Doctor's Orders

by Lesley-Ann

Steve Sloan limped into the emergency department of Community General Hospital and made his way towards the nearest surface he could find to sit on.

//He couldn't believe it, busting his knee yet again while chasing a perp AND he got away which disturbed the detective more than the injury itself, it definitely wasn't his day!!!!!! //

Dr Jesse Travis looked up and bit back a smirk upon seeing his best friend limp into the room and gently sit down on an uncomfortable plastic chair to wait his turn.

//Poor Steve this had to be the third time this month he had come in!!!!! //

Finally it was his turn to be seen and Steve begrudgingly allowed a nurse to aid him into the cubicle to await the doctor. Attempting to get comfortable was nearly as difficult as it had been on that instrument of torture they called laughingly called a chair in the waiting room. He could have sworn that they made them uncomfortable on purpose to encourage people to leave and make it easier on the harried staff!

Looking up when he felt the curtain open Steve almost groaned when Jesse's head appeared around the curtain. A big smile lighting up his face Jesse only went further to remind him how really cute Jesse was but Steve forced his errant thoughts to stop quick smart, this was not the time (or place) to be entertaining romantic thoughts about his best friend and business partner.

Entering the cubicle Jesse pulled the curtain back into place behind him.

"Well back again Steve anyone would think you liked it here!"

"Ha Ha very funny Jess. Just look at my knee and treat me, or better still send for a real doctor for me!"

Pretending to wince Jesse answered his half serious barb, "Ouch!! No need to get personal there big guy"

"Sorry Jess but it is sore!!"

"Well let a doctor take a look will ya ... "

As gently as possible Jesse helped Steve remove his pants so he could examine the hurt knee, noticing bad swelling and bruising Jesse grimaced in sympathy. Steve must really be in pain here.

As swiftly and gently as he could Jesse examined Steve's injury and finally announced himself finished.

While he scribbling out a prescription that he seriously doubted his friend was ever going to fill let alone use Jesse gave out orders which he doubted just as equally would be followed he watched Steve finish dressing himself awkwardly on the bed.

//Boy he is seriously HOT!!!! //

Jesse shook himself internally before his friend could catch him leering, the last thing Steve needed at any time - let alone when he's in pain - is to catch him casting sinful glances at him.

Awaiting his friend to stop his tirade of orders Steve allowed his thoughts to meander once more to a more carnal vein.

//Boy I would love to follow your orders Jess but just not those ones//.

Realising Jesse had stopped talking Steve forced his attention back before his friend began questioning his lack of response.

"Okay Okay Jess" Steve gently lowered his weight onto his legs biting back painful gasp in the process.

Smiling ruefully Jesse bid Steve goodbye as he limped out to the elevator door and promised himself that after his shift was over for the day he would pop into the beach house and check up on his friend in person.

Several hours later saw a weary Dr Travis make his way to the beach house Steve shared with his father Dr Mark Sloan.

Raising his hand to knock on the door he was stopped short by Mark's voice bidding him come up on deck.

Reaching the deck he found Mark and a female companion obviously getting ready to go out for the evening. After being introduced to the lady Jesse explained he had dropped by to check up on his patient. Mark smiled broadly at this expression of exasperation when he said this.

Laughingly he bid a goodnight to Mark as the couple exited the house and made his way down the internal stairs to Steve apartment.

Although he had only been inside this part of the house once before he quickly found Steve's room and moans eliciting from it on his approach concerned him and he hurriedly placed his hand on the handle to open the bedroom door.

Just as he was about to turn the handle Steve's voice stopped him dead.

"Oh ... Oh ... Oh God ... YYYYEEEEEESSSSS!!!!"

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Steve had been doing to cause the moans he had heard so clearly. Embarrassed Jesse stood outside the door frozen in place until the sounds inside the room alerted him to the fact Steve was about to enter the main room of his apartment.

Quickly he darted his eyes around for a place to hide from his friend who would be even more embarrassed than he was if he knew that Jesse had overheard such a personal experience. Coming to his decision Jesse back tracked to the stairs once again and walked backwards up several of them before stopping.

Hearing Steve exit his room and make his way towards his small icebox for a cold drink, obviously to replace some of the mass he had just lost, Jesse took several deep cleansing breaths. He heard the icebox slam shut and Steve shuffle across to the small couch and flick on the small television positioned opposite.

Determining it was time to announce himself Jesse called out to Steve and made enough noise to alert the large detective of his presence in his abode.

