A Brief Encounter

By Huntress

Disclaimer: Are they mine? Yeah, they are...and I *don't*share!!

Authors Rant1: One of the many reasons I began to watch DM was because of a cutie named Scott Baio...I feel like I watched him grow up, from Happy Days to Charles in Charge to DM....

Authors Rant2: Steve talks dirty...because I think he'd be real skilled at it....


The young man walked through the doors of Community General, looking around. 'Not much has changed.' Walking to the reception area, he smiled at the young woman there. "Hi, I'm looking for Mark Sloan. Where might I find him?"

"He's in his office. It's down the...."

He cut her off. "I know where it is. Thanks." He smiled to himself as he got on the elevator. 'Can't wait to see the look on his face....' Getting off, he walked to the office, hesitating before he knocked.

"Come in," Mark said. "If you're here about the position, it's been...." Mark looked up, grinning from ear to ear. "My God! I don't believe it!"

The young man returned the grin. "Hi Mark. Long time, no see."

"Jack! I don't believe it!"

Jack Stewart nodded. "Yeah, you said that already. It's good to see you too."

The younger man was swept up in a hug that nearly crushed him. "Mark, I can't breathe!"

Mark let him go. "What are you doing here? The last I heard you were in New York, working on some new techniques for physical rehab."

"I was, but I thought it was time to move on, so I came back here for a while."

"Jack it is *very* good to see you." He took Jack by the arm. "Wait until Amanda sees you. Oh, this is wonderful."

"I can't wait to see her too." He paused, chewing on his lower lip. "How's Steve? I read about the Lutz case. It said that he made Lieutenant."

"That he did."

They walked out of the office, and straight into Jesse, almost knocking him over, and causing the papers to fly out of his hands.

"Jesse!" Mark bent down to help him pick everything up. "Sorry." He looked at Jack, still grinning from ear to ear. "Oh, Dr. Jesse Travis, meet Dr. Jack Stewart." The two young men shook hands. "Jesse's one of my best and brightest."

"So you're Jack," Jesse said, a touch of venom in his voice. "I heard a lot about you. Didn't you go to Colorado?"

Jack nodded. "Then New Mexico, then Florida, and New York. But I kind of missed Los Angeles, so I decided to head on back."

"Well, nice to meet you. I have to get these reports to the lab. Maybe I'll see you later." He headed off.

"Is he always so abrupt?" Jack asked, a bit amused.

"No," Mark answered. "I've known him two years, and he's never acted like that before. Well, he has been doing double shifts. You know how that frays your nerves."

"Oh yeah. So, let's go surprise Amanda, then we can surprise Steve."


Jesse stopped on his way to the lab, taking a deep breath. He had heard about Jack from his friends, and had never missed the far away look in Steve's eyes when Steve talked about him. He was so involved with his thoughts, that he didn't notice, as he rounded a corner, the large body before him, and walked straight into it, getting knocked to the floor. "Steve!" He took the hand that was held out, and was pulled to his feet.

"Doctor Travis. It's good to see you too." Steve grinned at him.

"I just saw your dad. He was...."

"Actually, I came to see you. I have an idea for some nightly specials, and I wanted to go over the change in menu with you."

"You might want to go see your dad. An old friend came to visit, and you might want to see him too."

"Yeah, and who's that? Jack the Ripper?"

Jesse gave him a small smile. "You're half right...about the Jack part. Try Jack Stewart."

Steve didn't know whether to jump for joy, or get depressed. "Jack's here?"

"That's what I said." Jesse shrugged. "I guess you should say hello to your old...friend." Jesse brushed past him, and headed for the lab, leaving an extremely confused Steve standing in the middle of the hallway.

'Great. Okay, Steve, you should be in seventh heaven. It took two years, but Jack finally made it back to LA. So tell me, why are you feeling like crap at the moment?'


Amanda was bent over a microscope when she heard the knock. "Come in!"

"Amanda," Mark said, "I'm thinking of hiring a new doctor, and I wanted you to meet him before I made my decision."

Amanda looked up. "Mark, if you want to hire someone, go ahead. It's your call."

"I *really* think you should see him first."

"Okay, Mark, I'd be happy to give you my opinion."

Mark nodded, and opened the door all the way. "Amanda, meet Jack Stewart."

