The Only Girl

Fandom: Supernatural


Year/Length: 2007/~118 words

Pairing: Dean/Imapala

Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit, only having fun.


Dean Winchester lost his heart a long time ago, and he doesn't think he'll ever get it back again. If anyone asks about his choice of adored one, he tells them, “She's perfect. She loves to travel; she's got a gorgeous body, and she'll do anything for me. And okay, she's some older than me, but she's the best."

He may fool around with the frisky women he meets on the road, but anyone who knows him will tell you that they're only temporary, because when Dean gives his heart, it's forever. So the girls come and they go, and Dean slakes his temporary urges with him and then he's gone, off with his best girl, his car.

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