---------------------------------------- Vacation Part 8: Affirmation by Lianne Burwell December 2003 ---------------------------------------- Luke turned to his left and swing his lightsaber, enjoying the quiet hiss as the strangely curved beam sliced through the air. Then he spun around and swung again. In his mind's eye he could see a handsome man with long dark hair pulled back in an ornate clasp going through the same motions, but with a blade of metal rather than light. His face was as serene as a Jedi's. Luke could not remember the man's name or what era he had lived in, but he felt a fondness at his image. Much of the information that had come to him with Corrin's Quickening was like that; the images were still clear, often manifesting as intense dreams, but the details were fading from his mind. He wasn't really disappointed to see them go. He had spent most of the flight back from Sandrica half-comatose as his mortal mind tried to deal with the memories of an immortal who had been more than ten thousand years old. And not just his memories. As Luke tried to sort through them, he had come to realize that it was more than just Corrin's memories, it was the memories of every immortal whose Quickening Corrin had absorbed over the millennia, along with the Quickenings *they* had taken, and so on. He had memories going back to the days when primitive humans had roamed ancient plains, hunting their prey with stone- tipped spears. Thankfully the oldest memories had been the first to fade. They were still there, but they required deep meditation to access. Corrin's memories were easiest, but even they now required concentration. Every so often, something would trigger a particularly vivid memory, but that was rare. Still, it had taken time, so Lando had dropped him off at the Academy with abject apologies to Luke's students before heading to Coruscant to report on what had happened to them to the Senate. The syndicates that ran Sandrica were guilty of attempted genocide, murder of a respected archaeologist and his team, and the attempted kidnapping of a Jedi with the intention of selling him, probably to one of the remnants of the Empire. It was only recently that Luke had finally heard the results of that report; from Leia, not Lando. A delegation would be traveling to Sandrica to investigate their 'claims,' since they had not been able to bring back proof. In fact, they hadn't been able to bring anything back but the clothes on their backs, their ship, and Corrin's lightsaber. Their clothing and purchases still sat in their cabin at the resort, if they hadn't already been destroyed by management. Normally, the idea of a delegation would make him skeptical, since the new Republic had quickly developed an aversion to do anything that might upset non-member planet -- a failing that Corrin remembered from the Old Republic, much to Luke's dismay -- but the delegation was being led by General Ackbar. The reasoning was that a member of an aquatic race would have better luck contacting the surviving natives. Luke knew the Mon Calmari well, and he was not likely to let himself be put off for the sake of diplomacy. He trusted Ackbar to do the right thing. As for Lando, there hadn't been any word of the man since he had left Coruscant, and Luke was beginning to worry. First he had worried that Lando had changed his mind about a relationship with Luke, but he had quickly dismissed those thoughts as unworthy of both of them Lando might be a rogue and something of a rake, but he was not the type to just vanish without a word. That left Luke worried that something had happened to the man; not unthinkable considering the number of enemies they both had. Luke ended his exercise and moved to the edge of the parapet at the top of the pyramid, looking out over the sea of life that was Yavin Four. The green top of the jungle stretched for as far as the eye could see, glowing brightly under the rising sun. Despite his worries, he felt a deep sense of peace filling him, so unlike the day he had stood there before Lando had arrive to drag him off for a vacation that had turned out to be far more eventful than either of them had expected or planned. He reached out to the Force and received a silent reassurance in return. * * * * * Three days later, Luke was in his workshop, trying out the techniques in Corrin's memories for building lightsabers. He had managed to duplicate the curved blade of Corrin's 'saber, although even with the memories to guide him it had taken several tries. Now he was working with an idea Corrin'd had for combining lightsaber technology with an extendable fiber-optic cable to create something that was a cross between a lightsaber and a whip. He wasn't sure what use it would be, but he was curious to see if it could be done. He was tweaking the control chip into place when the door to the room opened and Tionne peaked in. "Master Luke, the supply ship is here," she said, then disappeared again. Luke set aside his tools and rubbed his tired eyes. A glance at the chronometer told him that he had been working for most of the afternoon, which explained why his eyes were burning so much. It did not explain why it was Tionne had come to inform him of a supply ship; surely she could have dealt with it on her own. Maybe it had just been her subtle way of telling him that he needed a break. Now that he was no longer concentrating on his work, his stomach was growling, reminding him that he hadn't stopped for lunch. Considering how often he told his students to listen to their bodies and the limits set by them, he was in danger of failing his own advice. He smiled and shook his head, then left the cluttered workroom. He would go see the pilot, then find some dinner. The sun was setting as he emerged from the building, and he took a deep breath, enjoying the moist, living air. Yavin Four