Amanda's smile could have lit up the city. "JACK!" She gave him a big hug, then pulled away, looking him over. "Looking good, same as always."

Jack gave her a sweeping bow. "I will always look good for you m'lady."

"Ooh, and you still say the sweetest things. Mark, I fully approve of your choice of doctor."

"So do I," came a voice from the doorway.

Jack turned, a loving smile on his face. "Hello Steve."

"Hello Jack. Long time, no see." The two walked over to each other, just staring for a moment.

Jack finally broke the silence, brushing a hand against Steve's cheek. "Still the buffest cop in LA."

Amanda grinned, but Mark frowned. Although he had once approved of Jack and Steve, he had never quite forgiven Jack for his sudden departure. For months now, he had been hoping that Steve would take notice of Jesse, of the love the young doctor had for his son. Steve, however, was oblivious, and Mark was about to give up.

But the older doctor had a devious mind, and, seeing Steve with Jack, was giving him some wicked ideas of how to get Steve and Jesse together.

"I have an idea," Mark said. "How about we all go to BBQ Bob's for dinner?"

"BBQ Bob's?" Jack made a face. "That place has some of the driest ribs I have ever eaten, not to mention the worst service."

"Well," Steve began, "the place is under new management."

"And who would that be?" Jack asked, with a smile. "The Salmonella brothers?"

"Actually, I own it now," Steve answered. "Me and Jesse."

"If you own the place, how could I say no," Jack said. "Let me catch a cab back to my hotel, I'll get changed, and meet you there."

"I have a better idea," Steve said. "How about I give you a ride to your hotel, then we'll go to eat. Okay with you?"

"Fine with me. I'm staying at the Regency. And you can tell me how it feels to be a Lieutenant."

"Exciting but dull," Steve replied. He turned to Mark and Amanda. "See you there about seven?"

Mark glanced at the clock. It was only eleven o'clock now. Before he could speak, Amanda opened her mouth.

"Sure, seven is fine. Give you two the chance to...catch up with each other."

The two men left, and Mark turned to Amanda. "You've just given them six hours."


"Amanda, don't you remember what happened when Jack left? Steve took two weeks off work, and stayed in his room most of that time."

"Mark, Jack's back, and I think things will be okay this time."

Mark was about to answer, when Jesse came in, smiling at the two. "Where's Steve? He wanted me to go over some menu changes with him."

"Jack Stewart, who used to work here, is back in town. They went back to Jack's hotel for a while," Amanda blurted out. "They may or may not join us for dinner."

"Oh," Jesse said softly, looking at his feet. "I guess I'll catch up with him later." He left quickly.

Mark whirled, almost growling at Amanda. "Amanda, how could you say that?"

"Say what? Tell him that Steve went off with Jack?"

"Jesse is in love with Steve. He has been for ages. I've been hoping for them to get together, but now that Jack is back, I'm at a loss."

"Oh, Mark, I didn't know. I never should have said...."

"No, it's okay. He'll be okay. Look, I'll find him, and try to calm him down."

Mark went looking for Jesse, but couldn't find him. He checked with the nurses station, and one of the nurses told him that Jesse had gone home, saying he was sick. Mark thought for a moment, and nodded to himself, deciding what to do. He only hoped things would work out.


The moment they walked into Jack's room, Jack pounced, knocking Steve onto the bed. "I missed you babe." He kissed Steve hard. "Oh, man, I am sorry I left."

Steve pushed him off, rolling to his side. "Why did you leave, Jack?"

"I was scared of commitment. I've done a lot of soul searching in the last two years, Steve. That's why I came back. I realized what I wanted was right here, in Los Angeles." He slid his hand along Steve's crotch. "Feels like you missed me too." Steve moaned, and Jack smiled, knowing *exactly* what he was doing. A kiss to Steve's neck. "There hasn't been anyone since you." He pushed Steve's shirt aside, biting the juncture between neck and shoulder, eliciting another moan. "How about we make up for lost time?"

Steve was torn. Part of him wanted to lay there, let Jack do what he wanted. It had been so long since he had been touched like this--he had missed it. To be touched with love, not just lust. Not by some one-night stand he'd just met in a bar.

Although there had been many lovers in Steve's life, there were only three that ever truly claimed his heart.

The first, he knew, was his ex-wife. No matter what happened between them, she would always hold a spot there. Then there was Jack. It had taken months for him to discover his feelings. And then there was Jesse....

