Title: BLINDFOLDS Author/pseudonym: Candy Apple Email address: blair_lady@yahoo.com Rating: MAO Pairings: S/H Disclaimers: I don't own the guys and don't wish to infringe on the copyrights of those who do. I'm just letting them have more fun, that's all. No money being made. Trust me on that one. Notes: This story was inspired by a number of threads on VenicePlace, most notably our discussion about the "Blindfold" tag. Thanks to everyone who participated, and for the anecdote about the kid in Duluth, thanks to the person who mentioned a similar incident and sparked the idea in my evil little mind. Summary: A practical joke and its aftermath leads to the removal of some major emotional blindfolds. Warnings: h/c, m/m, injury to an innocent fern... *********************************************************** BLINDFOLDS by Candy Apple Still smiling and shaking his head a little, Starsky ambled slowly over to the front door. Hutch certainly had put on a good show of moaning and thumping around out there. Starsky half expected to see him sprawled melodramatically across the foot of the steps just to enjoy the panicked reaction. He pulled open the door, but the smile and the snappy remark that was forming died on his lips as Hutch's car backed out of the driveway with a slight screech of tires, then headed down the road. Frowning, Starsky walked out on the porch and looked down the steps. A plant he'd had sitting on the far left side of a middle step was overturned, the pot broken. Hutch leaving a plant to die a horrible death on the cement was pretty unusual. Even angry, he'd have most likely ripped Starsky a new one--not left the plant to suffer such a fate. He grabbed a pail from inside the front door which contained some water he'd been using when he scrubbed the kitchen floor and dumped it, heading down the steps to rescue the wounded plant where it lay among clay shards. "Come on, Butch," Starsky said to the beleaguered fern as he maneuvered it into the pail, gathering up as much of the usable dirt as he could. The fern's partner, Sundance, was unharmed a couple steps down. As he turned to go back inside, still puzzled at Hutch's abrupt departure, he noticed something dark on the edge of one of the steps. Setting the fern on the porch in its makeshift home, he went down to examine the spot. It was a small patch of fresh blood. "Oh my God," Starsky muttered, before rushing back up the steps and into the apartment. He tossed the towel he'd had over his shoulder onto the couch, grabbed his car keys and fled out the door. ******** "Of all the stupid, irresponsible, dumbfuck stunts," Hutch muttered angrily as he taped the gauze square over the egg on his forehead. It was a pretty, technicolor specimen, complete with an unsightly scrape and cut across the top of it. Fortunately, it wasn't a large enough or deep enough wound to require stitches, but it sure had bled like a son of a bitch all the way home. He rehearsed a number of stories he could use to explain the injury at work the following day--and none of them, of course, included the truth. He took a couple of aspirin, not sure what throbbed more at the moment--his head from hitting the step or his ass from smacking into that flower pot. He'd been more intimate with Butch the fern than he'd been with his last date. Fortunately, years of experience with jumping, falling, rolling and getting otherwise banged up had saved him from doing something truly stupid, like sticking a limb out to brace himself. Nothing was broken. His head, his ass, and his pride were considerably the worse for wear though. What bothered him more than the physical aches and pains was why Starsky would even think to pull a stunt like that. He knew Hutch's back wasn't exactly perfect anymore, and it was damn dangerous to send a blindfolded person head-first down a flight of steps. //Stupid, stupid, stupid stunt, buddy,// Hutch thought to himself as he pulled out a beer and went to the couch to stretch out, letting the abused and bruised spots relish the softness of the cushions. He'd call Starsky later, if the other man didn't call him first, which he was fully expecting any minute, given his abrupt departure. //Read him the riot act and then collect on what will be a debt good for at least a month of first choice of take-out joints.