by Sarah Saint Ives

Steve Sloan flopped back onto the couch with a drink, viewing his father, who was slouched comfortably in his half-rocker perusing a medical magazine. "Dad, can I talk to you?"

Without looking up immediately, Dr. Mark Sloan answered, "Yeah, Steve, of course. What's wrong?" His attention was gained, not by the response, but by the lack of one. Mark frowned in concern at the trouble on his son's face. "Steve, what's wrong?"

"Can I trust you to be nonjudgmental?"

"That's a question I never thought *you* would ask *me*. If you have to ask, I don't think we know each other as well as I thought we did."

Steve sighed and collapsed into the fabric of the couch. "Dad, I have to talk to you about something a little more personal and controversial than you're used to hearing from me."

The older man waited expectantly. "So, talk."

"You promise not to be judgmental?"

Frowning, Mark said, "I'm not going to judge you, Steve. What have you done?"

"Nothing! I haven't done anything!" Steve hesitated. "I just need to talk to someone who can be rational. There's no one else but you, Dad."

"I appreciate that. I think." Mark said, and waited.

After another long sigh, Steve finally got to the point. "Okay, what if I told you I've been in love for a few months now, but the person I'm in love with doesn't have a clue?"

Mark opened his mouth and stared at him in suspended anticipation.

"The person I'm talking about," Steve went on, "is very close to both of us. I just don't have the guts to confess my feelings. Until recently, I didn't think it would be a good idea to say anything, but lately, I've begun to believe it could be mutual."

Clearing his throat, Mark asked, still pensive, "So, what's her name, Steve?"

Another elongated sigh ended in a groan. "That's the real problem, Dad. I'm not talking about a *she*."

The doctor's eyes grew wide in astonishment. "My god, son, you're telling me you're in love with a *man*?"

Steve looked defeated. "You're not going to take this well, are you?"

Mark collected his wits before he spoke again in apology. "No, Steve. I didn't mean it that way. It just came as a sort of a...a *shock*! What did you expect? I'm sorry." He laid his magazine on the coffee table. "I'm...I'm sorry. Damn! Well! Who?"

Steve watched his face as he disclosed his heart's greatest desire. "Jesse, Dad."

"Jesse? *My* Jesse?"

"Yeah, Dad. Jesse."

"Oh! Well! Jesse. I don't...I don't quite know what to say, son." Dr. Sloan emitted a half-laugh, then crossed his legs to think. "You know something, Steve, I should have picked up on that a long time ago. The day you two met, I could feel the sparks. I just didn't realize what it meant. You know..." His index finger was demonstratively waggling in the air for emphasis. "I think you're right about it being mutual. He practically worships you, Steve."

"So, you think I should tell him?"

"Oh, Steve...I don't know."

"Do you think you could help me?"

"Help you? How?"

"Find out how he feels about me."

"What? Do you think he'd tell me, Steve? I'm your *father* and his boss! I doubt he'd ever admit something like that to me!"

"It wouldn't hurt to ask him."

"You want me to just...blurt it out? You want me to just ask him, 'How do you feel about my son...because he's in *love* with *you*!"

"Dad, you're the smartest, most tactful person I know. You're also the most conniving. You can get it out of him if *anybody* can. You know how to get people to tell you things."

"I don't think you've ever asked me to set you up with a date, Steve. This has to go in the scrapbook with your first crush, your prom date, and your first car." The doctor grinned teasingly at his son.

"Dad, please. I'll never ask you for anything else as long as I live. I just need to know if he's interested in me."

"You look so desperate, Steve. I don't remember you ever *needing* anybody like this before."

"I do need him, Dad. Get him for me, okay?"

Mark shook his head in a moment of reflection and disbelief. "In all my wildest, craziest dreams, never once did I ever dream that my son would be asking me to 'fix him up' with another man. If it was anyone else but Jess, I don't know what I'd say. I don't know what to say *anyway*." He sat up straighter, looking at his miserable offspring. "Okay, Steve, I'll talk to him."

Steve moved to give him a tight hug. "Thanks, Dad. You don't know how much it means to me."

"I'm beginning to. I mean...I thought you liked girls!"

"I do! At least, I *did* until Jesse came along. I'm not really gay, Dad, not in the conventional sense. I was never attracted to any other guys. Just Jesse."

"Somehow, I knew that." Mark patted his shoulder. "I'll talk to Jesse tomorrow. Just give me a while to get used to the idea, okay?"

"Sure, Dad. All the time you want." Steve went off to bed, leaving his amazed father to process what he had learned about his son.