With Jesse it was immediate. The first day they met. One look into the innocent Jesse's eyes and he fell...hard. One look into Jesse's trusting soul, and he lost his heart.

There was one small problem though...Jesse was straight. And Steve would never have the chance to say those oh-so-important three little words, that were burning a hole in his soul.

Then again, he had never said those words to Jack either.

Instead, Steve let his body decide for him. He flipped Jack onto his back, nuzzling his neck. "My turn." *He* bit this time, then laughed, moving his lips up to Jack's lips. "Sweet, just like I remember." Before he could do anything else, his cel rang. Groaning, he answered it. "Sloan. Yeah. *Now*?! You're sure it can't wait? Yeah, okay." He sighed. "My dad. His car died. Look, Jack, how about we meet later at the restaurant. Then we can come back here and continue where we left off."

Jack slid his hand behind Steve's neck, pulling their mouths close. "I'm counting on it." The kiss was deep, and when he broke it, both men were panting.


"Dad, all it was, was a loose battery cable. I fixed it, and you should have no problem now. Why did you call me anyway? You could have asked Jesse. He took that automotive course last month." Steve narrowed his eyes. "Does this have to do with Jack? Look, I know you never approved of us, and you were pissed when he left, but I'm a big boy. And Jack's changed. He told me why he left. And I forgave him. Now, I have to get back to his hotel. I'll see you at BBQ Bob's later."

"Steve, wait. You're right...and wrong. I did approve of you and Jack once, but that was two years ago. Don't go rushing back into a relationship with him yet."


"Son, give it some time. Jack's not leaving again, at least not so soon. Wait a few days. If you still feel the same way, you can go back to seeing him, and I will give you my seal of approval. I promise."

"I'll do you one better. I'll give us a week. If things are still okay, I'm asking him to move in with me. Deal?"

Mark nodded. "Deal."

"Okay. And since I'm here, I might as well go over the menu changes with Jesse."

"Jesse's not here."

"He told me he was on shift today."

"He was, but he went home sick."

"Jesse never gets sick. You know what, I'll stop by Al's deli and get him some chicken soup."

"That's not a bad idea Steve. You do that. I'll pick up Jack, and meet you at the restaurant later."

"Okay dad. If Jesse's feeling better, we'll join you. If not, I'll just come solo."

"Not if you're lucky," Mark muttered.


"Uh, if you're lucky, Jesse will be feeling better."

"I hope so. I think he and Jack would get along well." Steve left, and Mark shook his head.

"I don't think so, Steve. I have a feeling the two of them are going to hate each other."


Twenty minutes later, Steve was standing outside Jesse's apartment, with a container of soup. He knocked, but got no answer. "Jess?" He heard a soft moan from the apartment, then the sound of a crash. "JESSE!" He crossed the hallway, ready to bust down the door, when it opened. Steve looked over at his friend, who looked sick...in fact Jesse was turning green. "You okay?" Steve walked in, and realized why Jesse was turning colors. There was an empty pint of Wild Turkey on the floor. "Jess, did you drink that?" Jesse nodded. "Why?"

"Because," Jesse answered, sounding like a petulant child. He went to the kitchen, and pulled out another bottle from the paper bag. Steve grabbed it away. "Hey! Gimme that!" Jesse reached for it, and stumbled, falling on the floor, grabbing his knee.

"Jess, you okay?" Steve was genuinely concerned. Jesse wasn't much of a drinker, and this was totally unlike the young doctor.

"YES! I'M FINE!! Now go away and lemme alone." He stood, reaching for the bottle again. "I told you to gimme that!" Jesse took a swing at him, and Steve reacted on instinct, blocking the punch, and throwing one of his own. The punch sent Jesse to the floor again, this time out cold. "Shit Jess, I didn't mean it." Steve picked him up, and carried him to bed, laying Jesse down. Brushing the hair from Jesse's face, he whispered, "Oh sweetheart, what made you drink like this?" Realizing the endearment he had used, Steve shook his head. 'Oh no, Steve. You're not going to take advantage of him while he's plastered. Besides, Jack is here now, back in your life.' He nodded to himself. 'I'll just leave Jesse here. He's a big boy, he can take care of himself. Serves him right for getting blind drunk.' He left the bedroom, heading for the front door. But the empty bottle caught his eye, and he sighed. 'Yeah, right. You leave him here, and something happens to him, you'll never forgive yourself.' He smiled to himself. 'No reason why Jack can't come over here for a while.' He called the hotel, explaining the situation, and Jack agreed to come over. He then called Mark, and explained things to him, but before Mark could say anything, Steve hung up.


