Senad Snippets

by Winds-of-Dawn

#1. Alyjude wanted the guys, ten years from now, in less than 200 words. Not sure how many words this is, but...

"Stay in the truck, Chief"

"Damnit Jim. I'm not letting you go in there without backup."


"Don't you dare, Jim. Remember last time? What if you zone again?"

"Come on, Chief, that was..."

"I had to come in and get you out. I'm NOT doing that again."



"Damn it, Chief, do you always have to be so bossy?"

"Yup, and you love me."


"Get out of the truck, Jim, let's go do it."

"Partners, Chief?"

"Always, man."

The two men got out of the truck and headed toward the supermarket.

#2. Somebody asked on Senad:

I tuned into the History Channel two nights ago and heard a commercial that made me think. The question in the spot was "If you could go back into time, back into history, and become anyone at all, who would it be?"

So here's my question.... Who would Jim say and who would Blair say?



"If, you know, you could go back in time, and be anyone you want, who would you like to be?"

"What kinda question is that, Chief?"

"Oh, it was just something I saw on the History Channel, it was one of those promotional spots they have advertising their own programming."

[blink, blink]

"Well? Jim? Whaddaya say?"

"Uh, I dunno, Chief, that's kinda not..."

"Aw, come on, Jim, there must be some place, some event, that you want to be, that, you know, you wonder what it would have been like to be there?"

"Well, if you put it that way..."

"Yeah? What?"

"It would be neat, to be around at the time of the American Revolution. Be one of George Washington's close aides, maybe, to see what kind of a stragetist he really was, you know?"

"Yeah, hey that's cool. Anything else?"

"Hey, I went already, your turn."


"Yeah, you. No fair just quizzing me. You gotta share, too."

"Well, ahem, that is..."

"And don't say Sir Richard Burton, unless you mean the actor, not the explorer."

"I wasn't going to say that."

"Yes you were."

"No I wasn't."

"You were."

"I wasn't"


"Come on, Jim, that'll be no fun, it's too obvious!"

"Well, I'm waiting."

"Well, ahem, [mumble]"

"What was that? I didn't hear you."

"...your mom."

"What did you say????"

"Forget it, it's stupid."

"No, Chief, come on, did you say my mom? MY MOM?"


"Why? Oh, come on Chief, don't."


"Hey, come on, Chief, you are the smartest person I know."


"Come on, I won't laugh, whatever it is, you can tell me, ok?"

"well, it's just that..."


"If I were your Mom, I could be there when you were born, you know."


"see, stupididea."

"No, Chief, that's... That's..."


"I... Blair, you know... I, I don't want to be any other time, anyone else. Because, if, you know, I wasn't who I am, what I am now, I, heck Chief, all I want really, is for us to be us, you know?"



"luv u, jim"

"ditto, chief, ditto."

#3. Don't remember who asked this, either:

In a one paragraph snippet, tell us how Blair's week with Jim was extended.

Jim sat up and poked the curly-headed object lying next to him.

"hmmmmm?" mumbled the object.

"Chief, it's been ten years."

"Ten years since what?"

"Since you moved in."

[blink blink] "So?"

"So... I just realized it."

"Realized wha..." [yawn] ""

"You are still here."

"Hm, yes I am. Now, go back to sleep, it's three o'clock. Geesh."

Jim tried to remember what point he was trying to make, shrugged, and did as he was told.

#4. A senad list member, who shall remain nameless, introduced this website to senad. A few other list members, who shall also remain nameless, went, shall we say, a bit overboard... What? Me? Never! :p

"Jim? Are you coming to bed?"

"In a minute, Blair."

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I'll be there in a sec."


"Just a sec, one more minute."

"Jim! What are you doing? Magic Fairy Names? What's this?"

"It's just a stupid program. You type in your first and last names, and it gives you this Fairy Name, and some characteristics of that fairy."

"And you've been doing this for how long?"

"Hey! I just wanted to figure out how this program worked. See, what matters is the first two letters of the names. The first two letters of the first name determines what you get as the first part of your Fairy Name, and the first two letters..."

"Okay, so you figured it out! Can we go to bed now?"



"I just want to see how many elements they're actually using. I mean with 26 letters in the alphabet, that's 26 x 26, or or 676 possible combinations. Well some of them, like "aa," repeat, so it's actually less, but..."

