---------------------------------------- Carpe Noctem Book Three Never the Twain Chapter Five by Lianne Burwell August 2001 ---------------------------------------- Khalil woke late the next day. In fact, he woke so late that he realized that he had missed all his classes for the day. For a moment he felt a wave of guilt over that. Despite the fact that his main goal at the moment was to live life like he hadn't been allowed to while living under his parent's thumbs, this was the first time he'd actually missed a class. Getting a degree so that he could get a good job was important to staying *out* of his parent's control. But he quickly shook off the guilt, pointing out to himself that he could easily catch up on any class work. Besides, exams were just around the corner, so most of his summer courses were just recapping anyway. And really, what had happened the night before had been far more important. He stretched out on the stained sheets, reliving the night in his mind. His cock twitched a little, but refused to get hard. He'd been completely drained. She'd been incredible. She had done things to him that he hadn't even thought humanly possible. The things she'd shown him would haunt his dreams for the rest of his life, he was sure. And then, sometime just before dawn, she'd left. He'd been completely limp, but she'd been bursting with energy, humming under her breath as she dressed. Then she'd kissed him one last time before leaving, setting the apartment door to lock behind herself. Khalil pulled himself out of bed and staggered down the short hallway to the bathroom. His reflection spoke eloquently of how exhausting the previous night had been. His face was pale under the beard stubble and his eyes were bloodshot. The skin surrounding them looked almost bruised. Real bruises ringed his throat and dotted what he could see of his chest in the mirror, marking all the places she'd sucked and bitten. He looked like hell. He felt fantastic. Completely devoid of energy, but fantastic. He grinned at his reflection. No longer would the stigma of virginity be attached to him. He was now a *man*. His only regret was that she'd refused to tell him her name. How could he properly immortalize her? And more importantly, how could he find her again? A hot shower and a meal later, he was feeling human again. He also had a plan of action. As soon as the clubs opened, he would go back to the club that evening; the club where he'd met his exotic temptress. Maybe she would be there again. Maybe she would do all those wonderful things to him again. Until then, he might not know her name, but her image still glowed brightly in his mind. He pulled out the leather-bound journal his mother had given him for his poetry and opened it to the first blank page, then picked up his pen and began to write. >>>~~~<<< Sunset found Jackie preparing for the night, getting ready to prowl. A pair of tight, black leather shorts and a black tank top two sizes too small, with a loose silver mesh shirt over them, and spike-heeled boots built the look of a typical young woman on the make. She wouldn't go unnoticed, not with *her* assets, but she wouldn't stand out in the clubs. She was hunting. She grinned and let a hint of her true nature show through. A gleam of silver to the eyes and teeth slightly sharper than the norm. It was just enough to make a human nervous without being sure *why* they were nervous. She giggled, then dampened it down. Playing with humans was fun - - LiAnn had been a blast before she'd found out about the Kindred, so easy to make all antsy -- but she didn't want to scare them away tonight. Kind of difficult to pump them for info if they didn't want to be anywhere near you. After one last check in the mirror to make sure that running *away* was the last thing anyone was going to be doing, Jackie grabbed her tiny purse, barely large enough to hold LiAnn's photo and some money, and headed for the door. The cab driver gave her an appreciative look as she slid into the back seat and directed him to the club that Jack Murphy had been seen at his last night. She grinned: Maybe she'd get to do some hunting of a *different* sort that night as well. >>>~~~<<< Mac woke in gradual stages, buoyed by a bone-deep feeling of satisfaction. He felt so good that he didn't even *want* to wake up. He rolled over and pulled the covers up over his head. Unfortunately, his lover had different ideas. The blankets were torn off the bed, exposing him to a cold, cruel and way too bright world. This was made up for by a mug of warm, fragrant blood held out to him as he reluctantly sat up, though. He snatched it out of the man's hands, unable to restrain a growl. He was starving for