Frank Parker's childhood

by David Lee Richman II

While listening to Bill Clinton on the news today saying there will be no Y2K problem, I was reminded of a story Ballard told me one night while we were discussing transdimension temporal mass displacement. This story was about how Frank Parker used to fib when he was a kid. I thought I'd share it.

Little Frank Parker, like other orphans, had "issues" when he was adopted. His habit was constantly telling stories and exaggerating. In desperation, his adoptive parents decided they'd try sending him off to sunday school. After the class, they asked him what he'd learned.

"Well, I heard about this guy named Moses and his people, and how this army chased them with tanks and guns.", he told them. "The army chased Moses back up against the Red Sea. Then right at the last moment, they found some canoes and escaped.".

Disgusted, his adoptive father said "Now that's not what they told you, is it Frank?"

Frank said "No, but I figured you'd believe that before you'd believe what they told me!".

So remember, Bill Clinton said there will be no Y2K problem. But he didn't define the word "problem." Oh well.