Dr. Jesse Travis laughed at a joke told by a member of the dietary staff, then followed the older doctor into the lounge. "What's up, Mark? Did I screw something up?" he asked. His expression was so suddenly serious that Mark Sloan had to laugh.

"No, no, Jesse. Sit down. I just want to talk to you for a few minutes. There's nothing pressing, so it's a good time for a little chat, don't you think?" As the young man sat beside him, Sloan patted his knee.

"Oh." Jesse smiled.

"Jesse, how do you feel about Steve?"

Jesse's quick intake of breath was evidence that Steve was important in his life. "Steve? He's great. Why? Is he okay?"

"He's fine. Jesse, can I be totally honest with you?"

"Of course you can. What's going on, Mark?"

"I'd like to know if you think my son is bisexual."

Jesse nearly choked at the question. "Bi...*bi*sexual! Why in the world would you think he might be bisexual?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure *you're* bisexual, so I thought maybe one might recognize another..."

Jesse's offended stare made him want to backtrack and take another route.

"I'm sorry. You're *not* bisexual?"

"Mark, that's..." Looking down, Jesse spoke lower, "that's none of your business."

"But we're friends. I thought friends could talk to each other."

The young man faced him again with guilty eyes. "Sorry. You're right. I just never had anyone blatantly ask me a question like that."

"Well, I like to be straight to the point."

"Yes, you do. I understand."

"So, will you tell me if I'm right about you?"

"About me being bisexual? No! I mean...I've *thought* about guys before, but I haven't *been* with one."

"So what do you consider *thinking* about them makes you?"

"Human? A ponderer? I don't know." Jesse was frustrated. "Tell me why you think Steve is bisexual?"

"Because he's crazy about *you*." Mark's words nearly floored the younger man, but he kept talking. "He talks about you constantly, he calls your name in his sleep. I thought at first they were just dreams he was having, but I have to face facts. He's in love with you, Jesse."

Jesse stared at him. "Is this some kind of a cruel joke?" he asked. The whites of his eyes were turning fiery red, a sob caught in his throat.

Returning the stare, Mark shook his head. "Joke? Jesse, why would I joke about something like this? I'm talking about my *son*, for God's sakes, and I'm telling you the truth. Now, you tell me why you're about ready to cry."

Jesse made an attempt to rise from his seat but was stopped by a strong hand. "Mark, please."

"Tell me how you feel about him. Is this thing between you mutual?"

The suppressed sob escaped and Jesse caught it on the heel of his hand. He nodded without looking up. "I didn't know." he whimpered. "Oh, God, Mark, I didn't know."

"You didn't know *what*?"

"I didn't know he loved me."

"Then you're in love with him?"

Jesse breathed raggedly into his hand as he nodded shortly.

Mark closed his eyes, almost hating the answer, and still, he smiled thankfully. "Then, by god, we've gotta get you two together!"


Steve caught his father later that afternoon at the coffee machine. "Did you talk to him?" he whispered.

"Hm? Oh, hi Steve!"

"Hi, Dad. Well? Did you talk to him?"

"Talk to who?"

"To Jesse, Dad." Steve's patience was pending.

"Oh! Jesse! Yes, I talked to him."

Steve knew by the tone that the doctor was preoccupied again, but he was determined to get his full attention. "What did he say?"

Mark gave him a brilliant smile. "He said that he's a ponderer, that he's human. He's never been with a man before, Steve."

The rejection showed plainly. "So he said no."

"No, he said yes."

Steve blinked. "He said yes?"

"Yes. He said yes."

Steve's jubilation was overwhelming. He bear-hugged his father. "Thank you, Dad!"

The older man chuckled, glad to see his son happy. "Now, go talk to him. I've stuck my nose in as far as it will go. It's your turn."

"Where is he?"

"He's in the ER."

Steve rushed toward the emergency wing.


"Dr. Travis..."

Jesse turned from his examination of a young boy's badly skinned arm to see what the nurse wanted.

"There's a policeman waiting to see you."

"A policeman?" Jesse drew in a sobering breath and held the child's arm up for her inspection. "Could you take over here? It's not broken. Just abrasions. If you could take care of it, I'll go see what the police want with me."

"It's Steve." she said.

"I figured that." His heart was skipping beats as he patted the kid's head. "Nurse Joyce will take care of you, okay?"

The boy nodded tearfully as the young doctor made a hasty exit.

Steve smiled at him as he emerged into the waiting room. There were several other people in the room, so their conversation had to be kept decent. When Jesse was seated beside him, the policeman posed his question. "What time can I pick you up for dinner?"

"I'm off at four. How about then?"

"Good. Good." Steve laid a subtle hand on his forearm. "Jesse..."


"Did you really say yes?"