Jack arrived an hour later, a big smile on his face. "So, this is where young Doctor Travis lives." He looked around. "Not much of a place, is it."

The comment bothered Steve and he didn't hide it. "Jess does what he can." He started to pick things up, finding a CD on the floor. "Now how come I didn't know he liked The Dead?"

Jack saw the empty bottle. "He drinks?"

Steve sighed. "Not as a norm. I think something's bothering him, but he wouldn't talk to me."

"He's a big boy Steve. Look, why don't you and I go get a bite to eat, and leave Jesse to rest."

"I, uhh, I don't know Jack. He could wake up sick or something." As if on cue, a groan was heard from the bedroom, followed by retching sounds. "Oh shit, I was hoping he'd sleep it off." Steve ran into the bedroom, grabbing the garbage can just as Jesse let go. "Jess, Jess, it's okay." A few minutes later, Jack came in with a wet washcloth and a towel, in one hand, a glass of water in the other. "Thanks." Steve began to wipe down Jesse's face. Once that task was done, he gave Jesse the water, wiping his mouth again.

Jesse managed to focus, and growled with a ferociousness Steve had never heard. "You son-of-a-bitch!" He pushed Steve out of the way, lunging for Jack, knocking Jack to the floor, throwing wild punches. "Get away from him, and get out of my house!"

"JESS! JESSE STOP IT!!" Steve managed to get a hold of Jesse, pulling him back, which gave Jack an opportunity to lay one right into Jesse's face. "JACK! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!!"

"He's crazy." Jack wiped his nose, seeing the blood. "Fucking drunk, crazy bastard."

"That's enough. Jack, go back to your hotel, and I'll come by later. I'll...call my dad to come take care of Jesse."

"Yeah, okay. I'll wait for you." Jack gave him a soft smile. "I didn't mean to hit him. Defensive reaction."

"I know Jack. Just...just go for now."

"BASTARD!" Jesse screamed, going for Jack again.

Steve grabbed him again. "Jack, get the hell out of here!"

"I'm going, I'm going." He left, looking back one last time. "See you later handsome." Jack purposely said it loud enough for Jesse to hear, watching Jesse try to attack him again. He quickly left, his mind processing what he had just seen. He had a lot to think about.


Jesse continued to struggle, but trying to break Steve's grip was futile. "Not fair...not fair." Steve relaxed his grip, hugging Jesse close to him.

Jesse sank to the floor, and Steve went with him, not wanting to release his friend. "What's not fair Jess? Why did you do this?"

"He shouldn't have come back...ruined everything...took it away from me...."

Steve was more then a bit confused. "Jesse?" His voice got soft. "Tell me. Explain it to me. What did he take away from you?"

"I had you...he shouldn't have come back...not fair...stole you away from me...." Jesse mumbled a few more things, then passed out.

Steve was even more confused now. He lay Jesse down on the carpet, standing and stripping the bed. Putting fresh sheets on, he sat on the carpet beside Jesse, taking Jesse's shirt off, and wiping down his upper body. Finally satisfied that Jesse was okay, Steve picked him up, and lay him back on the bed. Getting a fresh washcloth, he cleaned Jesse's face again. Sitting beside him, he took a deep breath. "I still don't understand Jess. I don't...." The proverbial lightbulb *finally* went off over his head. "Oh Jesse, why didn't you tell me?" He wrapped an arm around Jesse, holding him close. "Then again, maybe I should have told you. I don't know why I didn't."

"Steve," Mark's voice startled him. "Sometimes we don't see what's in front of us, until it kicks us in the face."

"I love him dad. Jesse, I mean, not Jack. I have for so long. I just didn't notice." His voice was shaking. "He hates me. I finally see the light, and he hates me. *That's* not fair."

"Steve, Jesse could never hate you. He looks up to you."

Steve couldn't help the chuckle. "That's because he's short."

