Picture Frame

By David Lee Rickman II


Dr. John Ballard sat at the window of his office watching the rain storm that was in the Nevada desert. "What a terrible storm. Someone could get killed on the road if they're not careful.," Ballard thought to himself.

"Dr. Ballard?" Ballard heard his name, and turned around. "Oh, there you are Ben."

Ben Jacobs was one of Ballard's doctorate students when he was assistant professor at Rutgers University. Like Ballard, Ben was interested in the physical effects of quantum gravity. When Ballard joined Project Backstep, it only seemed logical that Ben would be a valuable member.

"Dr. Ballard, Dr. Vulkavich is ready to start installing the new navigation software into the sphere."


A few hours later, Olga and Ballard were finishing up in the control room.

"I think we've burned enough midnight oil tonight, don't you Olga?"

"Yeah. Hey Ballard, do you mind if I walk you to your van? I'd like to talk to you about tomorrow's conference."

"I'd be honored Olga." As Ballard and Olga walked down the hallway to the rear entrance of the complex, they were stopped by two guards.

"Dr. Ballard. Dr. Vulkavich. I am sorry to stop you, but because of the recent Chinese espionage, we have to do surprise searches. Dr. Vulkavich, you're first. Please put your purse on that table there and walk through this metal detector and x-ray machine." Olga did as she was told, and the security guard looked through the contents of her purse. "O.K. Dr. Ballard. Now you."

"But the metal detector.." The security guard looked under Ballard's wheelchair. "We understand about the wheelchair and the metal detector, and there's nothing on your wheelchair. We still have to check your backpack though sir."

The guard turned off the metal detector so Ballard's wheelchair could pass, and the other guard searched through Ballard's backpack.

"What is this?" The security guard held up a roll of 35 mm film.

"I...I don't know." Ballard's mind began to race examining his memory. "I don't remember having any film."

"Dr. Ballard, I will have to detain you until we see what's on this film. Will you please sign this receipt for the roll of film we've confiscated?" The guard handed Ballard a clipboard.

Olga started to worry for Ballard. "How long are you detaining Ballard?"

"Dr. Vulkavich, you need to leave now."

"But I..." The second guard grabbed Olga by the shoulders and led her out the exit.


Frank Parker and Olga sat on the beach as the orange sun set in the west. Olga put her head on Frank's shoulder as he rubbed the engagement ring she accepted when he proposed to her. Then Frank and Olga looked deeply in each other's eyes.....


Parker opened his eyes to the dark room. "Why now?," Parker thought to himself as he sluggishly felt for the phone. "Hello?"

"Mr. Parker, are you awake?"

"Huh? Olga? Is that you?" <> "Yes Mr. Parker. I am sorry to call you so late, but something is wrong. Something is very, very wrong."

"What? What is it? Do I need to backstep?"

"A few minutes ago, Ballard and I were leaving the complex. Some guards searched us, and they detained Ballard for questioning."

"Ballard? What could he have done?"

"He had a roll of film that he said didn't belong to him."

"I wouldn't worry about that. It probably was pictures of Ballard's old flames posing. You know Ballard."

"I don't know Mr. Parker. I have a bad feeling about this."

"Well, let's wait until morning and see what develops."

"Mr. Parker, do you always talk in puns at one o'clock in the morning?"


Talmedge paced back and forth as security brought Ballard into the debriefing room. When Ballard saw Talmedge's face, he no longer saw the face of a friend. He saw the judge and jury.

"Talmedge, I don't know what's going on."

Talmedge threw a stack of pictures on the table in front of Ballard. "Do you know what these are?"

Ballard picked up the pictures and started flipping through them.

"These are pictures of a computer monitor."

"And what's on the computer screen?"

Ballard squinted his eyes to see the small characters in the picture. "It looks like the source code for the new navigation software."

"It is. These are the pictures we got from the roll of film you tried to smuggle out of the complex. Now what were you going to do with them?"

"Those aren't mine."

Talmedge held out the receipt Ballard signed earlier. "It was found in your backpack, and you signed this receipt of confiscated ownership. Now if you confess..."

"But that's not mine."

Talmedge shook his head. "I am sorry, but you're now a security risk. Until we figure this out, you're indefinitately suspended from this project. Guards, take him away."

The guards grabbed the back of Ballard's wheelchair. They pushed the wheelchair down the hall, and passed Parker who was walking in the opposite direction.

"Hi ya Ballard." Then Parker realized that two Delta team members were leading Ballard away.

"Ballard? What's happening?"

Parker then saw Talmedge leaving the debriefing room, and ran over to catch up with him.


"Hey Talmedge, why were there guards taking Ballard away?"

"Mr. Parker, this is just a security issue that you don't need to be included in."

"Is Ballard coming back?"

"That hasn't been decided yet. Until then, do not worry about the sphere. You'll be debriefed later about Ballard."


Mentnor shook his head. "Ballard? A traitor? It almost seems impossible."

"I know its hard to believe, but we can't deny the obvious."

"I don't think it's obvious." Olga looked around at the group. She wished Parker was attending this meeting because Olga was the only one defending Ballard. "In America, isn't one innocent until proven guilty?"

"But Olga, all the evidence points to Ballard being a traitor."

Ramsey scratched his head. "Why didn't I notice Ballard was doing something suspiciuos?"

"Maybe you were to busy spying on Frank."