// ******** "Hutch?!" The panicked voice cut through the delicious slumber Hutch had slipped into on the couch, and before he could get up, the key was turning in the door, and then Starsky was through it, rushing over to the couch. "Hutch? Are you okay, babe? There was blood on the step and...how bad is it? Did you go to the hospital?" Starsky landed on the couch next to his now-sitting partner and pushed the fine blond hair back from the gauze patch. "Does it hurt?" "I'm bruised but I'm all right, it doesn't need stitches, I didn't go to the hospital, and yes, it hurts, you moron. Slamming your head into the edge of a wood step tends to be a little uncomfortable. Now will you quit fussing with that?" Hutch batted Starsky's probing fingers away from the bandage. "Aw, God, Hutch, I'm sorry. I never even thought about it. I mean, right after I moved in there, I took a header down those steps and the worst thing that happened was me introducin' the neighbors to a whole new street vocabulary on the way down. Besides, I didn't think you'd fall--I guess...I guess I just didn't think too much about it." "You know, people have been killed falling down flights of stairs, Starsky," Hutch admonished, getting up and walking out toward the kitchen area, checking one of his plants for dryness. "Oh, sure, I suppose takin' a header down a big flight of steps--" "A few steps are enough, Starsk. You go down the wrong way..." Hutch shrugged, putting an intentionally ominous tone in his voice, filling his watering can in the sink. "Back in Duluth, this family up the street? Their son tripped and fell down the front steps." "This was a big event back home?" Starsky teased, smiling a little. "He broke his neck and died right on their front sidewalk." Hutch continued watering his plants, keeping his back to Starsky. "They didn't have as many steps as you do--it was just off a regular front porch, not an upstairs level like your place." Hutch squinted at what was either a mite or a fleck of dust on the plant leaf. The silence in the room was almost deafening. //Come up with a response for that one, smart ass,// Hutch thought smugly. Finally, as the silence stretched on, abnormally long and complete, he turned to look at Starsky. The other man still sat on the edge of the couch cushion, his elbows on his knees. His head was lowered, and Hutch frowned as he detected a slight tremor to the shoulders. "Starsk?" he asked softly, setting the watering can aside. The little hitched breathing sounds were coming through now, and the shaking was getting worse. Starsky was crying. "If anything...if you...if something I did..." Starsky gave up on talking and continued to cry while Hutch stared at him, stupefied at his reaction. "Starsk, it was a kid in Duluth who broke his neck, not me," he said, sitting next to his seemingly inconsolable partner. Truth be told, Hutch was still a little prickly and not entirely ready to offer a sympathetic shoulder, but it was hard to be stern in the face of such complete misery. "But it coulda been you!" Starsky protested, looking up at Hutch with wet, desperate eyes. "And then where would that'a left me?" "With a whole lot of explaining to do in Dobey's office on Monday morning," Hutch quipped, smiling, hoping the humor would pull Starsky out of his tears. "It's not funny!" he shot back angrily. "I didn't think so either, but it's not this tragic, pal. I'm still sitting here." "I fell...down the steps...myself...and it...was no big deal. So I wasn't...worried." Starsky swallowed hard and forced his voice to cooperate with talking. "I didn't think you were gonna fall." "Where did you think I was gonna go, Starsk?" Hutch asked with a little laugh in his voice. "I didn't think you were gonna take a piss with a blindfold on!" Starsky retorted, trying to pull himself under control. "Not in the bathroom where I just got done scrubbin' the floor, anyway." "Look, you pulled a stunt that could've ended worse than it did. But it didn't, so let's just forget it." "Hutch, if anything ever happened to you..." Starsky bit his lip and looked away again. "If I *made* it happen...even just you gettin' hurt...I just..." "Hey, buddy, it was a dumb stunt and you apologized." Hutch finally relented and slid an arm around his partner. He wasn't surprised when the gesture was greedily latched onto as an invitation, and two strong arms were around him tightly, Starsky hugging him as if he'd just been pulled from the jaws of death. "You're still shaking, Starsk. God, I never would have mentioned that thing about the kid breaking his neck if I thought you were gonna take it this hard." "But he *died*, Hutch." "Yeah, he died. I didn't. And you didn't mean anything by what you did." "But your back. Damn...I never thought about that...I guess I didn't think you were gonna fall. When you made all'a that noise, I thought you were puttin' on a show for me." "No, I was just putting on a show for some guy walking his dog past the front of the house," Hutch recalled, chuckling a little. "Can ya forgive me at all?" Starsky asked sincerely. "I was just messin' around...y'know, pullin' a joke on you. I never thought--" "Hey, enough." Hutch gave his partner a little squeeze before pulling back. "It's okay, buddy. I've pulled a few tricks on you too. Guess I gotta be ready to take it if I'm gonna dish it out." "This was worse." "Maybe a little dumber than *my* jokes, but then, after all, we already know who the brains are in this partnership." Hutch smiled as Starsky chuckled a little at the familiar banter. "I just wanna be sure you know that..." Starsky looked down, still staying close to his partner. "I know I wasn't all that easy to get along with the last while...this thing with Emily and the shooting... really freaked me out, y'know?" "I know," Hutch responded quietly, nodding a little. "I guess I...I'm tryin' to say that...I want you to know that I love you. You're my best pal, Hutch. I'd never do anything--" "Hey, we settled this. I love you too, babe. It's okay," Hutch reassured. Two slightly puffy, intense blue eyes looked up to meet his. There was something different in the gaze, something...