If Wishes Were Horses...
08 Mar 2000

    Hutch curled up behind his lover as he lay on the bed, doing his best to cover every inch of skin possible. Sadness poured off of Starsky like a hurt, living thing and Hutch helped the only way he knew how--by asking no questions, by simply being there. He hummed tunelessly into his lover's ear, a low, soft sound that said over and over in their secret language, "I'm here. I'm here. I'm here." He breathed when Starsky breathed, and held on tightly when Starsky began to cry...


Then Beggers Would Ride
09 Mar 2000

    Starsky turned into his lover's embrace, secure in the knowledge that no matter what else happened in his life, this calm strength, this pillar of warmth and unquestioning love would always be here for him. He breathed when Hutch breathed, listening to the soft, tuneless hum that said, "I love you. I love you. I love you." Burrowing into the chest and arms of the man who would always stand between himself and whatever the world couldthrow at him, Starsky feel asleep, knowing his wall of Hutch would be there to support him when he awoke.

From Mysti:
    Just expressing something my muse felt like sharing with me, so I thought I'd share it with you. Who wouldn't kill for a partner that does for her what Hutch and Starsky do for each other?

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