Mark smiled. "I'm going to tell him you said that." He put his hand on Steve's shoulder. "Steve, if it's okay with you, I'm going to see Jack, and explain things to him. I know he had a couple of other job offers, and I'm going to suggest he take them."

"No. I have to tell him myself. You think that Jesse will forgive me?"

"That's what love is all about. Not only do I know he'll forgive you, I also know he's not going to stop loving you. And I think you know it too. You just be here when he wakes up. And make sure you have some aspirin. I think he's going to need it." Mark turned to leave, then turned back. "Oh Steve, I should tell you, I never did like this apartment, or this neighborhood. I think Jesse needs a different place to live, somewhere nicer. Maybe a place on the beach. What do you think?"

"You think Jesse will want to move?"

"If the right person asked him, yes, I do."

"Thanks dad."

Mark's only answer was a smile, and he left the two alone.


Jesse awoke to the sound of breathing above his head, and attempted to move. But strong arms wrapped themselves around his body, pulling him close. He felt lips brush his hair, and heard the soft voice in his ear. "You awake Jess?" Jesse's eyes popped open as he recognized Steve's voice. He sat up abruptly, grabbing his head, groaning with pain.

Steve was fully prepared to give Jesse a lecture on drinking, but one look at Jesse's face and he thought better of it. Jesse was learning on his own. "Here, take some aspirin. You must have the hangover to beat all. Wild Turkey, Jesse, and a pint of it. What were you thinking?"

Jesse took the aspirin and the water, then lay back down. He focused, to see Steve looking at him, head propped up by an elbow. "I wasn't thinking. All I managed to do was throw up, and make a fool out of myself. Tried to kick the shit out of your friend. You must think I'm an idiot."

"Actually," Steve smiled, "most of the men I know wouldn't have made it through a pint of that stuff. They would have passed out three-quarters of the way." He leaned down, kissing Jesse's forehead. "You just threw up in front of your friend. I threw up on Clarice Hendrix in second grade." His smile got bigger, but he frowned as Jesse just stared at him. "Jesse, you seem semi-sober now. You want to tell me why you got drunk? Why you attacked Jack? And why you seem to think he stole me away from you?"

Jesse turned over, facing away from Steve. "You're with him, not me."

"Jess, are you jealous?" Steve asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Yeah, I think I am. He was your friend, your lover, and you get this look on your face when you talk about him. He's a great doctor, with a fantastic reputation, and I'm...."

Steve cut him off. "You're a great doctor too, Jesse. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have take care of me when I get shot."

The levity was lost to Jesse. "You love him!" Jesse spat out. "You love him, and you don't love me!"

Steve tilted his head, confused again. "What makes you think that? That I don't love you, that is."

Jesse figured he might as well finish what he started, and turned to face Steve. "You don't love me like that. You know...like *that*."

"Ohh, *that* kind of love. And what makes you think that I don't, hmm? Have you ever asked me?" Steve stroked his fingers along Jesse's cheek. "Maybe say 'you're buff, and sexy, and I want you to fuck me into next week.' Nooo." He brushed a fingertip along Jesse's lips. "Then again, I never told you I want to get down on my knees, and suck your brains out through your cock either."

"Bet you said that to Jack."

"No Jess, I never said that to him. I never told him what I'm about to tell you either." He took a deep breath. "I love you, Jesse Travis. You are the best thing that's happened in my life. If *you* were to move to Colorado, I would follow without hesitation. I mean," Steve's grin got wider, "you constantly get into trouble, and need a babysitter. Who else would take on that job?"

"Are you sure you're up to it?" Jesse teased.

"You bet, lover," Steve's arms wound around him, pulling their bodies close, feeling Jesse's hardness. "Didn't I tell you once, never mess with a cop? Especially one bigger then you?"

"Yeah, but you know I never listen."

"Maybe you need a lesson." Steve brought his groin to Jesse's, bringing his hand to Jesse's ass, pressing their clothed cocks together. "You're a virgin with men, aren't you Jess?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, it does. I want to know that I'm the first...and the last."

"Do you really love me?"

Steve nibbled on his ear. "Oh yeah."

"Then it doesn't matter." Jesse moved his head, taking Steve's face in his hands. "I love you Steve Sloan." He grinned. "You're buff, and sexy, and I want you to fuck me into next week. Oh, and as far as sucking my brains out through my dick, you're welcome to do that too."

"I said cock, not dick," Steve grinned.