*hotter*. Hutch had seen just about every expression Starsky had to offer directed at him at one time or another. But this...this was...desire. Passion. The kind that makes "I love you" take on a whole new meaning. Before he could get any further in his analysis of what was happening, Starsky moved forward and pressed his lips against Hutch's. In an instant, he was kissing for all he was worth, despite the fact he was essentially doing the work alone. Hutch was still too dazed from the rapid shift in moods...in the change in the *rules* of the last several *years*...to respond. And then those soft lips were gone, and Starsky had put distance between the himself and Hutch, having moved back on the couch. "Sorry, buddy. Guess I got carried away." Starsky stood up and headed for the door. "Starsk, wait," Hutch called after him, and he paused, the front door open, his back still to Hutch. "Hutch, don't...okay? Just...let's just forget it if you're not too mad. I...nothin' like that'll ever happen again." Hutch rose from the couch and made his way over to the defeated figure at the door. He rested his hands on Starsky's shoulders and squeezed gently. "That's too bad, buddy. I never even got time to get into it." "You shouldn't have to get into it if it's not your scene. I wouldn't ask you to do that." "Is it your scene? Kissing guys?" "No," Starsky responded softly, shaking his head a little. "How many guys have you kissed?" "One. Includin' you." "So, uh, how was it?" Hutch asked. "Look, I feel dumb enough here, Hutch. Don't ask me to bleed for you." "I already did that for you once today, so you owe me. Now how was it?" Hutch persisted. "You want the truth? I was nervous as hell and felt like I was gonna throw up. And then you didn't do anything so it was like kissin' a dead fish. And I felt like an idiot. Maybe you're right and I'm not a good kisser after all. I gotta get outta here." "You can't do something like that and run away, Starsk." "Watch me." Starsky pulled out from under the hands on his shoulder and headed out the door. "Starsky, don't go," Hutch called after him, and was relieved when he stopped again. This time, he turned and somewhat hesitantly met Hutch's eyes. "You surprised me a little there, partner. That's all." "There's good surprises and bad surprises. You looked like somebody who just got told their car was totaled." "Sometimes that expression isn't much different from somebody who just won the lottery, babe." Hutch moved a little closer. "It's shock--surprise...you're so stunned for a minute that you just can't... *comprehend* all of it. But generally, winning the lottery is a good thing." Hutch smiled a little, shrugging slightly. "A very good thing," he repeated, looking Starsky directly in the eyes. "So, uh, was me kissin' you like gettin' your car totaled or winning the lottery?" "Definitely the lottery," Hutch responded, that same soft smile on his face. Starsky moved closer then, and hesitantly reached up to rest the palm of his hand on Hutch's cheek. "You're everything in the whole world to me, babe. You know that, right?" "Yeah, I know that." Hutch covered the hand with his own. "I've always known that." He pulled the hand into both of his, rubbing his thumb over the backs of the fingers. Those hands had comforted him, fought for him...and killed for him. On an impulse, he leaned down and planted a kiss on the back of the hand he held. "I love you too," he said, looking up to meet Starsky's eyes again. They were bright with tears. "You think we could go inside instead of makin' out in the hall like a couple of teenagers?" Hutch asked, and Starsky laughed, a little of the tension broken. "Guess we got a place to go, might as well use it." Starsky followed Hutch back into the apartment, and Hutch closed the door behind them. "I don't want to explain to Dobey why we were busted for lewd and lascivious behavior in the hallway." "You wanna get lewd and lascivious with me?" Starsky asked, flexing his eyebrows a little, his eyes alight with mischief. "I want you to tell me what's happening here, partner. Just out of the blue, you decided you wanted to be more than friends? You've said yourself you don't swing that way." "Yeah, well..." Starsky sighed. "Maybe the packaging just isn't that important anymore. I learned a lot from Emily, y'know? Love...it doesn't come 'at first sight'--it's not what you see that matters. It's what you feel inside. All the things I feel inside, the stuff that matters...it's all about