"Down here Jess" came Steve's reply as he continued to channel surf in hopes of finding something decent to while away some time till he could turn in.

Jesse bounced into the room and immediately made his way over to where Steve half lay on the couch and tried as hard as he could not to blush.

"Hey Steve following doctor's orders are we?"

Grinning back at the young man who had unwittingly given him some much needed pleasure and relief of his tension just minutes before Steve retorted with a snort of derision.

"Grab a beer and join me if you like" he offered.

"Don't mind if I do" Jesse bounded to the ice-box and retrieved his drink before settling next to the bigger man all the while trying not to look straight into his eyes knowing this would give him away.

After almost half an hour of surfing through channel after channel Steve was seriously bored and even more seriously confused. Jesse had hardly said a word since taking residence next to him and for the kinetic young man this way very strange.

Finally exasperated at not only the TV but with his friend's silence Steve flicked off the set and threw the remote down on the small table in front of him. Turning his head he looked straight at his friend and waited for some response.

Feeling Steve's eyes on him Jesse waiting as long as he could before turning and facing his best friend's inquisitive, and concerned, gaze.

"What's up Steve?"

"I was about to ask you the very same question"

"Oh ... really?"

His friend's pause in such a short retort convinced the seasoned detective that Jesse knew exactly what he was on about and was simply stalling for time for some unfathomable reason.

"Come on Jess - Spill" he request came out as a gentle order but an order none the less and Jesse knew this.

Taking a deep breath Jesse tried to gain control of his raging hormones before answering. Such close proximity to his friend had had its usual effect on the young doctor.

"Steve I ... I ... I'm sorry I can't..." his confused reply ended with him rising to his feet and placing his almost full can of beer down on the table next to Steve's empty can. "I really should be going, just wanted to check on you before heading home to bed is all."

Steve would have been a lot more convinced with this statement if it hadn't been for the fact that Jesse had lowered his head and was refusing to meet his gaze once more. But the fact he was blushing made it painfully clear that he was hiding something from him.

Before he could garner his thoughts and challenge Jesse once more the younger man had grabbed his jacket off the back of the couch and was at the foot of the stair already.

Calling out to his friend Steve forgot about his knee and stood up abruptly. Pain shot through his leg as his weight slammed down on the damaged appendage causing the tall man to cry out in pain.

Twisting around quickly Jesse took in the man standing next to the couch and realising what had just happened dropped his jacket on the floor in his haste to reach his friend's side.

In a heartbeat he was Steve and grasping his waist in support. Steve looked into his eyes with his pain filled orbs and Jesse felt his heart melt and passions rise once more. Quickly surmising now was not the time to get turned on in helped Steve lower himself down onto the couch once more.

Settling Steve full length on the couch caused most of his body to come into contact with his friend's so Steve felt the hard on that was so obviously making the young man uncomfortable around him. Seeing as he himself had been in a similar condition not long ago Steve so no reason for this. But what, or who, was causing Jesse to turn on so much?

Surely not him? But then he was the only other person here, so as incredulous as it seemed it was the only conclusion he could come to given the clues he had. Deciding there was no time like the present to test his theory Steve raised both arms to stop the doctor from standing upright once more and dragged his down by the neck till he could comfortable reach the other man's mouth.

Rising to his feet Jesse felt arms surround his neck and gentle force bring his face down till his mouth made contact with Steve's.

Surprise caused him to gasp; feeling his mate's mouth open slightly Steve used this to his best advantage and moved his tongue into play. The first taste of the other man's warm wet mouth caused him to groan with pleasure as he felt his earlier arousal return in force while he enjoyed a first kiss with said object of his un-requited romantic fantasies.

Feeling the prone man tug hard on him once again Jesse allowed himself to be guided down till he was lying on top of the bigger man. Trying to be careful with Steve's injured knee Jesse accidental caused his erection to press against his. This time he too groaned when he felt the heat and hardness confined within the denim of the jeans Steve wore.

Smiling into the kiss at hearing Jesse's groan Steve relaxed his grip and began to stroke up and down a tee-shirt covered back till his palms resting on his objective a taunt little behind which had starred so prominently in so many of his fantasies. Flexing his hands he caressed his prize while Jesse's moan of pleasure became louder and he rubbed his erection against Steve's.

Finally the need for some air forced the pair of men lying on Steve's small couch apart, while both of them gasped in lungs full of air they maintained eye contact. Smirking at his friend - now lover - Steve was rewarded with a thousand watt smile, which was so much part of the doctor's persona.