"Cock, dick, a penis is a penis, no matter what you call it." Both men burst out laughing. But Jesse stopped laughing when he felt one hand undoing his pants, sliding inside, fondling his cock.

"You *are* a virgin, baby." Steve made a statement. "Don't be nervous. I'm going to take very good care of you." Steve snaked out his tongue, licking Jesse's lips, pushing his tongue inside to meet its twin. Sucking hard on his lover's tongue, stealing the air from his lungs. Breaking the kiss to see Jesse's hands wrapping in the sheet. "I'll talk to you every step of the way, and you tell me if you don't like something." Kisses to Jesse's neck. "Taste so sweet." Fingertips rolling a nipple, and a low moan from Jesse. "You want me to get them hard Jess?" Steve brought his mouth to a nipple, laving gently, following by hard sucking, then soft again. Kissing his way to the other nipple, he began to push Jesse's pants down, and Jesse helped him as best he could. Steve rubbed his hand over Jesse's briefs, tracing the outline of his cock. "You want my mouth there? On your dick?"

He was careful to keep his voice low, almost gritty, knowing full well what his litany of dirty talk was doing to the innocent Jesse. It wasn't a skill he used much nowadays, but then again, it had been ages since he had been to bed with a virgin. Over the years, he had learned that a few filthy words would break down inhibitions...and Jesse wasn't any different in that one respect.

Steve rained kisses down Jesse's chest, his fingers still playing with Jesse's nipples. "Can I taste your cock?"

Jesse nodded, speechless.

Steve took the waistband in his teeth, and pulled it down, exposing the head of Jesse's cock. Steve blew on it, and Jesse arched off the bed. "Been a long time since I had a cherry." He licked the tip. "Mmm, forgot how good they taste." He blew on it again. "So sweet..." Lick. "...so pure..." Blow. "...cum for me baby..." Lick. "...want to taste you..."

Jesse lost it then, his seed shooting over his stomach. His hands remained in the sheets, as if he were afraid to let go. "More...." It was then Jesse realized that Steve was no longer on the bed. The cop was standing beside the bed, shirt and pants off, underwear, falling to the floor.

Steve stroked himself, licking his lips, his eyes meeting Jesse's. Crawling back on the bed, he rubbed his cock along Jesse's leg, as he slowly eased the briefs off his lover, tossing them aside. "Will you get hard for me again?" Steve licked the length. "Please?" Steve moved his fingers through the cum spattered on Jesse's stomach, as he suckled the cockhead. Jesse's attention was so focused on the mouth over his cock, that he didn't see Steve, playing with his own ass, opening himself with Jesse's essence. "That's a good boy. I want you hard and stiff for me."

All Jesse could manage were incoherent moans of pleasure, feeling his cock harden under Steve's talented tongue. Then Steve stopped. "Why did you....?"

Steve rolled onto his back, pulling Jesse atop him, kissing him softly. "Kneel between my legs." Jesse did as he was told. "Put my legs over your shoulders." Once that was accomplished, Steve pressed his ass against Jesse's cock. "Make love to me Jess."

"I want to, more then anything, but...Steve, I don't want to hurt you."

Steve shook his head, smiling up at his lover. "You won't hurt me."

Jesse lowered his eyes, the slight pink color creeping across his face.

Steve reached out, stroking a nipple. "I'm open for you, Jess. Used your cum to open myself up." Both hands were now caressing Jesse's chest, up to his shoulders and back down. "Start easy, Jess." In that position, Steve was able to move his ass closer to Jesse's cock. "Oh yeah baby, that's good." Steve teased the head of his own cock, seeing pearls of precum forming. Wiping two fingers over the tip, he brought them to Jesse's lips, Jesse's tongue going for them. Steve pulled them away, bringing them to his own lips, licking it clean. Returning them to his cock, he repeated the motions, this time whispering, "Fuck me," as he wiped his cum over Jesse's lips.

Jesse took a deep breath, smiling down at his lover, hands on Steve's ass, kneading the cheeks. "This okay?"

"Oh yeah, just fine. Spread me, Jess." He felt the cool air on his hole. "That's it. Rest your cock against me." Steve felt the tip against him. "Slide it in baby..." Steve began to caress Jesse's nipples, "Gimme that cock...." It was almost a growl, followed by a pinch to his nipples.