you, Hutch. Always has been." Starsky studied the plant on the nearby shelf very intently, not wanting to meet his partner's eyes. "We've always loved each other, buddy. Nothing has to change about that. We always will. But loving someone for what they are inside instead of the outside packaging is a far cry from changing your whole sexual orientation." "Maybe...if you could give me one chance to prove it to ya, Hutch, maybe then you could feel that way about me, too. Maybe you could want me that way." "Aw, Starsk, I'm not looking to make you prove something. You don't have to prove anything." Hutch took in a deep breath. "The kiss was a little weird, and it was a surprise...but it was a good surprise. I told you I liked it...and that I *loved* you." Hutch ran a hand back through his hair. "But I can't play with this. This isn't a weekend diversion for me. And when you decide you want to go back to chasing women, I'm not letting you go," Hutch stated simply. "You're not letting me... I don't want to chase anybody but you," Starsky protested. "And I don't want you to ever let go." "But why? If you're not gay--" "Are you?" Starsky asked. "No." Then Hutch rolled his eyes a little. "Maybe a little." "You're a little gay? That's sort of like bein' a little bit pregnant. Either you are or you aren't." "I don't usually go for guys--at least, it never really occurred to me to look at them like potential lovers--but...but I could really picture...being with you that way. So maybe that makes me gay. I don't much care anymore. If I am, so be it." "The first time I had a thought like that about you?" Starsky grinned a little. "It was weird. Very weird." He laughed softly at the admission. "When did you have that first thought?" "When I thought I was gonna die--when I was all shot up with that poison?" Starsky swallowed. "I was so sick, in that alley...after we talked to Janos in his classy little porno studio? The pain was so bad, and then you...you put your arms around me and held onto me, and even though it hurt so bad right then that I was scared...I thought that was it, that they messed up the timetable, that I was dyin'...I guess that's why I was hopin' you'd hold onto me, because...I didn't want to go out alone." "Starsk..." Hutch swallowed hard himself now, not wanting to relive that memory. Even now, it pierced his heart like a knife. He couldn't not touch Starsky then. Just a hand on his shoulder, but it was a reassurance of life. Something to ground him in the present. "Even with all'a that goin' through my head, I was thinkin' that I wanted to stay in your arms like that forever. I started wondering what it would be like if we...you know...kissed. Or more. And then I felt so awful that I was gonna die and we'd never know." "But you never said anything then. Not even after you were back on your feet again." "I chickened out, and I figured I was just scared'a dyin' and grabbed onto you so I wouldn't be alone. But then when you fell in love with Gillian..." Starsky sighed. "I didn't like it too much." "I thought you liked her...I mean, before you found out..." Hutch shrugged. "It's funny, but I liked her even after I found out. Well, not right away, but after we talked...I knew she really loved you, and she was gonna do the right thing, tell the truth..." Starsky shrugged. "It wasn't about not likin' Gillian. It was about not likin' you...paying so much attention to her all the time." "Instead of you? Starsk, you know that even if things had worked out, you'd have always been my best friend, my partner--" "Yeah, well, that wasn't enough," Starsky stated flatly. "I wanted you to look at me like you looked at her." "You've always had a string of women a mile long and now you're telling me that you were wanting me all that time?" "I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with you. I just knew I wanted to be the one you were all goofy about. And I wanted to make ya happy, Hutch. Nobody ever did a whole lot to make you happy." "You always do, babe," Hutch responded, smiling affectionately at his partner. "You're askin' all the questions here. If you liked that kiss, how come?" "You think we could sit down?" Hutch asked, and Starsky chortled a little, realizing now they were still standing just inside the apartment door. After they were seated at opposite ends of the couch, turned sideways, facing each other, Hutch took in a long breath and expelled it slowly. "The first time I thought about us...