Title: Claiming Ritual Author/pseudonym: Candy Apple Rating: E Pairings: J/B Status: NEW, complete Date: 6-8-98 Archive: YES Archive author: Candy Apple Series/Sequel: Story 5 in the New Beginnings Series Disclaimers: Pet Fly owns Jim and Blair and the Sentinel concept. The characters belong to them, the story is my idea. :-) Notes: Story #5 in the New Beginnings Series. And yes, they are going to get physical eventually, but it won't be happening in this story. ;-) Summary: Jim and Blair attend their first social occasion since the start of their new relationship. Warnings: Just the usual SPOILERS warning for "Sentinel Too", for whatever that's worth anymore! CLAIMING RITUAL by Candy Apple "You still feeling all right, Chief?" Jim returned to the table with a beer for himself and a tall glass of ice water for Blair. "Oh, man, come on. The doctor never said I couldn't drink." "You've had champagne and a beer. You're not 100% yet. Getting drunk isn't going to make you feel better." Jim settled in at the table and watched the other party guests dancing. The banquet room of the Hillside Inn, one of Cascade's favorite hotels, had been set up with several small tables along the perimeter, leaving a good area open in the middle for dancing. Rafe, the guest of honor at this birthday bash, was showing off his moves to Megan, who seemed to be a more than worthy dance partner. Several other detectives from Major Crimes, as well as several of Rafe's friends and family members, also crowded the dance floor, occupied the tables and milled around, grazing from the buffet table. "So who actually planned this?" Blair asked, resigned to his ice water as Jim opened his beer. "I think throwing him a party was Connor's idea. Brown was her accomplice." "Megan?" Blair watched the couple on the dance floor. "Isn't that interesting?" he commented, grinning and taking another sip of his water. "Okay, Chief, just say it." "What?" Blair feigned innocence. "Okay, so I think Megan's interested. Why else would she suggest a party like this?" "I planned a party for you last year." "Yeah, and look at us now." Blair grinned and flexed his eyebrows. His smile faded a little. "Simon's not happy about us at all. You know that, right?" "Simon knows we've got an uphill road ahead of us. I think he's worried. And he thinks I'm riding some kind of emotional tide from your close call that's fucking up my judgement." "That's what he said?" Blair looked troubled. "Maybe he's right." "Don't ever say that, sweetheart. He couldn't be more wrong." "But you didn't feel this way before it happened. Hell, you wanted me *out of your life* before it happened." "I explained that. I never wanted you *gone*. I didn't know what I wanted. Almost losing you just pointed it out to me. It didn't make me want something I didn't want all along. I just needed a wake up call." "This is how it's always gonna be for you." Blair glanced around the room as most of the other couples migrated to the dance floor to slow dance. "Sitting by yourself at a table in the corner with me." Blair sighed heavily. "If you wanna dance with somebody, it's okay. No reason for you not to have any fun at all tonight. I don't mind." "You're right." Jim stood up, and Blair's face fell immediately. He hadn't expected Jim to take him up on the offer, and the thought of his tall, handsome partner slow-dancing body to body with some woman twisted his chest into a knot that was worse than anything caused by the nerve gas. Jim had disappeared into the crowd, just like that. Blair scanned the room for him, miserable not to find him and yet dreading more *finding* him, and seeing how good he looked paired up with some curvy female draped all over him. Finally, he caught sight of the other man, talking to the DJ who had been providing the dance music. The two men spoke a few words, laughed a little, and the man behind the controls seemed to be searching his repertoire for something specific. He showed something to Jim that got a negative response, and then finally, he came up with something that brought a smile to Ellison's face. Jim nodded and then started making his way through the crowd again. //Great. He probably wanted to hear Santana doing "Black Magic Woman" or something,// Blair thought dismally, gulping a little more water and waiting for the change in music--and Jim's selection of a partner. He was nothing short of stunned that Jim was making his way back to the table, and when the song that was playing faded, Jim reached out a hand toward Blair. "This one's for us, sweetheart." Blair accepted the hand a little hesitantly, and was slightly relieved that the other guests were involved enough in their dancing and chattering that they didn't really pay any attention to another couple joining the dancers. "You mind if I lead?" Jim asked, smiling down at his partner. "I think I'd follow you anywhere right about now," Blair said honestly, his breath catching in his throat as he moved into Jim's arms. They were chest to chest, arms in all the proper dance positions. The hands that were joined soon moved inward until Jim held Blair's hand and arm close to his chest. When Blair finally tuned in to what song was playing, he pulled even closer to Jim, both thrilled at the gesture and a little afraid at the same time of what Jim was doing to himself by claiming his lover publicly. The first strains of "Endless Love" put the slow dancers in motion