Jesse reacted, shoving further in.

Steve bit his lip to stave off a shout of pain. He hadn't opened himself as much as he thought. Opening his eyes, he saw Jesse staring at him, half-panicked. "Oh baby, no. I'm fine...better than in a long time. Just let your body go, Jess. Close your eyes and just feel me...your cock so deep...so hard...fuck me Jess...show me what you've got...."

Jesse felt himself sinking deeper inside Steve, arms wrapping around Steve's legs, holding him still. "You're so hot, Steve...it's so tight...never knew it could feel like this."

Steve squeezed his muscles, pulling Jesse even deeper, watching the look on Jesse's face. The young doctor had his eyes closed, biting his lower lip so hard it was bleeding, moaning softly. "Fuck me Jess...need you to fuck me *now*!" Steve pushed down, impaling himself on Jesse as best he could, feeling Jesse pull back. His breath caught as Jesse froze for a moment, then slid his cock back in. "That's it Jess, in and out, oh yeah...."

Jesse was in ecstasy. The warmth of Steve around his cock was sending him to new heights of pleasure. "This is good...oh Steve, this is so good...." His thrusts were increasing, as was the pressure of the hands around Steve's legs.

Knowing Jesse was close to orgasm, Steve couldn't help his litany. "Give it to me harder Jess...pound it baby...take what's yours!!" He began to stroke his own cock roughly, matching Jesse's thrusts.

"MINE!" Jesse didn't even realize he had shouted, nor how wild his thrusts were becoming.

"Yeah, baby...all yours...Oh Jess...Here it comes...All for you!" The next thrust hit his prostate, and he howled, shooting his load over the two of them.

"OHHH...STEVE...GONNA CUM....YEAH!!" Jesse's orgasm overtook him, like no other before. He felt his release, felt Steve's ass clenching, milking his seed. He finally slowed, Steve's legs sliding from his shoulders. He gently removed his cock from Steve, pulling back, smiling at his lover. "I've died and gone to heaven," he moaned, falling onto his back, boneless and satiated.

Steve kissed him, chuckled, and got up, getting a cloth to clean them with. That accomplished, he lay back down, pulling Jesse into his arms. "I love you Jess."

"Me too," came a mumbled reply.

Steve kissed him, and Jesse moved, snuggling into Steve's broad chest. "Sleep."

"Sleep." Steve held him for a while, then got up to get something to eat. Finding almost nothing edible, he got dressed, wrote a note to Jesse, and headed out to get dinner for them.


Jesse cracked his eyes open. There was no sign of Steve, so he figured it was an alcohol induced dream...or nightmare, depending on how you looked at it. 'Yeah right. Steve was here, and he let you fuck him into oblivion. First wet dream where *you* fucked *him*.' He washed up, pulled on underwear, and headed into the kitchen. Putting up coffee, he got down his mug, and sat at the table. He stared at the note for a few minutes before reading it....



You have nothing to eat, and I got hungry. See you shortly.

Oh, by the way, you look like an angel, but you fuck like a demon.

I love you.



Jesse read the note four times. "Not a wet dream. Steve let me...he let me. He loves me. Holy shit, he loves me."

"You just figuring that out?"

Jesse greeted him with a wide smile. "Hello lover."

"Hello yourself." Steve put the large bag of food in front of Jesse, kissing him softly. "I wasn't sure what kind of taco you'd want, so I got one of each. And I'm fine." He sat across from Jesse, shifting position a few times. "Everytime I sit for the next few days, I'm gonna think of you."

"Steve, don't we have to be at BBQ Bob's this evening?"

"Alex can handle things for tonight. I already spoke to him."

"And Jack?"

He put his hand on Jesse's shoulder. "I'll talk to Jack tomorrow."

Jesse shook his head. "Let your dad do it."

Steve faced Jesse. "Shhh. It'll be okay. I'll go see Jack," he smiled without thinking, "and explain things to him."

Jesse saw the smile, misunderstanding it, his anger returning. "No, it won't be okay!" He turned on his heel, walked into his bedroom, and slammed the door.