*that way*... Starsky, if you laugh at me, I swear, I'll kill you." "Why would I do that?" Starsky seemed mildly affronted, but Hutch was undeterred. "Just...don't laugh." "Okay. I won't laugh," Starsky responded, exasperated. "It was when you, uh...dipped me." "Which time?" Starsky furrowed his brow, and Hutch shot him a look. "Well it's not like I only did it once." "The first time...in Dobey's office." "Ah," Starsky nodded. "So you're actually in love with Ramon?" Starsky concluded in a heavy accent, flexing his eyebrows. "You're moving dangerously close to laughing, buddy-boy." "Sorry," Starsky replied with total smirking insincerity. "There was this moment when you were looking down...right into my eyes. I thought you were gonna kiss me right there in Dobey's office." "Well, that sure would'a surprised Dobey." "I wanted you to. That's when I knew something...wasn't right. I mean, normally, I would have thought of that as a good gross joke, not as something that...would be nice." "So all'a this time, you've been thinking about us like that?" "Not constantly, no. We've both had our share of women, and a lot's happened in the last couple years." "Yeah, a lot," Starsky agreed, nodding. "A lot of it not so great." "Maybe we were both lookin' for something but scared to see that we already had it... So it was easier to push away..." Starsky rubbed his eyes tiredly with one hand. "It was easier sometimes to push you away than to think about the fact you were the 'something' I was lookin' for." Hutch said nothing, but just closed his eyes and let the perfect understanding in Starsky's words wash over him. Both of them were looking for that stability, that love of a lifetime, and both of them were looking at it every single day in each other, and trying to find ways to find it *anyhwere* else. "What happens now?" Hutch asked finally, looking up to meet Starsky's eyes. Deciding that enough time had been spent with words, Starsky moved over until he was on the middle cushion of the couch, his knee touching his partner's as they both sat sideways, still facing each other. Then he moved forward, hoping this wasn't going to be a replay of the one-sided kiss he'd tried earlier. Just as he neared Hutch's mouth, the other man moved forward and met him halfway, one of those large, strong hands sliding into his hair, pulling him closer as their lips met. Starsky let his eyes drift shut as he felt the warm, soft, moving lips beneath his, parting finally so their tongues could meet, albeit a bit hesitantly at first. It was the last moment of hesitation before Starsky moved forward again, this time pulling his partner into his arms, deepening the kiss and leaning back, maneuvering them until they were lying on the couch in a tight embrace. When the need to breathe forced them apart, Starsky grinned down at Hutch. "That one was a lot better than the first one." "Yeah, well, I guess I could have been wrong...you know, when I said you weren't a good kisser." "You *were* wrong, blondie," Starsky teased, moving back down for another. "How's your head?" "A little sore, but not too bad. Don't worry about it, babe," Hutch said, smiling softly and lightly caressing the side of Starsky's face. "Just wanted t'be sure you weren't gonna tell me you had a headache just when we got to the good part." "You ready to get to the good part?" "I'm kinda tired'a talking, Hutch. I love you, you love me, the kissing's great--if you were a woman, we'd be in the sack by now." "But I'm not a woman, and neither are you." "Right now, I don't care if you're a space alien," Starsky said. Though there was a slight smile on his face, the tone of his voice was dead serious. "I love you, Hutch. I don't care about anything else." "I love you too, Starsk. I think maybe we've made ourselves miserable enough avoiding it...that even if things are rough for us... facing it together beats avoiding it alone." "So, uh, do I get invited into that big brass bed'a yours or do I have to ravage you on the couch?" "Maybe *I'm* going to ravage *you.*" "Whoever's gettin' ravaged, bed is more comfortable. More room to ravage," Starsky added, flexing his eyebrows. "Once we go in there..." Hutch swallowed. "There's no turning back, Starsk. It's for real." "It's for real now, babe. I can't turn back, and I'm not lettin' you go." "Let's go to bed, huh?" Hutch suggested, his voice husky and strained. The short walk to Hutch's sleeping alcove seemed like miles, and now that they were standing again, a little of the old awkwardness was back. Never one to linger in indecision for long, Starsky started unbuttoning his shirt. "Wh-what are you d-doing?" Hutch asked, staring at Starsky as he tossed the garment aside and started unzipping his jeans. "When's the last time you took somebody to bed with all your clothes on?" Starsky moved toward Hutch, and taking his face gently in both hands. "You don't have be nervous with me, Hutch." He leaned in and planted a quick, gentle kiss on Hutch's lips. The rarely-heard stutter hadn't been lost on Starsky. "You're beautiful, babe, and I love ya more than anything. Nothin' to be nervous about." Starsky distracted Hutch with another kiss, while his fingers found the buttons on Hutch's shirt, finally opening it and pushing it off his partner's shoulders. Pulling back, he ran a finger inside the waistband of Hutch's jeans. "Last one naked has to buy breakfast in the morning," Starsky challenged, flexing his eyebrows. Predictably, Hutch laughed--and happily complied in