had been chosen as the site of the Jedi Academy because of the former rebel base there, providing an existing base to build on, but he also found the abundant life very soothing through the Force. Compared to Yavin Four, Coruscant felt like a dead planet. It teamed with intelligent life, but other than a few gardens for the elite and vermin in the lower levels, that was all. It was unbalanced. As he approached the landing field, he could hear the sound of his niece squealing. Jaina and Jacen were both visiting. They were almost old enough to come here as permanent students. They already had a good grounding in Jedi techniques and only needed the intensive practice to hone their natural talents. He had high hopes for them when he wasn't fearing for their safety. Their parentage and their birthright had both made them targets more than once. But for now, they were still children, and from the sound of it, very excitable children. His curiosity was piqued at what was making them so loud, so he quickened his step. Coming around the corner, he stopped in his tracks, then grinned. Right. Supply ship. Tionne was definitely developing a strange sense of humor. The 'supply ship' was the Lady Luck, and Jaina was squealing because Lando was swinging her in a wide circle. Jacen was a little more reserved, but he was also grinning at the chance to see his 'Uncle Lando' again. Then Lando saw Luke and set Jaina down with one last hug. "Luke!" Luke stepped forward and let Lando sweep him up into a hug that was as enthusiastic as the one Jaina had received. Over Lando's shoulder, Luke could see the twins sneaking away, giggling to each other. With the children gone, Luke didn't resist when Lando kissed him. He'd been missing that for too many weeks. "So," Lando said, finally breaking the kiss. "How are you feeling?" "Hmm. Kiss me again, I'm not sure," Luke said with a grin. Lando snorted, and squeezed his ass. "I'm serious. Last time I saw you, you were..." "A wreck?" Luke suggested. Then he smiled. "I was overwhelmed by Corrin's memories. I just needed time to absorb them. Everything's back to normal." Lando shook his head. "As if anything about you is normal." Then he frowned. "It's just memories, right? I mean, you're still Luke." Luke grinned and kissed him. "I'm still me," he assured the man. Still, he could understand the slight fear. After all, Callista had been able to gain a second life by taking over the abandoned body of one of his students who hadn't wanted to survive her love's death; a sentiment Luke better understood now. He knew that he would survive Lando's death -- he had too many responsibilities to abandon them -- but the light would go out of his life. * * * * * Lando kept his arm around Luke's waist as they made their way back to the temple. Being away from the man had been hard, and he was reluctant to let go of him before he had to. While he was gone, from time to time he'd almost convinced himself that it had all been a fantasy. Luke had been on the 'out of reach' shelf for so long that he still had trouble believing that the Jedi was actually in love with him. It was too much like a dream. But here he was with Luke pressed up against his side, seeming just as unwilling to be separated. It was a nice feeling, and while he knew their lives meant that they would have to spend time apart, it was a feeling that he intended to experience frequently. "So," Luke said as he led Lando to his private quarters. "What kept you? I was beginning to think that the Lady Luck had broken down in some out of the way system." Lando grinned. That was the perfect opening for his news. "Not exactly. I needed to take care of some business." Luke frowned. "Business?" he asked, suspicion obvious in his posture. "Yep, business. I was in the mood for a change, so I sold one of my companies to my personal assistant." "Really?" "Well, it was inevitable that I was going to lose him. He's much too good at his job. This way, I know that my former employees are going to be protected during the change of ownership, and I know he can do the job." "And you probably didn't charge him the real value of the company." Lando frowned. "How can you suggest that?" he asked, pressing a hand to his chest in mock outrage. Then he grinned. "Actually, no. But the contract gives me a percent of profits for the next ten years." "Ah, of course." "And it gives me enough cash to buy into my new endeavor." Luke's eyebrows went up. "And what new endeavor would that be?" he asked. Lando wanted to milk it out for a little while longer, but he couldn't wait any longer. "A Corusca gem outfit is having difficulties. They needed a new investor, as well as a manager with the business sense to turn things around." "Which one?" Luke asked, although the smile trying to break free told Lando that he'd figured it out. "GemDiver." Luke knew it. "In this system." Lando was grinning now. "That would be the one. I've been checking on them for a few months now. They've got a lot of potential, they just don't know how to tap into it properly. With me in charge, the company should turn a profit within a year, two at the most." The smile was wide enough to almost split Luke's face. Lando was relieved. He hadn't really been worried about his lover's reaction, but he was glad he'd been right. "You know, they've been sharing supply runs with us." Lando shrugged. "Makes sense. Two outfits in one system? Why pay extra for two ships to haul along the same route?" "And the former owner visited regularly." "Have to be social," Lando agreed as Luke opened the door to his rooms. Lando followed him in, then kicked tapped the lock button as soon as the door closed behind them. "Do you plan to be social?" Luke asked, one eyebrow going up. Lando took it as an invitation. He grabbed Luke's wrist and pulled him closer until they were pressed against each