My Original Stories

A while ago, I had an idea for a story that just wasn't going to work as fanfiction. I decided to write it anyway, and posted it to the Nifty archive, a home for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and bestiality (I won't go there) stories. I was curious to see what sort of feedback I would get from gay men, and whether they'd be able to tell I was female.

The results were... interesting, to put it mildly.

The Break-In: Okay, I had this idea, but it wouldn't work in any slash fandom I could think of. But I wrote it anyway. Posted to the Nifty Archives (and you would not *believe* some of the LOCs I've gotten!)

Security Guard: A developer working late in the night has an encounter with a security guard. Yes, I work for a software company, and No, none of the security guards look like Craig. Drat.

In The Sauna: After a long week at work, there's nothing better than a workout and a sauna to relax a person. Well, just one thing.

Learning To Have Fun: When a project lead starts to burn out, one of his engineers decides to do something about it.

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