There are a lot of behind the scenes specials on TV shows, so I imagined what a 7 Days special would be like.


Behind The Backstep

by David Lee Rickman II


(I am sitting in my C++ Basic programming class):

"In order to use the break statement to exit a do-while statement, you must determine the loop continuation..."

(I fall asleep from boredom and begin to dream:

Annnouncer voice: "Tonight on UPN, we go behind the backstep and reveal the #1 show in the universe...7 Days."

(Parker and Ramsey sit together being interview.
Parker begins to speak). Sure we've had bad luck in casting. Heck, during the first half of the second season, Olga was unable to be in the show, so we had to replace her with Molly Ringwald. Luckily nobody ever noticed." "That was a secret you idiot!," Ramsey said hitting Parker.

Announcer voice: 7 Days began October 3, 1998.

Screen reads Agent Frank Parker. N.S.A.:
"There I was sitting in a nut house. Two goons come along and gave me some tests. Little did I know how this would change my life."

Announcer Voice: One of the biggest changes was
meeting Olga Vulkavitch, a Russian scientist who defected in the early 90's. Olga: "I thought Parker was crazy." Announcer: "You thought?" Olga: "O.K. I still think that."

Then there was the reunion with his friend from Desert Storm:

Donavan: "Parker and I have had some great fun at N.N.L. together. Getting drunk, terrorizing Ramsey, putting fire extinguishers on Ballard's wheelchair as a pseudo jet pack. Sometimes we combine those activities together.

Dr. John Ballard: Backstep is my life's work. I hoped that when I retired, I would run for president of the U.S. But after that space station event and CLAIRE shutting down the nuclear weapons, I think I'll stick with backstep.

Talmedge: Parker is...Well, he's not like any other backstepper we've had before. Most of them actually didn't escape from N.N.L.

Announcer: "And there you have it folks. The behind the scenes look at the most popular time travel show on the air today. Going on three seasons strong. This is Leonardo Decaprio, wishing he was a good actor, signing off.