The Masked Man

Aldaj Wheeler

Rating: PG

Warnings: None.v Category: Missing Scene for "Parkergeist"v From the Author: This is a short little missing scene for "Parkergeist", which I had chance to see for the first time last night. If you’ve seen that ep, then you know where the title for this missing scene comes from. This scene takes place immediately after Frank breaks up the ‘fight’ between Barney (the blind man) and the four soldiers. To be taken extremely lightly! Has no meaning at all!



By Aldaj

Parker and Donovan both laughed as they walked across the parking lot of the Rendezvous. Olga and the rest of the group were walking a ways behind them. Olga had to admit, she was a little impressed with Frank. Of course, she'd never let him know that.

"I’ll admit partner, I thought you were gonna fight ‘em." Captain Donovan stated, a broad smile on his face.

"Yeah?" Parker asked, an amused gleam in his eye. "So did I."

Both men laughed again. A silence fell between the two men as they continued to walk. Donovan studied his friends face from the side, and had a sobering thought.

"You miss it, don’t you?"

Parker turned and looked at Donovan, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Miss what?"

"Wearing the uniform, going on missions. I can tell."

Parker hesitated before answering, glancing behind his shoulder to see where the rest of the group was. Seeing that they were far behind the two and out of earshot, he answered Donovan’s question.

"Hell yes, I miss it." His voice was filled with conviction as he spoke. "Every second of everyday. I would give anything to leave this place and go back on active duty, for real I mean." Donovan nodded.

Another silence fell, this one shorter than the last. "What are you doing here Craig?" It was now Donovan’s turn to have the confused look on his face.

"You could still be out there going on missions, but now you’re at NNL, never seeing any action. Why do you put up with it?"

Donovan shrugged. "Someone’s gotta keep you outta trouble." His expression was serious, and Parker laughed again.

"Well, you sure don’t do a very good job of it." Out of no where, a hand smacked the back of Parker’s head, and he returned the gesture with a push to Donovan’s shoulder. Stopping on the walkway, they both faced each other and assumed boxing positions, jumping from side to side, hands raised.

"Alright kids, that’s enough." Ramsey’s voice broke through the humor of the situation, and both men faced the security agent and the others that were behind. Facing each other, they both smiled then looked back to Ramsey. Realizing what they would do, Ramsey raised his hands.

"Oh no. Don’t even think about it." His warnings went unyielded as Donovan and Parker walked forward, closer to Ramsey. The security agent began walking backwards at the same time, as the two soldiers closed the gap with stone cold expressions on their faces. When they were only inches apart, Ramsey did the completely unexpected; he yelled for help.

Donovan and Parker were so shocked they both stopped, and burst out laughing. "We weren’t gonna hurt you, Ramsey!" Craig laughed, and Parker looked over at him with a doubtful expression on his face.

"We weren’t?" This time everyone burst out laughing, and Frank winked at Ramsey. The two friends walked away, and Ramsey stayed still, staring at Olga and everyone in the group. They all looked at him with amused stares, trying their hardest to stop laughing.

"What?! You try having two trained killers come at you and not get freaked!!"

The End