parker Smackdown!

Author: David Lee Rickman II

Fandom: 7 Days

Rating: PG

Status: Complete

Archive: Feel free to include on any web page or archive. The truth must be known!

E-mail address for feedback: frankbparker@yahoo.com

Series: 7 Days

Disclaimers: I do not own the characters. I just report what's happened at NNL lately, which Christopher Crowe can't use becausehe is sworn to secrecy.

Summary: Parker fights other famous time travellers in a UPN smackdown special.

WWF Parker Smackdown
By David Lee Rickman II

"Good evening folks. My name is Bobby Joe and next to me is Billy Moe. Tonight we are witnessing the first time travel smackdown in WWF history."

"That's right Bobby Joe. Tonight, stadium favorite Frank Parker will compete in a winner-take-all match against some of the most famous time travellers. We now have Frank Parker to tell us more."

The sportscasters turn toward a studio screen. "Welcome to the show Frank."

"Thanks guys. It's good to be here tonight."

"Frank, you've taken on some really bad guys while working for Project Backstep. Now you are only moments away from competeing for the ultimate time traveller title. Are you sure you're ready to take on your own kind?"

"Well Billy Moe, I've won pretty much every fight I've been in, so tonight shouldn't be any different. If I legally could, I'd bet on myself."

"That's great. One more quick question before you go. If you win tonight, will you retire?"

"No Bobby Joe. I don't know where the tabloids got that, but I assure you I will continue to do what I do best."

"Well Billy Moe, I think we know Parker is determined to take the title."

"Well Bobby Joe, it takes more than wanting it. Doctor Who is also known as the "Risk Taker's Prince."

"We now take you to the stadium."

Camera pans over cheering audience. 7DAYSfans egroup cheers loudly while the sevendays egroup waves signs supporting Parker. Loudest of all was the 7daysfic group writing fight scenerios down while cheering. Parker enters the ring smiling toward his supporters.

The referee pulls down the microphone. "In this corner, weighing in at 177 pounds is Frank Parker. And in this corner, weighing in at 196 pounds is Doctor Who. Players, follow all rules and shake gloves."

Parker starts to dance around Doctor Who. "What's wrong Time Lord? Can't you swing?" Parker jabbs a left at Doctor Who. Doctor Who tries to return a left, but moves to quickly. Doctor Who falls to the ground. "Time!"

"The referee has just called for a time out.

Paramedics are checking and...Yes, Doctor Who has a sprained ankle. Can you believe that?"

"Bobby Joe, the problem was the English etiquette. Doctor Who never takes the first swing, and ironically that was his downfall."

"Good analysis Billy Moe. Now we continue with a new round."

"In this corner, representing Doc Brown's team... Weighing in at 169 pounds is Marty McFly!"

"Now Billy Moe, Parker's going to have a harder time with McFly. According to Time Travel Smackdown rules any future technology is permissible. Now Parker must fight the hoverboard wild card."

"And Marty starts to fly circles around Parker. Parker tries to jump onto the board, but McFly teases him by doing a hundred-eighty degree flip."

"It seems McFly is getting overly-confident. He has jumped off the board."

"Billy Moe, if Parker knows anything, he knows not to hit the stomache. McFly is known to hide iron stove lids there."

"Oh, man! Parker just K.O.ed McFly. He sure is white hot tonight!," Bobby Joe exclaimed.

"Eight...Nine...He's out!" Parker lifts his gloves in victory as the referee pulled McFly's unconscious body off the ring. Suddenly, a blue light surrounds the referee. Moments later, the Imaging Chamber opens and Al the Hologram steps onto the ring.

"Sam! Sam! Ziggy says there's a ninety-eight percent chance you leaped to beat up him.," Al said pointing to Parker.

"What the H---?," Parker said while Sam/referee started to swing at Parker.

"Bobby Joe, this match has taken a twist. Parker was taken by surprise by Sam Beckett." "Unfortunately for Parker, Sam got here through space-time, so it's perfectly allowed."

"That's it Sam! Harder! Harder!," Al shouted waving the handlink. Parker fell flat on the ring with blood coming from his lip.

"Well, Bobby Joe, Parker has lost tonight. The title remains with Dr. Beckett, still the undefeated champion."

"Wait Billy Moe. Something is happening. David Rickman is standing up yelling something to the 7 Days fans. They are now getting up from the bleechers and...Yes, they are going towards the Quantum Leap fans."

"This doesn't look good Bobby Joe. 7 Days fans are known as the toughest and most loyal fans of sci-fi."

"The Quantum Leap fans try to flee, but they are to slow. The seven dazers are breaking their coke-bottle eyeglasses. Parker's defeat is unquestionably being avenged."

"Bobby Joe, in defense of the 7 Days fans, the Quantum Leap fans already had scotch tape holding the frames together. They are now bending the gold-plated pocket protectors."

"Billy Moe, this is a dark, dark day on the UPN Time Travel smackdown."

The End