other, chest to chest. "Oh, I plan to be extremely social," he purred, easing them towards the bed. He nipped at Luke's ear. "Very social indeed. Good neighbors and all." "Hmmm," Luke groaned, letting his head tip back. "I don't remember the last owner being *this* social." Lando snorted. "I certainly hope not," he said before kissing Luke. Luke shuddered wonderfully in his arms, then kissed back hungrily. Staying away this long had been almost painful, but Lando had wanted to get everything arranged before he told Luke about his change in business plans. A tiny little voice in the back of his mind had been asking, every step of the way, whether Luke would really want him that close, and this was his way of getting around that fear. Present the man with a done deal and he wouldn't have the chance to object. Not that Luke seemed to be objecting. The smile on his face when he saw Lando had been so bright that it was all he could do not to knock the blond to the ground and have him right there at the landing field with the kids watching. But they weren't at the field anymore, and Jaina and Jacen had very wisely made themselves scarce. Then Luke growled, and a moment later Lando found himself flat on his back on the rather hard bed with Luke tugging at his belt buckle. He seemed to be having a little trouble with it, and Lando couldn't help laughing. His eyes went wide, though, when obviously frustrated, Luke grabbed his 'saber and used it to cut the expensive leather accessory. "Hey!" "I'll get you a new one," Luke said, thankfully not using the lightsaber to finish the job of stripping Lando. While Lando trusted his lover, having that glowing blade so close to his bare skin was nerve-wracking. In short order, they were both naked, even though Luke had refused to let him help with the process, and he had an armful of hot-blooded Jedi. It was something he'd been dreaming about since the day he'd dropped Luke off, frantic with worry about the man, but knowing that he owed it to Tronin, Corrin, and the natives of Sandrica to tell the Republic what had happened as quickly as possible. The Senate had been reluctant to act, but Lando had done an end-run around them. The Mon Calmari had been more than willing to speak up on behalf of another aquatic race, since they were very rare. As for Tronin, while he'd gotten private funding for his dig, he was still well-know and well-respected in the academic world, and several of the top universities, including on Coruscant, had loudly and publicly demanded an investigation into his death after Lando had contacted them. His friend's death would not go unavenged, even if he had to build his own army to go after the Syndicates. But right now, Luke was moving against him, and there was little room in his mind for thought of anything but that. Lando groaned and grabbed Luke's nicely shaped rear and pulled him even closer so that their erections were rubbing together in a way that had him gasping into Luke's mouth. He parted his legs so that Luke was fall between them and canted his hips in an obvious invitation. Luke didn't bother to ask if he was sure. He shifted, and Lando felt something stretching him, preparing him, even though both Luke's hand's were clutching at his back. Then Luke was sliding into him and he didn't care. Every touch was good, inside and out. Too good to last very long. The sheet came up to cover them as they lay there in a sweaty, panting heap, and Lando smiled to himself. This was the sort of homecoming he liked. * * * * * Luke woke in darkness, and a quick check of his chrono told him that it was still an hour away from dawn. He turned the lights on to a soft glow, barely enough for him to see his bedmate by. Not enough to wake Lando up. GemDiver. He smiled and shook his head. Only Lando... The station had been bleeding money since before the overthrow of the Empire. Corusca gems were rare and valuable beyond belief, but they were also very difficult and expensive to mine. And yet, somehow he had little doubt that Lando would find a way to make a profit doing it. Luke ran a finger down the side of Lando's face, feeling the lines there that were too faint to see in the dim light. Smile lines, for the most part, but they showed the man's age, even though Lando had yet to start going gray. Luke couldn't say the same. His own once blonde head was slowly shading to silver. It was hard to believe that it had been twenty years since their first meeting. Not that he remembered it well; he'd been delirious and half out of his mind from the pain of his severed hand. Now he couldn't imagine his life without the rogue in it. Interesting how he always seemed attracted to a type. Rebellious princess. Sarcastic smuggler. Cocky fighter pilot. Even Callista showed no interest in conforming to societal norms. He still missed her, and wished her well, wherever she was. He hoped she would find what she was looking for. "Luke? Everything alright?" Luke smiled. "Everything's perfect," he replied softly to the sleepy question. Lando wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close. Luke settled his cheek against the other man's chest, enjoying the soft prickle of the curls there. "Good. 'Bout time we got some perfect," Lando said, then sighed and went back to sleep. It wasn't going to be easy, Luke knew. Both of them had too many duties to be able to spend much time together. But what time they could steal, they would. If he'd learned nothing else since he'd left the farm on Tatooine, a wet behind the ears, overconfident boy, it was that you took what you could, when you could. Corrin's memories had only reinforced that knowledge. But it was nice to now have something to come home too. Someone to hold onto in the night. Luke closed his eyes and enjoyed the closeness until morning came an it was time to deal with the universe again. THE END