shedding his jeans, underwear, shoes and socks at as rapid a rate as Starsky did. There was a shared sense of relief mixed with the excitement--both were already half hard, giving the two beginners the confidence that at least their bodies knew what they were doing, even if they didn't. "Guess I'm not showin' you anything you haven't seen about a hundred times already," Starsky said, feeling a little awkward moving back into Hutch's arms, now that the barrier of clothing was gone. Holding each other was old hat. Holding each other *naked* was a whole different ball game. "The other times, I didn't get to look," Hutch whispered hotly against his ear. "You feel good, babe. So soft...and *hard* at the same time." The words were clumsy at best, but the only way Starsky could think of to describe the feeling of his partner's body. Hard muscles and considerable strength, covered in that wonderfully fair, smooth, satiny skin. "Smells as good as it looks," Starsky observed with a grin as he probed the silky strands of hair with his nose. "Never thought I'd say this...but I think I like having a lover with chest hair..." "Not really a good quality in a woman." Starsky snorted a nervous little laugh, feeling relieved that his smooth-skinned partner, who was used to bedding all smooth-skinned ladies, wasn't repelled by the dark body hair that was pressing against him now. "Hey." Hutch caught Starsky's face in both hands this time. "Remember what you told me? You don't have to be nervous with me, either, Starsk." "Maybe we oughtta try gettin' in the bed?" Starsky suggested, his smile widening. Together, they moved to the bed, and pushing the covers back somewhat clumsily, Hutch got in first, sliding back to make room for his partner. Then they were back in each other's arms again, kissing, and caressing, the initial awkwardness all but forgotten. Breaking a kiss, Hutch moved down Starsky's jaw, trailing hot, soft kisses in a path down his neck to the hollow of his throat, then slowly moved out toward his shoulder. Starsky's hands slid into Hutch's hair, a little moan catching in his throat as the traveling lips descended on a nipple and began sucking lightly. "Oh, God..." Starsky groaned, arching into the sensation. He'd always loved being touched or sucked this way, but had discovered early on that not many women lingered over a man's nipples the way he did over hers. But then Hutch was no woman...and Starsky's heart soared at the realization that he really didn't care. His physical arousal was second in its intensity only to the love he felt in his heart for the beautiful man making love to him so gently and deliciously. He gasped out Hutch's name as the hot mouth fastened on the second nipple now, teasing it to the same wet hardness as its mate. Hutch's large hands were moving down his back, then grasping his ass in two powerful handfuls, squeezing and releasing the flesh in time with the sucking. Helplessly, he began humping against Hutch's thigh, which was deliciously thrust between his legs, his own hands skimming the long back, finally siezing the liberty that was now his to stroke and knead the firm but pliant flesh of Hutch's ass. He smiled at the gasp of pleasure that earned him, a strained utterance of his name that came out as a hot puff of breath against a sweetly-tormented nipple. Torn between wanting Hutch's mouth to never leave where it was, and wanting the shared intimacy of their kissing back, he encouraged his lover's face upward again, claiming those full lips eagerly. "Love you, babe...love you so much," he said against Hutch's mouth before moving lower, kissing his way down that long, smooth neck, remembering the path Hutch's mouth had followed. When he felt the small, hardening bud under his mouth, he started a gentle sucking pressure, drawing a throaty moan from Hutch. "So good, love..." Hutch muttered, running his fingers through Starsky's curls. "Love you," he breathed, arching into the stimulation as Starsky bathed the second nipple with his tongue, then fastened his mouth to it. "Starsk...I'm getting close, babe," Hutch said, encouraging Starsky to move up for another kiss. "What do you wanna do?" Starsky asked, moving in for another kiss. His new lover's hard cock was pressing against his stomach now as they kissed, his own painful arousal brushing against it, sending electric jolts through both of them. "Maybe one of us ought to...uh...you know, get on top and...move." "Get on top?" Starsky panicked a little at the mental imagery. Eventually, he wanted to do anything and everything with Hutch, but at that moment, either of them being "on top" of the other frankly scared the hell out of him. "Just for some good leverage to move, babe," Hutch reassured. "Try straddling me, huh? I don't think that position's such a great idea for my back right now." "Oh, man, I forgot--are we hurting your back?" "Not if I take it easy. It'll be okay in a couple days, but I just can't get too athletic tonight. Means you've