-------------------------- Mind Games by Lianne Burwell May 2004 -------------------------- "I'm heading out," Nigel said heading out the door at the end of his shift. Usually his shift was planned to match up with Nigel's but with Macy taking a little longer to recover from the e-coli infection that had nearly killed him, that was a luxury they couldn't afford for the moment. "Later," he said, still peering into his microscope. "Goodnight, Peter," the man added, as he passed Dr. Winslow on his way out the door. Bug didn't usually mind the graveyard shift. Usually it was quiet; but short-handed as they were, there far too much work and not enough hands. He was currently hunched over his microscope following up on a d.b. from earlier in the evening, and hoping not to be disturbed. "Hey, uh... Bug?" Bug rolled his eyes then, looked up. Dr. Winslow, the only other person in the office with him, since Jordan was out on a case, was hovering in the doorway. Winslow had also been struck by the e-coli strain that had killed Elaine and a security guard, and nearly killed Macy, but being a young man, he had recovered faster, and was now officially on the job. "Yes, Peter?" he said as patiently as he could. He still wasn't sure how he felt about the man, but right at that moment, he found him intensely annoying. "Is he... Nigel... I mean..." Winslow stuttered to a stop. "Is he what?" he said, hoping that the man would go away and let him get back to work. He had a feeling he knew what the question was; it was one asked by outsiders on a regular basis. "You know, um..." Winslow made some vague gestures with his hands that Bug found both amusing and irritating. He raised an eyebrow. "Gay?" he suggested, deadpan. "You could just ask him." "No! I mean, that's okay, it doesn't really matter. It's just... I just wanted to make sure that I didn't say something... you know... Never mind." Bug turned back to his microscope to cover up his smile. The young man was practically stuttering with embarrassment. Strangely, it was the most endearing he'd ever seen the man. "Um.. I guess... I'll leave you alone, now," "Peter?" Bug called out as Winslow turned to leave. "Yeah." "I'll let him know you're interested." Winslow gaped like a fish out of water, and turned bright red. "Hello?" Bug looked up at the new voice. Nigel was standing behind Winslow, a puzzled expression on his face. "I thought you left." "I forgot something." Winslow squeaked, and fled down the hallway to the lab where his own desk was set up. Nigel watched him go. "Why do I get the feeling I missed something?" Bug shrugged. "Are you playing mind games with the new boy?" Nigel said with a smirk. "Now, would I do that?" Nigel shook his head. "What did you do to the poor boy?" he asked, heading over to his desk. He opened the top drawer and pulled out a paperback. He slipped it into his pocket and turned back to the door. Bug grinned. "I'll tell you when I get home." THE END