snippit #5
By heidi

Fandom: Sentinel
Jim and Blair are on vacation (your choice of  location). Start with the following dialogue:
"Whoa, man did you get a look at that?"
"Come on, Chief. I thought you'd left that  attitude back home."
Time: 15 minutes


"Whoa, man did you get a look at that?"

"Come on, Chief. I thought you'd left that attitude back home."

"Moi?  You must be kidding, right?  I am a young, virile man in his prime."

"You are also taken."

"Well yeah.  But Jim - look at her.  She's... she's..."

"Wearing hardly anything.  I saw, Chief."

"Come on.  We are in Hawaii, on vacation, taking in the rays at the beach.  You're surfing, I'm sight seeing."

Jim rolled his eyes.  Picking up his board, he headed for the waves, leaving an over ogling Blair on the beach.

20 minutes later, Jim returned to Blair, who was still watching all the barely covered girls walking on the beach.

"What will your SO ever say over your behavior?"

"My SO," giving Jim a meaningful look, "is a very understanding person, who knows I'm madly in love but can still enjoys the scenery walking around."

Jim grunted.  "Well, don't get whiplash from all the looking.  You're starting to look like you're at a tennis match."

Blair grinned at him before returning to his afternoon's activity.  Jim lay down beside him, stretching out on the towel.  Without thought, Blair reached over, picked up the suntan lotion, and began spreading it over Jim's back, never taking his eyes off the women.

"You got that spot, Chief.  Care to spread some on the rest of my back?"

Blair smirked at him, then watched what he was doing, getting the entire area of Jim's back.  Finishing, he returned the bottle to the bag, and started watching the women again.

"Oh, oh, Jim.  Look at this one.  Isn't that illegal, or something?"

Jim lifted his head enough to see what Blair was talking about.  Walking towards them was a woman who was probably a size 36 z, wearing a bikini designed for a 35 b.  Yet, it still covered the nipples, so technically, it was legal.

"Nope.  Looks legal to me.  And painful."  Giving a visible shiver.

"But wouldn't you like to put your hands on them?"

"Nope, Chief."

Blair raised an eyebrow, clearly showing his doubt, but maintained eye contact with the items walking towards them.

"And Blair?  If you know what's good for you, you don't want to touch them either."

Getting a mischievous grin on his face, Blair looked at Jim.  "And why not?"

"Because I happen to be very close to your SO."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really.  Very close.  You might even say we think alike.  Are of one mind.  Share the same body."

"Ah.  But still..."

Jim glared for the first time in the afternoon, even though it was mocking, causing Blair to break out in laughter.

"You're right, man.  I wouldn't be interested in her.  She's got all the wrong parts."

"Thought you would see it my way."  Jim smiled at him, laying his head back down on his arms, as Blair continued with his sightseeing.

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