Steve knocked on the door. "Jess? Don't do this. I *have* to tell Jack about us. I can't let dad do it, because it's not right." No answer, and Steve waited a few minutes, getting his thoughts together. "Jesse, I love you. I *never*, *ever*, said that to Jack. I couldn't. My heart is yours. Please believe me." Still getting no answer, Steve opened the door. Jesse wasn't there, and the window was open. He had left through the fire escape. "Now where did he go? Shit, he went to Jack. Dammit Jesse, we could have done this together." He ran out, hoping to catch Jesse before the two men got into another fistfight.


Jesse stood outside the hotel door, debating whether he should knock. "We're going to straighten this out once and for all." He finally knocked, glaring at Jack as the door opened.

"What can I do for you, Dr. Travis?"

"I want to talk to you about Steve."

Jack chuckled, and sat on the couch, sighing. "I wondered how long before you came to see me. How's your head?"

Jesse ignored him. "Steve is mine, not yours. You gave up all claim to him when you left two years ago."

"I know," Jack answered.

"You stay away from him, or I'll...what did you say?"

"I said I know," Jack reiterated. He nodded to the bed, and the suitcases. "I have a job offer in Virginia, and I'm going to take it. I leave tomorrow morning."

Jesse's voice was full of acid as he spoke. "Were you going to tell Steve this time, or just leave again?" Part of him wanted to provoke a fight. The normally peaceful Jesse had this unusual urge to punch Jack in the jaw.

Jack let the remark go over his head, simply smiling. "This time, I was going to tell him. I was wrong two years ago, to leave the way I did. I wouldn't hurt him again. Let me ask you something. Do you love him?" Jesse nodded. "Does he love you?" Another nod. "Did he tell you?" Jesse opened his mouth, but Jack put up his hand. "Judging from the look on your face, I can see that he did. And in case you're interested, he never told me that."

There was a knock at the door, and both doctors looked at each other, saying "Steve."

Jack opened the door, seeing Steve, and just smiled at him. "Don't worry. We're not fighting this time."

Steve walked in, looking from man to man. "Well, that's good. Jack, I was going to tell you myself, but I think Jesse beat me to it."

"Hey, Steve, it's me, remember. I just want you happy. And as I was telling Jesse, I have a job waiting in Virginia. I leave tomorrow morning."

Jesse spoke quickly. "He was going to tell you later."

"Jess, could you leave us alone for a few minutes? I'll meet you downstairs." Jesse started to say something, but took a deep breath and nodded. "Thanks." Steve waited for Jesse to leave, then turned to Jack. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know babe. You know me though, tough as nails. I'll survive. But Jesse, I saw it when he attacked me. Man, Steve, that boy loves you, worships you. He would be destroyed if you left him. Who knows? Maybe someday, Jesse and I could become friends."

"I'd like that," Steve smiled.

"But not just yet," Jack added.

"No," Steve said softly, "not yet." Steve pulled Jack into an embrace, kissing him softly, a final, farewell kiss for something that once was. "You'll write this time, let us all know how you're doing?"

Jack pushed him away. "I'll write as soon as I'm settled. This time, I promise."

"Take care of yourself Jack."

"You too Steve."

Steve left, and Jack shrugged to himself. "Lots more fish in the sea," he muttered, "and I intend to catch one for myself."


Steve got downstairs, to find Jesse sitting on a chair, staring at his feet. "C'mon angel, you didn't eat your tacos, and I'm sure you're starved. How about you let me buy you a proper dinner?" Jesse didn't lift his head, so Steve knelt before him. "Hey, I love you, remember? If you smile for me, I'll buy you lobster, then take you dancing."

This time Jesse looked at him, eyes wide. "B-b-but Steve, if someone at the PD sees you out with me, what are they going to say?"

Steve chuckled. "Jess, I've never been 'in the closet'. Didn't you know?"

"I-I-I thought it was a secret."

Steve got an evil grin, and pulled Jesse to his feet, planting a hard kiss to Jesse's lips. "I love you. For now, for always."

"I love you too," Jesse said softly.

"Well, since we're both in agreement about the love stuff, how about we move on to dinner."

Now Jesse gave him an evil grin. He brought Steve's face to his, licking Steve's lips. "How about we skip dinner and go straight to dessert?"

"I got a better idea." Steve went to the front desk, coming back a few minutes later. "We have a room for the night, and I ordered strawberries and whipped cream for us." He pulled Jesse toward the elevators. "By the way, have you ever thought about moving? Like maybe to a place on the beach?"

"You know, now that you mention it...."