Twas the Night Before Backstep

By David Lee Rickman


Twas the night before backstep, when all through the NNL security house;
Not a creature was stirring, except for Ramsey the louse.

The office boxes were emptied by the sphere technicians with care,
In hopes that their paychecks soon would be there.
Parker was nestled all snug in his bed,
While visions of Olga danced in his head;
And Ballard diligently working late into the night,
Making modifications to the sphere that fill Parker with fright.

When out on the Middle East there arose such a clatter,
Alpha team turned on CZN news to see what was the matter.
And in Isreal there were several flashes,
And at the American embassy there were security clashes.
Mentnor went quick as an eagle to the hotline phone,
And found out the terrorist that did this worked alone.

Donovan said to Parker, "I am afraid it appears,
We can't go to the bar tomorrow to drink our weekly beers."

"I hate these backsteps! They make me sick!"
But Mentnor ordered Parker to suit up, lively and quick.
More rapid than eagles to the control room they all came,
And Olga called the steps by name:
"Reactor on-line and ready to engage!"
Parker grabbed tightly to the controls and grunted with rage.

And the sphere shook and rattled!
And Parker and the controls battled.
And upward the sphere went as Parker screamed and cried,
And then the sphere fell from the sky.

Out of the sphere Parker crawled with a low cursing moan,
But luckily nearby there was a public pay phone.
And then, in a twinkling, Parker called NNL base,
And told Ramsey that he'd like to mace Ramsey's face.

"I am in Isreal where a terrorist is, and I must run!"
And sneaking up on the bad guy, Parker yelled,
"Hey buddy, let's have som fun!
Do you feel lucky? I have a gun!"
Frightened, the bad guy started to fight,
But Parker fought back with all his might,
And Parker won the awesome fight.

So from all of us at NNL to you-Merry Christmas to all....
And to all except Ramsey a good night.