"Now that's not my choice."

Just then a soldier came into the room.


"Sir, I am sorry to interupt but I have an urgent message for you." The soldier handed Mentnor an NSA envelope and went back to guarding the door.

"What is it?"

"It's a Nevada state trooper report about the van that was carrying Ballard to the holding facility. Ballard died in an accident."


"The van carrying Ballard couldn't handle one of the curves in the road during this rainstorm.," Olga looked at Frank as he tried to be as emotionless as possible. "Mr. Parker, if you feel like you want to cry it would be perfectly understandable."

"No, its not that. I just don't know how I am supposed to feel. I knew Ballard as a friend, but I am afraid now he's going to be remembered as a traitor. I just wish I could do something."

Olga put her hand on Parker's shoulder. "Backstepping can't fix everything. I don't even think you can get authorization to fix this."

"It almost seems like a death sentance without being convicted."

"I know what you mean Mr. Parker. I don't believe Ballard was a traitor."


Olga slowly stood up. "Mr. Parker, I am going to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Would you like to join me?"

"No thanks. I just want to be by myself."

"I understand."


As Olga walked down the hall, she was thinking about Parker. Parker seemed really depressed. He even refused to join her for a snack, and she asked first!

Just as she was passing by Ballard's office, she heard what sounded like a photocopier or fax machine.

She opened Ballard's door while knocking. "Who's here?"

"Dr. Vulkavich!...." Ben Jacobs turned around. "I was...uh...just looking for Ballard's research notes."

"They're right here by the fax machine." She picked the stack of papers up, and noticed the fax machine was on.

"Are you sending something?" Ben just stood quietly. Olga started to reach for the office phone. "I am calling security."

Ben pulled out a gun. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"What's going on?"

"Isn't it obvious? I am filling in for Ballard."

"Who did you just fax?"

"Just a friend overseas." Ben began moving toward Olga.

"Why are you doing this?"

"For power. You see, there is one thing your pretty little mind doesn't seem to understand." Ben began to rub the barrel of the gun back and forth along Olga's neck as he stood behind her. "The sphere is a remarkable advancement. With it, I can control the past. By controlling the past, I control the present. And by controlling the present, I control the future." Ben then pressed the barrel of the gun tightly against Olga's neck. "I will control the sphere now that I have a hostage.


Olga knew she had only one chance. She took a deep breath, lifted her right foot, and did a quick backward kick where Ben's ankle would be. Ben yelped and then slammed Olga against the wall of the office. "That was stupid Dr. Vulkavich. Very, very stupid."

Suddenly, the fire alarm went off. "What the...?"

"Hi ya buddy." Parker took a quick right hook as Ben looked around which made Ben unconscious.

"Parker, what made you come?"

"I began kicking myself for turning you down on a date for a change."

"Ballard was framed! Ben Jacobs just faxed somebody Ballard';s notes."

"I pulled the fire alarm in the hall, so help will be coming. They better let me backstep now."


Ballard and Olga Vulkavich were finishing their work on the navigation source code as the siren resonated throughout the base at the return of the sphere to the hanger. Parker jumped out of the sphere and ran to the control room.

"Parker, is something wrong?"

"Ballard, I need to look in your backpack."

Parker took it off Ballard's wheelchair, and dumped everything on the floor. Parker picked up the roll of film.

"Here Olga, give this to Ramsey after we catch Ben Jacobs."

"Ben Jacobs. He's my assistant."

"Well, he wanted more on the other side of the timeline and framed you as a traitor."

"What the heck is going on?"

"Ramsey! I am glad you just got here. Ben Jacobs is passing backstep secrets to foreign agents."

"I just passed Ben running to the entrance."

"He must have heard the siren and knew why I backstepped. We need to catch him."

As Parker and Ramsey ran down the hallway to the rear entrance of the complex, they were stopped by two guards.

"Sorry guys for stopping you, but we have to do surprise searches today."

"Look, we don't have time..."

"Sorry, but I have my orders."

Parker grabbed the soldier by the collar of his uniform and shook him vigorously. "We need to catch..wait a second. Ramsey, look at this." Parker picked up a pocket notebook that fell out of the soldier's pocket.

Ramsey read the page. "This is a confession that Ballard had a roll of 35mm film. But Ballard's signature isn't on there."

Parker shook the soldier some more. "How did you know about the roll of film, huh? Look soldier, you're going to let us pass. I am going to kick Ben's butt for framing Ballard. What's left over I am reserving for you." Parker ran through the metal detector.

Ramsey shrugged. "Soldier, I'll deal with you after Parker. Now get out of my sight! Parker! Wait up!"


"Slow down Parker! This road is wet and slick."

"Don't worry about your car Ramsey. I've got Ben in my sight now."

Parker pushed on the accelerator more and could see the outline of the car between lightning flashes.

"Parker, watch out for that curve!" Ramsey's car tires screeched as they tried to grab the road.

Just as Parker slowed down, Ben's car flew of the edge of the road. As Parker stopped, he could see the car rolling down the mountainside and bursting into flames when it hit the bottom.

"He's dead Parker, he couldn't have survived that hundred foot drop."

"Well, I guess it's all for the best."


As Parker and Ramsey got back into Ramsey's car, a shadow crawled across the road and slowly got back on his feet. "You won this one Parker, but I'll be back. That sphere can't save you forever."

The End