Jesse's sensuous gaze could have melted metal. "Yeah." he said softly. "I said yes."

Steve swallowed down the lump of pure lust that rose in his throat. "I'll see you at four." he said. With that, he gained his feet and left the emergency room before he embarrassed himself.

Smiling, Jesse went to examine his next patient.


"Where are you parked?"

"There." Steve pointed to his dark-colored car. "Where's yours?"

"Over there." Jesse indicated his convertible. "It'll be okay there until I get ready for it. We can take yours if you'd rather."

"Good." Steve laid a casual arm across his back and led him to his vehicle. "So, did you have a rough day?"

"No, actually, it was pretty easy. I just had one serious injury and one coronary. Other doctors took over both patients. What about you? How was your day?"

"Just paperwork today. Easy stuff."

"Great! So where are we going, now?"

"Dinner. I have reservations at the Lion's Den."

"Wow, I'm impressed. How did you manage that? No, wait. Don't tell me. I'm not sure I want to know."

"Being a cop has its privileges." Steve said calmly.

"What do you have planned for after dinner?"

"A little evening cruise out on the boat. Sound okay?"

"Yeah, it sounds great. Very romantic." Jesse's long lashes fluttered, his eyes twinkled flirtatiously.

Steve all but blushed. "What time do you have to be to work tomorrow?"

"Eight. What about you?"

"Six. Early."

"So we can't stay up late."

Steve unlocked the passenger door and tucked his companion carefully into the seat. When he slid in on the other side, he put down both sunvisors, leaned over and gave him a light kiss. "I had to do that." he said as he trailed a gentle finger along the younger man's jawline. "I've wanted to do that for a long time."

"Me, too." Jesse reached for him, circling both arms round his neck. "Would you do it again?"

The next kiss wasn't light. Steve claimed Jesse's mouth in a desperate frenzy, devoured his lips, invaded his mouth, held him so tightly he couldn't breathe. The passion nearly grew out of control, but finally, the big man pulled back, out of breath, and gasped, "God, Jesse, I didn't mean to attack you."

"It's okay." Jesse said, just as passionately. "Please don't stop."

"I have to. We can't do this here."

"I'm not really hungry, Steve. Why don't we skip the Lion's Den and go straight for the boat? I mean, I hate to waste precious time..."

With a low, warm growl, Steve agreed. "Sounds good to me." He started the car and drove toward the dock.


The houseboat was inviting, neat and homey. They tumbled onboard in a jumble of arms and legs, kissing, groping, shedding clothes. The boat never made it out of its slip.

They were on the narrow bunk in the captain's quarters before either of them had fully thought the matter through. After a few kisses and caresses, Jesse whispered, "What do you want from me, Steve?"

Steve felt drunk from the passion. "You know, I think we're moving too fast. Do you really want it to be this way?"

"Hell, yes." Jesse answered, hotly. "I want it anyway I can get it. Will you just do something, Steve?"

Steve began gently masturbating him, and found it returned. It was nice having Jesse's hand pumping him, in fact it was all too erotic. He had never had the problem of premature ejaculation, and was dismayed when he came very early. He felt much better that Jesse's orgasm was five seconds later.

They lay blissfully together afterward, the initial urgency satisfied. Now, they could take the time to be romantic. "Are you sure you're not hungry?" Steve asked, kissing him again.

"A little. I think I worked up an appetite."

"Let's wash up and go to the Lion's Den. I have a lot more in mind, but it can wait until we can go about it like civilized men."


Roses were the centerpiece on the table. Annoyed that they blocked his view of his companion, Steve moved them aside and reached to take his hand. "You know something, Jess?"

"What?" Jesse murmured, enraptured by his new lover.

"I love you."

Jesse's Mona Lisa smile's only flaw was the tear that escaped down his right cheek. Sounding strangled, he replied, "I love you, too, Steve."

"So, what are we gonna do about this?"

"About what?"

"About our love?"

The approach of a waitress delayed his answer, but when she had set down their plates and gone, Jesse said, "I thought we were a couple now. I thought that's what you wanted."

"I *do*."

"Then why are you asking *me*?"

"Because I want to know it's something you want, too."

"I want to be with you, Steve. I want everything you want."

"You want to live with me?"

Jesse thought about it. "Maybe we could go a little slower than that. First, let's see how many times we can have sex in one night, then we'll talk about living together, okay?"

Steve grinned and nodded. "Okay."

"But, yes. I want that."

"Me, too."

"We can work out all the details when we're not so horny."

"Good plan."

"Your dad's on our side. That makes me feel better."

"Yeah, me, too. He's the best."

"Yeah, next to you."

Steve blew him a kiss across the table. "*You're* the best, baby." he said.