got to do more of the work." "Typical," Starsky teased affectionately as they rolled Hutch into his back and Starsky stretched out on top of him, his legs straddling his lover's body. He tried an experimental thrust down, bringing their groins together, groaning at the almost painful pleasure. "Oh, yeah, babe, do it," Hutch goaded, biting on his bottom lip, closing his eyes. Starsky began a rhythmic thrusting movement, sliding the two hard cocks against one another, his body's motion barely under his conscious control as the pleasure built. Hutch was making the most delightful little broken sounds of pleasure, and Starsky buried his fingers in the soft blond hair that was fanned out on the pillow. Hutch's hands were moving up and down his back, finally settling on his writhing ass while Starsky nestled the side of Hutch's face, buring his nose in the soft strands of hair on the pillow. When he came, it was with a muffled shout of Hutch's name, rapidly followed by Hutch's own outcry, accompanied by a spasmodic tightening of the grip on Starsky's buttocks. Slumping tiredly into his lover's waiting arms, Starsky sighed contentedly, settling his face in the warm, damp niche between Hutch's head and shoulder. He relished being cuddled this way for nothing more than the pleasure of it, for no other reason than because he loved and was loved this much. "Are you just quiet down there or did you pass out?" Hutch teased, settling a large hand in Starsky's hair, massaging his scalp gently. His reward was a deep-throated growl of appreciation, not unlike the purr of a large cat. "Just happy to be here, darlin'," he said, his voice barely rising above a whisper. "Feels so good bein' with you like this." "What are we gonna do, Starsk?" The question was laced with fear, but not regret. "I know we've got a lot of hard times ahead of us. It's just hard to think about anything in the world hurtin' me when you're holdin' onto me like this. You always make things okay for me, babe. No matter what." "I can't change the world, Starsk. I can't make it safe for us to love each other, to live our lives the way we want..." Hutch sighed, and tightened his hold on Starsky. "But I'm not turning back now." "You're right about that." Starsky moved up, resting his elbows on the mattress, looking down into Hutch's troubled face. Hutch's beautiful face always seemed a bit too troubled and serious these days, and on an impulse, Starsky kissed the worry line between the fine blond eyebrows. "I'm never lettin' you go, babe. I don't know how we're gonna get by exactly...but I guess we've just gotta be careful, and love each other, and take it one day at a time." "I want to believe it's that easy," Hutch said a little sadly, taking Starsky's face in his hands. "Guess nothing worthwhile is easy, huh?" "Anything worth lovin' as much as I love you is worth fightin' for. I'm never lettin' you go, Hutch, and I won't let anything bad happen to ya either. I promise." "You can't promise that, babe. You know that. Anymore than I can." "I said I wouldn't *let* anything bad happen, darlin'. I know there's some stuff out there I can't stop, but I'm always gonna protect you and love you and take care of you as long as I'm livin', the best I can." "In sickness and in health, huh?" Hutch said, with a soft smile. "For better or for worse," Starsky responded, with a seriousness that startled them both momentarily. "For richer or poorer," Hutch added, smiling now. "And even after death thinks it managed to part us," Starsky concluded, grinning widely. "I do," he added, the grin fading to a soft smile. "I do," Hutch repeated. "You know what, blintz?" Starsky asked, settling back into Hutch's arms, seemingly unruffled by having just exchanged wedding vows with his partner. Getting the message that Starsky wanted more cuddling, Hutch tightened his grip again, kissing the soft curls. "What, babe?" "I'm glad we finally took our blindfolds off today," he said quietly. Hutch closed his eyes and smiled, resting his head against Starsky's. "So am I, love. So am I." Hutch released a long breath. "We'll work the rest of it out somehow." "Yeah...because we're worth it." Starsky roused himself before dozing off. "You wanna sleep on your side, babe?" he asked, thinking of Hutch's recently-offended back. Being flat on his back with another body on top of him all night would probably just about incapacitate his partner by the following morning. "Probably better." Hutch reluctantly released his partner, who shifted onto his own side, leaving Hutch the perfect opportunity to spoon up behind him. It was just early evening, but being anywhere but here seemed unthinkable. "Maybe when we wake up, we oughtta send out for pizza," Starsky slurred as sleep began claiming him. //Ahh...romance...// Hutch thought, chortling and kissing Starsky's shoulder. "Anything you want, my love," Hutch whispered against a curl-she ltered ear, smiling when he realized Starsky was already asleep. ******** THE END