some reason, and the beast was rattling its chains. He finished the mug in about three gulps, calming the beast slightly, but not satiating it completely. A second mug was handed to him, and this time he took his time to savor the flavor. In a way, he still missed the pleasure of drinking his favorite Chinese beer, as well as the taste of proper Hong Kong cuisine, but he couldn't remember them ever tasting as satisfying as this, sick as that might sound. He set the second mug down on the bedside table, next to the first, with a satisfied sigh. The beast was purring deep inside. The he stiffened. Now that the hunger was out of the way, he remembered just *why* he'd been so ravenous. He hadn't eaten before sleeping because he'd... He looked up at Vic. The man was standing in the bedroom doorway, leaning against the frame wearing nothing but a pair of ratty old jeans. His bare chest still showed the marks of frenzied -- and violent -- sex, especially the deep bite marks on his shoulder, and considering how fast the Kindred healed, that said a lot. "Oh, boy." Vic's lips twitched, but his expression didn't change. "About this morning..." Mac tried again, then floundered. His stomach clenched, and for a moment he was sure that his meal was going to come right back up again. "Are you mad?" he finally asked. Silence. Mac shut his eyes with a groan, wondering if he'd managed to screw things up so badly that Vic might reconsider Cash's offer. The moment he wasn't looking at Vic anymore, he was tackled. The only warning he had was a slight breeze as the man moved. In a flash, he was pinned to the mattress. Vic was staring down at him through eyes that were completely inhuman now. There was no trace of the original green color left. Instead, his eyes were silver, with pupils that had narrowed to thin cat-like slits. His lips pulled back in a feral expression that exposed fully extended fangs. Mac froze, afraid of his partner for the first time he could remember. Then Vic's fangs were sinking into his completely unprepared neck. Mac gasped at the flash of pain, then was distracted by Vic's hips grinding against his groin. The feel of the denim covered zipper rubbing against his cock was painful, but he was also getting hard. With a bit of struggle, he was able to get his arms free, but instead of pushing Vic away, he found himself pulling the man even closer. It was all too intense to last. Mac's back arched so hard that he felt like it was going to snap and came all over the front of Vic's jeans. He collapsed back onto the mattress, a limp, sticky mess. Vic was licking at the sluggishly bleeding gash in his neck. Then Vic lifted his head. The fangs were hidden and his eyes were green again. The only hints of his other nature were the still slightly narrow pupils and the smear of blood at the corner of his now smiling mouth. "Are *you* mad?" Vic asked, speaking for the first time since Mac had woken up. "Huh?" "For this." Vic gestured down at their post-sex state. Mac stared up at him in disbelief. "Are you kidding? It was... incredible! I've never been into the rough stuff, but this..." His paused, trying to find the words. "Then that should answer *your* question. Just don't do it *too* often." It took Mac a moment to figure out what he meant. Vic rolled off of him and stood up, scratching at the crotch of his jeans. The fabric looked to be soaked from both sides. Obviously, he wasn't the only one who had gotten off -- literally -- on Vic's idea of an explanation. "Come on," the man said, swatting Mac's leg. "We've got a ton of work to do, and the night won't last forever." He stripped the jeans off, showing that he wasn't wearing anything underneath and confirming that he *had* come in them. He headed for the door to the bathroom, then stopped and looked over his shoulder at Mac who was fascinated by the movement of his ass. "Wash my back?" he suggested. A minute earlier, Mac would have said that he couldn't move to save his own life. Now he couldn't move fast enough to suit himself. >>>~~~<<< The shower ended up being very long, leaving Mac feeling completely refreshed. He'd ended up washing Vic's back, as well as every other part of his body, and had the favor returned. Neither one of them was up to a second round so soon, but he could feel Vic's blood humming through his veins, and knew that the other man felt the same. The sense of connection was almost as good as sex. Then they dressed quickly, had a second meal, and got on their way. Unfortunately, his high spirits didn't last. Vic was whistling along with the radio as he drove, one of those old-fashioned blues songs he loved to listen to, while Mac tried to hold off the doubts he'd been having