Continually rocking against the man below him Jesse refused to be the first to break eye contact but need rose to the fore as he felt himself come closer and closer to a much needed orgasm. Feeling Steve's encouraging caresses on his buttocks urging him on fuelled his desire even more, when he could no longer hold himself back Jesse released a yowl of pleasure - very much a feline like reaction - and threw his head back exposing his neck to the detective's hungry gaze.

Straining his neck up Steve allowed his lips to graze the neck so invitingly positioned in front of him.

Feeling lips on his neck Jesse looked down at his friend - now lover - and smiled contentedly. Leaning down he gave Steve better access to his smooth neck and let out a sigh of pure delight as he felt lips grasp roughly but in a strangely gentle way on the sensitive skin.

Licking and gently biting at the other man's neck was raising the detective to higher and higher heights of desire. At last demeaning the smaller man sufficiently marked as his mate Steve released his hold on Jesse's neck much to the disappointment of the smaller man.

"Easy love, time to play somewhere more comfortable" Steve gently prodded his mate up onto his feet and allowed himself to be helped up and into his bedroom.

Once inside of what had seemed such a lonely retreat only hours earlier Steve sat down on the bed and motioned Jesse to stand between his parted legs. Giving in to a long suppressed desire the detective began to slowly undress his mate and lavish attention on every piece of Jesse flesh, which he exposed. By the time he had removed all the doctor's clothing the other man was once again fully aroused. Smiling at this Steve lay back on the bed and pulled the other man down on top of him once more.

Feeling frustrated at Steve's still dressed condition Jesse tried in vain to pull the clothes from the body trapped beneath his own. At the doctor's distressed whimpers Steve smiled as he allowed his human blanket to pull back and he lay still while Jesse pulled his clothes from his large frame, only moving when he was required to aid with his own disrobement.

At last both men were naked on the bed and both groaned as their skin brushed against each other for the first time. Noticing the strength of Jesse's pelvis increase in thrusts into his own Steve stopped the surprised young man.

"Stop...please Jess..." seeing the confused look in his lover's face he continued, "Want more this time love"

Parting his legs to allow the smaller man to fall between them Steve pushed Jesse down till he could feel his erection rest near his own buttocks. Groaning the taller man tried to part his legs further to allow his lover better access.

Realising what Steve wanted Jesse was shocked, he had assumed with his friend's macho image he would be bottoming not Steve, but here he was being offered up a long held secret desire. Soothing his now near desperate lover with touches and soft nonsensical words Jesse set about preparing his now frantic lover for this ultimate joining.

At last Steve was as ready as Jesse could make him with his fingers and he placed the head of his broad cock at the puckered entrance to the detective's body. Looking into his lover's eyes Jesse asked silently without words if he was ready, seeing the answering look Jesse slowly eased his cock into the hot channel of Steve's body.

Both men groaned loudly, Steve as he felt the fullness of Jesse's cock enter his body, and Jesse as he felt the passage around him contract on his painfully erect cock.

Soon their bodies demanded action and Jesse began to slowly exit and enter Steve's body, after several long minutes Steve felt Jesse's strokes grow stronger and quicker just like he wanted. Each one hitting off his prostate causing the detective to moan deeply and move his hips in a silent command to his lover to repeat his manoeuvre once again.

Before either man was ready their bodies gave way to blissful pleasure as first Steve gained fulfilment with several bursts of hot semen shot between their bodies then Jesse also came when he felt the hot passage surrounding him contract with Steve's fulfilment. Surprisingly this orgasm was just as strong, if not stronger, than the one, which he had experienced on the couch, which surprised the young doctor immensely. As the contractions of Steve's ass milked out his orgasm Jesse collapsed on the taller man forgetting all about his lover's injury.

Several minutes passed till a pain in his hurt knee forced Steve to move once again causing his lover's now limp cock to leave his body. Feeling this Steve's groan of disappointment prodded Jesse to raise his head off the broad chest beneath him. Knowing straight away what was causing his lover's discomfort Jesse moved completely off him and helped him arrange himself as comfortably as possible.

Once he was settled Steve pulled Jesse down to his good side and clasped him tightly to him.

Laughing silently Jesse snuggled into the warm body next to him and gave into sleep, before he could completely surrender to his much needed rest he heard Steve mumble something to him. Smiling happily in replied in kind.

"Love you too Steve"

Both men surrendered to the need for sleep content in the knowledge that tonight was just the beginning.

The End