"Jim. You. Are. Turning. Off. That. Machine. NOW and coming to bed. Understood?"



"Okay, okay, it's off, see?"


"Blair? What are you doing with the laptop?"

"I'm putting in a password so you won't come down in the middle of the night and start playing with this website again."

"Come on, I wouldn't do that, Chief. ... You know I wouldn't. ... Chief? Come on, Blair, don't do that, please? Please?"

#5. Fallout from a deranged discussion over whether Stephen is the "normal" one in the family.

Jim sniffed. "Something's burning," he said.

Blair frowned. "No kidding," he said, "I can smell it too."

Together they walked around the house to the back yard. Rounding the corner, they stopped short at the sight of Stephen, hunched down in the middle of the yard in front of a big drum can. A blazing fire was going strong inside the can. Piles of cardboard boxes were strewn all about the yard. While the two of them watched in amazement, Stephen reached into the nearest box, and pulled out a...

Black leather teddy? What the hell?

Almost before the question formed in Jim's head, Stephen threw the item into the fire. In rapid succession, he pulled out matching black pumps, complete with chrome stiletto heels, a pink tutu, and a matching pair of ballelina shoes, and tossed them all into the fire, before the eyes of the two men watching in horrified shock. Satisfied that the box was empty, Stephen shifted to drag the next box closer to the fire. He reached in to bring out...

"NO!" Blair shouted, running forward and snatching away the thick zine from Stephen's startled grasp. "You can't burn our first-time stories!"

"Yeah, Stevie," said Jim, "What's gotten into you? Wasn't that Dad's leather teddy? And Rucker's tutu from his prom?"

Stephen sighed. "I'm tired of being the only normal member of the family, Jim," he said wearily.

"Hey, look!" Blair looked up from rummaging through the zines. "See? Here's one called Kinky Stephen!"

Both Ellison brothers turned sharply toward Blair.

"Really?" Stephen asked shyly, hope edging into his voice.

"Yes, really. Here, take a look." Blair held out the zine to Stephen. On the cover was a beautifully rendered drawing of Stephen in a white tutu, apparently dancing the lead role in Swan Lake.

"Oh my..." Stephen stared disbelievingly at the cover. "I never thought..." His voice caught in his throat.

"Hey," Jim slapped him fraternally on the shoulder. "Welcome to the family, bro."

#6. Write a story / snippet that begins with the line: Bed is for two things, and eating isn't one of them.

"Bed is for two things, and eating isn't one of them," said Blair.

Jim surveyed the mess spread out before him -- and had to agree. Naomi slept peacefully curled up in the middle of the bed, oblivious to the big wine-covered splotch on her right, and the upturned plate surrounded by scattered crackers and tongue on her left.

"Okay, Chief. I've learned my lesson. Henceforth, no more eating in bed."

"Way to go, man! We all should learn from our experiences," Blair beamed. "And talking about beds, I do have another one downstairs..."

Ten minutes later, Jim closed "Gorillas in the Mist" with a definitive thump! and glared at Blair, who was intently turning the pages of a three-inch thick anthropology journal. Blair turned questioningly toward him.

"Can we get on with the things people do in bed?" Jim griped.

"Oh, right," said Blair, putting down his book and turning off the light. "Night, Jim," he said, as he proceeded to snuggle under the covers.

"Uh... Chief?"


"When you said 'bed is for two things,' did you mean...?"

"Reading and sleeping. What else is there?"

#7. A list member reported reading about a gay man who got rid of telemarketers asking for his partner's "Mrs" by telling them they were talking to him.


"Hello. This is Paul Cunningham, calling for Security Global Capital Investment Corporation. Am I speaking to Mr. James Ellison? We have some investment opportunities that..."

"Ah, no." Blair finally managed to cut into the smooth, flawless recitation. "Jim's not here."

"Ah. Is there a Mrs. Ellison available?"

"Yeah," Blair grinned sardonically in anticipation of the reaction. "You're talking to him."

"Oh. Well. In that case, at SGC, we have several policy options specifically tailored for..."

Yikes. Blair grimaced. OTOH, it was a shame to leave all of Jim's accumulated savings from his frugal living habits just sitting around collecting a piddly interest when they could do so much more with it. Maybe he should hear what this guy had to say...

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