earlier. It wasn't easy, though, and Mac hated it. He'd never thought himself this... needy. After several minutes of this, Vic suddenly swerved out of traffic, ignoring a few irritated honks, and stopped on the side of the road, only five minutes away from the Agency. "All right, enough already," he snapped. "What is your problem?" Mac stared at him in shock, completely thrown off guard by the sudden stop. "Huh?" "You've been brooding ever since you saw Cash last night, and I want to know what's wrong. Talk." "Or what?" Mac shot back. Vic shrugged. "Or don't." He sighed. "I can't force you to tell me what's wrong, but can't you trust me?" "Of course I trust you!" Vic just stared at him. Mac slumped back against the headrest. "It's stupid," he muttered to himself. "So what else is new?" The obvious humor and concern took the sting out of the words. "Is it LiAnn?" Mac almost took the convenient excuse, but couldn't bring himself to do it. "No, you were right. She can take care of herself. And she knows the country. It's not like she'd stand out like we would." "So what then? Mac..." Vic's voice trailed off as he gave Mac his best 'I'm worried' look. It was pretty obvious what Vic was doing: He was trying to guilt Mac into telling him what was wrong. Even worse, it was working. "Cash left Julian," he finally said. "So?" Mac fidgeted, feeling a little foolish. He knew his feelings were silly, and he didn't want to have to put them into words. Thankfully, Vic quickly put two and two together. He bounced his forehead against the steering wheel for a moment. Then he sat up straight, in perfect control. "Mac, I wish I could say that I'll never leave you, but we both know how foolish those sorts of promises can be. But I have no intention of going anywhere, not if I have any say in it." "Yeah, but Cash talked like getting the urge to pull up stakes and leave was normal for Gangrels." "Well, yeah. At least that's what Moira said. But are you saying that you wouldn't come with me when it happens?" For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Mac's eyes went wide as he realized that there was a possibility that he hadn't considered. "Do you think *she'd* agree?" he asked. "Who the fuck cares?" Vic shot back with a snarl. Then he sighed. "I let her stop me from leaving this time by hanging onto you, but I didn't really *want* to go, at least not yet," he said a little more calmly. "Listen, there's no guarantees for either of us. Either one of us could end up permanently dead, tomorrow or next year. Or you could decide that you don't want to be with me anymore. But I promise you this: If I ever *need* to leave, and we're still together, you're coming with me." Then his expression turned impish. "Even if I have to bash you over the head and pack you in my luggage. Got it?" Mac laughed at the mental image. "Got it," he agreed, feeling relieved. "Good." Vic released the brake and pulled the car back into traffic. "Of course, if we don't do our job we won't have to worry about it, because the Director will kill us herself." >>>~~~<<< The Karnak was the latest in a long stream of themed dance clubs to occupy the old brick building at the center of the nightlife district of downtown Toronto. It had originally been built as a warehouse, but back in the days when even warehouses were designed to have appealing exteriors. Old-fashioned but nice was Jackie's verdict as she paid the cabbie. She resisted the urge to slap the old letch when he openly looked down her front as she leaned over. Yep, old-fashioned. If you ignored the neon pyramid on the roof and the patching neon sign -- complete with palm trees -- on the front of the building, of course. Inside, the theme was carried over in everything. The floor was a glittery gold, obviously intended to look like sand. There were a couple really fake looking sarcophagi in the corners to add ambiance and the wall behind the bar was painted with a huge mural of camels and sand dunes and pyramids. It, at least, wasn't half-bad. Jackie squeezed in close to the bar. The shooters all had cheesy names, so she settled with asking for a glass of white wine. It wasn't cheap, and she tipped heavily to soften the bartender up before pulling out LiAnn's picture and asking if he'd seen her. He looked at the picture for a moment, then handed it back, shaking his head. "Nope. Haven't seen her around," he said, quite definitively. "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm sure," he said sarcastically. "Look, in this line of work, you learn to recognize faces. Trust me, I'd remember *that* face." He frowned suddenly. "But there was a kid, maybe a week ago. Had a piece of paper with a painting, of all things, on it. Looked like her. He was asking the same question. Said he'd met her here. Couldn't help him either." "Do you remember his name?" Jackie asked, although she was pretty sure who it had been. "Nah. He drank Molson Extra. I remember the faces and the drinks. It's all I need to know about them." "Well then, what did he look like?" "Maybe twenty, freckled. Five foot nine. Skinny. Purple hair with glitter on the ends. Haven't seen him in a while. 