-------------------------------------- Kicking and Screaming by Lianne Burwell April 2004 -------------------------------------- Dick perched on the edge of the roof parapet, staring out of the night lights of New York. Out there people were loving, loving, hating, dying, but here he was above it all. Separate from it all. Untouched by it. So why the hell did it hurt so much? What had he been thinking? How had he let Roy talk him into doing this again? After Joseph... and then Donna... After what had happened in the past, he had sworn off teams. You cared too much about your teammates. You bled when they bled. And when they died... It was even worse when you loved them. Donna had been one of his dearest friends since the very first Titans had come together, and Joseph... Well, Joseph had been special. Roy didn't know how special. Joseph had spent nights pulling Dick out of the shell he had tried to retreat into after Kory's marriage. He'd been so good to Dick. And then he'd gone insane. And died. They always died. But this time would be different, Roy had told him. These were strangers. You don't know them. You won't care. You'll be like the CEO of a company, directing employees, not getting involved in their day to day lives. Train them, then send them out into the world on their own. Bastard. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that if you keep scowling like that, your face will freeze that way?" "Bastard." Roy paused at the roof exit, a confused expression on his face, then grinned. "Not this boy," he said. "My parents were very definitely married when I was conceived *and* when I was born." "That's not what I meant and you know it," Dick muttered to himself, then set to ignoring the other man. Unfortunately, Roy had never been much good at taking a hint. He stomped over to where Dick was and sat down next to him with a sigh. He leaned the cane he was using against the parapet, then looked down at his hands. He was pale and sweating, and Dick was tempted to yell at him for getting out of bed before he was supposed to, but he was ignoring the man so he didn't. "I didn't plan on getting shot." Dirk snorted. "We never do," he said in spite of himself. "And I certainly didn't do it to upset you." That, he didn't bother to dignify with an answer. Roy fell thankfully silent for a minute, but showed no signs of going back inside. Where he belonged. Damnit, he'd been shot. Several times. In the chest. He should be in bed recovering, not out on a cold, windy rooftop. Better yet, he should be getting out of the superhero business altogether. He had a daughter to worry about. Risking his life on a daily basis was a stupid career choice. "Maybe, but it's my choice." Dick felt a flash of guilt. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. However the words couldn't be called back and he wasn't going to lie to his old friend by saying that he didn't mean them. "Why don't you get out of the business?" he finally asked. "Lian would appreciate it, and it's not like you couldn't find work in any number of fields." Roy was giving him the eye. Even when he'd been barely in his teens, that had never been a good thing. "I could say the same of you." "I don't have a kid to raise." "So." Dick looked back out over the city. Somewhere out there, a robbery was happening. A mugging. A rape. He itched to be out there stopping it, and not just to get away from this conversation. He was a cop in his other life, and he knew that the police also worked to stop those crimes, but there were times when wearing a mask, being outside the rules, meant that you could do the job more effectively. And it gave him a satisfaction that he didn't feel as a police officer or as Bruce Wayne's heir apparent. "That's why I do it too," Roy said. Dick was starting to get very uncomfortable at how much was coming out of his mouth without him realizing it. "I'm making the world a safer place for Lian. It's a job that needs doing by the people who can do it best. And we do it because we care." "Caring hurts," Dick whispered. There was a sharp pain in his hand, and he forced himself to relax hands that had clenched into fists. There was a small trickle of blood, and he wiped it on the leg of his jeans. Roy turned and hugged him awkwardly. "I loved her too. But refusing to care isn't going to make it any better, and going it alone isn't going to make you care any less. Tell me, how would you have felt if you heard I'd been shot and you *hadn't* been here?" Dick flinched. "Exactly. The only way to get away from it is to shut off your feelings completely, and that is what makes a psychopath. Besides, do you really want to become just like Mr. Pointy Ears?" "Roy..." Dick tried to move away, but Roy hung on, and Dick wasn't willing to hurt the man just to get away from a hug. Damn, why wouldn't they let him go. Roy, Wally, Joseph... Thankfully, he doubted that Roy was going to use the same methods that Joseph had. He'd probably turn as red as his hair if Dick suggested it. But it didn't make his plea any less effective. "And I'll be damned if I'm going let you pull away, because finding out that you got yourself killed some night in Bludhaven working without any backup would kill me," Roy said hotly, leaning his forehead against Dick's. "I've lost too many people I cared about to chance losing another." "And that's why you dragged me into your Outsiders?" Roy pulled back slightly so that Dick could see the wry twist to his mouth. "Well, that and the fact that you're a damned good team leader. And team player, unlike your mentor." Dick shook his head. "What is it with you people? First Wally put the Titans back together again so that I won't be alone, then you practically draft me for your Outsiders for pretty much the same reason." Roy laughed. "Because, short pants, we love you." There were days when Dick thought 'love' was a dirty word. Still, if he was honest, he wouldn't have traded his days.. or nights... with any of them, not even to avoid the pain that came later. "You're insane." "And don't you forget it." Dick sighed. "And I'm staying," he finally admitted, even though he'd never actually said that he was considering leaving the team. They both had known it. "You're damned right, you are. I put too much effort in getting you there to just let you walk out. You've been a bad boy, Mr. Grayson, making me worry, though," he added, slowly getting to his feet. Dick moved to help him, and surprisingly, Roy didn't rebuff the attempt. Dick froze as he reached for Roy's cane, eyeing him suspiciously. "Shit, that's why you brought in Helena to replace you, isn't it. You're punishing me." Roy's grin was pure mischief. "Now, would I do that?" Dick just groaned. Bastard THE END