'Scuse me, gotta get back to work." He was at the other end of the bar mixing drinks for impatient customers before Jackie could point out that Jack Murphy wasn't going to be back ever. It was a little strange that he didn't know about it, since the police would have talked to everyone in the place after Murphy died. Maybe he hadn't been working that night. Still, it was strange. Jackie tucked the picture back in her purse, then picked up her wineglass and moved away from the bar, trying to avoid having it spilled down her front by a stray elbow. Almost as if by magic, a path opened up, leading to one of those tiny bar tables that you had to stand up at. It was miraculously empty, so she grabbed it before anyone else could. She leaned against the table and sipped her wine. The bar was elevated above the dance floor, so she had a good view looking out over the sea of gyrating bodies as she considered her next move. Did she go looking for friends of Jack Murphy, looking for the story of the woman he had been hunting for, or did she keep asking about LiAnn? And for that matter, what did she tell her boss? She now had one person who had seen vic #5 with her before his death, and another who said that the vic had been looking for her after that. It was a little strange that the kid had had a painting instead of a photo, though. "Hello. All alone?" Jackie looked up, ready with the brush-off, then stopped in surprise. It was Mister 'Tall, Dark and Handsome' from the other night and another club. He grinned at her expression, his teeth a brilliant white against dusky skin. "I told you I'd see you again," he said. "I'm usually right. So, interested in that rain check yet?" Alarm bells were going off in her head: How had he known where to find her? Stalker, coincidence or one of those damned Vampire Hunters were possibilities that quickly occurred to her. And yet there was something about his eyes... All of a sudden, she decided to throw caution to the winds and just enjoy herself. She tossed back the last of her wine, then stepped away from the table. "Why not? But first, I'm in the mood to dance." She held out her hand and he took it, bowing slightly at the waist, his eyes never leaving hers. They were very expressive eyes, almost seeming to be laughing. "If you wish to dance, then so be it." >>>~~~<<< Mac was seeming more like his old cheerful self by the time they got out of the car, but Vic still watched him carefully. Even after several years of working together, he'd never really seen just how deep Mac's insecurities went; the younger man did too good a job covering them up with juvenile humor and brash behavior. Part of him was angry that his partner had been so willing to believe that he would just walk away from him like that, without a second thought. Luckily, he'd been able to hang onto his temper long enough for logic to kick in. After all, hadn't Mac's father done just that? And in a way, so had LiAnn. As for the Tangs, they had pushed him to the breaking point, then turned their backs on him. When put that way, Vic's jealousy of seeing Mac hugging a man he'd spent just one night with seemed pretty petty. It wasn't as if Cash was going to take Mac away from him or anything. The Director was nowhere to be found. Neither was Dobrinsky, much to Mac's relief and Vic's suspicion. It was like they were being avoided for some reason. However, there *was* a packet on the boardroom table addressed to the two of them. Inside was all the documentation they needed for their nonexistent detective agency. Licenses to investigate, licenses to carry weapons, even a history. Vic would bet money that if he opened up a phonebook, he would find Mansfield and Ramsey Investigations listed. Hell, they probably even had a web-site. Never let it be said that the Agency did a sloppy job. That taken care of, they continued on to the next item on their list of things not done the night before; checking to see if forensics got anything useful off of Corinne Hamilton's computer. "Sorry guys," the man said. "Nothing even slightly interesting for you in the girl's files. A lot of homework assignments, personal email, that sort of stuff. No diary, and the email doesn't mention her meeting anyone new. Gotta say, though, this girl was seriously kinky. You should see some of the mailing lists she's on." Before Vic could ask, he was handed a several page printout listing those mailing lists and their members. Maybe the other victims were on the same lists, although he doubted it. Still, it was worth a try. "We also found a web-site in her name. Nothing there. Some scans of her artwork, the usual junk about her favorite bands and what she's reading. No hidden files, and it hadn't been updated since March." In other words, a dead end. "Thanks, Kyle," Vic said. He hadn't expected much, so he wasn't too disappointed. The police experts would have gone over the machine with a fine-toothed comb already. On the other hand, they had missed the portraits, so it had been worth a try. Next stop was records. The place was dead silent. "Nathan!" Vic hollered when the nervous little man didn't appear immediately. "Nathan's not here. Dobrinsky said he needed him for something." "I'll bet," Mac said with a smirk. Vic was just trying not to picture what that something might involve. Then he took a closer look at the attractive blonde who had spoken. "Careena?" he said in disbelief. "Hey, Vic. Long time no see." She shifted the large pile of file folder she was holding and nearly lost the top half. Vic moved to help her, but Mac beat him to it. "Thanks," she said, directing him towards the table. "Who's your new friend, Vic?" "Oh, sorry. You two never met, did you? Careena, this is my partner, Mac. Mac, Careena. She headed this department before Nathan." "Pleased to meet you," Mac said, holding out his hand. They shook, each eyeing the other. Vic wasn't sure what they were looking for, but Careena, at least, seemed satisfied. Mac's expression was perfectly blank. "Partner?" Careena said, turning back to Vic. "What happened to LiAnn?" "Don't you know?" Vic teased. "I thought that the people in records knew everything." "Well, considering I just got back from Tierra del Fuego, I'm a little behind in the gossip." "Tierra del Fuego?" Mac said in disbelief. "What did you do to piss off the Director?" She shrugged. "I haven't a clue, but it must have been big. Actually, it wasn't too bad. The place *was* beautiful, if a little cold in the winter. But boring as hell. So, what's the scoop?" "Not much to say," Vic told her. "The Director recruited Mac and assigned him to work with me and LiAnn, since he'd worked with her back before they joined the Agency. LiAnn had a bad experience a few months ago and was sent home to China to recover, so it's just the two of us now." "You and LiAnn still an item?" "Uh, no, not for a couple years now. Why?" "Great! I know this nice little restaurant, great music. How about dinner tomorrow night, my treat? I'll show you my vacation pictures," she added suggestively. Vic froze. He and Careena had flirted, back before she'd been shipped off, but it had never really been serious since he'd been with LiAnn. Sure, she was attractive, but he'd never expected any real response. For a moment he could hear Nikki saying 'Forget it, she's not your type.' "Forget it," Mac said, all ice, echoing Nikki. "He's not available." "Oh, really?" Careena said, looking Mac up and down as he stepped closer to Vic. "Really," Vic confirmed, breaking in before there was any bloodshed. "So, do you have anything related to our case?" he asked, trying to change the subject to something a little less dangerous. Mac was staring daggers at Careena, while she just looked amused. "Actually, I do," she said, all business now. She started flipping open the file folders she'd placed on the table. "I took a walk through as many police databases, North American and Interpol, as I could get to, looking to see if there were any cases similar to yours. I hit paydirt. Vic sat down and picked up the first folder, scanning the information quickly. "Three deaths in Victoria," she continued. "Two in Vancouver, two more in Calgary. There was even one in Saskatoon, of all places. All with the same MO, all unsolved. I printed out everything about the cases that I could get at. I'm still searching, so there may be more. Have fun, guys." Ignoring Mac's growl, she brushed past Vic, unnecessarily close, as she left the room. Mac picked up one of the other folders and started reading, pointedly not looking at Vic. He found it kind of amusing. "Mac?" Vic said, looking up from the page in front of him. A soft grunt was the only reply he got. "She's not my type." Mac still didn't say anything, but at least he was smiling. Vic turned his attention back to the file, still hearing Nikki's voice in his head. 'Strippers, unwed mothers, any girl in trouble. It's the old wounded bird syndrome.' And, thank God, Mac. END CHAPTER FIVE